Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback Oct. 2019


Readers comment on the September 2019 issue of Homeopathy 4 Everyone. Comments include the Harry van der Zee interview, Petr Zacharias clinical hints, mistakes in the German-English translations of three organons, and more.

From: Interview with Dr. Harry van der Zee is interviewed by David Nortman – Part 3.

These were important interviews, considering this aspect of homeopathy is poorly understood even in the homeopathic community. Well done.


From: Clinical Hints for Students and Practitioners – Petr Zacharias

More excellent clinical hints and differential m. m. from Petr Zacharias. These are very practical tips.

Alan V. Schmukler

From:  Cancer of the Prostate in a Man of 74 – Dr. Vitan Gosain

Nice work Dr. Gosain. This is a good example of how classical case taking and prescribing can lead to healing in the most difficult situations.

Martin Earl

From:  Questions patients Ask -24 – Elaine Lewis and Shana Lewis

Very helpful. Thanks, Elaine!

Linda S.

Very good, informative article. Thanks

Aslam Sherwani

From:  Incision Granuloma with Local Application of Natrum mur 6x- Drl Swapna Potdar

I’ve just come back from our annual materia medica seminar with Andre Saine, who presented a few late stage cancer cases, treated with the remedies internally and externally, with impressive results. Hahnemann himself had quite a bit to say on this topic, and was certainly not averse to using external applications where appropriate.

Ralf Jeutter

I tell patients to try Nat Mur tissue salts made into a paste with a little water and apply to cold sores. Works in about 95% of people.

Maureen Chapple

From:  Tips & Secrets – Alan V. Schmukler

Dear Dr.,
As usual I have read Tips and Secrets first from the journal. This time you have not just given tips, but also secrets of very useful and important remedies from James Tyler Kent’s lectures. These are in fact gems for all homeopathic practitioners. God bless you for your hard work.

Dr C S Gupta

From:  Commentaries on Some Mistakes in the German-English Translations of Three Organons by Arnoldo Rivera, Evelyn Aron

This was a very thorough investigative work. I was very surprised to see how many meaningful errors there were. It’s something everyone should consider.


From: Cartoon:  “Covered by your insurance” – Alan V. Schmukler

Right on Alan. Thanks.

Vatsala Sperling

Covered by insurance and is also very rare. But doctor what if I fall into the n=1? Who will help me? Who will be liable? “Oh, no one . You can go to vaccine court and after a few years might be awarded compensation.”


From:   Homeopathy Crossword September 2019

I often relax and close out my day with the Hpathy homeopathy crossword. Keep them coming!

Martin Earl

From: Editorial – Empowering Ourselves – Alan V. Schmukler

Great editorial Alan!

Gill Graham

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