Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Dr. Manpreet S. Bindra -author of Dr. Bindra’s Clinical Desk Reference – Homoeopathic Cardiology, is interviewed by Dr. Leela D’Souza Francisco

Dr. Manpreet S. Bindra -author of Dr. Bindra’s Clinical Desk Reference – Homoeopathic Cardiology, is interviewed by Dr. Leela D’Souza Francisco

Dr. Manpreet S. Bindra completed his BHMS and did further studies at The British Institute of Homoeopathy, London. He is certified in ACLS – Blue Code by the American Heart Association at Max Hospitals, New Delhi. He also studied homoeopathy and cancer at Hahnemann College of Homoeopathy, (UK). Dr. Bindra has presented many clinical research papers at international conferences and has guided and trained more than 3000 homoeopaths in workshops. He is North India’s first ever American Heart Association certified homoeopathic physician. He is the author of Dr. Bindra’s Clinical Desk Reference – Homoeopathic Cardiology –

LDF: Welcome to Dr. Bindra. I’m excited about this interview, because it will help people understand the real healing potential of homeopathy and introduce a new way of understanding our remedies.

Those who love homeopathy will discover that the homeopathic system of medicine, if truly well taught and well understood, is an amazing healing science given to us by our founder Dr. Christian Samuel Hahnemann.  I invite you dear readers to a glorious rediscovery of homeopathic therapeutics in cardiology, cancer, emergency medicine and COVID-19. It also offers an introduction to homeopathic pharmacodynamics.

LDF: Dr. Bindra, could you give us an idea of the passion you feel for homeopathy?

MB: Thanks a lot Dr. Leela for inviting me for this interview, on this day when we celebrate the great soul, Master Hahnemann on his birth anniversary. ‘Non Inutilis vixi’ – I have not lived in vain, which is inscribed on his tomb had a deep impact on me.

He lived and devoted every breath of his life for humanity. Homoeopathy was able to make a difference in the lives of millions of souls due to his passion and devotion. It is our duty to follow the path he has shown to us, for the betterment of ailing humanity.

My passion for homoeopathy, began as ‘love at first sight’! Homoeopathy is such a wonderful science! The more you learn about it, the deeper your love and passion grows. Dr. JT Kent says, “If you love homoeopathy, it will love you. Such is natural charity.”

Each of us are an inseparable fraction of mother nature. Anything within the sphere of nature or its vital principles will always attract, at the same frequency and energy of the cosmos, spread all around the universe.

I have not just an expectation, but an ambition to see the Hahnemannian science soar to the top in the world of medicine, something master Hahnemann may have dreamt of.  Someday, in my lifetime I want to make this dream come true for Hahnemann and humanity.

LDF:  I believe you will be able to Dr. Bindra! Though I had trained with you in cardiology homeopathy back in 2014, I was totally floored in 2018 when you shared your clinical success at your first Cardiohom seminar in New Delhi. I felt I was discovering a modern Dr. Clarke of Homeopathy! I would really like you to share with our readers the far-reaching scope of homeopathy in cardiac conditions with the amazing clinical cures you have had.

MB: Homoeopathy has always been a wonderful medicine in cardiac cases since its inception. Consider Aconite; it can treat anxiety or fear or fever, and it even treats angina as well as infarction.  Aconite can treat even more!

We need to explore these drugs on a pathological basis.  We need to emphasise learning of Pharmaco-dynamics and Pharmaco-kinetics of remedies so that we can be sure of their action, their seat of action, and response in any pathology.

I have treated patients of coronary artery disease, congenital heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, valvular heart disease, carotid stenosis, hypertension, hypotension and arrhythmias, giving patients cardiac care exclusively with homoeopathy.

All these cases are well documented and evidence based which I share with the fraternity from time to time. My book Homoeopathic Cardiology includes these documented cases for evidence.

The important thing is to be able to accept the beauty of homoeopathy with confidence while prescribing. This can happen only when we are well versed with internal medicine and clinical skills.

Otherwise, we will continue to be blind about a drug like Crotalus Horridus, not knowing that it has a well proven effect on PT (Prothrombin Time) and aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) and is one of best anti-platelet remedies in homoeopathy.

LDF: That is the reason I have looked to you, Dr. Bindra, for guidance in my practice. You have a phenomenal knowledge and memory of Materia Medica like the Old Calcutta Masters we knew. But you also see the therapeutic application of our remedies in a completely different way, which you call the pharmaco-dynamics and pharmaco-kinetics of a remedy. Help us understand what you mean by this and why it is so important for confident clinical prescribing.

MB: Yes, these are new terms for homoeopaths. But if you see from the eye of a clinician, which is the scientific evidence-based perspective, we can explore in a better way the action of drugs.

Today we have a major challenge in addressing the scientific community about the mechanism of action of homoeopathic drugs and that has caused damage to the reputation of our system. We stay paralysed and dumb in front of this criticism, unable to express ourselves in modern terms.

Homoeopathic Pharmaco-dynamics’, is the term that I have chosen which is better than Therapeutics, to enter a higher level of understanding of our Materia Medica.  The plane on which homoeopathic medicines act has not been described in the pharmacology sciences. We need to understand the action of our medicines at a dynamic level.

Pharmaco-dynamics” is the study of the biochemical and physiologic effects of drugs. Pharmacodynamics takes into account the complex interaction between the drug, the human body, and the “dynamic morbific agent” that causes a disease manifestation in the patient.

Pharmaco-kinetics” is how the body processes a drug once it enters the system, how the drug is absorbed, how it is distributed throughout the body, acting through the parasympathetic nerve endings. Then, how it is metabolized or dynamized, and then eliminated from the system. So, this mostly deals with the action of the drug on the body.

If we learn this aspect of Materia Medica then we will be capable of standing confidently in the scientific community, speaking the language they understand.  For example: Lobelia Inflata, is very commonly used in homoeopathy prescriptions. But how does it work? No one tries to understand and most of us don’t know, but it is very simple.

With many in-vitro and in-vivo studies done on Lobelia, we know that it has an active component Lobeline which is a vaso-motor stimulant. It increases the activity of all vegetative processes, exerts its force mainly upon the pneumogastric nerve. Hence it is one of the best bronchodilators, expectorants and antiemetic remedies. This way learning applied materia medica becomes more scientific, interesting and more fruitful for clinicians and patients as well.

LDF: This definitely is the next step for interpreting Materia Medica. I would love to see Materia Medica therapeutics both taught and learnt in this way. An advanced knowledge of pathophysiology and disease pathogenesis would be needed. Could you give us another remedy example how pharmaco-dynamics and pharmaco-kinetics could be understood along with the present status of Materia Medica?

MB:  You said it rightly that knowledge of pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the human system is required to study drugs like this. I was fortunate to have a long exposure to teachers of modern medicine in my interning days. I was able to adapt their ways in learning to explain homeopathic drugs in this perspective.

Another wonderful drug is Amylenum Nitrosum, which I term ‘Sorbitrate of Homoeopathy‘. It is prepared from Amyl nitrite, which is a potent vasodilator. Its Pharmacokinetics is that it expands the blood vessels, resulting in lowering of the blood pressure.

It can cause vasodilation and thereby reduce cardiac afterload. Hence, we can use it as a potent vasodilator in mother tincture form, as an inhalation. It acts quickly with a 30-60 second drug response time in angina, seizures, hiccups as well as migraine. Its action is through the parasympathetic nervous system and it affects all the smooth muscles, causing them to relax, inducing vasodilation, and lowering blood pressure thus relieving chest pain in Angina.

Now the Pharmaco-dynamics are loud heart sounds, throbbing carotids, facial flushing and fullness, which all come under the dynamics of this great drug.

LDF: So now, Dr. Bindra, we await your 2nd milestone book – “Materia Medica – Pharmaco-dynamics and Phamaco-kinetics for Homeo-Therapeutics”.  I would like our readers to know that Dr. Bindra’s first milestone book is now in the 3rd Edition –Homeopathic Cardiology, which you mentioned a little while earlier! Please give us an insight into your experience managing Cardiac cases with homeopathy.

MP: Yes, my very first book was Clinical Desk Reference – Homoeopathic Cardiology 
1st edition was published back in 2012 and last year in 2020 we had the 3rd edition which sold out in 13 days with 80% pre-bookings.

I always feel like whatever you are doing for the betterment of the system or humanity, it should be shared with colleagues so that maximum benefit may be had and the knowledge is recorded.

I have treated many cardiac anomalies. Homoeopathy has great scope and tremendous hope for surgical cardiac disorders like coronary artery disease, carotid stenosis, aortic sclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, congestive heart failure, congenital heart disease (asd, vsd), adult chd as well as all other routine cases like hypertension, hypotension, hyper-triglyceridemia, and arrhythmias.

One of the cured cases was a one-year-old child brought directly from ICU to my clinic. He had congenital heart disease and severe congestive heart failure, pulmonary artery hypertension and pneumonia. He was saved from these life-threatening complications within a month, exclusively with homoeopathic prescriptions.

His 9 mm and 7 mm septal defects were cured within a span of one year. He was saved from going through a grave surgery, moreover his life was saved! [Read this case Here – One year old child diagnosed with CHD , CHF and PAH.] 

Another more recent case was of a Down’s Syndrome child with CHD who recovered and was stable, within a span of a few months. He was completely cured from atrial septal defect, and that too exclusively with homoeopathy. [Read this case Here – Downs Syndrome Child with CHD.]

I have published many more cases in my book, with detailed evidence-based prescriptions. Almost all the cases are in the process of being uploaded to my online database. My IT team has been working hard on this the last few months. I hope the database with more than 100 such critical cases managed with homoeopathy will be open for all soon.

LDF: Yes, I remember those amazing cases of congenital cardiac septal defects you shared with us during Cardiohom. I’m sure reading details of these cured cases will inspire the entire homeopathic fraternity!

But, to obtain these results – one needs to be competent in understanding disease pathogenesis, and then aware of our drug pathogenesis along with homeopathic principles which enables cure in all these diseases. aphorism 3 as you constantly remind us.

Alan Schmukler, the journal’s Editor has a few questions:

AS: As I understand you, this Pharmacodynamic approach will allow one to predict the use of remedies based on their specific effects on physiology, and that this may guide us to the use remedies based on clinical conditions and even lab tests? Does the focus on specific chemical changes triggered by the remedy substance lead us to a reductionist perspective?

Reductionist in this perspective, not really. I feel this approach will be more applicable in severe pathologies or crisis situations like Cytokine Storm.  It helps the clinician to jump to the pathological prescription and begin life-saving treatment without wasting too much time. The remedy(s) from detailed homeopathic analysis of the case can be added later. We study the pharmaco-dynamics and pharmaco-kinetics of drugs and clinically evaluate their role in modulating the biochemical changes in the body.

For example, Abrotanum is a remedy we have been using to abort the Cytokine Storm in COVID cases. It has an immune-modulatory effect on cytokine concentrations of TNF-alpha, IL1, IL6. It also influences the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid by inhibiting the NF-kB (Nuclear Factor Kappa B), thus signalling heme-oxygenase-1 expression. This physiological activity has been well proven in in-vitro studies as well, in relation to the active principle of Abrotanum i.e. Artemisinin.

In the clinical setup we have seen that using Abrotanum 200c within 24-48 hours, the blood values of Il6, CRP, NLR reduce significantly with improvement of general vitality and clinical betterment of the severe COVID patients.

AS: In what type of cases have you been able to reverse anatomical changes, such as occur in cardiac valvular disease, atherosclerosis or cardiomegaly?

MB: Reversal of congenital anomalies and histopathological changes in gross pathological diseases like cancer have been witnessed (evidence based) in many cases like ASD, VSD, ovarian cancer, atherosclerosis, carotid stenosis, valvular defects (by moving them out of investigative criteria that indicates need for urgent surgery), gynaecological pathologies and cardiac hypertrophy, etc.

AS: Could you discuss your success with atrial tachycardia, which is a frequent diagnosis that conventional doctors treat with invasive methods like cardioversion and ablation. 

MB: Not many cases of atrial tachycardia report directly to a homoeopath. These patients are either rushed to casualty, or are generally diagnosed in the IPD setup with already admitted patients. But I have had a few good experiences in cases of atrial fibrillation which responded well to targeted drugs like Atropinum sulph, Bismuth sub-nitricum, Digitalis and more experiences with SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) which has always shown promising results with Naja in high potencies.

I would say cardioversion is a procedure, not a treatment, so we should not restrict it for conventional cardiologists to use. We can say instead, homoeopaths are not trained to use or have no access to such setups where we could use such procedures along with homoeopathic drugs to evaluate the actual role of our drugs in such cases of atrial fibrillation or SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia).

Things are emerging fast with many academic and clinical advancements and I wish and hope such cases will be managed someday by homeopaths in their hospitals. This is my dream and mission to achieve!

LDF: Dr. Bindra I am also aware of your success in emergencies. Just today your assistant physicians were managing collapse in a cancer patient with homeopathic remedies, and updating us with vitals. Please give us some insight into your perspective on treating emergencies with homeopathy.

MB: Critical care, emergency medicine and homoeopathy, have always been my favourite.  It is nerve wracking to say the least. But when we see the millisecond drug response time of our medicines like Arnica, Laurocerasus, Kali cyanatum, Amylenum nitrosum and many other life-saving drugs, my passion for homoeopathy grows.

My first encounters with emergency cases were around 2011. One patient of malignant hypertension collapsed in our clinic waiting area with no history or symptoms available at the moment and the only clue was 210/120 mmHg of BP and a collapsed patient.

A few doses of Veratrum album 0/1, revived the patient within a few minutes! That was a turning point in my life and I decided then to work on critical care and emergency medicine.

Thankfully I already had had some exposure in a hospital casualty and ICU during my interning days with renowned cardiologist Dr. Sehgal. He was my guru for clinical skills learning in 2008-2009. So, my perspective for studying, learning and differentiating drugs changed at that time. This has now resulted in me sitting with you today on this really ‘Hot Seat’!

I have seen our medicines have more capability than conventional drugs. This is because the parasympathetic nervous system is without doubt faster than the circulatory or gastro intestinal system.  (The parasympathetic nervous system is a hidden treasure in this sentence, haha!)

LDF: Homeopathy in Emergencies is exciting for me too! It was my MD thesis topic! But what is required to pull it off, is adequate training in emergency management like you had with Dr. Sehgal.  Plus, supported by well-informed training and knowledge of pathophysiology and remedy indications for an emergency situation – a tall order already. Add to that, nerves of Steel!

Cancer is now a global pandemic. It is expected that 1 in 10 people will develop cancer during their lifetime. A cancer diagnosis is like a life sentence. But you have had wonderful results and even cures with cancer. Please give us your perspective on treating cancer with homeopathy.

MB: Yes, Cancer is now taking the shape of a pandemic. The latest data find that 1 in every 5 Indians will get cancer in their lifetime.  And we all know that conventional treatment has a mere 2% success rate in curing cancer. The rest is palliation!

Moreover, the costly treatments, severe iatrogenic mortality and poor quality of life during the course of treatment, risk of secondary malignancies due to mutations that have arisen after chemotherapies, all together makes cancer a dreadful nightmare for patients and their families.

In homoeopathy, we have many good, clearly defined drugs which have been well proven both in-vitro and in-vivo setup, to provide partial and complete remissions in cancer cases.

Homoeopathy is always evolving and is doing a wonderful job as a standalone and adjuvant cancer treatment. Many patients come to a homeopath after exhausting allopathic treatment and their vitality is too low. To pick up the pace of the vital force for healing the patient at that time, we need some specific disease-targeted drugs. These have proven to be a boon for cancer treatment.

I am very hopeful about homoeopathic treatment for cancer. I have seen cases where standalone homeopathy was given post diagnosis. The rate of recovery, life span and quality of life is much better than in cases where the patients have either exhausted the allopathic treatment or are still undergoing the same, and take homoeopathy as adjuvant therapy. I have a clear homeopathic strategy for them.

But time is required for more research, and for more clinical exposure so that homoeopaths can serve oncology patients better and more safely.

LDF:  Thank you for giving us that hope – after attending your Oncohom Seminar in 2019, I have been more confident to prescribe and manage those seeking homeopathic help for cancer – and I am happy to say these patients are doing well! I know this is a topic for a separate interview itself! But could you give us one example of a patient cured of cancer with homeopathy?

MB: Yes, at Oncohom 2019, we gave more than 70 homeopathic doctors training in oncology, hemato-oncology and homoeopathic management of oncology patients with evidence-based case study discussions. I have successfully treated cancer patients with standalone homoeopathy.

This is a case of a 57 year old male with CA tongue Stage 3. He had relapsed even after 6 cycles of extensive Chemotherapy and 36 rounds of radiation therapy! The relapse was within 23 days of the last cycle of treatment. The lesion was around 4 cms x 4 cms x 2 cms in the anterolateral margin of the tongue with localised lymph nodal metastasis.

I treated that case with Baryta Iodatum 3x, Gallium Aparaine, Sempervivum Tectorum and Cistus Can, repeated turn by turn and within 4-5 months the lesion completely resolved. The patient went into complete remission (PET Scan Confirmed Recovery) and to date there is no relapse after 5 years post treatment. [Read this Case Here. – 57 year old with Carcinoma Tongue Cured]

I have treated many such cases successfully, with the homoeopathic medicines targeted at the site of the lesion, having a corresponding tissue affinity. The recovery gives one a soulful satisfaction, more especially when such cases are treated with homoeopathy following complete failure of conventional cancer treatment modalities.

LDF: Yes, at Oncohom 2019, you gave us a clear strategy for managing cancer patients – never taught before!  Homeopathy is soon going to be able to proudly prove its clinical effectiveness with a clinical evidence base. Covid-19 has presented us this great opportunity, don’t you think? 


MB:  Yes, SARS COV 2 – corona virus disease has thrown us a chance to prove the effectiveness of homoeopathic drugs in a scientific way. But have the fraternity, the so-called torchbearers of homoeopathy, the authorised bodies and research centres done justice with this opportunity? Or have we failed again to behave in a scientific manner as we have in the past?

India is termed the hub of Hahnemannian science.  Last year, March 2020 when this pandemic knocked at our door in India, we had a great platform at academic and clinical levels to fight this pandemic at the forefront.

It was unfortunate that our fraternity and authorised bodies behaved like an underprivileged system instead. We were thrown out of the scenario on day one and given legal implications through an advisory from central government not to treat, or speak about covid patients.

We were warned to stay numb and dumb for a span of more than 10 months, before we were finally given a green signal to treat Covid following a legal fight by some of our colleagues. It was after the Honourable Supreme Court of India’s historical judgement, that homoeopaths were finally allowed to prescribe drugs for prophylaxis and mitigation of COVID ’19 for home isolation patients in mild to moderate cases.

Obviously, no one can claim cure for Covid, neither homoeopaths, nor allopaths, but handcuffing a whole system to stay paralysed, not to help suffering humanity, is neither doing justice to the system nor to humanity. We have the highest institutionally qualified homoeopathic practitioners in the world!

Let me talk about the conventional system’s approach in COVID 19. No doubt they have a hold on modern medicine along with control of the authorities. But where is the clinical effectiveness of the conventional system till now in COVID?

Their own practitioners are in a confused state with regard to management strategies and protocols. No conventional drug has proved to be effective. First, one drug is indicated, and a little while later it is withdrawn! Meanwhile many COVID patients have succumbed to this confusion with self-treatment as well!

They come up with new drugs every day, and make trials in clinical setup and yet nobody questions them! But our homoeopathic medicines have proved to be beneficial for the past 200 years with not one that has been withdrawn, and not a single drug has caused any side effects. Yet, we still need approvals, trials, database and efficacy proof!

I will straight away hold our own fraternity responsible for this embarrassment, because we have no guts to talk in the scientific language to counter modern medicine. Those who talk are being silenced right within the homeopathic system by our own fraternity.  This is a pathetic situation for us all.

LDF: I agree. We have a lack of cohesiveness in our homeopathic fraternity.  But I know we have been having magnificent clinical success in COVID with clear evidence base to prove the response to homeopathic remedies.

MB: Yes, after the second wave hit India in March 2021, the whole situation degenerated, where hospitals had no beds, no oxygen and people were dying on the roads. We all witnessed this worst ever scenario in our own country.

It was then that we as a team in the Phoenix Task Force, decided to serve COVID patients free of charge 24×7 with tele consultations, for home isolated cases as per the guidelines of Health Ministry (AYUSH) and the Honourable Supreme Court. We have witnessed amazing evidence based clinical efficacy of homoeopathic drugs in mild to moderate COVID.

This success has also happened even with severe ICU cases. During the worst impact of Cytokine Storm, the patients were managed well with homoeopathic drugs. We were never doubtful about the efficacy of our drugs in COVID, but we were forced into hibernation by the system, not allowed to intervene.

Once we have been permitted, we are serving humanity, saving many critical patients where the conventional system could not do anything other than providing a bed and oxygen support.

Many practitioners in our fraternity are now managing COVID patients. We need to convince the whole scientific community with results and evidence-based cases, following our homeopathic principles.

Anyone claiming a single drug cure, or a fixed prescription for Covid will leave us embarrassed again before the medical and scientific community. Never leave individualization, without which homoeopathy will never ever work!

Some drugs have shown amazing life-saving results in COVID patients who had landed in a cytokine storm. Within a few hours we could see clinical improvement and improved pro-inflammatory markers. Abrotanum, Ferrum phos, Lobelia inflata, Carboneum oxygenisatum, Crotalus horridus, a long list I can give, which have in-vitro and in-vivo clinical efficacy of modulating the immune response in COVID patients.

We have published a complete Pharmacodynamics on COVID ’19 Drugs in homoeopathy with stage and disease progression. I will share it for our readers. It has received immense positive feedback from the fraternity and is helping many in selection of the drugs as per symptom similarity and disease progression with lab parameters mentioned for all remedies. [CLICK HERE FOR PHARMACODYNAMICS in COVID

I hope and wish that homoeopathy will prove beneficial to serve humanity in this time of crisis and that the fraternity will be more evidence based and clinically scientific when presenting their cases and experience to the world once this crisis is over.

AS:: In Hahnemann’s time homeopaths often had success during epidemics with genus epidemicus remedies. These also had value prophylactically in exposed populations. Is there some reason this approach has not been as successful with Covid 19?

On Genus Epidemicus

MB: In Master Hahnemann’s time, prophylactic drugs were the sole approach in epidemics or pandemics like Spanish flu Influenza, Yellow Fever or Diphtheria.  That approach has shown promising results in today’s scenario in epidemics like Dengue Fever, Malaria or Acute Encephalitis Syndrome. But when we talk particularly about COVID 19, this novel disease has changed our perspectives. Moreover, it has infused among the homoeopathic fraternity a passion to have a deeper scientific approach.

Every day this SARS COV2 virus has new mutant strains with a new set of symptoms! The way this disease progresses within a few hours and takes a fatal turn, we have observed that genus epidemicus in such a scenario has been  unable to cope.

In India, Arsenic album was declared Genus Epidemicus by the CCRH in 2020 and was distributed to a mass population and even a few people in the fraternity claim that due to Arsenicum the 1st wave in India was mild.

I always question the science behind this.  I myself took Arsenicum and then Bryonia in the second wave but as soon the COVID virus touched me, around 18th of April, 2021 I was down the next 4-5 days with progressive COVID and pulmonary infiltration.

Thanks to Phosphorus and Lobelia inflata, I could recover in in a short time.  Similarly, I have seen in all cases we treated, that the individualistic approach based on pharmacodynamics and strong evidence-based prescriptions will make treatment more scientific and will save more lives. Cases are being lost with Bryonia and Antimonium tart as a fixed prescription.

If it was so easy to battle COVID, Arsenic or Bryonia or any other single drug would have been dispersed in air and water, and India would not have witnessed this second wave!

Instead, we have disaster at its peak! So we have to fight with weapons that challenge the mutations. Master Hahnemann’s time 200 years back did not have such notorious viruses which change face every day!

While drugs remain the same, our approach needs to be polished up with open minds and scientific language so that the drugs could shine like diamonds to fade away the lightening impact of the COVID virus. I always repeat this, that minds are like parachutes, they work only when they are open.

AS:  So you’re saying that the Pharmacodynamic approach can be used in addition to our individualized classical approach?

MB: Yes, individualisation is the soul of Hahnemannian science and will always remain so, because if we have no soul, the body will carry no senses. Let me give an example: We say Carboneum oxygenisatum has all the clinical symptoms standing between Carbo veg and Opium in cases of neglected and advanced, severe pneumonia and vasculopathy observed in Stage 4 of COVID.

The Pharmacodynamics of Carboneum Oxy suggest that in crude form it has the capability of inducing oxygen deprivation in haemoglobin molecules and replacing it with a carboxy molecule making it carboxy-haemoglobin which has poor oxygen saturation, leading to asphyxia, pleurisy, emphysema and typical pneumonia.

Taking a step ahead to radiology of CO poisoning, we see typical peripheral GGO’s (Ground Glass Opacities) in CO poisoning subjects, which is again a typical finding in COVID pneumonia and vasculopathy cases.

So, while the drug remains the same in Materia Medica, our approach on having a scientific and clinical picture of its indication and action in-vitro and in-vivo gives it a stronger clinical presentation. With this evidence-based approach, we can speak to the scientific community who always target homoeopathy as being unscientific or an unproven science.

I could say more, but time is short. Summing up here, if we say homoeopathy is a well-designed floral painting, we need not colour it again from the start or scratch on canvas. Instead, the already well painted floral of drugs look beautiful in Materia Medica. When we add more colour to its floral end with a scientific and evidence-based approach, it will become more acceptable, attractive and evidently scientific.

Thanks from the core of my heart for inviting me for such a beautiful conversation which created an environment where I could feel that the Spirit of Master Hahnemann is around us and guiding us with his light, to talk and listen about homoeopathy in a scientific evidence based manner to take homoeopathy soaring to the top, that he dreamt would happen someday.

Keep shining all!

About the author

Leela D'Souza

Leela D'Souza-Francisco, MD (Hom), CIH (Cardiology) is a Mumbai-based homeopathic professional whose experience includes intensive graduate medical training at India's leading homeopathic medical institution in Mumbai, completed in 1990. She completed her MD (Hom) from MUHS, Nashik in 2008 with a Dissertation entitled "Emergency Management in Homeopathy". She obtained a post graduate MSc (Homeopathy) degree from UCLAN, UK in 2009 with a Dissertation entitled "How Can We Develop Suitable Clinical Trials for Research in Classical Homeopathy". Her present interests include management of in-patients in homeopathic hospitals, and clinical research in classical homeopathy. She has been in practice for over 20 years and is online at for the last 15 years. Presently she is Consulting Homeopathic Physician, with specialization in Cardiology at Holy Family Hospital, Bandra, Mumbai.
Visit Dr. Leela D'Souza at her website :
and contact her at: [email protected]


  • Lucid, enlightening and reassuring.

    Many thanks, both to Dr Bindra and Dr D’Souza.

    Now, the big question mark hanging in the air is: How does one lay one’s hands on Dr. Bindra’s books? Where can one place one’s orders for them? In the absence of answers to these questions, it would be like watching the trailer of a great movie, but not knowing where exactly to go and watch the movie.

  • Good and informative and useful. I have seen few YouTube posts of Dr.Manpreeth . To be very frank the presentations were never upto-mark!.He was talking in a non English language,In between,and replying English queries in non English. This talk being heard by qualified people,mostly invitees, I believe, and this may be even a paid professional lecture. In such an assembly if he speaks in non English language….. I do not know how much we will learn? And how much is correct in his talk itself? As it could not be understood.

    • Dear Mr. Suresh, No idea who you are but I would suggest you to improve the way you post your reply. What non-english language, you are pointing towards, specify the same.

      I have attended more than 100 webinars of Dr Bindra and he replies in the most easiest and convenient way ever I have seen.

      Paid professional lectures, ahh…..did you afford!

      I wish you could gather your own thoughts first and vocab should have been better.

      He is a true gem and Modern Clarke, digest it man!

      – Dr Sonam

  • Dr.Bindra sir has done wonderful job in modernising Homoeopathy and giving new knowledge to students .He is really the” modern Dr. Clarke “!

  • Such “scientific approaches” we should avoid at any cost as long as we wish to practice true Hahnemannian homeopathy, not a weird and helpless allopathisized hybrid based upon physiological findings.

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