Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

A Small Glimpse into the Life of a Homeopath and Astrologer

Mary English is a registered homeopath who works from home. She has written a guide for parents on how to deal with their own children. Her son has an ‘indigo aura’ and has been bullied by his peers. Her advice on dealing with the aura can be found at

As I work from home, my day starts when I get up. Sometimes the phone rings at 9am so I make sure I am dressed and ready for the first call. It’s hard to feel professional when you’re still in your silk pyjamas…………..

I wear a badge that I had made locally that says ‘Mary English Registered Homeopath’. I pop that on, and start work.

First job of the day is to answer emails that have come overnight. Clients find me from my two websites and

I do this before I ‘officially’ start work, as it means I can devote enough time to my replies and not be rushed. Emails from the US tend to come overnight, so I answer them. They range from general questions, to the more specific.

As I am involved with the Ind. Children I get a lot of questions from people wanting to know about their own children.

Dear Mary,

I just read your article on “The Birth Chart of Ind. Children” and wondered if writing to you about my own experience would help us parents learn how to deal with an Ind..
I have 2 children: boy 8 yrs and girl 4 . Ever since my first child was a toddler, we could sense that he was somehow different. Very fast at learning, sociable ( specially with adults at that time ), learned to talk clear at a very early age and he read perfectly at age 3. Soon at the nursery and then preschool we kept seeing his excellent academic achievements.
Still today, in second grade, his performance is great, however he is encountering difficulties with his peers. He has been bullied by classmates and it seems there are daily incidents taking place.

Already, Principal, elementary psychologist and teacher were made aware of the situation. Nonetheless, we as parents, wonder if we should try some help outside school.
I was told some years ago that my son had an indigo aura by an ayurvedic healer I consulted and on my own started to investigate on it. I find many characteristics that apply to my son, but of course, each child is different on its own and I find it dangerous to stereotype and label. Something is happening to my son and I cannot seem to find what it is. He is not “connecting” with his classmates and seems to feel miserable at school. He visits the school nurse every week for different reasons and tells us he feels lonely. This scares me because he sounds depressed and his arguments sound so mature for his age.

I have written out some of his characteristics just so you have an idea of him.

– intelligent
– sometimes very mature for his age
– sociable – not shy (creates rapport/empathy easily)
– sensible (emotionally and physically)
– perceptive of entities (orbs, angels, “light”)
– not very tolerant, irritating
– bullied by classmates (rough play) though he also shoves back and in return will call them a bad word…
– emotionally immature: cries easily. Seeks benefit/manipulation from his cry
– Low self esteem: feels lonely
– Sometimes he says he is angry at the world
– Bit clumsy at sports
– Not very interested in the arts
– High sense of justice. Will stress what he feels is unjust.

Mary, I will be very much thankful for your comments and any guide for us parents on how to deal with these situations. Thank you, A F

Some emails are easier to reply to than others.
The phone starts ringing at 9am and I take calls until my first client arrives at 9.30am.

I like to get my office spick and span before they arrive, so you might catch me with the Hoover or a duster if you come too early!

Each consultation lasts 1½ hours and at 11.15 after my first client has gone, I make a hot drink and check the post.

I spend about 3 hours a day at the computer, writing, editing, writing charts, in-putting data, emailing and surfing so I like to eat my lunch away from the computer in the dining room, overlooking the wonderful view of sky and trees.

After lunch I check the answer-phone messages and then prepare for my next clients. I prefer to see a maximum of 3 in a day, anymore than that face-to-face and I feel a little floppy.

Sometimes I conduct follow-ups over the phone, or by email. Goodness knows how I made a living before I had a computer!

On Wednesdays I run a Teen Health Clinic as 5 years of research into Ind. Children made me realise that not enough is being done to protect and prepare our children for adult life. We expect them to grow-up far too quick, which results in them falling by the wayside into drugs, drink and self-harm.

If I am treating a Teen I insist on treating at least one parent too. Mums especially need some support to cope with their Teens out-bursts and emotions….and I find that they are as emotional sometimes as their Teens, so they get a prescription too. Ignatia works well!

Hi Mary,

Thank you for your email and apologies for not getting back sooner. Joseph is doing great as am I. All his symptoms I described last time have gone, especially the eczema which just went like magic. Even his immune system is 100 times better and he isn’t catching as many bugs and colds, etc. I think the TB remedy hit the nail on the head and was very effective so thank you very much for your help with that. I hope you are well and wish you all the best with the great work that you are doing.

Best Wishes


Most clients I see, or work with, will have given me their birth data. This allows me a unique glimpse at the potential in that person. It also allows me to understand how to communicate with them. For instance, for Taureans, and those with Mercury in Taurus, I talk far more slowly than normal and match their speed and mirror back their words. If they’re a Gemini, I just let them fly and again match their speed of delivery.

If I’m working with a Fire sign, I know that they will want instant answers, so if a Fire sign phones or leaves a message, I will answer that as quickly as I can.

Water signs will need a chance to express exactly how they feel on an emotional level and Air signs will want answers….lots of them.

After taking a case, if I can’t get to the remedy straight away, I ask for some time to work on the case and spend a few hours repertorising, or talking it through with my close Homeopathic colleagues or my supervisor.

On Thursday afternoons I work as a volunteer at our local drugs detox centre where we run a Homeopathic clinic.

I’ve been there with Mabel for 7 years and even though the work is challenging it keeps me on my toes as we discuss new methods, old remedies, and bounce ideas off each other. We like to keep the consultations reasonably light-hearted as some of the stories we hear are sad beyond belief. Like the young man who was kidnapped by the IRA when he was 13 and nailed to the floor by his hands for 3 days and nights…..needless to say that needed healing before he could even attempt a detox.

Most days I spend at least an hour either writing or editing for ‘A Picture of Health’, the membership magazine of The Homeopathy Action Trust

I was made Chair for the Trust earlier this year and am enjoying the challenge of working as a volunteer for another charity that helps Homeopathy at a grass roots level. As I’ve been running a Homeopathic project for so long, I know how to help our applicants fill-out their forms and make the best of the available resources.

HAT funds small Homeopathic projects, gives bursary’s to Homeopathic students, promotes Homeopathy and conducts research.

I attend training course on fund-raising in London, travel to Head Office, arrange conference calls with the other trustees, write letters to potential funders and keep the charity in the public eye.

I like to finish work by 4pm, as that’s when my son comes home from school. After tea/dinner I might go on the computer again to finish writing, or emailing. Before I go to bed my partner and I go for a long walk to discuss our cases (he’s a hypnotherapist) and get some fresh air into my system.

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Mary English lives and works in Bath, England and has been practicing homeopathy since 2001. She helps run a free clinic for clients with drug and alcohol issues and is a Trustee for the Homeopathic Charity. A Diplomate of the School of Homeopathy in Devon, Mary has conducted a number of provings, including Thunderstorm: “Tempesta”, Stanton Drew Stone Circle: “Calculus Orbis”, Roman Bath Spa Water: Aquae-Sulis, and Great Wall of China.

Visit her website:

About the author

Mary English

Mary English lives and works in Bath, England and has been practicing homeopathy since 2001. She helps run a free clinic for clients with drug and alcohol issues and is a Trustee for the Homeopathic Charity. A Diplomate of the School of Homeopathy in Devon, Mary has conducted a number of provings, including Thunderstorm: "Tempesta", Stanton Drew Stone Circle: "Calculus Orbis", Roman Bath Spa Water: Aquae-Sulis, and Great Wall of China. on twitter and facebook

1 Comment

  • Dear Mary, I am very moved by the work you are doing. Bless you. I work with and for the healer Bruno Groening who went home in 1959. There are many thousands of us doing this; we call ourselves The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. All Bruno asks is that we hand the situation over to his care and let it go. His destiny is to help all of mankind. Sometimes he comes into my therapy work.

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