Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor July 2009

Letters to the Editor July 2009

I enjoyed all the articles on Heilkunst and the way the authors referenced and tied together the threads that connect Heilkunst with the work of Rudolf Steiner, Wilhelm Reich, Schimmel, Reckeweg and others. A high quality presentation!

Helen Kutsikos


Thank you for Catherine Dombroskie’s article on “regimen”. This concept is rarely considered in modern prescribing and remedies are handed out as ultimate solutions to everything. I think that was an important idea to introduce and it she explained it very well.

Christina Hufnagel


Gudula Beythien’s article on Shussler’s Cell Salts was very helpful and I’ d like to hear more on the use of cell salts.

Earl Keats


At last we have a definition of the constitutional remedy! It’s a kind of tune up and not related to disease symptoms. Susan Cohen’s piece on the constitutional remedy clarified this once and for all.

J. Wurtman


After reading Marion Elliot’s Sequential Treatment in Heilkunst, I finally understood what this is all about. It makes so much sense from a logical point of view. Everyone should be practicing this way!

C.R. Bleik


Thank you for Didi Ananda Ruchira’s article on the use of nosodes in Cuba to prevent Leptospirosis. That’s a historic study which shows what homeopathy can do …and how far ahead Cuba is using homeopathy!

Francine Garland


I have received the june issue of Homeopathy for Everyone. I enjoyed each article, and am very thankful for the wonderful development of Homeopathy in our time.


Roberto Camacho


Nice issue… esp. case of escaping from coccoon… that butterfly and Manish Bhatia’s case of hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.

Megha Bhatt


This issue is superb. It will take a long time to read and try to absorb Rudi V’s paper on heilkunst. It is amazing that he could get so much information in such a relatively short article. Also amazing that it is understandable to a home practitioner. My mind is boggled too much to get to the article on cell salts but it is a topic I have wanted to know more about for years. Thank you for all the work you put into these issues. I eagerly wait for each one.

Jan R


Thank you for yet another mail full of knowledge sharing! I particularly like that article on Hahnemann’s 2 approaches to prevention; a long-term debate and quite timely too! Now I just have to read all the countless other articles!



Its a great pleasure for me to come in contact with you.I find the articles excellent and informative.One thing I like to put forward that some illustrations as well as photographs are desired along with the articles-to make those more up to date. Regards Mir Quasem


Veterinary Heilkunst – Aleks Mikic

How sad to see how poor the quality of information can be from someone claiming knowledge of their subject.

There is little in this article that makes any sense at all. There is no data for the claims made, and the data would show a very different picture.

For example, North America is NOT the only country who neuters/spays pets not used for breeding. ALL thirty-nine countries belonging to FIFe (Federation Internationale Feline) do so, covering countries in Africa, South America, Europe, Scandinavia, British Isles and Asia, and all of them spay/neuter all non-breeding animals. They also happen to outlaw unhealthy breeding, and will go to court to shut down puppy and kitten mills. It is against the rules in all those places to give or sell a pet to a pet store or to auction or trade it online (unlike in USA where there are no such ethics or rules on the grounds that “breeders need their freedom”). If USA has something to answer for, it is condoning bad breeding, and puppy and kitten mills – while the rest of the planet works hard to outlaw the breeding of deformities, and health defects in pets. (See details at for what 39 countries do about healthy cat breeding via their health and welfare commission and their agreed rule as an example.

Nor does the author know anything about either the genetics of breeding, or the way it is practiced in the pedigree world today. A closed studbook does NOT imply automatic inbreeding. That happens more easily in domestics that are all living in some crowded barn or city, where the highest death rate is from cars and dogs. How cruel to suggest this lack of population control is appropriate “natural selection” at work!

Neuter/Spay to help prevent excessive suffering from pro-creation of animals with nowhere to live or get fed, is the RIGHT way to go. Search PubMed all you wish – you will not find the cancer stories this author promotes and claims widely believed either. You will find instead: “Thirteen uterine tumors were diagnosed in 13 cats and accounted for 0.29% of all feline neoplasms received during a 9.6-year period.” That is less than one third of one percent. NO findings concerning bone cancer and sterilized pets are in Pub Med at all,

Nor is it correct to say single-pet owners do most of the neuter/spay activity. Nor are pets handed to shelters due to defects as claimed. They are given up for the cost of feeding and housing due to excess mouths to feed and house that the owner does not want to do – and the knowledge that a city street is no place for a cat to scrounge a living. (A shelter is no place either, but let’s get the spay/neuter in the right picture frame).

I do agree that sterilization should be AFTER maturity (and the local shelter here arranges that to their credit) but it definitely needs to be done for non-breeding animals.

Just leaving a female cat unspayed, and unbred, leads to very serious health problems for example. Cats (and some other animals – llamas and other camelids for example) are induced ovulators and that means they will be at risk for ovarian cysts and other complications if not bred each call. It is healthier to spay them at maturity.

Same with male cats. Whole toms will fight for dominance, territory, scarce food and mates, and spread Cat AIDS through ear bites/scratches – which is how it is spread in cats. The author seems to think cats suffering from AIDS as natural selection is just fine and dandy. I do not.

As to objecting to a closed studbook in pet breeding, that makes no sense. Pedigree cat breeders spend a fortune to ensure heterozygous breeding and also to ensure lack of genetic reduction of health using modern genetic knowledge and import/export of cats. With the millions of cats that form the gene pool base at the time the studbook is closed, there is no risk of lack of genetic diversity for a breed. That only happens when the basic gene pool is small, such as a thousand or so individuals as with wild cheetahs. All you need to do to assure yourself of this is to see a typical pedigree litter of cats and observe how many different constitutional types there are in each litter:-) You will find less genetic diversity in any stray population due to localisation compared with international breeding in pedigree lines.

The real problems in pet breeding that I see are almost exclusively USA ones where any genetic misprint is allowed to become a “breed” and to perpetuate unhealthy traits. Other countries work to exclude such unhealthy traits. For example FIFe countries exclude polydactyly, short legs (called Munchkin in USA), jont abnormalities (Scottish Fold in USA), deaf white cats, cats with no whiskers, and any health issue that affects many members of a breed. (Testing is then required to breed it out). The result is a trend to highly heterozygous cat breeding, for greater health than before. So world-wide there is a far different breeding approach than there was 20 or 30 yrs ago – towards greater health, so that problems are seen in strays more than in carefully bred cats. Sadly, USA is behind the times in the health of pedigreed and domestic runabout cats, due to (1) the principle of “breeder freedom” in the pedigree USA world and (2) the Federal support of puppy and kitten mills and (3) the general support of pet shop sales – along with (4) the laws that name cats and dogs and other animals as “property” (inanimate objects) and not live creatures. (5) USA has more declaw surgeries to answer for than anywhere else too by the way – it’s illegal in most countries. So let’s put the problems where they belong. They are not what this author claimed them to be and they are not where this author put them either.

Namaste, Irene de Villiers


That the misam study is redefined and a class apart for the involved person like me.

The principals of sequential treatment is yet another gem from your magazine, for the earnest enthusiast lovers of homeopathy , the articles are gospels from the heaven and homeopathy lovers should continue to encourage such great souls.



Dear Sir

I like to inform you that most of articles are interesting in Your magazine and valuable & better than any other newsletters in the field of homoeopathy. But I believe a letter about swinflue is very usefull for everybody. Two days back there is four cases reported in my country too. Fortunately all of them are foreigners. after that no more cases report yet.

I remain

With best regards

Dr. Nimal Leetus J.P, L.H.M(S.L)


Dr Hahnemann’s 2 approaches to prevention Dear Editor Greetings. I enjoyed reading DrPatty Smith,s article on the above subject relating to prophylaxis, the pros & cons. In my own experience, I have successfully used medicines like Gelsimium & Eupotorium as prophylaxis against flus of all kinds to my familys & friends & continue to do so whenever there is an epidemic of this in India or else whereever they travel. In my opinion, in such conditions, one dose every month should be enough till the epidemic disappears. And for swine flu too!

Best wishes


Excellent. I appreciate receiving the newsletter. Keep up the good work!



Thank you for a fascinating edition. I especially enjoyed the prophylaxis one by Patty



Dear Hpathy editor

Thank you very much indeed. I do appreciate your commitment. As a sociologist, your journal on homeopathy is the one I do appreciate more because the variety in theoretical framework.



I did look at “Heilkunst” and begin to think these people fall in love with their own theories. Is there a homeopathic for that?

What I would like to see is more stuff on animal healing and on healing various unhelpful mental states.



Excellent read. Keep it up. I am not able to use Wikipedia. Any problems from my side? Regards

Dr. Jaswant C. Gandhi


I really liked this issue. It was ‘connected’. I had wanted to learn more about Hahnamen for a long time, and the Organon and this issue was great in terms of a more recent interpretation.

Thanks much and Blessings,

Sister Marie


I thank you for the June issue oh the Homeopathy 4 everyone. I enjoyed it very much.

Doina Pavlovschi


All I know is I tried Heilkunst, sequential homeopathy, and I felt nothing from it. Your issue on Grant Bentley’s Homeopathic Facial Analysis, however, was life altering. I’ve studied homeopathy for 35 years and never could get a good result from it until HFA. I wouldn’t have known about this unless you had shown it to me. Thanks so much for that.



The articles published and available in this site, contained valuable information which supports the knowledge base for homeopathic foundation. Thank you for making it available. Mayda Carrillok



I love your online magazine and read it every month.

My concern is that with the world wide concern re Swine flu, and pharma going all out to have millions of vaccines ready for the fall, there is a rumour (here in Canada) that they might deem it mandatory to get the vaccine. And, while I have no intention of receiving it [because I’ll have all my homeopathic remedies at hand], I’m concerned for my daughter who is in University. If they do mandate a vaccine to attend classes, I’ll need a sense of what remedies I can use to antidote the nasty effects of the thimerosol or whatever else they put in there.

This has been weighing on me heavily and I fear that future so-called pandemics may give governments an opportunity to dictate what its citizens should be doing in the event future viral epidemics reach their communities.

Thank you so much.

Martha K.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dear Editor Hapathy is a great afford to make popular Homeopathy. I do not understand much about Heilkunst. Is it new system of medicine? or a new form of Homeopathy?

Take care

Ahmad Obaidus Sattar Bhuiya


I find the whole magazine very interesting and I am very happy to be able to receive and read it. thank you.

most sincerely

Susan Eastwell


Fabulous! Love this site.



I would like to share with you how very interesting and informative this issue has been. All the articles about Heilkunst were excellent and I look forward to reading more with regards to this perspective. This seems to be a very well rounded and solidly based teachings that are not found anywhere else within homeopathy. Thank you and thank you to all the contributors to this issue.

Jackie Stowers


The last number on heilskunt was a great discovery for me, in homeopathy because we have focused on the aspect of remedies, neglecting the preventive and maintenance of open salud.this written open a new vision of how to approach a patient, giving new tools for a curator. thanks for your effort.



Thank you for sending the June issue. The article on cell salts was very informative and interesting.



It was a very fruitful issue. I do hope this efforts will continue so that we all get a very useful information

God Bless you all.


Saroj goswami


All round a good issue. I particularly liked the article, “Rethinking Kent’s Octaves” & the section “New Papers” on Children. Enjoyed some of the homeopathic history as well.

Thanks, Louise Fridman, RCSHom


I find the issue as centred on Heilkunst a scholarly discourse on the system. Tips and secrets 26 is very helpful.Please keep up the good work you are doing.

Suresh Kumar


Can’t wait to get into it & see what exciting homeopathy hints are in this months issue. Keep up the great work.

Rosemaree Mathers


So much wonderful information!

Many thanks to those who gave their time to research this.

Therese Vahland


I liked the topic ( A case of hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst) written by Dr. Manish Bhatia.

He explained the case very nicely and also tell us where generally homeopaths make mistake while taking the case.


Dr. Shallu


Dear doctor

” Heilkunst ” is an Eye opener……. A good one…!!!!


M.Ameenudeen Alhad


All articles and information provided are excellent, and very informative and useful. I therefore, would like to thank you and await more of the same. Kindest regards,

Dr. N. Zarsav


Thank you for my first e-journal. I am a student and have found the articles enlightening, especially the flu article.I am also a Chinese medicine practitioner and seeing alot of colds and flus at the moment, so the information was opportune.

Bronwyn Whitlocke


thank you for sharing all the magnificent information! you have made a precious available to all for which i am most grateful! i am particularly interested in the veterinary portion of the e-zine and would love to see that topic broadened.

thank you,



I wanted to let you know that I am slowly making copies of all the articles as I do not have a computer at home and will devour them later on. I must say, just from taking a quick read of a few of them, the information is most informative. I am learning so much. Homeopathy is truly what I call The Kind Healer. It encompasses the entire body.

Thank you for caring as you do.



Heilkunst,is the term which is not very commen to most of the homoeopathic fellows.Thanks for awaring .The concept of Heilkunst i think is the wholeness of one, and that is near to our anceent method and philosophy of aurved.If there be an addition of research work on homoeopathic medicine be added then it will be much better.


bharat bhushan


Thank you very much for your informative survey on the effects of the swine flu in Mexico. Once again it proves what a great tool homeopathy is in fighting this disease. Why is this fact not part of the general medical knowlegde taught at universities around the world? The numbers investigated also show that the pandemic does not really deserve its name!



To The Editor,

I found the article on animals particularly interesting as I often find it difficult to convince owners to look at their role in their animals health or illness. The article made some very pertinent points and I have printed it off and placed it on the clinic waiting room wall for my clients to read. It should promote some thought amongst the owners of the animals I treat. Thank you

I found the articles on cell salts and the mexican flue epidemics including swine flue were informative. The health Budget cartoon made me smile, I haven’t read the whole magazine yet but will continue to digest it over the next few weeks, as winter is a busy time in my practice lots of sick people and animals.

Once again thank you for putting the magazine together as it is a wealth of information which is easily accessible.

Liz Shewan


Hello, I have not till now looked at this edition and have only now looked through it very briefly focusing in on the first article about Hahneman’s system of Heilkunst and then the tissue salts…..It looks very interesting and I will be looking at it again properly when I have some time. I will read with interest the full description of Hahnemans Heilkunst system as I didn’t realise till i read your analogy with chinese medicine and accupuncture, or i’ve forgotten I should say, that Homeopathy was only a part of a whole system/philosophy, its good to be reminded of that,

Anita Wicks


I like very much the article about the Mexicam Flu and it was very useful for me , also the cases and tips and secrets thank you for the articles

Ethel Voloch


Didn’t think it was one of the better issues – prefer more from the Clinic articles



It is my first post to the hpathy. I found these news letters very usefull and helping specially articals regarding different cases. please keep continue to send the news letters.

Thanks and regards,

H/Dr. Munir


I enjoyed the June articles of, especiallymSchuessler cell salts and their applications within the heilkunst system,Tips and secrets by Alan V schmukler and Therapeutic REgimen within Heilkunst by Catherine Dombskire.. Sometimes I am unable to read all the articles due to an anxiety problem, but I try to read most of them. I would appreciate it if you could include articles on Mental problems, such as chronic anxiety, fear , insomnia and depression

Hilda Pariera


Dear editor,Thank you for asking me for feedback.I like the section tips which were successful.Overall there is a lot of information and someone interested in homeopathy can learn a lot.Keep up the good work.



Respected sir, thanks for giving such useful information from all over to us, these are really helpful in our day to day practice. Can u provide some detail information on diabetes mellitus and azoospermia? Thanking you!



Dynamic Physiology by Dr.Rude is an article with different approach to the humanbody. Yes, the body does not consist of physical featuresonly it has the consitituents that make one think and act. this thinking and acting has vast impact on the physical body. I congratulate the author and the editors of hpathy for publishing this article.

Dr. Shiv Dua


I have just started looking more and more into using this salts in my daily practice and everyday use for my family. I find them to be very intriguing. Not sure if I’m looking at them in the correct usage, but I guess time will give me some indications. My biggest encouragement is that I know they cant hurt us. Very interesting



It was a very interesting article by an experienced and responsible Hahnemannian Homeopath ,Mrs Patty Smith .I enjoed studying and taking notes .

Dr. Sadehgi


2008 Cuba

I thank Hpathy,for publishing this article which i had the pleasure of reading in one of the post on HOMOEOPATHY FORUM,but could not fathom the importance at that time;Now as i see the deep meaning of this event in the history of homeopathy in general and in the history of epidemics in particular in relation to the power homoeopathy and what it can achieve when used with dedication;Homeopathy has faced many epidimics in past,this one is one more feather in the cap of Homeopathy and Govt of CUBA;This should give impetus to thirld world countries to be able to face these epidemics with confidence,provided they invest time and resources to research and development of homeopathy.

Dr Wequar


You have hit so many nails on the head this time. I hope I have enough time to digest it all before the next edition. Keep up the good work. Norman


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