Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Use of Potentized Cortisone in a Homeopathic Clinic


The author finds that previous use of cortisone can prevent well selected remedies from working. He uses potentized cortisone and other remedies to ameliorate this.


Many chronic patients, especially children in the developed world or in locations with widespread access to allopathic medicines, have been prescribed some form of corticoid medications (cortisone acetate or a chemical variant). Cortisone has a major influence on the immune response of a patient and over-dosage can have lasting effects that may need to be rebalanced homeopathically.

In my experience, even if taken long ago and for a short time, cortisone can be considered as an obstacle to cure, if a well-indicated remedy does not work. This is especially true with children who have been prescribed cortisone drugs for asthma or skin issues, and start developing allergies. This article will help explain what happens in a case with cortisone toxicity, and the strategies to adopt.

Role of Cortisone Hormone in the Stress Response

Cortisone is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the various key functions. It is often nicknamed “the stress hormone”. Normally, it is present in the body at higher levels in the morning, and lowest at night. Cortisone is secreted in higher levels when the sympathetic system is activated (the ‘fight or flight’ response to stress).

Cortisone is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body, which will drive body resources towards key organs such as the brain, muscles, heart and lungs, and away from the digestive and immune systems.

It is important that the body’s relaxation response (“parasympathetic system”) be activated, so the body’s functions can return to normal following a stressful event.

If not, chronic and long-term exposure to high levels of cortisone will lead to fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system.

Cortisone Levels and Immunity

Cortisone has become an allopathic medication of choice because of its ability to switch off the immune response, or put more simply, “to prevent the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation”. No inflammation – No symptoms!

Cortisone actually has an important role to play in immune response. At the cellular level, the immune system relies on two types of immune cells to eliminate toxins and pathogens during the early phase: TH-1 and TH-2 cells are pro-inflammatory lymphocytes whose main task is to trigger and stimulate the defenses against a specific antigen:

  • TH-1 cells are responsible for cellular immunity. They trigger natural killer cells (NK-cells) and macrophages which phagocytose micro organisms.

  • TH-2 cells direct extra-cellular immunity. Once triggered, their activity results in a stimulation of antibody production (B-cells, plasma cells) so that antigens outside the cells are eliminated.

The Tspan and Tspan responses are auto-regulating in that they inhibit one another. In essence, when there is inflammation, the immune response will swing from the TH-1 phase to the TH-2 phase until inflammation is fully cleared. In healthy persons there is a harmonious balance between TH-1 and TH-2 activity.

Local presence of hydrocortisone inhibits TH-1 reactions. A long term secretion of Hydrocortisone, either through stress or medications will reduce the TH-1 immune reaction and increase the TH-2 reaction.

Allopathically, cortisone is given to switch off the immune response and prevent inflammation. In effect, giving cortisone medications will reduce the Tspan cellular phase of the immune inflammatory response. It is an obvious short-term win from an allopathic point of view: no inflammation, no symptoms!

However, a blocking in the TH-1 state will reduce the self-balancing abilities of the immune response. In effect, the immune response will be less able to balance, and this will increase the risk of auto-immune diseases, such as Crohn’s or allergies.

It can also create a situation where the immune response is not working effectively. This is especially the case with newborns or babies having exposure to cortisone medications.

Reported Side-effects of Cortisone Overdose

Here is the description provided to consumers:

COMMON side effects

Difficulty sleeping; dizziness or light-headedness; headache; increased appetite; increased sweating; indigestion; nervousness.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects:

Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); black, tarry stools; changes in menstrual periods; chest pain; eye pain or increased pressure in the eye; fever, chills, or sore throat; joint or bone pain; mood or mental changes (eg, depression); muscle pain or weakness; seizures; severe or persistent nausea or vomiting; stomach pain or bloating; swelling of feet or legs; unusual weight gain or loss; vision changes; vomiting material that looks like coffee grounds.

Here is also a detailed description of the side-effects by body organs:


Cardiovascular side effects including myocardial rupture following recent myocardial infarction, fluid retention, sodium retention, congestive heart failure, potassium loss, alkalosis, and hypertension have been reported with cortisone therapy.


Gastrointestinal side effects including peptic ulcer with potential perforation and haemorrhage, perforation of small and large bowel, pancreatitis, abdominal distension, nausea, increased appetite, and ulcerative oesophagitis have been reported.


Musculoskeletal side effects including muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, loss of muscle mass, osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, aseptic necrosis of femoral and humoral heads, pathologic fracture of long bones, and tendon rupture have been reported.


Psychiatric side effects including euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, severe depression, and psychotic manifestations have been reported.

Nervous system

Nervous system side effects including convulsions, increased intracranial pressure with papillo-edema, vertigo, myalgia, arthralgia, malaise, headache, and psychic disturbances have been reported.


Endocrine side effects including development of Cushing’s state, suppression of growth in children, and secondary adreno-cortical and pituitary unresponsiveness have been reported.


Ocular side effects including posterior sub-capsular cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and exophthalmos have been reported.


Thrombo-embolism has rarely been reported.


Increase/decrease in motility and number of spermatozoa in men and menstrual irregularities in women have been reported rarely.

Homeopathic picture of Cortisone Acetate

Cortisone was proved in 1953 by W.L. Templeton on eight persons and by B.K. Sarkar in 1966. Here is a short description of the leading symptoms, and you can see that this corroborates the drug’s toxicity picture listed above:

Affinity: Endocrines, Digestions

Mental Picture:

Unstable mood, alternating between euphoria and excitement

Alternation of excitability with increased activity and a state of fatigue with weariness

Irritable and impatient, > occupation

Irritability when travelling too slow

Causeless weeping

Sad mood

General Picture:

Fat persons with round face

Tendency to obesity with retention of water

Slow irritable subjects with a dull mind

Increased growth of hair in unusual places

Lack of reaction

Weakness after acute or prostrating diseases

Disposition to catch cold

< warmth, warm room, sun , heat

Ravenous hunger

Milk and fat badly digested

> menses


Right-sided headache, above right eye, < motion, pressure, sun – or headache as from a band around the head

Allergy Rhinitis & allergic conjunctivitis

Acne of face, shoulders and back

Sensation of fullness in hypogastrium, > menses, walking

Pain in sacroiliac regiun, < right side, < sitting, rising from sitting

Useful Homeopathic Remedies for Cortisone Toxicity

In my experience, giving the drug or the hormone in potency, a practice called tautopathy or isopathy, is the simplest and most effective method. A well indicated remedy will also help the patient.

For this, Frans Vermeulen compares Cortisone with Sulphur, Psorinum, Sepia, Pulsatilla and RNA.

Robin Murphy lists the following remedies for Ailments from Cortisone poisoning: apis, arsenicum, cortico, cortisone, mercurius, natrum muriaticum, sepia, sulphur.

I have also commonly given Silica to people who had digestive disturbances, or eye problems after taking eye drops.

The remedy that fits the symptom picture the most, will be the most effective. In my experience, Sepia and Arsenicum have been most commonly indicated.

Other Strategies after Cortisone Overdose

The liver and the adrenal glands usually need to be supported after long intake of cortisone. This can be done homeopathically and by following a strict diet amicable to the liver, but rich in good quality fat, which is necessary to the nervous system and adrenal glands in particular.

The following advice during the treatment will help:

– Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, as they are highly toxic to the adrenals and other glands.

– Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables especially leafy green vegetables.

– Eat a diet rich in brown rice, legumes, nuts, olive oil, safflower oil, seeds, wheat germ and whole grains.

– Eat deep-water ocean fish at least 3 times a week

– Eat good quality oils, such as olive or coconut oil. Nuts and seeds can be hard to digest sometimes.

– Avoid all processed foods such as ham, sugar, white flower, fats and fried foods.

Also helpful are adding nourishing herbs such as Milk Thistle and Cynara for the liver, and Avena Sativa for the nervous system.

Case Example – 5-year old child with chronic cough

This is a very simple case to illustrate the impact of cortisone medication on the immune system. A very pleasant Italian family came to see me with their 5-year old daughter who had been suffering from a chronic dry cough for the last 8 months.

The family was well aware of alternative medicine and were followed by a medical doctor using homeopathy in Italy. They had tried a series of homeopathic remedies such as Tuberculinum, Antimonium Tartaricum and Dulcamara.

They were on Easter holiday in the UK visiting friends, including a patient of mine. This lady suggested they come for a visit. The child had been suffering since autumn from an asthmatic cough and diagnosed with dust mite allergy. She was taking mild cortisone inhalers in the morning.

The timeline describes the series of events:

Age Event Trauma
4 month DTAP vaccine only Vaccine
Easily sick child TERRAIN – Silica?
1 year BronchitisTreated w/ cortisone & beta-agonists medications DRUG TOXICITYSuppressed Bronchitis
2-3Y ½ Often sick, on oxygen treatment and series of antibiotics and cortisone medication
5 year Diagnosed with asthma and dust-mite allergy. Given Cortisone inhalers.

After repertorising, Antimonium Tartaricum appeared a well indicated remedy, and it also covered the suppressed bronchitis. As it had been given with no success before, I suggested taking Cortisone 9Ch, 4 times a day, in water, to help the body deal with the cortisone medication. I also suggested Antimonium Tartaricum 200CH, for each attack.

I heard back after about a month, when the father indicated by email that the cough cleared itself after a couple of weeks. They had also stopped the inhalers.

From experience, cortisone is such a deep remedy that it takes time to clear. I suggested continuing Cortisone 9CH as well as taking a couple of drops of milk thistle tincture to help with the detoxification for a month.


Website –

Heel – International Academy of Homotoxicology, “Immunomodulation”

Frans Vermeulen, Synoptic Materia Medica 2

Robin Murphy – Homeopathic Clinical Reportory, 3rd Edition

About the author

Thierry Clerc

Thierry Clerc LCPH, MSc practices homeopathy in Cambridge (England). He is a graduate of the College of Practical Homeopathy (London). Prior to this, he enjoyed a successful career as an executive in the telecommunications industry. When fate hit him with a severe bout of arthritis, he went back to France to see his old homeopath, and after prompt cure, decided to study and become one!


  • I am a still a student and fond of Homoeopathy after a incident compelled me to study. I am retired Pharma Marketing personnel with a Pharmacy back ground. I have used as antidote for Allopathic cortisone side-effects in 30c. I found very effective.
    If any body is interested to discover the benefits of Cortisone, one should go and read Dictionary of Homoeopathic Materia Medica By French Dr. O.A. Julian. This book has 131 New Homeoremedies which have been used in Allopathic practice.

    Qureshi IKRAM,
    Karachi Pakistan.

    • sir it s wonderful to tell about the working capacity of the drug cortisone thank u very much giving information about the usage of the cortisone in day to day practice of homeopathy can u give information about the Dictionary of Homoeopathic Materia Medica By French Dr. O.A. Julian is available or where from we brought thank u sir

    • sir good evening am dr sn babu kathi from hyderabad, a.p. india thank for giving the information about the book Dictionary of Homoeopathic Materia Medica By French Dr. O.A. Julian and requested u sir that the above named book is available where can u inform us thank u

  • A very educative article for all homeopaths. Potentised cortisone was not known to me and is news to many a homeopath. I thank with full heart Dr Thierry Clerc for this wonderful article.

  • I commend the author Theiry Clerc for his efforts in giving his valuable experience and detailed information of the cortisone use and and its side effects. He also explained the the role of cortisone in our body. Cortisone misuse and the side effects in short term duration are enormous. The use of Cortisone by Homoeopath are very little since they are unaware the benefits in Potencies.

    The author has rightly said Cortisone is used by Drs. in Respiratory ailments and in derms diseases by Dermatologists.

    Good work.

  • In my area a lot of cotton factories are working and due to its dust, so many peoples are suffering with dust allergy. Im also using homeo cort, for anti doting cortisone’s side effects which peoples are suffering badly with. Will wait for more reccomendations from my dear drs in this regards

  • Thank you all for your valuable comments. It is a great pleasure to contribute to Hpathy and the world of homeopathy, and getting readers’ feedback make it even more enjoyable.
    Keep bringing homeopathy forward!

    • Thierry, i m 56 ,male, asthmatic. Now that its bit under control, i want to reduce my steroid dose, 30 mg daily. But unable to do so. Can homoeopathic cortisone help in reducing steroid dose. Rgds. Praveen Verma.

  • sir thank u for giving this information about the picture of cortisone now a days each and every homeopathic doctor getting such types of cases cases it helps to relieve them with confidence and prediction o k

  • Well written article,shows the author is a professional homeopath. In time too, I was beginning to think that there is no good article nowadays in the ezine. some new methods are just inventions of a section of homeopaths who haven’t even understood how to make a correct prescription.methods introduced to overcome the inefficiency or incompetence are being elevated to the level of the works of the great masters ! But Thierry clerc stands out distinctively because he has given reference to some master homeopaths like Murphy and suggested antidotes like apis mel, arsenic alb etc which are of help to the real homeopaths.(this shows his grasp of homeopathy too)This is in contrast to some recent provings of new remedies in some earlier issues of the ezine without giving a single antidote let alone the characteristic symptoms, making it impossible to employ the remedy excluding (eliminating)all other contending remedies ! The side effects of cortisones given by the author can be taken as the provings and this information may be utilised by others while individualising a case. I hope the hpathy team ensure all articles to conform to atleast this minimum quality so that they are really useful from the professional point of view.

  • Sir,
    This has been very educative and I am much inspired by your article, the way it has been presented from a homoeopathic point of view.
    I have been using Cortisone 30 in many cases, especially acute cases, and have seen good results from it. However, never used it to anti-dote effects of allopatic cortisone.
    Will try to use it as suggested by you and shall try to comment here.
    Good Luck with your article and hope to read more from you.

  • Dear Sir,
    The comment on cortisone,the homeopathic medicine, is well written and informative. I have successfully used cortisonum 30 in treatment of hypothyroidism and obesity.These symptoms were developed probably as abuse of cortcoides in allopathic system.

  • Ran into your article while researching the use of low potency steroids for counteracting long term steroid usage. Your presentation is very informative.

    Do you see similar results with 6x preparations?

    • Dear Vatsala, thank you for finding my article useful. It is difficult to suggest a potency without know the specific case. I rarely use 6X for drug detoxification, but it has its place. For example, long term usage of steroid can create several issues. If it is orally taken it can also impact the digestive system and liver, impacting food absorption, and cause low vitality and a reduced ability to heal. In these cases, a very low potency like 6X would be well indicated, as well as investigating nutritional supplements.

      • Hello Thierry,

        I have never gone to a Homeopath before. I’ve been on Pulmicort for Asthma for 35 years. I’m trying to get off of it using more natural means. Today, I went in and the lady (who says she has done this before) handed me a cup and said to drink it. I asked what it was and she said (in Spanish) it was potentized cortisone Base 5MC. I have STILL not had it yet as I am terrified of cortisone. She said it will release all the toxins so I also needed other things – Arsenicum Alb. 200C Blatta Ori 30C and Antimonium Tartarium 30C. She also said to expect a crisis, large or small, but the other bottles will help. Is this all mad??? Thank you so much for your time.

  • Dear Sir
    I want to know if use of homeopathic cortisone can reduce buffalo hump on the neck, or between shoulders

  • Hi Thierry,

    I came across this article while searching for betnesol (corticosteroid) equivalent in homeopathy.

    I have alopecia Areata totalis (auto immune hair disease) for which my dermatologist prescribed me to take corticosteroid injection for 6 months(monthly dosage) and later with 4mg of betnesol forte tablets weekly. This has improved my situation and I was able to restore lots of my hairs, but I have few side effects when ever I consume the tablets orally.

    So, I had a question for you. can I take cortisone CH homeopathic medicine? If yes than can you help me in identifying the potency and dosages? Or is there any better medicine for alopecia areat in homeopathic?

    Awaiting for your reply.

    Thanks for the support in advance.

  • My father is75yrs old and is on oral and inhaler cortisone for almost 45 year and now having all side effect and not able to walk even2-3 steps together.can he be given some relief using cortisone potency .If yes please suggest.

  • cushing syndrome bufallo neck excess cortisone,addison starving for cortisone thin arsenic chap,both unlucky.mid way cheeks fatty under costant tension as cob web baryta carb high systolic low diastolic,eyes always alert on offensive.chamo anger steamed out beats mother with leg red cheek turns pale.adrenal cortisone balancing act show is at cheeks,pressure difference is visible in colour and fat of cheeks.80 percent homeopathy can be corelated with cheeks balance 20 percent neck fat.till that happens let ace beta blockers corticoids enjoy cheek dance.melford douglas may be laughing in hindsight,he said see dampness between thighs ,symptom lies here who is winner adrenal side or cortisone side,see his comments on baryta books should be put on shelf behind,old books on table,old is gold.

  • Thank you for the informative article. I was on Prednisone (corticosteroid) on and off for nearly 5-6 years as nothing else worked for my asthma. I have been on a daily dose of Prednisone 10 mg daily for the past 6 years, and I now have osteoporosis, severe acid reflux, IBS, weight gain, and severe fatigue. I also have anemia. Can I take homeopathy while also taking the Predisone to counter the side effects? I also feel whatever I eat does not get absorbed by the body and my energy seems to be dimishing at a rapid rate.

  • Doctor, can homeopathic cortisone 9 CH? help in lungs fibrosis/ scarring. I am on oral steroids for last 16 yrs for Asthma n now have been diagnosed with Addison disease in 2013 and Lungs scarring in 2017. Any little bit of activity causes breathlessness.

  • Kratom strains can use for various purposes. However, many people used it and gave their positive views about this herb so that why kratom is becoming so popular. I want to share my experience, I have used kratom to get relief from pain and make myself fresh. After used kratom strains, I have found its sedative effects.

  • Dear Mr. Thierry, I am 55, male. Use of oral steroids over a period of 15 yrs to combat Asthma led to Addison’s disease. The docs say now I have to take 20 mg cortisone daily, lifelong as my adrenal glands have shrunk n not producing natural steroids. Is there no way or a remedy that can treat or replace Allopathic Cortisone. Maybe Homeopathic Cortisone could, without the usual side effects? Please advise , shall be very grateful.
    Kind Rgds

  • Dear Sir, can cortisonum help in Lungs fibrosis induced after a bout of pneumonia . Its non progressive but every breath is an effort.

  • Liver is garbage pit of body chemicals toxins,fatty degeneration granules stored there throw out by picric acid 30c will give relief to lead like heavy legs and restless sleep,perturbed sleep is even in sleep motor nerves active give relief by kalibromatum,even in some cases sleep walk serious malady relief can be sought by aurum bromatum.once a person addicted to lorazepum carbamazepine phenobarbitone etc that is end of sanguine happiness on your face choice is yours.this article best explanation on immune function,pity is homeopathic remedies work in reverse direction initially pains increase till Th1 Th2 balanced out and patients flock to allopathy which over powers symptoms gives relief by evening.

  • Hello, I have a cat that has been diagnosed with Eosiniphilic Granuloma Complex which has resulted in 2 large areas on her shoulder and under her chin where she has lost her fur. She scratches these areas open, preventing them from healing. I live in a rural area and am attempting to heal this myself as my vet gave her a 2 week cortisone shot and an antibiotic shot, whereby she hid for a week! I am presently alternating between Silcea and Urtica and homeopathic calendula gel. Am wondering about Cortisone Aceticum 30c as a remedy (is this the same as Cortisone 30C?) for the itching and might it possibly remedy the underlying cause? I found an old research article on this using various snake remedies to treat this but so far, no luck. I feel I need to help her get these wounds healed first, then go deeper. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and I would be very open to paying for a consult if you do that sort of thing. I have several books, love homeopathy, but it is impossible to find a knowledgeable vet in my area.

  • Thierry, thank you so much for your helpful and interesting article about homeopathic Cortisone. Between your article and Lotus Materia Medica I see it describes some of my family members and myself so well. I have hypothyroid, hypertension, water retention and much more. I still wonder what causes the cortisone problem in those of us who have taken little, if any, allopathic cortisone. I think it may be due to a Toxoplasma gondii infection or maybe some other microorganism. I’d love to know. Thank you again, Thierry.

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