Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

CCHM: Why We Do What We Do


CCHM registrar Andrea Gallant Deal shares her enthusiasm for CCHM.

The discovery that crude medicinal substances (dry and fluid) unfold their medicinal power ever more and more by titration or succussion with non-medicinal things, and in greater extent the further, the longer and the stronger this trituration or succession is carried on, so that all their material substance seems gradually to be dissolved and resolved into pure medicinal spirit; –this discovery… is of unspeakable value, and so undeniable that the sceptics, who from ignorance of the inexhaustible resources of nature in the homeopathic dilutions, see nothing but mechanical division and diminution until nothing remains (therefore, annihilation of their medicinal powers), must see their error as soon as they appeal to experiment.” – Samuel Hahnemann, page 650 Materia Medica Pura (1826)

             CCHM students with Dr. Kellerstein ( 2nd from R.)


It all started with Hahnemann…

Samuel Hahnemann, one of the greatest scientists of all time, made a grand discovery 200 hundred years ago. It is a discovery, which we are still trying to understand today. Hahnemann sought to cure his patients, not just merely make their symptoms go away. He realised that every substance that exists can be made into a medicine and through experimentation, he uncovered the ‘inexhaustible resources of nature.’ He explored the inherent power and wisdom of the living body and understood that every unique body expresses health and illness differently, and that the medicine we use should be individually preparedfor each unique body. Hahnemann came to see that every body has a language to express its needs and that if we understand that language and we give the body as precisely as possible what needs. Hahnemann understood the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet to maintain a healthybody.  Two hundred years ago, he already understood that there was no separation between body, mind, emotion and spirit, and that health and illness are expressed on all these levels. Hahnemann didn’t rush to publish every little detail he discovered for money or fame. He experimented tirelessly for years, until he was absolutely sure of what he had discovered. And when he found something new, even if it contradicted what he thought he was sure about before, he shared it. He shared not just the idea, but all of the experimentation he had completed that supported his findings, so that others could as he said, ‘appeal to experiment.’Many people are unaware that Samuel Hahnemann was the first person to perform a double blind medical trial.

CCHM: Dr. Millar and Students

We do what we do because we wholeheartedly believe in Hahnemann. What he discovered is profound, a huge part of the story of life, the story of science, the story of us. Unfortunately, in the many years following Hahnemann’s death, people have denied, misunderstood and mishandled his teachings.It is important to us that we uphold Hahnemann’s discoveries of the truth, and that in our curriculum here at The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, we study Hahnemann’s literature carefully so that we are sure that we truly understand his discoveries and that we practice pure homeopathy as Hahnemann would have taught. We believe that what the world needs now is a system of medicine which can reproduce consistent positive results, causes no harm, is accessible, affordable for everyone and that strives to stimulate the body to its greatest state of health. What the world needs now is homeopathy, and the world clearly knows it; homeopathy is currently the second most used form of medicine in the world.

CCHM third year students

We want to share with you our knowledge. We want to bring homeopathy to aspiring and practicing homeopaths just as Hahnemann would have wanted. We want to train the best homeopaths, to reproduce Hahnemann’s curative results.With our community of students, faculty, staff and alumni we strive to make new discoveries and heal the world one unique body at a time. With Hahnemann as our guide, we’ve been continuing to perfect teaching this noble art and science for 22 years.  Here at CCHM, we have the finest faculty, a warm and supportive community and a curriculum we know that Hahnemann would be proud of. Hahnemann is why we do what we do. If it weren’t for him, we simply wouldn’t be here.

So today, on his 262nd birthday, we would like to wish Samuel Hahnemann a warm thank you! To the brilliant man behind the first ever nanoparticle medicine (see studies below) and behind all that we do here at CCHM, a Happiest Birthday to you!

Nanomedicine Studies:
**Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, Kane SG. Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: a nanoparticulateperspective. Homeopathy 2010; 99(4): 231e242.

**Upadhyay RP, Nayak C. Homeopathy emerging as nanomedicine. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(37): 299e310.

**Elia V, Ausanio G, Gentile F, Germano R, Napoli E, Niccoli M.
Experimental evidence of stable water nanostructures in extremely dilute solutions, at standard pressure and temperature. Homeopathy 1/2014; 103(1): 44e50.

**Stovbun SV, Kiselev AV, Zanin AM, et al. Effects of physicochemical forms of phenazepam and Panavir on their action at ultra-low doses. Bull ExpBiol Med Aug 2012; 153(4): 455e458.

**Demangeat JL. NMR relaxation evidence for solute-induced nanosized superstructures in ultramolecular aqueous dilutions of silicalactose. J MolLiq 2010; 155: 71e79.

** Barve R, Chaughule R. Size-dependent in vivo/in vitro results of homoeopathic herbal extracts. J Nanostructure Chem 2013; 3: 18.

About the author

Andrea Gallant Deal

Andrea Gallant Deal (HOM, DSHM, CCHM Registrar) graduated from CCHM in 2001. While studying visual art at the University of Victoria in 1997, she stumbled upon Dana Ullman’s book, Discovering Homeopathy. This book, and an introduction to cell salts in an herbal medicine course, sparked a curiosity that has become a lifelong passion. Andrea has been assisting clients using classical homeopathy, cell salts, nutrition and kindness since 2001. She is a trained doula and has also worked as an administrative assistant with a homeopathic company, as a youth coach and as a natural products adviser and teacher at several health food stores. Andrea practices classical homeopathy at the main office of The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine in Toronto. She uses individualized healing plans, with a focus on classical homeopathy, cell salts, nutrition and journaling,

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