Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers Homeopathy Repertory

The Role of Warmth, Heat, Hot, Cool, Cold, and Chill in Analyzing The Psyche of the Patient

hot cold

Drs. Yogesh and Sanjay Sehgal discuss the patient’s mental state as it affects perception of temperature modalities.

hot-coldThe need for any of the above depends upon the like or dislike of the patient during the illness. A patient’s needs differ from a normal person’s needs. A situation, which is uncomfortable for a normal person, could be comfortable for a sick person. An atmosphere which seems friendly or comfortable to a healthy person may seem unfriendly or uncomfortable to a sick person. Like, during summers, a healthy person prefers to eat cold food and stay in cold places but a sick person suffering from a problem may desire warm water or a warm room.

FUR, wraps up in, in summer

*Wrap: Involve (In thought, fancy or day dreaming)

*Summer: Intimately

*Fur: A material, thinking (excitement) or subject which provides / keeps warm or prevents from getting cold.


Hyos (Kent’s repertory)

Hepar, merc., psor (Boger)

Kali.ars. ( Phatak)


According to the Kent’s materia medica the justification of this rubric is:

Lies wrapped in a skin (fur) during summer heat, not because he is cold but because of a fancy. Intimately fancying about a subject which keeps him warm and provides him excitement.

But if we study the later addition like: Kali ars by Phatak we find a different meaning. This patient wraps himself with fur in summer because he cannot get too warm even in summer.

Likewise, for Psor, Boger wrote: It is there because he feels poor despite having a good job/business to support him.


Rubric : FEAR, poverty of although prosperous

But the exact feeling for this rubric is given by Kent. Further we can study the reasons different medicines wished to be wrapped in fur during summer.

Hyos it is due to (DELUSIONS, wrong, fancies he has done)

Hep it is due to (DELUSIONS, fancies, wrong everything is)

Mercurius it is due to (DELUSIONS, fancy, heat during)


In a nutshell, while a healthy person’s needs are dictated by the atmosphere around him, a sick person’s needs are controlled by his illness.

In a general sense :

Warm : Comfortable

Heat : Uncomfortable

Hot : Intolerable


– Agreeable degree of heat

– Affectionate

– Friendly

– Caring

– Warm up


To get accustomed to a situation

– Emotional talks

Warm         is usually a place / person / condition which is comfortable / friendly/ suitable with which one can live/ cope / work easily.

-Warm people

-Warm place

Usually suitable and liked by a person.

WARM bath or warm, application agg. (lach )

DULLNESS, room entering a warm

Aconite, puls

FEAR, happen, something will warmth, of bed amel.

Caust, mag.c

Warm bath or applying warm towel to inflamed parts of the body aggravates his mental symptoms. In this situation a contact is being made between the two things i.e. warm water or warm towel with the inflamed part of the body. At the physical level, the inflamed part is characterized by pain, redness, swelling and heat and if a warm thing is applied gently it is soothing – but applied with harshness, then it hurts.

At the mental level the inflammatory part is characterized by rudeness, conflict, shame, humiliation, and if someone tries to calm down these feelings by advising, counseling, just like putting warm water with harshness, it hurts.

Use of inflammatory words in speech causes disputes. Such words incite people. As a result they fail to control their temper and get aggressive.



Arousal of violent emotion/ Excite feelings or passion. At the mental level inflammation comes after one hears criticizing / humiliating remarks against himself.

Warm bath/application of warm towel is normally soothing for a person. A warm shower during winter is very welcome and after an injury application of warmth is mostly helpful in reducing pain.

The point here is to understand whether it is the application of warm water which causes the aggravation or it is the way it is applied. It is mostly observed that a person likes application of warm water on the inflamed part since it feels soothing to the inflamed part. Soothing effect of warm application on the inflamed part also depends upon the way it is applied. If it is applied softly or tenderly, it is soothing / acceptable but if it is applied harshly it hurts.

About the author

Yogesh Sehgal

Dr. Yogesh Sehgal is the younger of late Dr. M.L. Sehgal, the founder of Sehgal School of Revolutionized Homeopathy. He is an internationally well known speaker and a clinician with practice in New Delhi. He is also a co-author of several books of ROH series.

About the author

Sanjay Sehgal

Dr. Sanjay Sehgal is the elder son of late Dr. M.L. Sehgal, the founder of Sehgal School of Revolutionized Homeopathy. He is an internationally well know speaker and a clinician with more than 38 years experience. He is also a co-author of several books of ROH series.


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