Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – 7 – 2

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Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – 7 – 2

Table 4

Frequencies for Arnica 6C

­ = stimulatory (hyperactive); ¯ = depressive or stressful (hypoactive).

Frequencies are given in Hertz (Hz) in scientific notation.



?3.021 × 10-3 Sympathetic ANS
?5.102 × 10-2 Pericardium or Gall Bladder Meridians
?3.030 × 10-1 Parasympathetic ANS
?4.314 × 10 0 Du Mai Meridian
?7.801 × 10 0 Heart Meridian

This potency of Arnica stimulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and the heart meridian. It depresses activity associated with the Du Mai meridian and the Pericardium meridian which would account for its effectiveness in the treatment of bruising. Note that the Gall Bladder meridian has the same endogenous frequency as the Pericardium.

  • The Du Mai, (Governing Vessel) meridian relates to the status of the cerebro-spinal fluid as well as corresponding to headaches, psychosomatic and neurological disorders. It also relates to the harmonization and coordination of all regions of the body and all organs.
  • The Heart meridian includes not only the function of the heart and circulation but also consciousness, the function of the brain and mental activity.
  • The Pericardium meridian is considered to protect and regulate cardiac function and have a strong effect on the circulation.
  • The Gall Bladder meridian is related to the liver and metabolic functions.

Training and experience enables the homeopath to select a potency in accordance with the patients symptoms. Work with electrically hypersensitive patients showed that when a body system is under stress the endogenous frequencies of the related acupuncture meridians appear in the whole-body frequency field. The autonomic nervous system is usually the first to become compromised as described in Section 2.11 where Tables 7 & 8 list (non-exclusive) homeopathic potencies for stimulating the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS.

If a homeopathic potency is not quite correct for a patient, there is what is described as an “aggravation”. In allergy testing, it is usual to use 5-fold serial dilutions (1+4). The potencies commonly used in homeopathy are not sufficiently finely graduated for these patients. With very sensitive patients, it is good practice to precede any testing by finding a dilution (potency) of any allergen which will neutralise the reactions which are usually severe. Failing any known allergen for the patient, a sample of saliva may be potentised until a neutralising dilution is reached. This may be used to switch-off any reaction which may suddenly occur (within seconds) during testing since it is the same fault in the ANS which is being triggered.

If this has not been done, the single toroid technique as described in Section 5.7, Figure 6 could be tried to turn off the reaction with an inverse phase of the potency. If the provoking potency is represented by Tube A in Figure 6 of Section 5.7 and the patient is in the position of Tube B then, succussing the ferrite ring on a piece of wood will imprint an inverse of the potency directly into the patient. This should work if the patient is not so sensitive that all whole-body frequencies were completely altered by the stress of the reaction.

It is also possible to hide a frequency imprint or chemical frequency signature so that the body does not recognise it and it no longer entrains. This may be done by succussing it on one side of an oscillator output coil at a particular frequency. The frequencies 2.65 GHz, 1.42 GHz and 384 MHz and 7.8 Hz have these unexpected properties. They are fractally related to transitions between lines in the far-infra-red rotational spectrum of water. The side of the toroid coil to use depends on the relative direction of the geomagnetic field. Working along a North-South alignment and facing West, if the water is succussed on the North side of the toroid, the imprint is stimulatory, if the water is succussed on the South side of the toroid, the imprint is depressive. Opposite phase imprints should cancel.

Similarly, a dilute solution of a chemical (e.g. NaCl at 6 mM) can have its chemical frequency signature “hidden”. The “hiding” of a chemical signature only works for a dilute solution. This suggests that the molecules of the chemical may have become enclosed within coherence domains which protects them from external fields.

The frequency 384 MHz is the high frequency branch of the heart meridian and heart chakra. This frequency and the low frequency 7.8 Hz. can “restore” a hidden imprint. Holding a hidden imprint near the heart chakra can do this.

That 7.8 Hz and 384 MHz have unusual effects on water is no more remarkable than the heart meridian and chakra having their endogenous frequencies on a Schumann (geophysical) resonance within which evolution has taken place.

Peppermint is commonly regarded as antagonistic to homeopathic potencies. A peppermint schnapps had the frequencies given in Table 5. Note that it contains 384 MHz.

Table 5

Frequencies for a Peppermint Schnapps

­ = stimulatory (hyperactive); ¯ = depressive or stressful (hypoactive).

Frequencies are given in Hertz (Hz) in scientific notation.



­7.802 × 10 0

Heart Meridian

¯5.812 × 10+3

Sanjiao (Triple-Warmer)

­2.25 × 10+6

Stomach meridian (left side)

¯3.84 × 10+8

Heart Meridian

­1.42 × 10+9

Hydrogen molecular resonance

If a tube of frequency imprinted water is succussed while close to a bottle of peppermint schnapps, its frequency pattern is “hidden”. This means that a homeopathic potency will be neutralised. This “hidden” frequency is not erased by placing in a steel box. It can be recovered by succussing in the presence of 7.8 Hz which also becomes imprinted. Succussing near the heart chakra should suffice provided the person’s endogenous heart frequency was normal.

For some clinical and environmental purposes, it may be sufficient to hide frequencies so that the body does not recognise them although there remains the possibility that the heart frequencies will be able to un-scramble the hidden bio-information. Some devices for protection against the electromagnetic environment make use of this phenomenon. I have used it to make pharmaceuticals tolerated by sensitive patients.

For a “Desert Island” remedy, imprint one of two shells of sea water with the body frequency pattern by holding in the hand and succussing. Imprint the heart chakra frequency into the other. Succuss the shells against each other to get the remedy to hide the body’s stress frequencies.

7.5 The Three Courses of Acupuncture Meridians

Chinese acupuncture recognises 11 organs in the sense of them being general structural and functional entities. There are 6 Yang organs (Fu) and 5 Yin organs (Zang) which interact closely with the channels or meridians serving them. There are 12 channels running parallel to each other in the limbs and these are paired, one is Yang and the other Yin [9] . The pericardium is given a channel and there are some other channel systems including the Ren Mai (Yin) which runs up the ventral mid-line of the body and the Du Mai (Yang) which runs up the dorsal mid-line. Together these make up the 14 channels or meridians on which the 361 ‘Classical Chinese Acupuncture Points’ are located. These channels or meridians are divided into ‘Three Courses’ as shown in Figure 6, Ventral, Dorsal and Lateral.

The frequencies endogenous to the meridians are also given in Figure 6. A knowledge of the frequency to expect on any given meridian is of considerable practical use when trying to locate specific meridians which run close to other meridians or, the Luo points.

If each of the frequencies of the Yin and Yang branches in one Course as shown in Figure 6 are imprinted into separate vials of water and the vials are then placed close together, no frequency can be measured.

Any three of the four frequencies of a Course can be imprinted into a single vial of water but, any attempt to imprint the fourth frequency erases all frequencies. In a normal healthy state, the sum total of the frequencies around each ‘Course’ is zero but, if any organ within the ‘Course’ changes its frequency so as to depart from its healthy endogenous value, an ‘alarm’ frequency will appear.

Marcer and Schempp [10] describe the emerging view that memory in living systems, DNA and water is quantum holographic and syntactic with the information encoded in phase (possibly the phase of a macroscopic wave function) and operations modelled on computer‘re-write’ systems with a ‘nil-potency’ rule. A quantum holographic system is the only system which places its image in the actual location of the object in space and time. Recent work by Diaz and Rowlands [11] on computer ‘re-write’ systems looks towards a universal system with only a ‘create’ and a ‘conserve’ function which must be iterative and recursive from a ‘start-object’ to a ‘stop-criterion’ with a ‘nil-potency’ or ’empty-set’ rule. Living systems may be making use of this technique to get rid of redundant bio-information

Figure 6 also shows homeopathic potencies which contain the frequency necessary to stimulate the corresponding acupuncture meridian as shown. If all four of the potencies for a particular Course are placed close together, they mutually cancel and there is nothing to measure. This can be applied in cases where the frequency imprinted by a patient shows stress at one or more of the meridians in a Course. Adding the remaining potencies to complete the Course results in cancellation of all frequencies. However, this should be used with caution in cases of extremely hypersensitive patients because erasing all their stress frequencies at once would be the equivalent of “cold turkey”.

Figure 6

The Three-Courses of the Acupuncture Meridians with Homeopathic Potencies.


An example of what might be a similiter match is shown in Table 4. In this, Yellow enhancement indicates the Dorsal Channels (Course 2) and the frequencies and potencies involved. Here, Sulphur would be needed to needed to complete the Course and generate zero throughout.

This patient had only one Lateral Channel (Course 3) frequency corresponding to the the Triple-Warmer meridian. For this, Arsen. alb + Conium + Opium would be needed to generate a zero.

Table 4

Homoeopathic Potencies to Cancel a Patient’s Frequencies Imprint

­ = stimulatory (hyperactive); ¯ = depressive or stressful (hypoactive).

Meridians with nearby frequencies are listed (Voll notation).

Frequencies are given in Hertz (Hz) in scientific notation.

Patient’s Imprinted Stress Frequencies

Meridians or Systems Affected

Homeopathic Potencies Stimulating that Meridian

­­3.021× 10-3

Sympathetic ANS

¯7.811× 10 0

Heart meridian & chakra

Phos ac

­­6.023× 10+3


Merc sol

¯1.23× 10+6

Small intestine

Cd met

­­9.00× 10+6

¯1.28× 10+7

Joint degeneration

­­3.28× 10+7

Fatty degeneration

¯9.40× 10+7


­­2.865× 10+8

Urinary bladder

Naja trop

¯3.84× 10+8

Heart meridian & chakra

Phos ac

­­6.38× 10+8

A further example is shown in Table 5. Here, the frequency pattern of a patient is compared to the frequency pattern of the homeopathic potency Lachesis 200c. The degree of frequency matching may be a useful indication of the selection of a correct similiter. In this case the paired-values correlation coefficient is 0.94.

Table 5

Frequency Matching Indicates a Possible Similiter

­ = stimulatory (hyperactive); ¯ = depressive or stressful (hypoactive).

Meridians with nearby frequencies are listed (Voll notation).

Frequencies are given in Hertz (Hz) in scientific notation.


Nearby Meridians

Lachesis 200C



­1.514× 10-2

Small intestine

­3.112× 10-2

¯7.611× 10 0


¯6.142× 10 0

­5.000× 10+1

50 Hz

­5.013× 10+1

¯6.006× 10+1

Triple-Warmer (Sanjiao)

¯6.114× 10+1

­2.95× 10+5

Skin Degeneration

­2.25× 10+5

¯1.23× 10+6

Small intestine

¯1.32× 10+6

­3.45× 10+6

Organ Degeneration

­3.15× 10+6

¯7.70× 10+6

¯7.30× 10+6

­3.18× 10+7

Fatty Degeneration

­2.80× 10+7

¯8.40× 10+7


­1.80× 10+8

Figure 7

If there is chemical toxicity, chemical frequency signatures may be present in the whole body field of a patient as shown in Figure 7. In general, a toxic chemical will take over the natural fluctuation of an endogenous frequency altogether replacing it with its own stable characteristic frequency. This would give stability for double-blind testing because the patient has been forced into a stable disease state. This chemicals effect was found at the cellular level when T-cells were cultured in the presence of environmental chemicals [12] .

7.6 Frequency Entrainment Persisting in Re-Programmed Daughter Cells

This work shows that frequency patterns such as those of homeopathic potencies produce changes extending into the next generation of a cell culture implying that homeopathy can produce a permanent cure.

Pischinger’s work (Heine, 1999) [13] demonstrates the importance of connective tissue in the body’s regulatory systems. Measurement of the coherent frequency pattern of samples of connective tissue taken from healthy regions of breast tissue excised for biopsy following surgery showed a pattern of frequencies akin to the brain-wave spectrum. An example is shown in the first column of Table 9. This specimen was then placed in a steel box to erase any frequencies imprinted into the water but, not frequencies due to chemical constituents (chemical signatures). The second column shows that only frequencies from 250 Hz to 15 kHz in this connective tissue could have been due to structural chemicals. The remaining frequencies represented those imprinted in the cell water and were erased. These are indicated by an ‘x’.

A binary sequence of frequencies was then imprinted into this erased connective tissue, a pattern most unlikely to occur naturally. The result is shown in the third column. These frequency imprinted cells were then cultured. By the following week, the daughter cells had picked up all the imprinted frequencies. Other frequencies representing chemical activity had changed somewhat but, were clearly distinct from the imprinted frequencies all of which were present in the daughter cells. This demonstrates how frequency imprinted water, the equivalent of a homoeopathic potency, is capable of permanently modifying a pattern of coherent frequencies in an in vitro connective tissue culture and able to persist into the next generation.

Table 9

Frequencies for Connective Tissue (from right breast)

(Frequencies in Hz)

Date& Time

17Aug 95

17-18 Aug 95

18 Aug 95

25 Aug 95




Original Tissue Hypomagnetic Erasure New Frequency Pattern Imprinted

Cultured Daughter Cells




































































One state with which homeopathy works and seeks to cure is an unstable chaotic state between stable conditions of health and disease. Here, the object of homeopathy is to switch the patient back from chaos to health before the stable disease condition sets in. The conditions of health and stable disease states must have linear properties because they are susceptible to double-blind trials. It is fundamental to operations involving the state of chaos that the same starting conditions will never produce the same outcome. This makes it fundamentally impossible to do a double-blind trial involving homeopathy and patients who are in a (mathematically) chaotic state.

One must consider the question, “Do you want to have to say to your patients – Wait until your illness reaches a recognisable and stable disease state?”. In this case, one could use a homeopathic remedy which had been successfully tested in double-blind trials on patients in a stable disease state to attack the bacteria, virus, toxic chemical or other factor involved. The alternative is to use an unprovable homeopathy immediately to attempt to recover the health state before a disease state takes hold.

[1] Samuel Hahnemann Organon of Medicine, Los Angeles:Tarcher (1982).

[2] C.W. Smith Effects of Electromagnetic Fields in the Living Environment. Proc. Intl. Conf. “Electromagnetic Environments & Health in Buildings”, 16-17 May 2002. Royal College of Physicians, London. In: Clements-Croome D (Ed.). Electromagnetic Environments and Health in Buildings. London: Taylor & Francis. October 2003. Chap. 3, pp. 53-118.

[3] Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? – The New Mathematics of Chaos. London: Penguin (1997).

[4] Paul S. Addison, Fractals and Chaos – An Illustrated Course. . London: Institute of Physics (1997).

[5] H. Froehlich, Theoretical Physics and Biology. In: Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli. Froehlich H. (editor) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, (1988) pp.1-24.

[6] L.F. Olsen and H. Degn. Chaos in an Enzyme Reaction, Nature 267: 177-178 (12 May 1977).

[7] F. Kaiser, Theory of Non-Linear Excitations. . In: Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli. Froehlich H. (editor) Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 25-48 (1988).

[8] R. Femat, J. Alvarez-Ramirez and M. Zarazua. Chaotic Behaviour from a Human Biological Signal. Phys. Lett. A. 214: 175-179 (1996).

[9] G. Stux and B. Pomeranz, Basics of Acupuncture, (2nd edn.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag (1991).

[10] P. Marcer and W. Schempp (1998) The Brain as a Conscious System. Int. J. General Systems. 27(1-3): 231-248 (1988).

[11] B. Diaz. and P. Rowlands (2004): A Computational Path to the Nilpotent Dirac Equation, Int. J. Comp. Ant. Syst.,16, 203-18 (2004).

[12] B.B. Griffiths and W. J. Rea, Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Texas, and C. W. Smith, University of Salford, England. Changes in the Peripheral T-Lymphocyte Cell Cycle Induced by Chemical and Electrical Challenges and Frequency Re-Programming of Connective Tissue. Presented at: First World Congress on “Effects of Electricity and Magnetism in the Natural World”, Madeira 1-6 October, 1998. Published by Coghill Research Laboratories, Lower Race, Pontypool, Gwent NP4 5UH, Wales.

[13] H. Heine (1999) Matrix and matrix regulation: Basis for a holistic theory in medicine. Medicina Biologica. ISBN 2-80434-000-7 (In German, Heidelberg: Haug-Verlag 1998).

About the author

Cyril W. Smith

Cyril W. Smith, physicist, is the author of countless papers on the effects of subtle energies and co-author of Electromagnetic Man. He is one of the world"™s leading experts on the biological effects of subtle energies. He was Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, researched electromagnetic effects in living systems at Salford University, was Secretary of the Dielectrics Society, worked with H. Fröhlich treating electromagnetically sensitive patients and acted as a scientific consultant for the Breakspear Medical Group Ltd.

1 Comment

  • Ich halte die Arbeiten von Dr.Cyril W. Smith für einmalig.
    Sie könnten viele Missverständnisse in der Homöopathie klären.
    Es gibt Übereinstimmungen (und Zusamenarbeit) mit Dr. Peter P.Garaev und mit Arbeiten von Peter Marcer und Schemp. (Quantagraphik usw)
    Waltraud Wagner

    (I’m reading the the work of Dr.Cyril W. Smith. It could clarify many misconceptions about homeopathy.
    There are similarities (and Co work) with Dr. Peter P. Garaev and work with Marc and Peter Schemp. (Quantagraphik etc.) Waltraud Wagner

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