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Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathic Hospitals – Bring Them Back

homeopathy hospital middletown

Iman Navab says that it’s time to bring back homeopathic hospitals.

As Malcolm X once said, “In all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure”. Indeed, time can judge how successful homeopathy has been in serving and providing health care. In the of 1800’s and 1900’s – despite so much hostility towards homeopathy, the majority of homeopathic hospitals around the world demonstrated very effectively through records, audits and statistics that homeopathy is truly a reliable modality of medicine.

In that era, social hygiene, disease-prevention and public awareness about health was at a different level, and medical technologies were primitive, but regardless of these challenges homeopathy saved many lives. Imagine how well homeopathy can do now with modern medical technologies for prevention, diagnosis, surgery, and treatment – only if it was given a fair chance to coexist and treat along with other modalities in hospitals around the world.

In a recent publication by the Times of India, medical experts of India declared that homeopathy is a better option to treat diseases; “With more people seeking natural healing for ailments, once criticised homeopathic medicines are getting tremendously popular even as practitioners also claim to treat the most difficult diseases.” In the same article, a local practitioner states: “Despite the carping critics, homoeopathy, which is around 250 years old, continues to be tremendously popular. People including allopathic doctors are accepting homeopathy, as it can deliver good results.” (Ref: A. Gaur – The Times of India. Published on October 2, 2014). When some medical experts are saying homeopathy is a better option, then we should ask ourselves if the easy access to the “better option” is a right or privilege.

Although Homeopathy – as a medical system – continues to do well in some countries such as India, the number of homeopathic clinics and hospitals in other countries is diminishing due to opposition and lack of financial support. What a shame; is this logical? How are we going to explain this unfair approach to the next generation? Where has the choice in health care gone? The public should have convenient access to the medical system of their choice, in their local hospital.

The homeopathic system of medicine adds a great value to any hospital that cares about its annual reports’ outcome. Homeopathy can serve on its own or also by complementing other treatment plans.

In June of 1846, Dr. John Forbes, editor of the British and Foreign Medical Review (a respected allopathic publication) stated that “the number of deaths in fever and eruptive diseases under homeopathic treatment is certainly below the average proportion.”

At that time in Germany, the mortality rate from similar types of diseases, in homeopathic hospitals was less than 6 per cent, whereas in allopathic hospitals it amounted to more than 12 per cent according to the records.

Here in this table below is just one comparison example out of thousands reports and statistics from the past which demonstrate that homeopathy is a reliable time-tested medicine.

For a better future – let’s bring homeopathy back to work in hospitals!


Example of Diseases AllopathicReported by Hawkins Medical Statistics HomeopathicReported by Vienna Hospital
Year 1842 Number of Cases Number of Deaths Per Cent Number of Cases Number of Deaths Per Cent
Pneumonia(an inflammatory condition of the lung) 362 38 10.5 176 14 8
Peritonitis (a potentially fatal inflammation of the abdomen’s lining) 34 11 32.3 58 4 6.9
Erysipelas(an acute infection of the upper dermis and superficial lymphatic, usually caused by streptococcus bacteria) 93 8 8.6 122 2 1.6

Ref: Reported by Black’s Principles, London, 1842, page 178.


Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital was a hospital for the treatment of mental disorders located in Middletown, New York and opened on April 20, 1874. It was the first purely homeopathic hospital for mental disorders in the United States.

About the author

Iman Navab

Iman Navab is a certified classical Homeopath and doctor of alternative medicine from Canada. He is the President of the Applied Research in Homeopathy Foundation of Canada ( He is the author of 'Miasma of Cancer', and is a historian of Homeopathy. Iman teaches History and Philosophy of Homeopathy at the Canadian College of Holistic Health. Navab gives lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the rich history of Homeopathy.

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