Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Post Covid Stress Disorders – Part-1: Anxiety & Depression

Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea, Principal Allen College of Homeopathy, shares remedies for anxiety and depression associated with the stress of the worldwide pandemic.


In our practice we may be treating patients with active ‘’‘flu like symptoms’’ (Covid?) or indeed those who are isolated, lonely, bereaved or fearful.  I have collated material which might serve you as a desktop reminder of medicines which may prove to be useful either right now or later, when the devastating realisation of this pandemic experience begins to take hold of the emotional sphere.

At present I find many of my patients are distracted from the long term effects by coping in the present. Being mindful of the essential hygiene and social distancing measures, as well as decisions about returning to work, who to see and not to see.

There is also finding the motivation to return to work amid concerns of safety and financial matters. I hope the following will be helpful for your patients.

ANXIETY (Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorder): COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA

1) AETIOLOGY (i) Grief.

(ii) Fright.

(iii) Fit of passion.

(i) Mental strain.

(ii) Fright.


Prolonged history of suppression of:

(a) Anger,

(b) Apprehension,

(c) Irritability,

(d) Fear & Fright,

(e) Unhappiness.

(i) Anger.

(ii) Fear.

(iii) Grief.

(iv) Worry.

(v) Mental exertion.

(vi) Strong emotions.

(i) Grief.

(ii) Mortification.

(iii) Sorrow.

(iv) Suppressed menses.


(i) Mental labour.

(ii) Suppression of skin diseases.

(iii) Anticipation.

(iv) Emotional excitement.

(v) Mental aetiologies : Loss of : Wealth; Property; Relationship.




(i) Anxiety about health.

(ii) Fastidious & fussy.

(iii) Panic attacks.

(iv) Dependence.

(v) Careful.

(vi) Fear of death.

(vii) Fear of : Cancer, heart diseases.

(viii) Despair of recovery.

(ix) Fear when alone.

(i) Needs security (will stay home, which is more familiar than hospital).

(ii) Overwhelmed, patient seeks protection.

(iii) Night terrors.

(iv) Philosophise life after death.

(v) Needs support.

(vi) Anxiety about health.

(vii) Fear of disease.

(viii) Despair of recovery.

(ix) Overburdened: Duty & responsibility.

(x) Confused.

(xi) Fear: Cancer.

(xii) Fear: Infections.

(xiii) Fear: Tb.

(xiv) Despair of recovery.

(xv) Anxiety about after life.

(xvi) Easily frightened.

(i) Guilty feeling (anxiety of conscience).

(ii) Skip God (blame God).

(iii) Refuses to be controlled.

(iv) Delusions self sacrifice.

(v) Sentimental.

(vi) Sympathetic.

(vii) Romantic.

(viii) Domination aggravates.

(ix) Desire to travel.

(x) Loves dancing.

(xi) Loves animals.

(xii) Destructive.


(i) Loquacious.

(ii) Amative.

(iii) Apathetic.

(iv) Unpleasant impressions à Quickly prostrates.

(v) Impressionable.

(vi) Physician Dependent.

(vii) Re-assurable.

(viii) Gullible.

(ix) Disgust of life.

(x) Fear: Disease.

(xi) Fear: Death.

(xii) Fear: Something bad will happen.

(xiii) Fears: Calamity.

(xiv) Fears: Alone.

(xv) Spacey.

(xvi) Apathetic.


(i) Wants to please.

(ii) Cannot refuse anything.

(iii) But gives to receive.

(iv) Places responsibility on others.

(v) Can be manipulative to get attention.

(vi) Forsaken.

(vii) Craves consolation.

(viii) Fanatic.

(ix) Rigid religious ideas.

(x) Excessive praying.

(xi) Calm but changeable.

(xii) Demanding (can be manipulative to get attention).

(xiii) Timid, malleable.

(xiv) Consolation ameliorates.

(xv) Needs reassurance.

(xvi) Emotional, tearful.

(i) Anxious while riding in a carriage.

(ii) Nature: Anxious ;  Lachrimal ; Fearful ; Suicidal.

(iii) Disposition: Anxious ; Hopeless ; Restless.

(iv) Depression: Religioius melancholy.

(v) Depression: Hopelesslness.

(vi) Depression: Fears he will die or fail in his business.

(vii) Depression: Take sorriest view of every thing.

(viii) Depression: Despair of salvation & recovery.

(ix) Depression: Likes to be alone.

(x) Fears: Poverty.

(xvi) Fears: Not being loved.

(xi) Fears: Failure.

(xii) Fears: Cancer.

(xiii) Fears: Health.

(xiv) Lack of: Will power.

(xv) Lack of: Positive thoughts (“pessimistic”).

(xvi) Lack of: Energy.

(xvi) Lack of: Life impulse.

(xxv) Lack of: Ambition.

(xxvi) Lack of: Hope.


3) MODALITIES Agg: < mid-day and mid-night. Agg: < after midnight, early morning, < new & full moon; < mental exertion.

Amel: > by rubbing.

Agg: < from domination < while thinking of complaints; when alone, < from consolation.

Amel: > in sea side; > in company, while occupied.

Agg: < physical or mental exertion. < Music (Ref. Clarke)

Amel: > by rubbing; > in the dark.


Agg: < Evening and night. < from crying = sulky.

Amel: Consolation

Agg: Emotions < before thunderstorms; < during full moon; < periodically.

Amel: Lying down.








(i) Anxiety about health.

(ii) Fastidious & fussy.





(i) Needs security (will stay home, which is more familiar than hospital).

(ii) Overwhelmed, patient seeks protection.

(iii) Anxiety about health.

(iv) Anxiety about after life.


(i) Guilty feeling (anxiety of conscience).

(ii) Sentimental.

(iii) Domination aggravates.

(iv) Loves dancing.



(i) Unpleasant impressions à Quickly prostrates.

(ii) Physician Dependent.

(iii) Gullible.



(i) Wants to please.

(ii) But gives to receive.

(iii) Can be manipulative to get attention.

(iv) Craves consolation.

(v) Consolation ameliorates.

(vi) Needs reassurance.

(viii) Emotional, tearful.


(i) Depression: Hopelesslness.

(ii) Depression: Fears he will die or fail in his business.

(iii) Depression: Take sorriest view of every thing.

(iv) Fears: Not being loved.

(v) Fears: Cancer.

(xx) Fears: Health.

(vi) Lack of: Positive thoughts (“pessimistic”).

(vii) Lack of: Life impulse.

(viii) Lack of: Ambition.

(ix) Lack of: Hope.


1) P/H of unhappiness.

2)             Destructive



3) Reckless, Rebellious.

4) Sensitive & sentimental.


1) P/H of Paternal domination.

2) Changeable: Moods only.

3)                Fearless


Fear of animal

4) Intelligent.

5) Impatient à Dissatisfaction à Tantrum

à Problem child.


1) Strong principle, strong duty, strictly follows routine. 1) Dictatorial: loves power and position quietly right. 1) Changeable.
2) Strong sense of values. 2) Demanding (praise and attention). 2) Demanding (love à clingy).
3) Insecurity à needs family, support, group. 3) Loner. 3) Forsaken.
4) Serious and sincere. 4) Courteous. 4) Pleasing and amiable.
5) Mood swings < PMT. 5) Shy à lacks self confidence cries when


5) Weepy.


1) AETIOLOGY (i) Disappointed love; (ii) Reserved displeasure; (iii) Grief; (iv) Anger; (v) Drug and alcohol abuse; (vi) Business humiliations Prolonged history of suppression of:

(a) Anger,

(b) Apprehension,

(c) Irritability,

(d) Fear & Fright,

(e) Unhappiness.

(i) Disappointed love; (ii) Grief; (iii) Rejection, humiliation, betrayal. (i) Grief; sorrow.

(ii) Disappointment of Love.

(iii) Embarrassment & humiliation.

(iv) Home sickness.

(i) Emotional excitement and anticipation; (ii) Loss of wealth; relationship. (i) Grief.

(ii) Mortification.

(iii) Sorrow.

(iv) Suppressed menses.





(i) Suicidal:- (a) Constantly dwells (+++) à Brooding, (b) Speeding, jumping from height; (ii) Quarrelsome; (iii) Depressed; (iv) Hasty (can not do things fast enough); (v) Sets high standards à when fails à devastated. (vi) Fears: height, heart would stop beating. (i) Sensitive and soft.

(ii) Unfulfilled à Reckless à Rebellious à Destructive.

(iii) Loves: traveling & excitement.







(i) Closed and withdrawn; (ii) Defensive and resentful (on the guard); (iii) Difficult to forgive; (iv) Lonliness and introverted; (v) Sensitive. (i) Mental debility à Indifference, listless, apathetic.

(ii) Stupefied with grief.

(iii) Difficult comprehension; memory.

(iv) Withdrawn socially à dislike to talk.


(i) Anxious & quarrelsome; (ii) Pessimistic; (iii) Suicidal; (iv) Depressed: hopeless, introvert, takes sorriest view of everything; (v) Total forgetful. (i) Changeability: Weepy à Closed; Emotional à Demanding; Tender à Stubborn.

(ii) Forsaken.

(iii) Emotional & tearful.

(iv) Demanding; clingy à “Poor me”:

(v) Bashful, taciturn.



3) MODALITY (i) < winter (SADS);


(ii) > music, silence; (iii) > when plans or thinks or suicide.

Agg: < from domination < while thinking of complaints; when alone, < from consolation.

Amel: > in sea side; > in company, while occupied.

(i) < from consolation. < from mental affections. (i) < full moon, periodic, before a storm. Agg: < Evening and night. < from crying = sulky.

Amel: Consolation


Alfalfa (Q, 6C): It induces mental exhilaration of buoyancy, i.e., a general feeling of well being; clear and bright, so that all blues are dissipated. Dull, drowsy, stupid [Gels.]; gloomy and irritable, worse during evening. Suitable for `winter blues’.

Aragallus Lamberti (6C): Great depression; worse in morning or evening. Mental consufion and apathy. Desires to be alone. Difficulty in concentrating mind, absent-minded. Lack of ambition. Must concentrate his mind on walking.

Helleborus (Q, 6C): From dissappointed Love. Melancholy à suicidal. Irritable < from consolation. Suspicious. Slow in answering à thoughtless à complete unconsciousness. Homesickness. < from evening until morning, exertion. Agg. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.; when thinking of ailments. Amel. when mind is diverted.

Helonius Dioca (Q, 6C; 200C): NBWS Miscarriage. Profound melancholy. Irritable, can’t endure least contradictions or suggestion. Desire to be alone. Fault finding. < motion. Amel. when kept busy; mind is engaged; Mental diversion.

Indigo (6C; 30C): Neurological symptoms à precipitates depression. Melancholy, sadness. Discontented à retired / withdrawn in him / herself. Neurological disorders (e.g. epilepsy; Multiple Sclerosis etc.) with depression. Excited à desire to be busy. < by rest, afternoon à evening, Agg. after evening meal; open air. Amel. by rubbing, moving about.

Indol (6C): Persistent desire to sleep, dull, discontented mental state, hideous, delusions and nervousness.

Kali Phos. (6X Tabs.; 200C; 1M): Prolonged overstrain of mind, prolonged mental anxiety. Suppressed sexual excitement. Excitement, overwork;  worry. Brain fag from overwork. Indifference à Indolence à averse to be talked to à everything is too much à lassitude. Nervous prostration from mental work, from prolonged mental anxiety, prolonged sorrow à want of à mental prostration à mind sluggish à can not recalls names. Homesickness. Depression: Mental, Physical. Indisposition to meet people à nervous à irritable à extremes lassitude à depression. Slightest labour seems heavy task. Agg. Excitement, worry, mental and physical exertion; early morning. Amel. Rest, nourishment; by onset of menses.

Lactuca Virosa (Q, 6C): Invites sadness. General feeling of depression. Never feels rested. Thinking = Headache. Forgetful (++). Agg. in one room. Amel. by exercise in open air.

Mancinella (6C; 200C): To be remembered in mental depressed states at puberty and at climacteric, with exalted sexuality. Silent mood, sadness. Wandering thoughts. Sudden vanishing of thought. Bashful. Fear of becoming insane. Agg. from anger after eating.

Oxytropis (6C; 30C): Disinclination to talk or study. Desires to be alone. Disinclined to work or talk. Worse, thinking of symptoms. [Oxalic. ac.] Mental depression. Amel. When moving about, open air, after sleep.

Sulfonal (3x Trit.): Profound weakness, gone, faint feeling and despondency. Mental confusion, incoherency, illusions apathetic. Alternation of happy, hopeful states with depression and profound weakness. Insomnia (it’s a hypnotic). Amel. cold application.

Tanacetum (Q, 6C; 30C): Abnormal lassitude: “Half dead, half alive” feeling. Mental fatigue after least mental exertion à with nausea and vertigo. Sensitive to noise.  Unable to fix attention on anything. Suddenness is characteristic. Agg. closed room; mental exertion; night; 4 a.m.

Verbena Officinalis (Q, 6C; 200C): i) Nervous depression with mental exhaustion. Insomnia. It brightness up patient’s mental powers. Excellant for `winter blues’.

Vespa Crabro (6C; 30C): Constipation during menstrual time. Mental depression before and during menses. Anxiety (+++). Low spirited. Agg. motion after sleep.


Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar, Merasingi) (Q, 6C): Despondent and depressed from diabetes.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica (Thankuni) (Q, 6C; 200C): Gloomy thoughts. Inclination for solitude. Indifferent à followed by loquacity.

Part- 2 will follow next month with Medicines for Grief; Stress & Tension.

Summer Conference 2020 in England

In this unprecedented pandemic situation, the Summer School 2020 starting from 20th June (Saturday), will be transmitted live from the classroom in England using the state of the art technology for clear sound & picture (live interaction possible during the teaching).

The recorded sessions will be kept for 3 months for unlimited viewings.

For details, please visit:

Fees:  Reduced this year for this unprecedented pandemic situation:

Interactive Video-link participation (transmitted live from the classroom in England): £450 for 6 days or £80 for each day (with access to unlimited viewing of recordings for 12 weeks).  Extensive lecture notes provided for each day.

If you only want the recordings: Recordings will be kept for 3 months for unlimited viewings: £300 (with handout).

Post Graduation Programme from England

Details at:

2 weeks Clinical Training Programme
(160+ Live Cases are demonstrated in 2 weeks in Calcutta, every January to demonstrate the Calcutta method of dependence on Clinical & Comparative Materia Medica)

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About the author


Dr. Subrata Kumar Banerjea was born in Calcutta, India in 1957, the fourth generation of a distinguished and widely respected homoeopathic family. He graduated in Homoeopathy from the University of Calcutta with a record number of honours passes in nine medical subjects and with five gold medals to his name, setting himself on a path to become an internationally acclaimed homoeopathic clinician, lecturer and author. He is considered the world"™s leading authority on miasmatic prescribing.
Dr. Banerjea is an Honoured Fellow of several academies; Director and Principal Lecturer of the Bengal Allen Medical Institute, Calcutta; Principal and Chief Lecturer of Materia Medica and Clinical Therapeutics at the Allen College of Homoeopathy, Essex, England. When he is not lecturing, he divides his time between his clinical practices in the UK and in India where he also acts as Clinical Consultant in various rural and slum clinics. Dr. Banerjea has a passion for homeopathy which he imparts to his students.
Dr. Banerjea together with his brother Joy, son Saptarshi and wife Janet, also play an active role in the Kamala Banerjee Fund, a charity which distributes milk to the poor children of Calcutta.
Visit Dr. Banerjea at his Website :


  • highly educative summary.thermometer of anger effect on stomach is cucumber,palliative of acidity,ant crud and abies rule the fort.veratrum is ruled by sour cucumber.nux eats food with sauce,pulsa hates fat.argt nit searches best sweet shops,emotional bengali feared of khoa only rasagola desire,sulphur over confident,acidity nat phos,analgesic sanguinaria,prick pain on scalp helleborus,mancinella for alopecia after severe acute diseases,kali carb respiratory tonic for stitch pains,hypotension rauwolfia 200,short breath ascending stairs calc,coughs ascending stairs argt nit,tongue red tip rhus tox,kali bich sore tongue tip bores nose with index finger,spring hay fever lachesis,conium hysterical old man with vertigo.blood toxemia amm carb baptisia,naja chilley paler myocarditis,tuberculin forced mobilization immune forces,rosy jealousy king apis,nausea ipecac,robinia incarcerated flatus,lyco upper body emaciated lower semi dropsical,spigelia cardiac neuralgia,catarrhal kalis antimo,lymphatic swelling hepar aurum tuber.psora miasm emotional psycho,myself overpowered at present by this miasm,share these notes for my meena brother officers who loved me most they do not believe in complicated notes.

  • Dr. Banerjea, the article speaks for itself about the greatness of the author.
    Thank you for such a thorough and well presented read. This will help a lot of people. I hope we will continue to reap the benefit of your knowledge, skill, and experience.

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