Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – Chapter 8

smith jan table

Dr. Cyril Smith, one of the world’s leading experts on the biological effects of subtle energies, discusses homeopathy in terms of physics.

Frequencies and Homeopathy

1.       Introduction

I started writing this series of Chapters for Alan Schmukler, in January 2008.  It is now five years since I finished Chapter 7 although, in 2009 I wrote “Plants May be Slow But, They Are Not Stupid!”. References to my publications since 2007 are appended.

Chapter 7 built on what I discussed in the previous Chapters, in particular that the language of bio-communication and homeopathy can be expressed as patterns of frequencies and phases, which in terms of a macroscopic quantum bio-system would be ‘eigen states’. This in turn leads to the idea that body frequencies can indicate stress and disease in patients and living systems in general and point to a homeopathic similiter.

There are endogenous frequencies on Acupuncture Meridians and Chakra points. Chemicals develop a characteristic frequency signature provided that they can interact with water. This water might be in the form of solution or as trace water H-bonded to the molecule. The frequency signature ceases to become detectable if the chemical is dehydrated by sealing up with silica gel. These frequency patterns form the basis of the “Mother Tincture” for a homeopathic potency. However, a chemical is not essential for making a potency, because as shown in Chapter 3, the same pattern of frequency imprints in water will suffice.

The starting point frequency signature is further developed by serial dilution and succussion until it becomes a similiter for a particular clinical condition. I have described how these frequency patterns develop on dilution and succussion in Chapter 3 with particular reference to potencies of Thyroxin. There is a continuous development of the frequency signature extending continuously beyond Avogadro’s Number and this same pattern is followed from an imprinted frequency signature with no chemical precursor. Discussions about Avogadro’s Number are irrelevant.

Since pharmaceuticals must have a frequency signature, they must also have a homeopathic activity in addition to any chemical activity. Chemistry may be an elaborate but highly profitable way of generating a pattern of frequency resonances.

Importantly, Hahnemann noticed that the effects of his medicines were ‘bi-phasic’ in that they could produce either similar or opposite symptoms. Those patterns of frequencies which show a similar effect could be a cure for Hahnemann’s totality of symptoms. A potency he had prepared was still clinically effective 150 years later.

However, in a quantum system, one can also have a ‘winner-takes-all’ situation (Bose-Einstein Condensation). This is not a destructive interference as between two identical sine waves in opposite phases. If I imprint n frequencies into water, and then further succuss so as to imprint one of these frequencies a further n-1 times, all frequency imprints except the dominant frequency disappear. This could be how diseases and therapies can take hold in the body, i.e. persistence pays off.

Two more important theoretical and mathematical concepts are introduced, Fractals and Chaos.

The essential characteristic of a Fractal is self-similarity. I have now been told that the term Fractal has been given a very precise mathematical definition which would not cover these multiple and interacting frequency effects.  Therefore Fractal-Like would be a better term to use.

Chaos is random behaviour in a system operating according to scientific laws and equations. Even if living systems have become chaotic, the minimals of a homeopathic potency may still be able to lead to a major therapeutic effect. Homeopathy can seek to cure an unstable chaotic state between the two stable conditions of health and disease. Here, the object of homeopathy is to switch the patient back from chaos to health before a stable disease condition sets in. Since a quantum system has the Bose-Einstein Condensation available, homeopathy can provide  the strong signal needed to over-ride the disease signal. This would explain the ‘proving symptoms’ observed in healthy subjects where the potency introduces a signal without being able to switch the stable healthy subject into the disease state. It is all a question of the signal-to-noise-ratio enabling the body to “hear” the signal.

The stable states of health and disease must have linear properties because they are susceptible to double-blind trials. It is fundamental to operations involving the state of   chaos that the same starting conditions will never produce the same outcome. This   makes it fundamentally impossible to do a double-blind trial involving homeopathy with patients who are in a mathematically chaotic state.


2.       Nil-Potency

I have presented evidence that in dealing with living systems we are dealing with macroscopic quantum systems[1]. Rowlands [2] has described a form of expression for the ‘Dirac Equation’ which contains purely physical information, so that mathematics becomes an intrinsic part of physical structure. Furthermore, the equation contains three terms which separately express the “energy”, “momentum” and “mass” in the physical system. Momentum (i.e. succussion) is the only vector quantity.  Rowlands postulates that the most general form of the wave function is ‘nilpotent’, that is, it contains the square root of zero. Two such quantities multiplied together give a zero resultant.  This phenomenon seems to be happening in water and living systems. For example, the sum of the meridian frequencies around each of the three ‘Courses’ of acupuncture meridians is ‘nil potent’.

Chinese acupuncture recognises 11 organs in the sense of them being general structural and functional entities. There are 6 Yang organs (Fu) and 5 Yin organs (Zang) which interact closely with the channels or meridians serving them. There are 12 channels running parallel to each other in the limbs and these are paired, one is Yang and the other Yin. The Pericardium is given a distinct channel and there are some other channel systems including the Ren Mai (Yin) which runs up the ventral mid-line of the body and the Du Mai (Yang) which runs up the dorsal mid-line. Together these make up the 14 channels or meridians on which the 361 ‘Classical  Chinese Acupuncture Points’ are located. These channels or meridians are divided into ‘Three Courses’ – Ventral, Dorsal and Lateral.

If each of the frequencies of the Yin and Yang branches in one Course are imprinted into separate vials of water and the vials are then placed close together, no frequency can be measured.

Any three of the four frequencies of a Course can be imprinted into a single vial of water but, any attempt to imprint the fourth frequency erases all frequencies.  In a normal healthy state, the sum total of the frequencies around each ‘Course’ is zero but, if any organ within the ‘Course’ changes its frequency so as to depart from its healthy endogenous value, an ‘alarm’ frequency would appear.

In Table 1, the patient had only one Lateral Channel (Course 3) frequency corresponding to the Triple-Warmer meridian which is stimulated by Mercurius sol. The addition of Arsenicum alb. + Conium + Opium would be needed to generate ‘nil-potency’. For the Course 2  frequencies and potencies,  only Sulphur would be needed to complete the Course and generate ‘nil-potency’. Note that both fractals of the Heart meridian are present.


Table 1:  Nil-Potency and Homoeopathic Potencies[3]


Patient’s Imprinted Frequencies

Meridians or Systems Affected


Homeopathic Potencies Stimulating that Meridian

­­3.021× 10-3

Sympathetic ANS

¯7.811× 10 0

Heart meridian & chakra


Phos ac

­­6.023× 10+3

Triple-Warmer (Sanjiao)


Merc sol

¯1.23× 10+6

Small intestine


Cd met

­­9.00× 10+6

¯1.28× 10+7

Joint degeneration

­­3.28× 10+7

Fatty degeneration

¯9.40× 10+7


­­2.865× 10+8

Urinary bladder


Naja trop

¯3.84× 10+8

Heart meridian & chakra


Phos ac

­­6.38× 10+8                                           

3.  Frequencies and Potencies

The common remedy Arnica described as the best traumatic remedy has the frequency pattern given in Table 2. The acupuncture meridians influenced reflect the effects for which it might be a homeopathic similiter.

 Table 2 Frequencies for Arnica 6C


Acupuncture Meridians




↑3.021 × 10-3 Sympathetic ANS 0.6090× 10-3 0.2016
↓5.102 × 10-2 Pericardium or

Gall Bladder Meridians0.0907× 10-20.0178↑3.030 × 10-1Parasympathetic ANS0.0022× 10-10.00073↓4.314 × 10 0Du Mai Meridian0.0339× 10 00.00786↑7.801 × 10 0Heart Meridian0.0017× 10 00.00022









This potency of Arnica stimulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and the heart meridian. It depresses activity associated with the Du Mai meridian and with the Pericardium meridian which would account for its effectiveness in the treatment of bruising.

Table 3 (Column 1) lists the acupuncture meridians, the hand and foot ‘Ting Points’ then the additional points of “Classical  Acupuncture” and finally the Chakra Points. The nominal frequencies endogenous to these points are given in the second column. The third column lists homeopathic potencies which were found to stimulate the particular meridian. These potencies represent a selection from what happened to be available at that time. In many cases, more than one remedy or more than one potency would stimulate a given meridian.  The fourth column gives the stimulating frequency as measured for the homeopathic potency involved. There will of course be other frequencies in the potency which are not active in this case. Comparison of Columns 2 and 4 shows how close these frequencies can be. This Table shows that there is at least one factor characterising a given homeopathic potency which can be correlated with the acupuncture meridian system and the chakra system and emphasises the unity of CAM.

Table 3 lists the frequency signatures for a range of potencies of Aconite. The pattern is more complicated than the one measured from potencies of Thyroxin listed in Chapter 3.  Whilst I can do the mathematics for the results of  potentising a single frequency imprint by dilution and succussion,  I cannot yet do it when more frequencies are involved. The bandwidths of the various resonances and hence the corresponding signal-to-noise ratios may determine which frequencies win in a ‘winner-takes-all’ situation. The 200C potency shows a decade pattern of frequencies. There is probably something very fundamental going on here. A decade frequency pattern is found in single crystals of quartz and silicon, water from certain ‘Holy Wells’, certain homeopathic ‘compositae’ and somatropin amongst other places:.

Table 4 lists the information capacity of the various carriers for homeopathic potencies. This is pH dependent, that is, it depends on proton availability.

Table 3:  Frequencies Measured for Potencies of Aconitum napellus







↑3.001 × 10-4

↑3.114 × 10-4

↑3.003 × 10-4

↓6.314 × 10-4

↑1.230 × 10-3

↓3.001 × 10-3

↓3.114 × 10-3

↑2.312 × 10-3

↓7.611 × 10-3

↑1.303 × 10-2

↓2.423 × 10-2

↑3.001 × 10-2

↑3.114 × 10-2

↑4.812 × 10-2

↑7.011 × 10-1

↓3.001 × 10-1

↓3.114 × 10-1 ↓3.001 × 10-1

↓1.505 × 10 0

↓3.312 × 10 0

↑3.001 × 10 0

↑7.802 × 10 0

↓3.001 × 10+1

↓6.001 × 10+1

↑3.001 × 10+1

↑2.340 × 10 +2

↑3.804 × 10+2

↑3.001 × 10+2

↓3.131 × 10+2

↑6.001 × 10+3

↑3.603 × 10+3


Table 4: Frequency Information Capacity

The  maximum number of frequency imprints possible

Small pillule (1 mm diameter)

446 imprints

Large pillule (3.5 mm diameter)

395 imprints

Tablet (6 mm diameter)

584 imprints

Water   (pH 7)

~1000 imprint/ml

~1 imprint/µl

Water   (pH 9)

~10 imprint/ml



Table 5: Frequency Matching Indicates a Possible Similiter



Lachesis 200C

­1.514× 10-2

Small intestine

­3.112× 10-2

¯7.611× 10 0


¯6.142× 10 0

­5.000× 10+1

50 Hz

­5.013× 10+1

¯6.006× 10+1

Triple-Warmer (Sanjiao)

¯6.114× 10+1

­2.95× 10+5

Skin Degeneration

­2.25× 10+5

¯1.23× 10+6

Small intestine

¯1.32× 10+6

­3.45× 10+6

Organ Degeneration

­3.15× 10+6

¯7.70× 10+6

¯7.30× 10+6

­3.18× 10+7

Fatty Degeneration

­2.80× 10+7

¯8.40× 10+7


­1.80× 10+8


A further example of matching a potency to a frequency pattern is given in Table 5. It relates a patient who had extensive cervical cancer treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  She reacted badly to this treatment, even though it was successful from a tumour point of view. The patient was treated with high dose intravenous Vitamin C as a detoxification approach and was helped clinically by the use of Lachesis 200C as suggested by these  measurements.  In Table 5, the frequency pattern of this patient is compared to the frequency pattern of the homeopathic potency Lachesis 200C. The degree of frequency matching may be a useful indication of the selection of a correct similiter. In this case the paired-values correlation coefficient is 0.94.

The frequencies measured from a patient shown in Table 6 lists their band-width and signal-to-noise ratio. It will be seen that the small intestine and the Sympathetic ANS have a signal level which is less than the noise, that means that the body is no longer aware of any activity connected to these meridians, which strongly suggests that these systems are already operating within a region of chaos.

Arsenicum alb. would stimulate the Sympathetic ANS and the Urinary Bladder while depressing the Small Intestine activity. Cadmium met. would stimulate Small Intestine  and Heart meridians and depress the pericardium activity. If the Arsenicum alb. and Cadmium met. are combined  with the patient’s frequency imprint, the result is a ‘nil potent’. All frequency stresses disappear.


Table 6. Frequencies from a Patient with a long medical history and symptoms consistent with stress on the meridians shown.


4. Frequencies and Acupuncture Meridians

There are characteristic endogenous frequencies present on acupuncture meridians (and chakra points). These cover the range from 100 µHz to 300 GHz. Normally, these frequencies fluctuate slightly in a quasi-periodic manner characteristic of (mathematical) chaos. They occur in one of two phases or chiralities – stimulatory or depressive of biological activity. When there is a stress or disease in a target organ, its meridian frequency spreads into the whole-body field. Table 7 lists the Ting Acupuncture Points (after Dr. Reinhardt.Voll)   commonly used in electroacupuncture. These points are located on the skin at either corner of the nail bed


Table 7:  Ting Acupuncture Points (after Dr. R. Voll)

These points are located on the skin at either corner of the nail bed







Thumb Lymphatic tissue Ly1 Lungs Lu1
Index Finger Large intestine LI1 Nerve degeneration ND1
3rd. Finger Circulation, Pericardium Ci9 Allergy AD1
4th. Finger Triple Warmer, Endocrine TW1 Organ degeneration Or1
Little Finger Small intestine SI1 Heart He9
Big Toe Liver Liv1 Spleen, Pancreas Pn1
2nd. Toe Stomach St45 Joint degeneration JD1
3rd. Toe Skin Degeneration Sk1 Fibroid degeneration FibD1
4th. Toe Gall bladder GB44 Fatty degeneration FatD1
Little Toe Bladder (urinary) BL67 Kidney Ki1


Table 8 lists the nominal frequencies endogenous to these points and a homeopathic potency to stimulate that particular meridian. These potencies represent a selection from what I happened to have available at that time and the list is not exclusive. The last column gives the matching frequency measured from the homeopathic potency.  There will of course be other frequencies in each potency which are not active. Comparison of Columns 2 and 4 shows how precise these frequencies can be.


Table 8:  Homeopathic Potencies to Stimulate Acupuncture Meridians




Endogenous Frequencies



Matching Frequency of the Potency






Proteus 30C




Calc Phosphorus 30 C




Cuprum met. 6C




Electricitas 200C




Opium 30C




Thuja 30C




Arsen. Alb 10M




Mercurius Sol. 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Cadmium met. 1M





Naja trop. 6C




Sulphur 30C




Opium 30C




Apis 6C




Arnica 6C




Aurum met. 30C


St45 (balanced)


Graphites 10M




Tabacum 30C




Graphites 10M




Silicea 6C




Conium 6C




Cuprum met. 6C


Other Points



Apis 6C




Calcarea Carb. 30C




Calcarea Fluor. 6C




Plumbum met. 30C





X-ray 200C




Calcarea Fluor. 6C




Rad. Iodium 200C




Staphysagria 30C




Staphysagria 30C




Argentum Nit. 200C




Rad. Iodium 200C




Rad. Iodium 200C



4.       Relation between Potencies, Acupuncture Meridians and the ANS

The relationship between the acupuncture meridians and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) also comes from the work of Dr. Reinhardt Voll[4]  He identifies a complete system of acupuncture points which indicate the functioning of both branches of the autonomic nervous system. These are listed in Tables 9 a & b where potencies which stimulate these Voll ANS Points are indicated by a ‘+’.

The Nerve Degeneration Meridian

The Nerve Degeneration Meridian is Dr. Voll’s summation point for the entire ANS. It is stimulated by Naja trop. 6C or  Electricitas 200C .


Table 9a.   Homoeopathic Potencies which Stimulate the  Sympathetic ANS

Voll’s Connection Points

Sympathetic Summation



– cranial



– cervical






– thoracic


Arsenicum alb. 1M






Lycopodium 6C






Chamomilla 30C






Ac. fluor. 6C






Crot. 6C/12C






Electricitas 200C






X-ray 200C






Petroleum 30C






Rad. Bromium 1M







Table 9b   Homoeopathic Potencies which Stimulate the Parasympathetic ANS


Voll’s Connections


Sympathetic Summation Point







GB 10a

Vagus nucleus

in medulla

GB 11b





St8 c/d





St 16





St 15





St 18

 Ars alb. 1M








Graph 10M








Cu. met. 6X








 Phos 6C








Electricitas     -200C








Crot. 66c/12c








Rad. iod.  2200C








Rad. brom. 1 1M









Voll’s Connections


– abdominal






– pelvic


Inf.  Hypo-gastric plexus


Arsenicum alb. 1M





Lycopodium 6C





Chamomilla 30C





Ac. fluor. 6C





Crot. 6C/12C





Electricitas 200C





X-ray 200C





Petroleum 30C





Rad. Bromium 1M






Voll’s Connections

Vagus –


St 21


plexus ant.

St 20/L


Plexus post.

St 20/R




Ki 20




Ki 21




Ki 19




BL 35




BL 34

Pelvic –



BL 32

Arsenicum alb. 1M










Graphites 10M










Cu. met. 6X










Phosphorous 6C










Electricitas 200C










Crot. 6C/12C










Rad. iod. 200C










Rad. brom. 1M











5.   Frequency Entrainment by Chemicals and Potencies


5.1  Entrainment of Frequency Signatures of Chemicals

All chemicals which can H-bond to water develop a characteristic frequency signature through interaction with trace vicinal water.  The  frequency signatures of chemicals are as effective in producing frequency entrainment at acupuncture points as frequencies from an external oscillator. It just needs the chemical to be near the body and any part of its frequency signature to come within an entrainment range. Holding a glass bottle containing a  chemical for just one minute is sufficient to entrain  an acupuncture point from its nearby endogenous frequency to that of the chemical. It takes about 10  minutes for that point to relax back to its endogenous  frequency. This effect can still happen with dilute solutions. The writer’s personal sensitivity threshold for detecting the chemical frequency signature of sodium chloride as its solution is successively  diluted  comes  at a concentration of about 0.3 ppm by weight.

The frequency signatures of chemicals in contact with the body are as effective in producing frequency entrainment at an acupuncture point as those from an external oscillator should they happen to come within the entrainment range. Holding a glass bottle containing a chemical for just one minute is sufficient to entrain an acupuncture point to the chemical; it takes about 10  minutes for the point to relax back to its endogenous  frequency. This is a process of awareness on the part of the living system, therapy is not necessarily involved.

The first column of Table 10 lists the acupuncture points within the entrainment range of the chemical frequency signatures of sodium chloride. Column 3 shows the effect of entrainment when holding a tube containing sodium chloride solution with the frequency signature shown in Column 2. Similar entrainment effects were found in cell cultures grown in the presence of  traces of toxic environmental chemicals at the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, TX[5] .


Table  10.  Entrainment of  Acupuncture  Points by Chemical Frequency Signatures

(all frequencies are in MHz)


It is possible to hide a frequency imprint or chemical frequency signature so that the body does not recognise it and it no longer entrains, stimulates or depresses.  This is done by succussing it in a field with a particular frequency and chirality. Succussion in the opposite chirality usually “recovers” it.  One frequency having this property is 1.42 GHz which is the 21cm resonance of molecular hydrogen. Also, it is not possible to potentise into a tube of water 21 cm long. The frequencies 2.65 GHz, 384 MHz and 7.8 Hz also have these unexpected properties. They are fractally related to transitions between spectral lines in the far-infra-red rotational spectrum of water. The frequency 384 MHz is also the high frequency fractal of the Heart Meridian and Heart Chakra; this and its low band frequency 7.8 Hz can “restore” a hidden imprint.  Holding a tube of erased water over the Heart Chakra can potentise environmental frequencies into it.

Peppermint is commonly regarded as being antagonistic to homeopathic potencies. A specimen of peppermint schnapps had the frequencies given in Table 11. Note that it contains both 384 MHz in depressive chirality and 1.42 GHz.

Table 11

Frequencies for Peppermint Schnapps



­7.802 × 10 0

Heart  Meridian

¯5.812 × 10+3

Sanjiao (Triple-Warmer)

­2.25 × 10+6

Stomach meridian (left side)

¯3.84 × 10+8

Heart  Meridian

­1.42 × 10+9

Molecular hydrogen resonance


If a tube of frequency imprinted water is succussed while close to a bottle of  peppermint schnapps, its frequency pattern is “hidden”.  This means that the activity of a homeopathic potency will be similarly neutralised.  This “hidden” frequency pattern is not erased by placing in a steel box. This implies a different  memory mechanism is involved, and I have not yet found it. The frequency pattern can be recovered by succussing in the presence of 7.8 Hz which then also becomes imprinted. Succussing over the Heart Chakra would suffice provided the person’s endogenous Heart frequency was normal.


5.2  Entrainment of Frequency Signatures of Potencies

A homeopathic potency has its characteristic frequency signature and this can have an entraining effect on acupuncture meridians with a nearby endogenous frequency as shown in Table 12. There is no meridian with an endogenous frequency near enough to 5.40 × 10+5 Hz  for any entrainment.


Table 12:  Effects on Acupuncture Meridians of Holding Vanadium D6

Vanadium D6



Acupuncture Points Stimulated

Acupuncture Points Endogenous Frequency

Initial Meridian Frequencies of Subject

Meridian Frequencies of Subject while Holding Potency






2.23 × 10-2


2.50 × 10-2

2.516 × 10-2

2.282 × 10-2

4.80 × 10 0


4.80 × 10 0

4.780 × 10 0

4.802 × 10 0

4.80 × 10 0


5.50 × 10 0

5.520 × 10 0

4.802 × 10 0

5.40 × 10+5

1.24 × 10+6


1.23 × 10+6

1.230 × 10+6

1.240 × 10+6

3.30 × 10+6


2.95 × 10+6

2.940 × 10+6

3.300 × 10+6

3.30 × 10+6


2.70 × 10+6

2.700 × 10+6

3.300 × 10+6

3.30 × 10+6


2.46 × 10+6

2.440 × 10+6

3.300 × 10+6

3.30 × 10+6


2.46 × 10+6

2.460 × 10+6

3.300 × 10+6


6.  Comparison of Frequency Signatures:  Allopathics vs. Homeopathics

Table 13 compares the frequency signatures of Aspirin and Aconite 6C. It also shows that the frequency resonances stimulated and measured depend on the magnetic field configuration produced by the various coils used for excitation. Table 14 compares the frequency signatures of Paracetamol and Conium 10M.


Table 13.   Comparison of the frequency signatures of Aspirin and Aconite 6C measured in different field configurations.


Aconite C6

Toroid Field

Toroid Field

↑2.302 × 10-3

↑2.302 × 10-3

↓6.000 × 10-2

↓6.000 × 10-2

↑3.000 × 10-1

↑3.000 × 10-1

↓7.801 × 10 0

↓7.801 × 10 0

↑6.000 × 10+3

↑6.000 × 10+3

Caduceus Field

Caduceus Field

5.301 × 10-1

4.000 × 10-1

Solenoid  Field

Solenoid Field




­7.712×10 0


¯1.23× 10+6

­1.22× 10+6

­7.10× 10+6

¯7.10× 10+6

­3.35× 10+7


Table 14.  Comparison of Frequency Signatures of Paracetamol and Conium 10M


Conium 10M

Toroid Field

Toroid Field

↑2.000 × 10-2

↑2.000 × 10-2

↓7.301 × 10-1

↓7.301 × 10-1

↑6.000 × 10+1

↑6.000 × 10+1

Caduceus Field

Caduceus Field

1.000 × 10-1

1.000 × 10-1


7. Living Systems in General

Homeopathy with acupuncture can be applied to living systems in general. Frequency information from bio-fields can modulate scattered light[6] and it is  retained in photographs of that light. This opens a veritable mine of information from the internet. Figure 1 is a photograph of Alan Schmukler’s beloved cat – Bella taken while still in apparent health and a Table 15 of the frequencies contained in it with notes on the systems under stress. A later photograph showed even more stress.

Both branches of the autonomic nervous system are under stress as is the Sanjiao meridian which related to activity in the three body cavities. This is depressing the Heart meridian.  The frequency ↓4.000 × 10-2 Hz could represent depressed activity on the following meridians: right-side Stomach, Lungs,  Liver. It often appears in cases of Candida infection. A matching potency is the nosode Carcinosin 200C.


Figure 1:     BELLA – Alan  Schmukler’s beloved cat.


Table 15:     BELLA – Frequencies from photograph.



Carsinosin 200C


Toroid Field

Toroid Field

­3.000 × 10-3 ­3.000 × 10-3 Sympathetic ANS
↓4.000 × 10-2 ↓4.000 × 10-2 Candida alb.
­3.000 × 10-1 ­3.000 × 10-1 Parasympathetic ANS
↓7.801 × 10 0 ↓7.801 × 10 0 Heart meridian
­6.001 × 10+3 ­6.001 × 10+3 Sanjiao meridian

Caduceus Field

Caduceus Field

4.306 × 10-1 4.306 × 10-1


In the USA in the 1920’s homeopathy had a strong presence in academia but it  did not need or bring in funding and was displaced by chemistry. The problem concerning the understanding of homeopathy in terms of modern science began  at the end of WW2, when it was decided by the users of electromagnetic radiation that its only effects had to be thermal. It is what I call the “English Muffin Syndrome”.  If it’s not burned it is alright!  The safety measures were based on this premise which avoids legal liability.

In 1982, the problems of patients who had become sensitive to their electrical environment came to find me. It soon became clear that it was a frequency that was affecting them. These frequencies can be extremely precise, as living systems may be using frequencies with a parts per million precision. The rest is history and this you will find in my attached bibliography; I have master copies of most papers.

Any chemical which can hydrogen bond to vicinal trace water develops a characteristic frequency signature or pattern of frequency resonances. Thus, chemistry is an elaborate but highly profitable way of creating patterns of frequencies.

A chemical frequency signature is the starting point for the “Mother Tincture” of homeopathy. Dilution and succussion then develop its pattern to become a remedy. Allopathic medicines must also have a frequency signature and therefore must have a homeopathic activity as well as a chemical activity. Any homeopathic activity of allopathics is uncontrolled, unquantified and unrecognised.

Standard homeopathic potencies are not sufficiently precise for allergy therapy where a 5-fold dilution sequence is necessary to get the precision necessary to cope with such highly sensitive patients. Over the years, homeopaths have found substances and their potencies which are therapeutic by ‘trial and error’ using the symptoms they produce in healthy subjects.

This Chapter shows that it is possible to express each potency in terms of a frequency signature and to match this to the frequency signature of the patient’s stress/disease pattern to find a ‘similiter’ for therapy. This would not cover any contribution to therapy coming from any patient/practitioner/remedy interaction[7]  or Qi activity[8]  in the therapy process.

In general, there will be several homeopathic potencies incorporating the frequencies indicated for patient therapy but each is likely to include other frequencies not relevant. The clinical experience of the homeopath is needed to select the most appropriate remedy, taking into account any frequencies which should not be stimulated in the patient. One reason for this, is that there may be psychological resistance to therapy, another is that the body retains a memory for previous patterns of disease (miasms). These miasm frequencies can be accessed but it may not be advisable to stimulate them. The measurement of   patients’ stress frequencies and their matching to a homeopathic potency does demonstrate that homeopathy can be ‘evidence based medicine’ even if not ‘automated medicine’.

One area of environmental medicine to which homeopathy is uniquely placed to contribute, is healing persons made sick by their electromagnetic environment. This is not going to go away any more than will the automobile. Exposing a healthy person to the frequency pattern of a potency will produce its “proving symptoms”. Chronic exposure may lead to “proving symptoms” becoming  indistinguishable from “disease state”. Apply this to environmental frequencies and change the ‘zeitgeist’!


CWS Publications Since 2007

Publications 2008

  1. Smith CW  (2008)  GUEST EDITORIAL: The electrical properties of high dilutions. Homeopathy 97 pp. 111-112.
  1. Smith CW (2008) Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done. Chapters 1-7, January-July 2008
  1. Smith CW (2008)  Fröhlich’s Interpretation of Biology through Theoretical Physics. In: Hyland GJ and Rowlands P (Eds.) Herbert  Fröhlich FRS: A physicist ahead of his time. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 2nd edition,  pp 107-154.

Publications 2009

  1. Smith CW (2009) Plants may be slow but they are not stupid! April 2009.
  1. Smith CW (2009) Can Homeopathy Ameliorate Ongoing Sickness?  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (May 2009), Vol. 15, No. 5: 465-467.
  1. Smith CW. (2009) Coherent Frequencies, Consciousness and the Laws of Life. In: Dubois DM (Ed.), Partial Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference CASYS’09 on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liège, Belgium, August 3-8, 2009, Evolution of Living Systems and Biophysics, Risk Management, Optimization, and Control; 7th BCSCMsG International Symposium. Volume 25: 203-214. Abstract: CASYS’09  Symposium 10 p.17

Publications 2010

  1. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee “Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy Fourth Report of Session 2009-2010 London:  Stationery Office, HC 45   Ev.103-110,  22 February 2010.
  1. Smith CW (2010) The Essential Unity of CAM . The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, September 2010, Vol. 16, No. 9: 931-933.
  1. Smith CW (2010) Reflected Light Modulated by Biofields.  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine November 2010, Vol. 16, No. 11: 1133-1134.

Publications 2011

  1. Smith CW (2011)  Qi and the Frequencies of Bioelectricity. In: Mayor D & Micozzi MS (Eds.) Energy Medicine East and West. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier). Chapter 9, pp109-125.
  1. Smith CW (2011)  Frequencies and CAM United.  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 9, September 2011: 771-773.
  1. Smith CW. (2011) Frequency and Anticipation in Biosystems. 10th. Intl. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems, HEC-ULg, Liège, Belgium, 8-13 August 2011. Abstract: CASYS’11  Symposium 10: p.6. (In press).
  1. Smith CW. (2011) Physics and Anticipation in Biosystems. 10th. Intl. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems, HEC-ULg, Liège, Belgium, 8-13 August 2011. Abstract: CASYS’11  Symposium 7.3  (In press).

Publications 2012

  1. Smith CW (2012)  Patient-Practitioner-Remedy: Quantum Interactions in Living Systems.  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 18(2): 101-102.

[1] Smith C.W. Is  a living system a macroscopic quantum system? Frontier Perspectives, 7(1), 9-15 (1998), (Temple University, Philadelphia, 1997 lecture to Frontier Sciences Department).

[2] Rowlands P. (2007) Zero to Infinity: The Foundations of Physics. Series on Knots and  Everything  41. Singapore: World Scientific.

[3] In all Tables the frequencies are given in Hertz (Hz) in scientific notation. A frequency may be = stimulatory (hyperactive); L-chirality or  ¯ = depressive or stressful (hypoactive), D-chirality. Meridians with nearby frequencies are listed in Voll notation.

[4] Cited by Friedrich Bechtloff, in Elektroakupunktur (EAV) nach Voll, eine Darstellung in Bereichen. 1991., Verlag/Ort: Medizinisch Literarische Verlagsges and in English by Kenyon in: J.N. Kenyon, “Modern Techniques of Acupuncture” Vol. 3, Chapter 11 – Disordered Autonomic Steering.

[5] Smith C.W. 1. “The Diagnosis and Therapy of EM Hypersensitivity”;  2. “EM Fields in Health, in Therapies and Disease”. 18th. Annual Symposium on Man and His Environment, June 8-11, 2000, Dallas, Texas. Symposium  Notes for Participants.

[6] Smith CW (2010) Reflected Light Modulated by Biofields.  The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine November 2010, Vol. 16, No. 11: 1133-1134.

[7]  Milgrom LR (2007) Patient-practitioner-remedy (PPR) entanglement Part 10 toward a unified theory of homeopathy and conventional medicine  J. Altern. Complment. Medorrhinum  13:759-770.

[8] Smith CW (2011)  Qi and the Frequencies of Bioelectricity. In: Mayor D & Micozzi MS (Eds.) Energy Medicine East and West. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier). Chapter 9, pp109-125.

About the author

Cyril W. Smith

Cyril W. Smith, physicist, is the author of countless papers on the effects of subtle energies and co-author of Electromagnetic Man. He is one of the world"™s leading experts on the biological effects of subtle energies. He was Research Fellow at Imperial College, London, researched electromagnetic effects in living systems at Salford University, was Secretary of the Dielectrics Society, worked with H. Fröhlich treating electromagnetically sensitive patients and acted as a scientific consultant for the Breakspear Medical Group Ltd.

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