Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Milestone Seminar Celebrating 50 Years of Teachings of Prof George Vithoulkas


A summary of the seminar celebrating Prof George Vithoulkas’s 50 years of teaching.

Prof. George Vithoulkas’ life is that of commitment to homeopathy – seen in the treatment of over 200,000 cases all over the world and training of over 15,000 homeopathic physicians globally. Such an exemplary life demands celebration. On the completion of 50 years as a teacher of Classical Homeopathy, Prof. Vithoulkas is one of the most senior and greatest teachers of Homeopathy and the adored master of Classical Homeopathy.

As students of Prof Vithoulkas, the organisers wanted the teachings of this great master to reach the grass roots level of homeopathy. To achieve this goal, a rally was planned three months prior to the seminar itself. Dr. Mahesh travelled to nearly 40 colleges throughout India, carrying the teachings of Prof. Vithoulkas to the students, so they will start thinking along these lines. The purpose was also to spur them into attending the seminar. The response for this rally was unbelievable. It was as though there was a specific sort of direction that all the students were seeking and exactly that was provided. Students were inspired by the clarity of his concepts and the sheer practicality when they were applied in cases.

Other students of Prof Vithoulkas such as Dr. Viraj Shah, Dr. Dharmesh Bhadja, Dr. Anil V. Karande, Dr. Suhas Nanaware and Dr. Obing Nani took this work to colleges where Dr. Mahesh could not go himself. Also, many coordinators of the event , students of Prof. Vithoulkas put in all their efforts to ensure that the teachings reached the maximum number of students.

Thus motivated, the registrations filled in an unprecedented manner. The seminar was held on 14th and 15th April 2018 at the Christ University Auditorium, Bangalore.  The day dawned with delegates lined up for registration at 8 am. They also had the advantage of an exclusive book stall of Prof. Vithoulkas’ books at a great discount, a stall by Vithoulkas Compass – the main sponsors of the event- who gave lessons to the operation of the greatest homeopathic software hitherto, and also an attractive subscription discount, a stall by International Academy of Classical Homeopathy’s E Learning Program – where the delegates received amazing offers for courses and a stall by AmWay who helped people meet their nutritional queries.

The inauguration ceremony began at 10.00 and was a star studded affair. The stage saw a Right Livelihood Awardee, two Padmashri Awardees and a Nadoja Awardee. These were model men of medicine whose lives are committed to the cause of health in the community. Accompanying them was a man who formed the financial backbone of the project. The invocation song was sung by Ms.Varnashree who instilled everyone present with noble thoughts and joy with her voice.  Following that the guests addressed the gathering. Dr Nagendra Guruji, who is, among other things, the AYUSH task force Chairman addressed the

need to develop research in AYUSH systems so we may offer the community evidence based medicine. Dr Rudresh spoke about the importance of staying true to one’s profession and not being led astray. Dr Sudarshan spoke about the relevance of homeopathy to community health and Mr. Raghavendra extolled the goodness of homeopathic treatment. The honourable guests released
the souvenir of the seminar which contained all the scientific material being presented during the two days.

The guests were honoured by distinguished men from the delegation and the ceremony concluded with the Indian National Anthem sung by the gathering led by Ms. Varnashree.

The Scientific Program started with Dr. Stefano Carlino’s lecture of the “Continuum of the Unified Theory of Diseases. The students and doctors were treated to the idea that has been presented at various conferences of conventional medicine and received wide acceptance. An idea that can connect the pathological phenomena occurring in a person from birth to death.

This was followed by an hour long session by Andreas Tsokanas on the Vithoulkas Compass.  The next one and a half hours saw the audience enthralled by the presentation of extreme pathological cases solved with homeopathy by application of the right prescription strategy Dr. Atul Jaggi, whom Prof. Vithoulkas has proclaimed as one of his best students, explained the need to have a clear understanding of which strategy of the five or a combination of them would be useful in which case.

After this, the moment everyone waited for arrived, with Prof. Vithoulkas coming online to address the students. The students offered a standing ovation the moment the Professor appeared on the screen and he told them about the love he bears for India and its people. Students were lined up to ask him their questions which he answered with love and concern, for one and a half hours.

The day concluded with Dr Nadezhda Kubasheva presenting an integrative approach to cases of dermatology that were dramatically healed with homeopathy.

The second day began with the presentation of a case of myocardial infarction treated successfully with homeopathy. Dr Bindu John Pulparampil exhibited the efficacy of homeopathy when keen observation is possible, in even serious cases such as myocardial infarction.

At this point the students were introduced to the Vithoulkas E-Learning Course – its curriculum, its exceptionality, its value, design and necessity – by Dr. Seema Mahesh.

Dr. B. T. Rudresh, a name synonymous with homeopathy in the state of Karnataka, India, next invigorated the audience through his vibrant speech involving lessons from a life dedicated to homeopathy.

Dr. Mahesh M next explained to the gathering, the expertise required in recognising easy and difficult cases of gangrene and the approach and prognosis in each of these. His cases have been published in peer reviewed journals and were very educative in prescription approach, analysis and handling the follow- ups.

Dr. Dmitriy Chabanov lectured next on severe rheumatoid arthritis cases and showed through video documentation, the changes that occurred with classical homeopathy. These were cases followed up for very long periods of time and hence provided insight to the development of disease and response to treatment

Dr. Seema Mahesh taught the Levels of Health theory next, by explaining the background on which the theory stood and how it was relevant to every case taken. She also showed two cases of the same pathology but of different levels of health, so the students may understand better what was to be done in which level.

Then, again the zenith of the program arrived with Prof. Vithoulkas coming online. The connection the audience felt with him was tangible in the hall. The questions asked by students were deep and unprecedented. As the one and a half hour of scheduled time drew to a close nobody wanted the session to end.

This was followed by another hour of professional treat where Dr. Latika Jaggi presented an hour long video of Prof. Vithoulkas describing the differential diagnosis of egotism, a clear exposition of which remedy’ ego presented in what form and how it could affect the health.

Other than the scientific sessions, the delegates enjoyed the breaks by socialising and networking. People clicked numerous photos and selfies to remember these moments. The local press also made a coverage of the event, rendering it very important in the history of homeopathy.

Feedback from Event India when Prof George Vithoulkas answered questions from the group:

Really it was a useful seminar. It will be very helpful if you conduct more seminars like this. All the cases explained by the doctors were very different and we had a great chance to know their experiences and the way of treatment they followed. Really an awesome arrangement and I thank for these arrangements.

  • Dear Madam Dr. Seema Mahesh and Dr. Mahesh, I really appreciate your labor with team work and the tedious task which made it a grand success of the event. After we arrived to our college many came forward and expressed that we did a mistake not to attend the Conference. And they said we missed it badly.!!! We really benefitted much and understood some of the difficult topics of the Dr. George book, specially the Levels of Health by your presentation. Thanks for your clear cut expression in this area. We had guest lecture by Dr Mahesh in our college and he did great job in the area of treating the Gangrene Cases. We really appreciate it. We warmly welcome you Madam to our college for your Lectures in due time/ future. Thanks again for your great job and appreciation for your faithful team.
  • We are very lucky to be a part of this seminar. We thank the people who gave this wonderful opportunity to attend this Prof. Vithoulkas’s seminar. All the sessions that were conducted are awesome. The case presentations were amazing.  We were enlightened by the informative sessions. I feel proud to have chosen homeopathy. One of our lecturers always mentions that “a homeopath may fail but homeopathy never fails “and we found those words to be true after attending this seminar. We feel blessed to have heard to Professor Vithoulkas words. And now I’m sure that homeopathy is no less than any other system.
  • This conference was very nice. It taught us to treat difficult cases. Prof. Vithoulkas talk was very good. I request the organisers to conduct more conferences like this so that we can be benefited by this.
  • Dear Dr.Seema, I would like to congratulate you and Dr. Mahesh on the successful seminar. It was very well organized with great speakers and very relevant topics! Will definitely send my feedback to the Academy in Greece too! Thank you!
  • Respected sir / madam, i would like to thank the academy for organising such a wonderful seminar in India recently on 14th and 15 April . It was one of the best seminars I have attended. The speakers lectures were very inspiring and very useful in day to day practice. I also take the opportunity to thank Dr. Seema and Dr. Mahesh for their efforts to make this seminar a grand I look forward to similar seminars in the near future. I would also like to work as a volunteer for the next seminar and give whatever help needed from my side.
  • The seminar was very different for beginners like me. It was really informative. All the sessions were very nice. We think Prof. George Vithoulkas presentation was amazing and beyond explanation. The seminar helped us to grow stronger in few subjects and gave us an idea about the cases we could treat in homoeopathy.
  • I am first year student of homeopathic medical college. It was a very good motivational programme. It was the best experience for me. I liked the presentation of Dr. Stefano Carlino and Dr. Atul Jaggi. As I am a first year student I couldn’t understand few remedies. I feel I am lucky as I got the opportunity to meet Professor Vithoulkas.
  • Dear Dr Seema, Greetings to you and Team IACH I Must Congratulate you and Dr. Mahesh in particular and also the Team Behind the Event. Special Thanks to all the Speakers. I witnessed a magnificent Seminar, I was fortunate to be part of it. Every thing was well Organized with Love and affection behind it. I also pay my Gratitude and Reverence to George for continued illumination of our Homeopathic knowledge and BLESSING us !!  I take this Opportunuity to Thank Maria Chorianopoulou too. Suggestion- We should Organise One Such Seminar in Kolkata, I am ready to Do the need full. Thanks&Regards – Dr Kamal Jalodia D.H.M.S.(Kolkata) IACH.(Greece) Classical Homoeopath.
  • We were 18 delegates from homeopathic college, Maharashtra. It was a very nice experience in Bangalore seminar. Best part was energy exchange of Prof Vithoulkas with our BHMS students while communicating and it gave a lot of inspiration to us to practice classical homeopathy. A great intellectual feast hosted by IACH. Very special thanks to Dr Mahesh sir and all your team for their love and hospitality extended to all our students. Long live the ideals of Prof. George Vithoulkas. Special thanks to Dr Maria and her inspiration in making this event a grand success. The wonderful souvenir and enlightening articles. Also very thankful to Dr Vinod for such wonderful arrangement of accommodation. Thank you very much ma’m thank you very much.
  • Dear Sir & Madam, I, along with 16 other delegates attended the ” 50 Years of Teachings of Prof George Vithoulkas ” –  a ‘ Milestone ‘ seminar in a true sense on 14th and 15th April 2018. It was an exceptionally planned, well organised   and   meticulously executed event with International  The hospitality, effective use of Digital platform and co – ordination was at par. The hard work, dedicated and devoted efforts carried out ‘behind -the- scene’ were clearly reflected through all the elements during the two days of successfully organised event. The interactive and energetic “live sessions with Prof. George Vithoulkas Sir “, ” Strategies to Prescription “; ” Levels of Health Theory “; “The Continuum of a Unified Theory of Diseases” ; cured cases delivered  by  the  students  of  Prof. Vithoulkas  explained  the  crux  of  his  work  and  were  the highlights  of  the  event. I thank both of you for sharing everything which is best possible with us. I take the opportunity  to  Congratulate  and  thank  team  IACH  for  the  successful  and  fruitful  organisation  of  this  Milestone  Seminar  and  wish  many  more  such  events  being  organised  by  IACH  in  India  for  the  benefit  of  Homoeopathy.
  • The programme was really motivational. The speakers discussed about the scope of homoeopathy in real world. Dr. Stefano Carlino’s presentation was really effective. George Vithoulkas spoke about homoeopathy in India. The discussion about gangrene and different cases were amazing. The conference is very effective to me.
  • It was a good programme. A very inspirational one. It directed us toward the right path. We got to know about the rules to be followed while taking a case. Thank you for this opportunity.
  • Overall it was a wonderful experience. We were privileged enough to witness Prof. George Vithoulkas and his informative words. Thank you.
  • It was a privilege to be a part of this seminar because it was presented by the most experienced legends of homoeopathy. The way of case taking, potencies and dosages were too good. I think Vithoulkas Compass is a very good tool for practising real homoeopathy.
  • It was a very nice seminar. It helped us in building confidence in homeopathy. And it was informative programme. It made us to feel that we are not less than any other physician.
  • Thanks for having arranged a wonderful two- day homeopathic symposium that was not only enlightening but gave me a wonderful opportunity to listen to the Master himself. It was wonderful to talk to Prof. Vithoulkas too in the live session. I wish we had more case presentations from eminent homoeopaths like Dr. BT Rudresh. I do look forward to more such interactive seminars / symposia in the future. Thanks once again for a wonderful event.
  • Congratulations for a very successful 50 Years of Teaching of Prof George Vithoulkas International Homeopathic Seminar held on 14th and 15th April 2018 at Bengluru, Christ University Auditorium. I appreciate the massive efforts put in to showcase this International Level Seminar with Senior Faculty and Eminent Speakers having deep insights of Homeopathy and teachings. Two days were filled with learning of scientific knowledge on Classicial Homeopathy, great fellowship and display of amazing dynamic Yoga for relaxation. My Compliments to IACH, Dr Seema, Dr Mahesh & their team along with Karuna Care Foundation for excellent arrangements, including unlimited simple yet tasty meals, snacks etc. All in all a very memorable seminar which would remain in memory for long! It was worth attending. Thanking You.
  • Energetic seminar, this is very precious for me.
  • The seminar was very well organised. Everything, including simple things like lunch arrangements etc. were smooth, allowing us to focus entirely on the learning. The learning and the depth of clinical experience of each of the speakers made for very informative sessions. Having Prof. Vithoulkas address and interact with us will remain an experience of a lifetime. Wish you all the success for all future endeavours.
  • I must thank you for organising the seminar. My daughter and I for the first time travelled to India alone. We were very worried at first. But all that changed from the moment we landed at the airport. what went right:1. You guys did a fantastic job. so warm welcoming 2. speakers were very genuine and passionate in sharing their experiences. 3. everyone had the same objective – sharing Vithoulkas’ way of teaching 4. fantastic food: I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon at your next seminar. Thank you.
  • The students who attended the seminar and teachers gave very excellent reviews of the seminar. Many found the seminar very enlightening and encouraging. one of our faculty liked your levels of health presentation and found the idea very useful. Students found Dr. Atul Jaggi and Dr. Mahesh’s presentation very useful. On the whole it was a very great seminar. Congratulations for this successful seminar! Warm regards –
  • It was a wonderful experience many many thanks to Prof . Vithoulkas for the very informative and useful lectures we all are very thankful to him wish him a very long and healthy life. Thanks.
  • Dear Dr Seema, The seminar Organised very well. As an E-learning student it was useful to know Theoretical concepts explained well and also cases. Wish such program could help once in 2 years with teachers from IACH regards
  • Respected Dr Seema Ma’am, I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this event, celebrating Prof George’s 50 Yrs of teaching with Homoeopaths all across the globe and the new budding homoeopathic students. Thank you for bringing us all together and making this event a success. I missed meeting Maria Ma’am. It was great learning from all the speakers at the event. One of the best part of the event was watching Prof. George Vithoulkas online! And hearing Sir read and answer my question. The auditorium was excellent, at times few technical issues arised but were managed quickly. The registration process was bit tedious. The complimentary lunch was yummy! Thank you! Best Regards
  • Really seminar was educative. l was benefited. THANKS A LOT
  • Dear all, I had learnt the model of health and disease from heart, way back in 2004 – 2005 in my video course of 500 hours of IACH at Solapur (Dr Hiralal Agarwal). In my 2 days at Bangalore seminar, I was amazed to see the wonderful progress made by all  through their cases! Oh, this model has become quite dynamic and it is kicking (in real action)! To be honest, it spurred me now on to evaluate each of my case using this model so as to know the prognosis, remedy selection etc. Thank you Seema Ma’am and Dr Mahesh Sir to be indeed the best host for this event! Also, what struck me the most, in addition to all that was the use of eco-friendly plates for lunch, use of paper cups! Thank you host! Your sensitivity has won me over! Of course, there is no doubt that whoever comes in contact with George Vithoulkas continues to rub off the sensitivity toward nature with himself or herself! Thank you very much!
  • It was awesome very informative and specially Dr Mahesh, Dr Atul’s lectures were outstanding. Lucky to see you Dr Vithoulkas online …overall very good …and looking forward to some more events like this.
  • Dear Doctor Seema Mahesh, thank you for hosting this wonderful event. Coming from Asansol West Bengal it was all the more fulfilling to hear the professor live as also all of you who have shared your experience and knowledge by this event. Truly I return home with much value added to my own wisdom. I really wish that event such as this may be repeated annually for those who could not make it to Alonissos due to constraints or case/topic-based workshop may be held by or triennially under the supervision of experienced coordinators who shared their wisdom to us. By no means may this be taken as being extravagant in placing the suggestion it is just from the enjoyment I had in attending the event. thank you once again. Regards – Medical officer (West Bengal)
  • Thanks Dr. Seema and Dr. Mahesh for inviting me. I really appreciate your efforts to so sincerely carry out the whole seminar, which is applauded by each and every one. Wish you all the best always –
  • No words to say. thank you so much for arranging such a seminar. It was really a worthy one..such gathering of likeminded people is needed especially for improving the quality of homoeopathic  prescription.. You are so down to earth people…GOD bless U all…expecting such seminar n future.
  • Seminar for celebration of our dear professor George Vithoulkas 50years teaching in classical Homeopathy held in Bangalore, India really boosted me with positive energy to walk on correct path means to study hard and keep practicing right kind of Homeopathy ever as taught by our George sir. I am really thankful to Dr Mahesh and Dr Seema as they have arranged it very well, successfully. Their hard work and great selfless interest motivated me a lot. I want to thanks Maria mam as she was constantly motivated and greatly involved with us through our whats app group. Teachings of George sir has made my life happy and given me aim of my life so I am ever thankful to God for it. Also teaching of Dr Atul Jaggi sir has reinfluenced me, I am thankful to Atul sir as his teaching helping me a lot in my practice.
  • I am very grateful to IACH for arranging this seminar and doctors who share their experiences…It was great learning experience, nicely arranged. Great motivation for beginners and students, great efforts by coordinators and IACH… Thank you very much… waiting for next seminar eagerly –
  • It was our great pleasure to attend this seminar. We need such activities that every homeopath understands Who is George and his unique way of teaching. Through this teaching we get confidence to practice in today’s world. Thank you
  • It was my pleasure send you feedback of seminar. Seminar was quite impressive. Every session is very informative with very interesting cases. Food and accommodation was very nice with affordable prices. In future we would like to hear many more seminars. Thank you.

About the author

Maria Chorianopoulou

Maria Chorianopoulou, PhD is the Director of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece. She has a Doctorate of Philosophy from the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Psychology, and has university degrees from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philology, with a Specialization in the Classics. She was a Lecturer at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Greece (2008-2014) in the fields of "Research Methodology", "History of Institutions" and "Philosophy of Law”. Previously she held the office of Director of the Political Office of the Minister of Administrative Reform and e-Governance in Greece; was the Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Greece; and was the Special Assistant to the ex-Prime Minister of Greece.
Maria Chorianopoulou is the main contributor to the realization (2006) of the Master Degree Program on Classical Homeopathy at the Aegean University in Greece which comprises the full teachings of Professor George Vithoulkas.
She considers the E-Learning Program in Classical Homeopathy by Professor George Vithoulkas a significant accomplishment in her life. She is responsible for the promotion of Professor George Vithoulkas’ teachings, and oversees his entire organization including the IACH’s educational programs worldwide.
Maria Chorianopoulou has translated into Greek the book “Science of Homeopathy” by Professor George Vithoulkas, and is the author of two books: Lycurgus’ Politics and Syntax of the Modern Greek Language (two volumes). ,

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