Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Cancer Is Not a Disease in Itself but the Outcome of Some Kind of Internal Disturbance


Dr. Suhail Shiekh explains that suppressed or unresolved anger, grief and other emotions can suppress the immune system, alter gene expression and lead to cancer and other diseases. He states that anger toward another person, is like you taking poison and expecting other person to die. 

Abstract :

In 2016, an estimated 1.7 million were diagnosed with cancer and nearly 600,000 people died from the disease in the U.S alone. Spending on cancer care has more than doubled since 1990, currently exceeding $125 billion per year in the U.S. and expected to reach $173 billion by 2020. The cost for targeted therapies can easily reach $65,000 per year per patient, but the drugs often extend life by only a few months with financial concerns. “Cancer is a multibillion-dollar industry that’s been running for decades. Most current therapies are too toxic, too expensive, and aren’t making real headway.  After a century of research on cancer and a generous amount of funding for research and despite a large collection of data the cancer puzzle remains unsolved.

We have to understand that cancer is not a disease in itself but is the outcome of some kind of internal disturbance that takes place at the mental/physical level or both, which traumatize a person and prevents the body’s attempt at natural healing.  Instead of it becoming a systemic trouble it tries to localize it and this in term is so-called cancer.  The law of causation teaches that no internal effect can arise without any external cause and that effect itself may in turn become a cause of further changes. We can say that cancer actually is a biological defense mechanism. You just need to understand it and control it. You don’t have to get rid of it.  Homoeopath Dr. Stuart Close, M.D. stated: “Disease resulting from mental or physical trauma occurs as a result of toxic chemical or physical changes that take place in the fluid or tissue of the body through the nervous system which react to the morbid impression of a violent or long continued mental emotion in the same way that it reacts to any other dynamical disturbance”.


What Is Cancer? What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. A healthy cell does not turn into a cancer cell overnight. Its behavior gradually changes, a result of damage to between three and seven of the hundreds of genes that control cell growth, division and life span. First, the cell starts to grow and multiply. Over time, more changes may take place. The cell and its descendants may eventually become immortal, escape destruction by the body’s defenses, develop their own blood supply and invade the rest of body. A cell is continuously receiving messages, both from its own genes and from other cells. Some tell it to grow and multiply, others tell it to stop growing and rest, or even to die. If there are enough ‘grow’ messages, the next stage of the cell’s life starts.

In a cancer cell, the messages to grow may be altered, or the messages to stop growing or to die may be missing. The cell then begins to grow uncontrollably like a rogue and divide too often. Hence its often called as a rogue cell.  Normally every time a cell divides, the ends of its chromosomes become shorter. Once they have worn down, the cell dies and is replaced. Cancer cells cheat this system – they retain their long chromosomes. This process allows cancer cells to become  immortal.  Most normal cells in tissues areconnected with each other and their surroundings. Unless they are connected with each other they cannot grow and multiply. If they become detached from their neighbors, they commit suicide, by a process known as apoptosis. But in cancer cells the normal  process  of  apoptosis or self-destruct  does not work, and they keep  growing and multiplying without being attached to anything. This permits them to invade the rest of the body, which is called metastasis.

Normally a human cell divides and copies all its genes and these are bundled up into 46 chromosomes. During this process it is confirmed and ensured that each new cell gets a near-perfect copy. But in a cancer cell, these cannot be ensured and confirmed where the checkpoints are often missing, and the result is chaos.Parts of chromosomes may be lost, rearranged or copied many times and the genes are more likely to acquire further alteration. All the cells in body usually work harmoniously together as a community. But if a cell acquires a gene mutation that makes it multiply when it should not, or helps it survive when other cells die, it has an advantage over the others. Eventually, the abnormal cells acquire mutations in more genes, causing uncontrolled growth. These abnormal cells have a competitive advantage over normal cells. Normally cells with gene damage are usually quickly repaired. If the damage is too severe, the cell is forced to die. An important protein called p53 checks for gene damage in normal cells, and kills them if the damage is too great to repair. However, in cancer cells these checking mechanisms are defective. Cancer cells often have an altered p53 protein, which does not work properly, allowing cancer cells to survive, despite their dangerously garbled genetic material.

A million dollar question is why haven’t we cured cancer yet?                                                                                                            

Why, after so much advancement in medical science, can’t we cure cancer? Actually cancer is not a single disease or entity, all cancers are different.  Every  individual cancer is made up of multiple different clones of cancer cells under selective pressure to become ever more invasive and deadly. Virtually everyone has small foci of cancer within us but we all don’t get cancer or die of cancer .

The very first oncogene was discovered  in 1971 which was  src (genes of rous sarcoma virus) . It’s a gene that promotes autonomous cellgrowth  An oncogene  mutates at high levels, and helps turn a normal cell into a cancer cell. Once it’s activated they cause cells to survive and proliferate.  Oncogenes are defective proto -Oncogenes; i.e., genes involved in cell growth and division that were mutated in cancers.   As science and research advanced it  wasunderstood that it is not primarily individual genes or even a handful of genes that determine cancer, but hundreds or even thousands of genes that form complex networks of interactions.

In 1998 it was discovered that a new class of RNA, known as microRNAs (miRNAs) which control gene expression and play a crucial role in cell proliferation and apoptosisand differentiation are linked to disease. For example,hsa-miR 126 is associated with  retinoblastoma , breast cancer , lung cancer . Recent studies suggest that miRNA expression patterns  in an individual may  actually tell us more about how cancer develops, because individual miRNAs often regulates the expression of hundreds of genes. By  2011 it was  understood that  cancer cells not only have mutations that result in dysregulated expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressors, but these changes result in the alteration of expression of hundreds of genes, and in different types of cancer it will be different batteries of genes and miRNAs that are messed up in different ways. Even worse, as a tumor progresses, it tends to become more heterogeneous, meaning that the number of different populations of cells tends to increase. Hence it becomes difficult to treat cancer.

How A Disturbed Mind Harms Your Physical Body

Where does an emotional pain exactly hurt us? When someone gets emotional pain, the same areas of the brain get activated as when people feel physical pain: the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex. So  physical and emotional pain have similar neural signatures. The brain is intensely interconnected with the rest of the body. There are direct neural connections via the brain stem and spinal cord connecting whole body. There are about 60 different neuropeptides, including endorphins. These are carried by circulatory and lymphatic systems and are the means by which all cells in the body communicate with each other. This includes brain-to-brain messages, brain-to-body messages, body-to-body messages, and body-to-brain messages.

Individual cells, including brain cells, immune cells, and other body cells, have receptor sites that receive neuropeptides. The kinds of neuropeptides available to cells are constantly changing, reflecting variations in your emotions throughout the day. The kind and number of emotion-linked neuropeptides available at receptor sites of cells influence your probability of health or sickness.  Each emotion has a specific emotion-linked neuropeptide that flows throughout the body and is picked up by receptor sites in various organs. Since each organ shares a neural pathway with a specific set of muscles, the unresolved emotion will continue to affect both the organ function and the related muscle groups resulting in predictable disorders and pains. The chemicals that are running our body and our brain are the same chemicals that are involved in emotion. Hence we must pay more attention to emotions with respect to health.

Thus cancer of different organs share a specific type of emotional disturbance and these specific chemicals of those specific unresolved emotions will continue to target the function of that organ only. In a healthy individual the structural, biochemical and emotional aspects are harmoniously balanced. It’s also seen that our body cells have energy and quantum physics is based on the idea that everything is energy. This means that all the cells in our body are also made up of energy – negative and positive. When you are happy and joyful, there is release of natural opiates called endorphins. These powerful opiates make you feel good.  They boost your immune system, relax muscles, elevate your mood, and lessen pain. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are triggered by fear, anxiety or stress.  They cause your heart to beat faster, and blood vessels to dilate, making your skin flush.  Rapid, shallow breathing ensues making muscles tighten . The purpose of adrenaline is to place your body in a highalert rapidresponse fight-or-flight state. Adrenaline can be very damaging to your body as it  suppresses the  immune system, impairs digestion, uses up vital vitamins and minerals, causes pain and stiffness, makes your body acidic resulting in inflammation and drains vitality

All emotions have a motor component. Even if we try to hide our feelings, there is micro-momentary muscular activation. Since your body/mind/spirit are all connected, negative emotions reflect in your face and change the appearance of your eyes, expression, skin texture, color and tension.  The process of forming an emotional expression in the body takes place in the anterior cingulate which is located right next to the pre motor area The pre motor area connects to the motor cortex above it, and then back to the specific muscles of expression. Emotional pain may be located in the body in those places where an expression was meant to happen but failed to materialize.

It has been revealed that there is a strong link between cancer and suppression of  toxic negative emotional pains,  such as anger, hatred, resentment and grief. Verbal expressions of anger, hatred, and jealousy, contain toxins.  Anger damages the liver and gall bladder.  Anger toward another person is like you taking poison and expecting other person to die.  When you suppress or control your emotions, the energy can’t flow outward properly and dissipate naturally.  You have false perception that you have controlled your emotions but the energy of it is still  working  in your body. Suppressing emotions uses up a lot of energy, which robs your body of energy that should be used for vital functions.  Negative emotions tax your spleen, liver and adrenal glands and use up nutrients the body needs to sustain itself.  The result is fatigue, auto-immune disorders, and lowered vitality.  These  increase stress hormone cortisol levels, which directly disrupt  immune system function , which  then leadnormal cells to mutate into cancer cells.  Emotions  can  become pathological when they are intensely felt for prolonged periods and  not recognized or unexpressed. Extreme suppression of anger was the most commonly identified characteristic of breast cancer patients.  Every person will react or express differently to the death of loved ones or any loss depending on their personality, the circumstances surrounding the loss and the way they view the world.  When  a person has suppressed an emotional trauma it produces harmful influences on health and a neuro-physiological deficit develops which lodges in the body as a N.E.C (neuro-emotional complexes) causing  many health disturbances in that person.

Albert Einstein proved that everything in the universe is energy. Have you ever thought about what it means practically? It means that any problem that you experience in your life is energy-related. Simply,it cannot be otherwise !

A study conducted at Kings college Hospital London on 160 breast cancer patients showed a strong link between unexpressed anger and cancer, which was commonly identified as a common complaint in all these patients (reported by the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.) This is often also the result of abuse or neglect. During these studies  a significant association was seen between the diagnosis of breast cancer and a behavior pattern of abnormal release of emotions.  Breast gland cancer has to do with the woman’s shelter in the sense that she has a “worry”, “quarrel or argument” going on in her shelter. It could be over a health concern of a loved one, or even being thrown out of the nest by her mother! The overall issue concerned however is really a separation from a loved one.

Milk duct cancer has quite specifically to do with the emotion of, “my child, mother, or partner has been torn from my breast!”  Breast gland cancer has its origin in the cerebellum.  Intra-ductal cancer has its origin in the sensory cortex (cerebrum)

Ovarian cancer is often the symptom that presents when a woman has selflessly given up a significant passion for the benefit of others, typically family. Constant conflict, guilt and shame, can easily paralyze the body’s most basic functions and lead to the growth of a cancerous tumor.

Emotion is a subjective, conscious experience characterized primarily by psycho physiological expressions, biological reactions, and mental states. Grief can be described as the intense emotional and physical reaction that an individual experiences following the death of a loved one or any other loss or disappointment.

The most common emotional wounds that can manifest as serious physical disease like cancer etc, are abuse, rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice, or combinations of these wounds. If we want to cure cancer, we must find the cause of cancer which is at the psychological and/or emotional level. If we don’t find the cause of cancer, and merely treat the symptoms then  we have a strong chance that it may recur .

Studies conducted by the University of Rochester and Harvard School of Public Health on 729 individuals which lasted for  over 12 years, found a 70% increase in the risk of cancer death for those who were scored above the 75% level of emotional suppression and all-causes as well as cancer-related mortality.”
[]Studies done by the College of Nursing, University of Tennessee  showed that extremely low expressed  anger have been noted in numerous studies of patients with cancer which suggest suppression, repression, or restraint of anger  and this  suppressed anger can be a precursor to the development of cancer, and also a factor in its metastasis after the diagnosis is made.

In 1989 at California Breast Cancer Research center a study was conducted in a group of women who expressed their anger openly during the therapy.The survival rate was doubled in follow-up study, compared to the women in the  group therapy program who constrained their anger with 6 of the 50 women who openly expressed their anger still living at 7 years post-entry study.  It was noted that long periods of suppressed anger during the first few months of group therapy strongly predicted an earlier death. By 3 years from study, all but 2 women with more constrained anger had died, compared with 6 women, who expressed no constrained anger and were still living at 7 years post-study entry. The mean survival time was, thus, doubled for women who do not suppress their anger. This was the first behavioral study done .

A study 1985-1994 on  847American women who were  diagnosed with invasive breast cancer observed that patients who had low levels of emotional expression in combination with low levels of emotional support experienced worse survival than women who reported high levels of both.                                                []

Research was conducted at the Department of Psychology, University of Miami to evaluate relations among optimism, depression, anger suppression and natural killer cell cytotoxicity (NKCC)in 61 men with prostate cancer (who were treated for localized prostate cancer (PC).)  Results were that greater optimism was associated with greater NKCC (beta=.27, P<.05), less depression (beta=-.63, P<.001) and less anger suppression (beta=-.29, P<.05). Furthermore, less anger suppression (beta=-.35, P<.01) was associated with greater NKCC (natural killer cell cytotoxicity). The research results suggested that optimism is associated with NKCC and a greater ability to adaptively express anger and less anger suppression partially mediates the relationship between optimism and NKCC (natural killer cell cytotoxicity).                                                                                    []

There are many examples seen in this world where there is marked history of suppressed emotion and its relationship with cancer and other incurable diseases. In cancer cases it’s often observed that after years of struggling with emotions a person chooses to make an agreement with failure. The agreement is “I won’t get rid of you or reject you and I won’t face you either. I will deal with you afterward”. This delay in facing emotions has disasters consequences on health. The delay is usually because she is helpless and cannot do anything about it. This delay makes it impossible for these people to go back and fight something that happened years ago. They continue to live with this in life and recognize its existence consciously in their own hearts,of what happened. This person goes about everyday life as usual keeping a certain cluster of emotional experiences “at hand” but never gets down to dealing with them. The development of cancer starts happening only after he has been “delaying” emotions for years and years and without resolving it and these burden keeps on growing  heavier and heavier in his energy, which one day gives in.  The law of causation teaches that no internal effect can arise without any external cause and that effect itself may in turn become a cause of further changes.

Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London have proposed that repetitive negative thinking (RNT), may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  Psychological factors make a person more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease and that these factors occur before any physical indicators of the disease emerge.  The researchers argue that a habit of negative thinking over a prolonged period of time (RNT) can have a harmful effect on the brain’s capacity to think, reason and form memories. People with a particular variant of a gene known as APOE e4 have increased risk of Alzheimer’s. However, not everyone who has this gene variant will get Alzheimer’s, which suggests that other influences may be involved. But research has shown that people who possess this gene variant and who suffer from psychological disorders such as depression are at an even higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Stress can Permanently Change the Expression Our Genetic structure:                                                                         

John Sheridan, associate director of Ohio State University’s Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, says that acute stress—caused by things like getting fired, moving, or losing a loved one—can cause a “fight or flight” response. Common chronic stressors include being in a bad marriage, being a caregiver, or working for a difficult boss. This acute stress becomes chronic when there is no easy solution to the problem.

The Ohio State researchers studied mice and found that chronic stress changed the activation, or expression, of genes in their immune cells. Genes that produce inflammation were expressed at higher-than-normal levels, and genes that could mitigate inflammation were diminished. Mice were put to constant stress in order to mimic the persistent stress stimulus experienced by humans. Male mice that lived together were interrupted by an aggressive male for two hours at a time, which triggered their fight or flight response as they were repeatedly defeated by the new mouse.

Studies have shown that stress causes white blood cells to be more inflammatory than normal—a mechanism that helps the body defend itself against a threat, such as a virus. Normally immune responses require inflammation, which immune cells help to produce. When inflammation is too high and has no healing role, it can boost a person’s risk for disease, like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,  obesity etc

Studies were done to  compare cells in mice subjected to the aggressive mouse to those that lived without interruption. The stressed mice had an average fourfold increase in the frequency of immune cells in their blood and spleens compared to the normal mice. In fact, a genome-wide evaluation of cells in the stressed mice showed nearly 3,000 genes expressed at different levels—higher and lower—in comparison to the non-stressed mice. Researchers found that many of the 1,142 up-regulated genes in the immune cells of the stressed mice allowed the cells to become inflammatory quickly.  This research study provided a nice mechanism on how psychology impacts biology on body. These cells are primed at the level of the gene, and it’s directly due to the sympathetic nervous system,” said Nicole Powell, a research scientist at Ohio State. Similar studies were done by Steve Cole, a professor of medicine and a member of the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at the University of California, Los Angeles, which was published recently in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”.  A statistical analysis of genome function to see how a person’s perception of his or her surroundings can affect their physical wellbeing was done by Steve Cole. Genetic samples from healthy humans with either low or high socioeconomic status were studied .  The analysis found that 387 genes differed between low and high socioeconomic status adults, and that the up-regulated genes showed more inflammation.

ORGAN-WISE PROBLEM DUE TOpsychological and/or emotional levels DISTURBANCES
 Cancer  : Cancer is the outcome of the exciting cause; the trauma or in other words, we can say that the cancer is the ailment which reacted vigorously to any kind of exciting or triggering factor such as mental trauma, long-standing resentment, anger or grief, shock, remorse, lack of love. a deep secret, hatred, guilt, ‘eating away’ at you.
Breast and uterine cancer Reveals a lack of nurturing or self-nurturing in your life, or an inability to nurture others
Brain tumor Suppressed feelings, stubbornness
Problems with the head: Feeling that something is wrong with “us”.
Hair problems:. Lack of strength; tension
Ear problems: Unwillingness to hear what’s going on around you; anger about what is heard.
Stomach problems: Inability to assimilate new experiences; fear of new ideas.
Neck problems: Stubbornness; inability to see the other side of the equation.
Throat problems: Feeling inadequate to stand for yourself; repressed anger; swallowing  emotional hurt.
Back problems: Lack of support. Upper back: lack of emotional support, holding back love;
Lumbar back pain points to lack of financial support.
Thoracic back pain shows no emotional support or love
Middle back pain is carrying the weight of the past and also reflects feeling unsupported and overwhelmed by responsibility.
Middle back: Guilt; Lower back: lack of financial support, fear of money.
Eye Problems: Not liking what you see in your life; Not wanting to see the past, present or the future; Not seeing Truth.
Knee problem: Inflexibility; stubbornness; inability to bend; ego.
Lung problems: Feeling that we do not have the right to live life fully.
Mouth problems: Incapacity to take ideas; closed mind; set opinions.
Nerve problems: Confused thinking; fear; struggle; anxiety.
Breast problems: Over-mothering a place, person, a thing or an experience.
Heart problems: Denying yourself joy and love.
Bladder problems: Being pissed off.
Colon problems: Inability to let go; holding on to the old.
Leg problems: Inability to move forward; reluctance for the future.
Allergies: Who are you allergic to? False ego and sensitivity.
Cold: Confusion, disorder, small hurts; Family and calendar beliefs
Diabetes: Sense of sorrow; No sweetness in life.
Fatigue: Resistance, boredom; Lack of love for what you do.
Gas pains: Gripping undigested ideas; Gulping air from fear.
Headaches: Invalidating the self; emotional upsets; uncertainty.
Migraine: Putting too much pressure on yourself; wanting to be perfect; suppressed anger.
Sinus: Irritation with someone in your life; someone bearing down on you.
Itching: Unsatisfied desires; remorse; guilt.
Jaundice: Prejudice; discolored beliefs.
Overweight: Need for protection; insecurity; seeking love; fear of loss; stuffing feelings.
Frequent pains: Punishment for guilt; blockage; belief in bondage.
Rheumatism: Resentment; lack of love; chronic bitterness; feeling of revenge.
Ulcers: Anxiety; fear of not being good enough.
Venereal disease: Belief that sex is sinful; sexual guilt; need for punishment.
Warts: Self-hatred; believing you are ugly; guilt.
Constipation: Inability to let go; tendency to over-save.
Varicose veins: Having to stand for a job you hate.
Arthritis: Constant pattern of criticism of self and others; need to be perfect.
Boils, cuts, fevers, sores, inflammations: Anger


Alzheimer’s Disease Escape from reality.
Asthma Rejecting uncleanliness, suppressed crying, oversensitivity
Bone deformation Inflexibility, rigidness
Cataract Uncertain future
Coma Escaping from reality
Coronary sclerosis Suppressed feelings, resistance to love
Eczema Emotional eruptions, struggle of opposites

 CONCLUSION and Summary:

We can   conclude by saying that if we want to cure cancer, we must find the cause of cancer which is at the psychological and/or emotional level. Cancer is the outcome of the exciting cause, the trauma, or in other words, we can say that the cancer is the ailment which reactedvigorously to any kind of exciting or triggering factor such as mental trauma.  Ask any cancer patient, you will come to know that he/she was the person who had suffered from some kind of mental trauma previously.   “The law of causation teaches that no internal effect can arise without any external cause and that effect itself may in turn become a cause of further changes.Unresolved emotional issues, such as grief , suppressed anger etc , can get ‘locked up’ in the body and later they surface under another form. The proper balance and regulation of our emotional life is very important in our life.  Serious problems arising from deep traumatic events taking place in life and the best way to deal with it is to get back into the habit of facing emotions at least the same day as you experience them – if not on the spot to prevent oneself from becoming a cancer patient. Homoeopathic medicines plays a very important role in neutralizing your suppressed anger and grief, thus curing you or palliating your cancer.  Forgiveness might be also be a key to cure, if used with appropriate treatments.  In the War-on-Cancer mind-set, the treatment should be seemingly soft and gentle  and forgiveness could be the answer to our problem.


  1. Cannon Neuro feedback and Therapy Center – Austin, Texas
  3. Theory of Psychology andAbnormal Psychology.
  4. Paper reference: Natalie L. Marchant and Robert J. Howard “Cognitive Debt and Alzheimer’s Disease” published in Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

About the author

Suhail Sheikh

Prof Dr Suhail Shiekh, B.H.M.S, Professor, HOD of Department of Repertory,
Motiwala Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Nasik, India

1 Comment

  • When I gained my terminal diagnosis in January 1999, I was offered four options, the last of which was ‘Do nothing. You might not live as long but your quality of life will be better.’ I was also told that I would be seriously ill, if not actually dead in six to nine months. Around nine months later I met my doctor in a discount store and he asked me, ‘What is your secret?’ Some years later I learned that he died of cancer. When after a scan, he had told me a ‘shadow’ had been found, I told him that although I would accept an operation, I would refuse chemotherapy or radiation treatment, his reply surprised me. ‘I would too’.

    To me your interesting account lacks one specific observation on cancer that I find important. Since we know that the vital force will always make the best attempt at creating equilibrium, then the tumour represents evidence of just that. In my case many years of stress and unhappiness at work was followed by the end of a relationship. In the lead up to my cancer, severe headaches and rheumatoid arthritis meant that I was usually in pain, but the pain left me at the time I estimated my tumour began, which is interesting to say the least. On one important point though, I beg to differ with your account. Whilst you say that cancer is not a disease, my book’s title is borrowed from a comment by my homoeopath. She told me that people make such a big thing of cancer, but ‘it’s only a disease’. That simple fact should be liberating because as the great sixteenth century physician Paracelsus, stated, there is no disease horrible enough that God hasn’t provided the remedies to cure.

    I met a GP who had used conventional treatment but also the daily practice of qigong in order to recover from her cancer. She told me she once went on a course for doctors in which they were asked to imagine a large old house room by room. The attic room was labelled ‘CANCER’ They were then asked to draw the contents of that room. Most drew monsters, but she drew a calm, peaceful room. I agreed with her, for the around three years up to the time I knew for certain I would recover was a wonderful time of self discovery thanks to the efforts of Ann Saunders, British homoeopath who had recovered herself from cancer, Dr Tsewang Tamdin, one of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s doctors and Dr Bisong Guo, Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and former Red Guard. Another strange piece of information I learned was that while all three of the practitioners who helped me could appreciate the efforts of each other, most practitioners of modern pharmaceutical medicine have little or no regard for other healing paradigms.

    Really, that speaks volumes.

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