Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Wisdom of the Body

Homeopath Madeleine Innocent shares her experience with letting people and animals help determine if a particular remedy is correct through their inner knowledge.

In homeopathy, we know the body doesn’t lie. We know that we need to take the physical complaints seriously, even though we’re generally searching for clues for the prescription at a deeper level.

I have also found that the wisdom of the body readily helps us in choosing the most effective remedy. I’m not talking about kinesiology or body testing here, as I was never very good at that. It seems I needed to hone my skills elsewhere!

Early on in my homeopathic career, I read about a couple of therapists treating a. bird with the Bach flower remedies. The bird, a large caged bird, selected the remedy he wanted and readily accepted the dose. If he was asked to take a dose from a vial he didn’t choose, he threw it across the room. Probably in frustration at such obvious violation of his wishes.

That made a big impact on me.

Through my spiritual awareness, I understand that both babies and animals are completely aware. Only they know how they feel and what is likely to help them. And they have a deep awareness of frequency/vibration/energy that adults in the ‘civilised’ world lack or have been drawn away from, by our conditioning.

We are all equal despite different ages, physicality, language. I suggest we simply operate at different frequencies. With this in mind, over the years, I have encouraged the participants in my first aid classes, as well as parents of young children and guardians of animals to allow free choice of any remedy I prescribe. Now, it’s second nature to me.

A child firmly grasps a remedy vial she is offered, and will not let it go. She walks around with it for a long period of time. Finally she drops it. The symptoms that lead her parent to choose the remedy have melted away.

Cats, not the easiest patients to treat, lick the proffered dropper of a well selected remedy and immediately relax, to start their healing process. Dogs get excited about the remedy during the course of the treatment and lose all interest when they no longer need it. An injured bird noisily clamoring for his remedy every time he sees anyone, to completely lose interest when fully healed.

With the language barrier when treating animals, I have found that asking for confirmation is invaluable. When the human is open to the idea, that is. It isn’t infallible, perhaps because there are finer, more subtle clues I’m not observing.

For example, my mare tends to accept any and every proffered remedy, with no resulting healing. My gelding, a recent addition to the family from a typical mainstream past, refuses everything offered. I imagine he’s used to being forced and is now rejoicing in having his say, a choice!

Whenever anyone has received medical/veterinary drugs, especially over an extended period, I find their instincts are blunted. Then it relies on my skills just to break through that enough to start the process.

Currently, I’m treating a severely damaged child with delayed development. A previous homeopath insisted on dosing her with a remedy that she absolutely did not want. She firmly closed her mouth and it became difficult to dose her. The effect of that remedy was that she shut down.

I suggested to her mother that she always ‘ask’ the child by placing the vial in the child’s hand. When the remedy is correct, ie. has a beneficial effect, the child will raise it to her mouth, which she opens in anticipation, or taps it on her mouth, or puts the vial in her mouth. Those that are of no interest to her, she drops.

This way prevents any over-dosing for the very sensitive children.  Sometimes we go through many remedies before finding one she accepts which invariably has a beneficial effect.

Extending this idea further, I have found that some people can tell the effectiveness of a remedy by its taste, whether dry pillules or alcohol-based liquid. It tastes ‘sweet’ when effective and ‘sour’, ‘bitter’, ‘unpleasant’ when it’s come to the end of its use. Same remedy vial, different taste.

Tapping into other energy fields is an extra tool at our disposal.

About the author

Madeleine Innocent

Madeleine Innocent trained as a homoeopath with the Australasian College of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy in Victoria and graduated with a Diploma in Homoeopathy in 2000. This was the highest level of training at the time, although now the colleges offer a degree. She has been in full time practice ever since, as a consultant homoeopath, and treats both people and animals. She also teaches homeopathy at local colleges. Madeleine is a professional member of the Australian Register of Homoeopaths and the Australian Homoeopathic Association. She has been active on the committee of the Western Australian branch of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, being the secretary for many years and the president until 2010.

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