Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Three Remedies I Have Used for COVID-2019

Dr. Massimo Mangialavori shares clinical symptoms of three remedies that he used recently in treating COVID-19. He presents this very preliminary information in the hope that it may be helpful to others during this difficult time.

March 23, 2020

Dear friends and colleagues,

I prefer not to face at this moment the possible sense of extreme difficulty that our country, today and at the forefront, is facing. I feel the duty as a doctor and above all as a homeopathic doctor to try to share with you my minimum experience on the few cases that I have been able to treat in the last few weeks.

I am following several of my patients by telephone and video conference. A small percentage of these tested positive for Covid-19, and others have presented symptoms, as early as last January that they suspected was a flu type different from the usual.

I want to clarify that, as my habit, I never prescribe any remedy based on the symptoms of a hypothetical pathology or syndrome only. In fact, I am continuing to follow my patients with their constitutional remedy which, in most cases, is giving me excellent results.

Nonetheless, I cannot forget that Hahnemann himself, in his day, deserved due recognition thanks to his contribution in the treatment of cholera, facing that epidemic thanks to a “systemic” thought.  It was a way of reasoning respectful of the homeopathic paradigm but applied, out of necessity, to a macrosystem, considering the “organism” as a group of people united by the same pathology and who needed an intervention in a very short time. A time when one could not meet the need to identify homeopathic therapy for each individual patient.

Thus, was born the concept of GENUS EPIDEMICUS in homeopathic medicine. It was a perspective of thinking and experiencing the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies even on large numbers. And, as you know, at that time it was a success.

So, I wanted to try to make my small contribution, well aware that very few cases are a trifle in lieu of the numbers that you know well. I was well aware that the majority of patients who contract this virus remain asymptomatic or overcome this infection within a few days without any therapy.

You know well that in Italy we are not allowed to deal with more serious cases, and we do not have access to hospitals. The best we can do today is to try to help patients in the first phase of the “disease” overcome it better, and as quickly as possible.

I decided to hypothesize an observation that I felt duty bound to share with those of you who may be interested. I am already gathering some positive feedback in Italy and abroad, but I want to clarify that there are other groups of colleagues who are doing the same job and with good results in other parts of the world.

Above all I want to clarify, WITHOUT ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT, that I am not suggesting a protocol, let alone claim to have enough material to consider a therapy for Coronavirus in progress.

I am attaching the letter I sent this afternoon to some of you, hopeful that you will spread it, make good use of it, and not pass me off as the stupid homeopath who claims to have found the Covid-19 homeopathic therapy.

Below is what I send to everybody in order to start to inform you about my initial work. I’m saying this because I think that all this information needs to be confirmed. You know me; I don’t like to confound facts with ideas and theories.

I am presenting here my limited experiences with less than 100 coronavirus patients in quarantine, in the hope that it may be helpful to others during this difficult time. These individuals, not previously known to me, were treated following a genus epidemicus approach. By contrast, my long-term patients who had contracted COVID-19 were treated constitutionally first, as is my usual protocol, and only given an acute remedy if the response to the constitutional proved insufficient.

It is not an easy task to scour the literature of our vast pharmacopeia to select the very best remedies for a particular disease. Obviously, different homeopaths may form their own hypotheses.

I do not want to write too much about the following 3 remedies: Chininum muriaticum, Grindelia and Camphora. Hopefully, this simple categorization, based on the most common clinical symptoms, will suffice.

As of March 22, 2020, I have had telephone and video-conference contacts with 84 patients. 64 of these overcame their symptoms in no more than 3-4 days, followed by spontaneous declaration of clear improvement and no subsequent relapses.

Chininum muriaticum has been my first choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Fever with temperature rising in the early afternoon, resistant to common antipyretics.

Weakness more evident in the evening.

Frontal headache with painful pressure accompanied by (more or less) intense eye pain—in some with the characteristics of a neuralgia.

Dry and irritated cough, perceived only as a discomfort in the upper respiratory tract.

Poor appetite and little thirst, despite the fever. Preference for salty foods. Preference for hot drinks as opposed to water.

Victim attitude, without any difficulty in expressing anger towards those who attend to the “other managers” of their pathology. Patient believes he did all one could to not become infected. Puts the blame for the state of one’s condition on others for not paying adequate attention.

Grindelia robusta has been my second choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Fever with sudden increases in temperature (poussée de fièvre) 2-3 times within 24 hours.

Weakness more evident in the early morning.

Throbbing headache, predominantly occipital, that improves by sitting—possibly with a desire to lie down, the pain however disallowing one to do so.

Dry cough with the feeling that one must expectorate even in the absence of phlegm—insistence on getting rid of insignificantly small amounts of mucus (which, despite little objective change, brings a subjective sense of relief).

Paroxysms of an apparently suffocating cough.

Aware of anxiety, unable to distinguish between objective breathing difficulty and a subjective feeling of an inability to breathe, with the fear that he must go quickly to the hospital.

Worried about falling asleep and not being able to breathe during sleep, may want to sleep with the light on.

Conjunctivitis that affects one eye first and then the other.

Joint pains especially in the lower limbs.

More fearful attitude than with Chininum muriaticum.

Tends to deny symptoms to family members for fear of having inadequate resources.

Aware of hypochondria—alarmed that she cannot distinguish between objective and subjective symptoms.

Camphora (Cinnamomun camphora) has been my third choice. The clinical symptoms are as follows:

Continuous fever with no obvious changes during the day—accompanied by sweating, chill, and a sense of incipient fatigue which worsens with continued sweating.

The headache has a feeling of pressure from the inside to the outside—attempts to contain this sensation by exerting external pressure with something that tightly binds the head.

Cough less evident than in the previous two remedies which nevertheless seems to tire the patient. The cough appears with deep inhalation, meanwhile superficial breaths seem insufficient and cause worry, leading to more deep breathing and more coughing.

Dyspnea with minimal exertion, despite the fact that objective oxygen saturation may be adequate

Watery and persistent rhinorrea (post-nasal drip).

Diarrhea without abdominal pain.

Oliguria (scantiness of urine) perceived with alarm as more serious than it is.

Confusion and concern about being dangerous to one’s family members.

Convinced that during this illness one is having a momentous experience relative to the overall course of one’s life.

About the author

Massimo Mangialavori

Massimo is a leading figure in the world of contemporary homeopathy. He lives and practices in Modena, Italy and he grew up in Milan. He qualified as a doctor in 1984.

Massimo is internationally known and respected for his deep and enquiring mind that penetrates beneath the surface and searches for the unifying pattern of the whole. For example when researching materia medica Mangialavori takes into account all the natural phenomena and synthesises this with anthropological, physical, psychological and esoteric points of view. His journey is to fathom the themes of the remedies and let them speak for themselves.


  • Buongiorno sono shana, sono brasiliana vivo a bergamo, mio papà é omeopata in Brasile, vorrei fare una consulenza con te anche via skype. Grazie in attesa di una risposta

  • Guten Morgen Massimo,
    hier in Deutschland hat vor allem der Virologie Streeck aus Bonn eine große Kohorte von COVID-19 Erkrankten untersucht und 2 wesentliche, oft übersehen Symptome bei über 60 % der Erkrankten dokumentiert. Das ist nahezu vollständiger Geruchs- und Geschmacksverlust. Wie es scheint relativ zu Ende der Erkrankung. Hast Du diese Symptome ebenfalls gesehen?

    • Soweit ich gehoert habe ist die Anosmya vor allem bei jüngeren Leuten zu beobachten die ansonsten symptomatisch sind.
      Ich waere neugierig, was das 2. übersehene Symptom ist?
      Herzlichen Dank und kollegiale Gruesse aus Amsterdam!

  • Dear Massimo, thanks for sharing your experience. Good to see one of your remedies matches with Dr. Rajan’s.

  • Máximo, gracias por la informacion, podría compartir los cuadros de repertorización en la que salen los 3 medicamentos señalados?

  • Massimo Mangialavori, thanks a lot ..Excellent description, alone with the medicines recumbent some lifestyle changes such as take deep breath ( pranayama. ), kerala,organic turmerici and garlic in small doses ,wheat grace juice with lemon, sprouted nuts etc to improve the action of homeopathic medicines.our aim is to boost the immunity of the patient .Dr t k Alexander,kuruppanthara,Kerala.

  • Thank you Massimo,
    I appreciate your measured description but also enjoyed seeing YOU pop through when you said you did not want us to think you a Stupid homeopath. Your explanation was erudite and balanced. Thank you for the information.
    Krista Connolly (voysest)

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