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Homeopathy Papers

Save the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital

Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital

The Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital is under attack. It is the last homeopathic hospital with in-patient service. Please sign the petition to keep it open.

Once upon a time during the 1800-1900s, there were at least fourteen homeopathic hospitals, as well as 107 homeopathic dispensaries.

Sadly, bit by bit these have been closed down. The London Homeopathic Hospital has now become The Royal London Hospital for Integrative Medicine and has only very limited provision for homeopathic care. The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital has been moved out of its original building where it stood since 1925 but relegated as an out-patient clinic at the South Bristol Community Hospital. The Liverpool Homeopathic Hospital closed in 2011, though there is a homeopathic clinic operating from the Old Swan Health Centre. The Tunbridge Wells homeopathic hospital was closed in 2008 after West Kent PCT withdrew funding due to excessive pressure from skeptic groups.

The Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital, whose origins date back to 1849, is therefore the last true homeopathic hospital left in Britain. Patients who have been treated there are full of praise for the doctors and the facilities. It has 14 in-patient beds and so is still technically a hospital and is run by medical doctors who trained in homeopathic medicine. Many feel they enjoyed such a wonderful healing experience, that all hospitals should be modeled along the same lines.

Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital

Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital

Homeopathy has always been available through the NHS since its inauguration in 1948. However, there are those in high places who would like to see this end and for the last few years there has been incessant pressure to try to shut it down altogether. The cost of homeopathy on the NHS is miniscule compared to the overall budget, something like £152,000 a year for the medicines and four million pounds to keep the homeopathic hospitals running. However, since Glasgow is the only true remaining homeopathic hospital, the cost must be even lower now.

There is a campaign which has been set up to save the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital from being closed and for it to continue receiving funds from the NHS to keep it running. For those people interested in seeing this happen, please sign the Petition here. People have been signing from all over the world.


About the author

Louise Mclean

Louise Mclean, LCCH MHMA, is a homeopathic practitioner and was the owner/editor of the website ‘Homeopathy Heals’, which helped inform people about homeopathy. Previously she was Editor of Zeus Information Service and Zeus Homoeopathy News.
Her book "Homeopathy Heals" can be purchased on Amazon and Kindle.
Follow Louise on Twitter: @HomHeals .


  • I have been taking homoeopathy for the past 20 yrs and find it very reliable. It does not give any side effects like the allopathy and the method of treatment goes into the deep root of the disease . Though it may take time but it gives a complete healing.So much so I put my children also in homoeopathy for most of the sickness.

  • I have taken homoeopathy for twenty yrs .Unlike alopathy homoeopathy does not have side effects and it removes and it cures completely from the root cause .My whole family is on homoeopathy and the sweet pills are magic pills

  • I sincerely hope the hospital stays open. Having signed the petition, what surprises me are some of the negative comments you get regarding homeopathy from people who have never even used it. I’ve been in battle with quite a few of them. Well, let’s hope we win the day!

    • Hi Christine I have been trying to get in contact with you, would you be kind enough to send me your email address please
      Kindest regards

  • One must take the view of the people benefited by this gentle system of medicine which helps when other surrenders.
    Please donnot do injustice to the suffering community who is looking towards this system in crisis by closing Glasgow homeopathic hospital.
    I have enough well documented evidence based cases,if invited will come on my expenses to show them to stop this injustice for the sake of homoeopathy
    DR pawan pareek,M.D

  • Sad News.
    It must be open for community.
    I visit this hospital during i stay in LONDON, in the year of 1995.
    During that time this is one of the best hospital in U K, after The R H H.

  • such doctors are nonsence that comment on homoeopathy without use such doctor or scientists says homoeopathy does nott work i say homoeopathic work faster than allopathy without side effect i do challange such scientist visit famous homoeopath like dr prafull vijaykar ane many more doctor clinic and observe patient then understand homoeopathic medicine work or not . i proud on homoeopathy and dr hahnemann and all homoeopath .

  • I am a 73yr old woman and have been treated by homeopathic doctors in Glasgow since I was 11yrs old. MY son, now 50 had his tonsils out in the childrens hospital and was home in 2days. My Mum had her gallbladder removed and I have had remedies for all kind of usual illnesses. Although I now have to be registered with an allopathic gp. I still use my remedies. This works – otherwise neither my Mum nor I would use it on our children . We need the hospital.

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