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Homeopathy Papers

Heilkunst Principles Regarding Antibiotics

Homeopath Allyson McQuinn discusses Antoine Bechamp’s cellular theory of disease, the work of Dr. Gunther Enderlein, and the popular belief that germs are the primary cause of disease.

Reprinted courtesy Allyson McQuinn from:

“Le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.” (The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything) –the last words of Louis Pasteur (father of the “Germ Theory” of disease).

My son was on a steady stream of antibiotics the first two years of his life. He suffered severe throat and respiratory infections every time he cut a tooth. We were destroying his health. Each round of penicillin destroyed healthy gut bacteria. His immune function was being pummeled.

It wasn’t until we ‘peeled the onion’ of his own sequential timeline of traumas using Heilkunst principles (including homeopathy), AND started him on several broad spectrum probiotics, that we began to see monumental improvements. In fact, he was so sick and not thriving, he was hospitalized several times for being ill before we addressed the root cause.

Louis Pasteur and Germ Theory

The word antibiotic comes from the Greek “anti”, meaning “against” and “bios”, meaning “life” (a bacterium is a life form). Antibiotics are also known as antibacterials, and they are drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can sometimes cause illness in humans and animals.

Louis Pasteur had very good press in the mid-1800’s. The guiding idea of his germ theory was to address infection by killing the microbe. It targets the germ as the enemy, and calls for medicine to destroy it. The main presumptions here are that the germ is the disease, and that infection is the cause of illness.

All of Western Medicine is pretty much based on this mechanical and materialistic view of Pasteur’s theory. However, if we go back to 19th century France for a moment, we might be able to recapture where the train derailed.

Antoine Bechamp and Cellular Theory

There was a lesser known fellow named Antoine Bechamp. He didn’t have as good a press agent as Pasteur. He actually noted that the germs that Pasteur was all up in arms about were actually opportunistic in nature; they were shape shifters so to speak. In his “cellular theory” of disease, he also noted that they mostly existed inside of us in a symbiotic relationship and that they only began to manifest when the tissue of the organism was damaged.

Bechamp recognized a chicken and egg phenomenon in that the bacteria only raised a ruckus when the terrain became compromised. They were an outcome, not a root cause of the disease.

As a result, Bechamp touted that the killing of germs would only cause them to explode further and shape shift, so it’s best if you actually cultivate a healthy bio-terrain instead. He promoted health through diet, hygiene, exposure to fresh air, and of course exercise. The idea was that if the person had a healthy, natural immune function the germs wouldn’t take their opportunistic cue from damaged tissue.

A Compromised Bio-terrain

Infections only show up when the organism’s bio-terrain is compromised. A good example is when you go hiking in the woods with a whole group of people. Only one or two will be badly attacked and bitten by mosquitos. Why is this? If you were to study the phenomenon, you might find that this individual is also prey to colds, sore throats, earaches, and flus.

These germs are responding to the weakness in the organism … nature only understands one gesture; if you’re not building up your bio-terrain with probiotics and healthy regimen, she feels she has permission to take you back from whence you came. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. She doesn’t moralize, she’s just doing her job as efficiently and expediently as possible.

If you want to really get gnarly and graphic, you can further this thought to maggots. Again, they only spontaneously appear to help in the breakdown process of an already far-gone organism. The materialists just want to attack the maggots, however, the root cause remains at large and they’ll simply keep coming back.

Cancer operates totally on the same principle. As per John Robbins’ book, Reclaiming Your Health, chemotherapy and radiation have less than three percent efficacy for precisely the same reasons that we’ve become antibiotic resistant as a society.

By treating the cause, on the law of nature “like cures like”, without causing an ounce of harm, while also supplying the body with the right supplements, lots of probiotics, and naturally fermented foods, you can actually restore an individual to health without calling to battle errant bacteria, viruses, cancers, parasites, worms, or even the more disgusting maggots.

Pasteur and Bechamp had a long and often bitter rivalry around the true cause of illness and ultimately Pasteur’s ideas were accepted and inculcated as true into the materialistic mindset. I could spend the rest of this lifetime explaining why this was, and still is.

The price we’ve paid as germaphobes is that we have one of the highest rates of infectious disease in our history. How many kids do you know who’ve had ear tubes inserted to drain off fluids before causing infection? How many cases of strep throat and bronchitis do you know about each winter?

Vaccines, antibiotics, antibacterial soaps, and other antimicrobials are like a scourge waged on microbes … the wrong enemy. You may find it as interesting as I do that on his deathbed, Pasteur actually withdrew his own germ theory in favour of Bechamp, “Le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.” (The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything)” – the last words of Louis Pasteur (father of the “Germ Theory” of disease).

Bechamp also spoke to pleomorphism, a phenomenon where a bacterial nemesis will shape shift as illustrated above. Trying to combat them effectively has been the misguided torch carried by the allopathic materialistic scientists since time immemorial. They don’t show signs of quitting anytime either and God knows they’ve got a lot invested financially in you continuing to believe their germ theory.

Dr. Gunther Enderlein and Fungi Theory

Another phenomenologist, Dr. Gunther Enderlein (1872–1968), whose work spun off from Bechamp, believed that all mammals contained the highly devolved remnants of at least two families of invaders – originally stemming from the mold fungi Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger.

Enderlein believed that each of these fungi, through the process of seeking a form in which they could exist with us in stable symbiosis, vastly influenced our evolution, especially in the areas of complex skeletal development and the self-healing, through clotting, of our circulatory system.

For Enderlein, this sword had another edge – one that he perceived as a medical disaster. However, seen through the filter of the Ambimorphic Paradigm, we can understand the same facts in a different way. What appeared to Enderlein as the tragic origin of chronic illness can really be seen as the misdirection of an important ecological adaptation.

What’s more significant is that if this perspective is correct, it may well give us one of the most powerful tools imaginable to influence our own health and healing. If you remove the blockage to cure, on the basis of natural law, you not only remove the arch nemesis, but you also restore the bioterrain to its original state of grace.

Through many years of painstaking research, Enderlein came to believe that our body fluids, such as blood plasma, lymph, and cellular cytoplasm, contain particles that can be induced to reorganize into more complex biological forms, ultimately giving rise to bacteria and fungi not previously present. This is reminiscent of Béchamp’s experiments conducted more than half a century before.

Enderlein called this phenomenon ‘probaenogeny’, and made it a cornerstone of both his theoretical and clinical work in pleomorphic microbiology. Enderlein demonstrated that beyond a certain level of developmental complexity, all the emergent pleomorphic forms leading towards Mucor racemosus or Aspergillus niger were pathogenic and degenerative.

In fact, Enderlein argued that it was the conversion of the benign, devolved forms of these fungi into their pathogenic, cellular forms that constituted the deepest roots of all chronic illness. Enderlein demonstrated ways of understanding challenges as diverse as cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, and glaucoma as different facets of the same types of internal, pleomorphic imbalances.

In particular, the mature bacterial and fungal expressions that Enderlein isolated from the blood of diseased individuals were highly saprophytic – which is to say they’re self-creating and self-sustaining through the creation of their own nourishment from organic decay within the body. He went on to describe the original invasion of these two molds into our ancestral chain as the, “…greatest medical tragedy in evolutionary history.”

What This Means for Me and You

All this to say, you can cart your child off to the allopath if they run a fever, however, what enemy are you hoping to target? If we understand the true roots of pathogenesis as above, and we also know that medicine has only three possible actions; suppressive, palliative and curative, then don’t we have an ethical responsibility to remove the blockage to cure, strengthen the bio-terrain, and prevent the pleomorphic invasions in the future?

By wholly understanding the Ambimorphoric Paradigm I believe we’re given the keys to The Kingdom. The essence of our health depends on acting in accordance with natural law and avoiding shooting the messengers, angering the substrata of bacterial pathogens and creating a bigger mess to try and mop up further down the pleomorphic line.


About the author

Allyson McQuinn

Allyson McQuinn completed her 4 year medical program with the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst (, where she studied sequential therapy, including the principled resolution of the Genetic Miasms as per Rudi Verspoor. She then went on to do a post graduate research for another 4 years with Steven Decker to study Anthroposophical Medicine and Reich’s Orgonotic Therapies, a form of cognitive psychotherapeutics. Allyson has authored 9 books of her own, and is a regular contributor to a variety of magazines and other books. She lives with her husband and fellow practitioner, Jeff Korentayer, and her two children in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, often hiking by the ocean, and taking lots of pictures. Visit Allyson at her website:
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  • It is already well known proven facts that Not only antibiotics, almost all Allopathic medicines have moderate to severe side effects. That destroy our body’s self immunity mechanism. That too during childhood ,only depending on allopathic medicines will cause poor immunity. Hence in our Homoeopthy system, treatments starts after anti-doting allopathic side effects.

  • Very interesting article. I’ve read the same thing about the Béchamp vs Pasteur debate and it seems pretty clear that Béchamp was right: germs at a diseased site are like finding firemen at a fire. They don’t cause the fire, they’re the clean-up crew. I’d love to know more about the probiotics and other substances you mentioned for improving one’s health.

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