Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Diagnosing Infertility and Some Remedies in Treatment

Dr. Nikunj Trivedi gives a brief discussion of diagnostics in infertility and some remedies in treatment

Infertility is defined as failure by a couple to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. Vital statistics have shown 40% of infertility cases having an abnormality of Male Factors, which are important in Spermatogenesis.

ovum  sperm

Sperm piercing the Ovum


u     Requires 72 to 74 days for germ-cell maturation i.e. Spermatogonia to spermatozoa

u     Most efficient genesis at 34 centigrade (93.2 Fahrenheit)

u     Within the somniferous tubules, cells of sertolli sustain and regulate the sperm maturation.

u     Leydig’s cells produce Testosterone

u     Fructose secreted by seminal vesicles shows patency of ejaculatory ducts.

Causes of Azospermia

u  Obstruction i.e. Varicocele

u  Congenital absence of Vas Deference

u  Primary Testicular Disorder





Definition: A cystic accumulation of blood in the spermatic cord. It is a most common anatomical abnormality of the veins, especially Pampiniform plexus. Varicocele is mostly found as left sided where the spermatic vein empties in the left renal vein. In short, variocele causes insufficient drainage of the blood from the testes that causes excessive pooling of the blood resulting in higher intra-scrotal temperature.



Very rarely retrograde ejaculations occur into the urinary bladder in cases of:

u  Diabetes mellitus

u  Hodgkin’s disease (prior to retro peritoneal dissection)

u  Prostectomy

u  Neurological dysfunction



Semen Analysis:

u  Abstinence of 3 to 4 days is very essential.

u  Usually 2-3-4 ejaculates should be examined.

u  Semen should be obtained by masturbation in a clean sterile glass jar from the lab.

u  Patients having difficulty in getting samples by masturbation should use Silastic Condoms – which is free of lubricant and chemical toxins.

u  Liquefaction should be at room temperature within 20-30 minutes.

The following parameters should be observed carefully:

Volume (ejaculate) 2-6 ml
Viscosity within one hour, liquefaction should take place
Appearance Gross and Microscopic
Gross: Opaque or cream coloured

a)         1 to 3 WBC / HPF
b)        ph of 7 to 8 (alkaline)
c)         Motility (at 1-3 hours) more then 50%
d )         Sperm count.  More then 20 million / ml
e)         Linear sperm velocity. Clinical correlation of velocity is Unclear.

Morphology Evaluation of sperm structure:

Vital Statistics:

u  Male Sperm Factors: 40%

u  Ovulatory Dysfunction: 20%.

u  Cervical Factors: 05%

u  Abnormal Tube Function: 30%.

u  Un-Identified Factors: 05%


Intrinsic Factors:
Be careful in taking history.

u  Mumps

u  Orchitis

u  Cryptorchism – One or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.

u  Testicular injury


Extrinsic Factors:

u  Exposure to Industrial or Environment Toxins

u  Excessive Heat Exposure.

u  Acute illness

u  Prolonged Fever

u  Recreational drug use

u  Alcohol intake


1) Anabolic Steroids
2) Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol


Inadequate length of abstinence prior to analysis

Physical evaluation is equally important


Anatomical Abnormalities

u           Decreased Testicular Volume

u           Prostatitis

u           Hypospadias

u           Varicocele


Male -Infertility Factors:

u           Genetic

u           Neuro-Endocrines

u           Testicular

u           Urogenital


After understanding the above stated causes, you can apply the knowledge of Homeopathy to the disease condition of the patients.



Homeopathy has entirely different in approach from conventional medicine. It is based upon the Law of Similars, which states that a substance that can produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to the patient’s, will cure those symptoms in the patient. In every case, the Homeopath looks at everything that is going on in the patient’s life based upon a “totality of symptoms”. Homeopathy addresses etiology as well as all aspects of the patient, including inherited tendencies and emotional disposition.




Homoeopathic Nux Vomica has proved excellent in Oligospermia.

a)    I administer Nux Vomica to patients whose history included bad-effects of coffee, tobacco, alcoholic stimulants, highly spiced or seasoned food, over-eating, long continued mental over-exertion, sedentary habits, loss of sleep.

b)   According to Boericke:  Very Irritable, sensitive to all impression, ugly malicious, cannot bear noises, odours, light etc.

c)    According to Nash: For very particular careful, zealous persons, inclined to get excited and angry or of a spiteful, malicious disposition.

All the great Homeopaths have clearly drawn the picture of azospermic and oligospermic patients in their observations and the medicines are as follows.
1)      Agnus Castus:   By relieving mental depression, it corrects the desire and improves the functional impotence.

2)      Anacardium Orientalis:   Dual personality – Lacking self confidence with severe depression associated with impaired memory.

3)      Argentum Nitricum:  Very Apprehensive – from the first night of marriage, fearful and nervous, leading to pre mature ejaculations. Erection fails when coition attempted.

4)      Caladium:  Excellent for smokers and tobacco chewers. Increases the sperm count rapidly, in smokers.

5)      Conium Mac:  Testicular injury Hydrocele, Varicocele, orchitis, effects of suppressed sexual appetite.

6)      Dioscorea:  Suits very well to tea drinkers.

7)      Phosphoric Acid:  Gives excellent results in Oligoasthenospermia. Increases the acrosomal activity of the sperm (motility).

8)      Titanium:   Too early ejaculation.

9)      Tribulus Terrestris:   A very good medicine for patients in their mid 40’s having partial impotence caused by overindulgence.

10)    Lycopodium:    It has proved its great value in sexual dysfunction (acquired and situational). Very effective in premature ejaculation.

11)    Tinospora Cardifolla:  Proved its great value in anti-sperm antibody positive cases (2X).

12)    Orchitinumm:       Azoospermia

13)    Manigifera:           Varicocele

14)    Potas Xanthae:      Impotence

This was the quick tour of male- infertility therapeutics.  Above all, the well selected constitutional remedy is the best answer to cases of infertility.


Dr. Nikunj Trivedi © Copyright in UK


About the author

Nikunj Trivedi

Dr. Nikunj M Trivedi was born in India - Gujarat and presently lives in England. He graduated Homeopathy with First Rank in University with D.H.M.S (Gold Medallist) and PG-Hom at HCH London.UK. He was honoured as a Fellow by HMA UK and Fellow of British Institute of Homeopathy.
Dr. Trivedi has practiced homeopathy since 1980 with a full-fledged homeopathic hospital in India till 2004. He was affiliated with various Homeopathic College in Gujarat India. With his vast clinical experience in gynaecology and obstetrics, he treats male and female fertility, problems. He invented a technique to open a blocked fallopian tube with intra-uterine use of homeopathic remedies. He also used potentised L-arginine to correct sperm abnormalities. He works on oxidative stress in semen, an underlying cause of sperm DNA damage. He also worked on eosinophilia, considering the real obstacles to cure in many clinical conditions. Dr. Trivedi migrated to the UK in 2004 and established a clinical practice in Leicester. Presently he serves as Chairman- UK HMA. His publications related to Infertility are:
1. Repertory of Infertility.
2. Materia Medica of Sexual Disorders
3. Sperm Disorders and Homeopathy.
4. Mind at Menopause.

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