Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Scientific Research

How Water Has Memory The Quantum Dynamics of Dr Jacques Benveniste’s Research

Homeopath and researcher Christina Munns discusses the quantum dynamics of Dr. Jacque Benveniste’s research, and explains why some attempts to replicate his work failed.


The intention of this paper is to provide a valid explanation of the actual dynamics by which water molecules retain the information of a substance in high dilution states. The quantum dynamics of beta decay are explained along with the description of how the immunoglobulin anti-IgE antibodies affix to the FcεRI, the high-affinity IgE receptors of mast cells and basophils at the quantum scale.

The article also explains how the quantum dynamics of high dilution states of anti-IgE antibodies stimulate an immune response in basophils, thus providing a scientific answer to the vexed question of the results of Dr Jacques Benveniste’s and Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research into high dilution states of anti-IgE antibodies. The work also explains that homeoprophylaxis works at the quantum biological scale to induce an immune response to a disease state. Mention is also made of the quantum experiment that needs to occur to scientifically quantify the differentiation of the quantum states between different potencies of homeopathic medicine.









Beta Minus Decay. 4

Beta Plus Decay. 7

Water Memory via Beta Decay. 13


Molecular Dynamics. 16

Reasons Why Independent Researchers Produced Negative Results. 24

Request to Conduct Experiment 25

Suggested Experiment to Prove Homeopathic Medicine. 25






Figure 1 – Beta minus decay. 4

Figure 2 – Beta minus decay – Fields 1 & 2 – neutron to proton. 7

Figure 4 – Beta decay correspondences to quantum and DNA fields. 8

Figure 3 – Comparison of beta decay with anabolism & catabolism.. 9

Figure 5 – Beta decay – informational exchange. 10

Figure 6 – Beta decay – redox reaction & informational exchange. 11

Figure 7 – QCD as binary code informational “charges”. 12

Figure 8 – Informational translation of homeopathic medicine to DNA via water molecules  15

Figure 9 – Anatomy of a basophil 17

Figure 10 – Process of triggering of allergic response in mast cells. 18

Figure 11 – Basophil cell with IgE and Type I Fce receptors. 19

Figure 12 – Structure of antibody showing variable (V) and constant (C) regions  19

Figure 13 – IgE antigen binding sites – quantum number states. 20

Figure 14 – Structure of IgE antibody showing V, Fab, C and Fc regions. 20

Figure 15 – Transference process of antigen 4 quantum numbers from FceRI to basophil 22



This article represents a synthesis of the information regarding the dynamics of information transfer at the quantum scale in the process of preparing a homeopathic medicine drawn from the book Principia Unitas – Volume VI – The Quantum Mechanics of Homeopathy[1], coupled with subsequent findings of research into the actual quantum dynamics of the IgE-mediated allergic response in human basophils. The intention for the paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the quantum biology of basophil degranulation as well as to highlight the flaws in the verification testing of Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research experiments. It also clarifies the future research that needs to be conducted and explains the reasons why this further research is of paramount importance.



It is my understanding that the information in a homeopathic medicine (i.e. its superposition states of intrinsic angular momentum (ms) and total angular momentum (ml)) is transferred at the quantum scale firstly to the solution during the potentisation process (i.e. sequential succussion and dilution) and secondly during the administration of the homeopathic medicine to cellular tissue at the quantum scale through the molecular bonding of water molecules. This quantum information of the homeopathic medicine is contained in the four quantum numbers of the original substances (i.e. the spin quantum number (ms); magnetic quantum number (ml or total angular momentum); principal quantum number (n or angular velocity ⍵) and azimuthal quantum number (l or orbital angular momentum). Every material substance on the planet and throughout the cosmos contains within itself its own specific quantum signature which represents a particular set of quantized angular momenta states.   In this way it can be understood that everything has a quantum signature. It is this quantum signature of the substance, embodied as the precise four quantum numbers of the originating substance in the homeopathic medicine that is transferred at the quantum scale throughout the potentisation and administration process of the homeopathic medicine. The final result of this informational transference at the quantum scale is that it is not only transferred to the water in cellular tissue but also that, since water dissolves DNA, this information within water molecules at the quantum scale is also transferred to DNA, with the four quantum numbers of the original substance (or quantum signature) being transferred via the homeopathic medicine to each of the four DNA nucleic acids at the quantum scale as follows:

Spin quantum number = thymine = intrinsic angular momentum = ms
Magnetic quantum number = adenine = total angular momentum = ml
Principal quantum number = cytosine = angular velocity = n
Azimuthal quantum number = guanine = orbital angular momentum = l

Thus it can be seen that there is a quantum coherence between the four nucleic acids of DNA of cellular tissue and the four quantum numbers of the homeopathic medicine. These four quantum numbers of the homeopathic medicine act to reconfigure the DNA codons to make them informationally coherent with the information of the homeopathic medicine. In this way it can be seen that the homeopathic medicine acts via the process of quantum epigenetics to reconfigure DNA and make it informationally coherent. The information is transferred at the quantum scale via the process of beta decay. The two types of beta decay represent the polar states of the weak force that act to both create and destroy – b+ decay creates and b decay destroys. It is these two dynamics of the weak force that represent the two stage process by which information is transferred from the homeopathic medicine to cellular tissue.

I will now provide a detailed explanation of the quantum dynamics of exactly how information is transferred at the quantum scale via the process of beta decay. It is precisely the process of beta decay at the quantum scale that breaks down the information of the proton (b+) and neutron (b) into the four quantum number states of the homeopathic substance which are then transferred to the water molecules at the quantum scale.



Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay that occurs in the quantum state that involves the emission of either an electron and an electron antineutrino (β- decay) or a positron and an electron neutrino (β+ decay). [2]

It is through the process of beta decay that a proton transforms into a neutron and vice versa via the process of an up quark transforming into a down quark and vice versa. There are two types of beta decay: beta minus and beta plus. I will explain each type of decay separately.

Beta Minus Decay

In this type of decay a neutron is transformed into a proton. It results in the emission of an electron and an electron anti-neutrino.


Figure 1 – Beta minus decay

It is the process of translating the information of a particle (orbital angular momentum – l) back to the information of spin and total angular momentum state of the wave function – ms and ml or superposition state.

Down Quark Up Quark = βdecay SU(2) U(1)


Here is a synopsis of the process of the β- decay:

Quark chemistry = down quark (SU(2)) ⟶ up quark (U(1-1))[1]

Nuclear chemistry = U(1-0) down quark neutron (U(1-0)) transforms to U(1-1) up quark proton (SU(3)).
Atomic =               Neutron ⟶ proton   + β-         + νe         + e-
Unitary Symmetry = U(1) ® SU(3) + SU(2) + U(1-0) + U(1-1)
Quantum Number = Neutron ® n + l + ms + ml
From the above information it can be seen that during the process of beta minus decay the information of the neutron is broken down into the four quantum numbers and concomitantly also the four states of angular momenta. Each of these quantum numbers represents a unitary symmetry group. Each of these unitary symmetry groups is in quantum coherence with the molecular states of water at the quantum scale as follows:
ms = electron of 1 hydrogen atom
ml = electron of 1 hydrogen atom
n = one electron of orbital 1s of oxygen atom
l = one electron of orbital 1s of oxygen atom

These four quantum numbers are also represented within the three types of hydrogen bonds within water molecules as follows:


O ® O = combined length of covalent and hydrogen bonds = SU(2) = l

O ® H = covalent bond within water molecule = U(1-1) = ms and ml
O ® H = hydrogen bond between water molecules = SU(3) = n

In this way, it can be seen how the four quantum numbers of the homeopathic substance are transferred not only to the hydrogen bonds within water molecules but also that in turn the hydrogen bonds containing the four quantum numbers of the homeopathic substance transfers this information to the specific atomic state within water (i.e. either to the hydrogen or oxygen atom). This is how information is transferred to the atoms within water molecules.

When I was thinking how best to describe beta decay in real life terms, I recognised that the phenomenon of decay also occurs in biological systems at a cellular level. Thus I believe that the phenomena of β- decay can be likened to the process of catabolism. The word “catabolism” comes from the Greek word “kata” = “downward” and “ballein” = “to throw”.[3] Thus in the Unified Standard Model, where the down quark is located at Field 2 and the up quark at Field 1, in the process of β- decay, the down quark is “thrown downward” down the quantum harmonic oscillator.

Catabolism is the process of a set of metabolic pathways that break down molecules into smaller molecules and release energy. The word “energy” comes from the Ancient Greek word “energeia” which means “activity” or “operation”. In terms of Unified Field Theory, all activity, heat and energy arises due to the universal quality of SU(3). Thus when the down quark is transformed into an up quark during β- decay, (quantum catabolism), information U(1) (νe & e-) is released. This energy and information is in the form of an electron and an electron anti-neutrino. Thus there is a continuous process whereby the down quark (orbital angular momentum – l) creates the combined particle states of baryons and mesons (i.e. three quark and two quark particle states) and through the process of β- decay the baryons and mesons are catabolised whereby the information in the baryons and mesons is released back to the up quark at Field 1 back into the U(1-1) state of information of spin & total angular momentum of the wave function (ms and ml).

In catabolism within biological systems, the larger molecules are broken down into smaller ones and the energy released is used in respiration. In the quantum catabolism or β- decay, the U(1-0) down quark decays to a U(1-1) up quark and the information of spin and total angular momentum released (νe + e-) is used to power the oscillation of the quantum harmonic oscillator as well as provide two of the four particles required for fermion creation.

Given that the entire Unified Standard Model is based on the universal binary code of 0 and 1, it is possible to define β- decay in informational binary terms as changing from 0 ⟶ 1. Here information in the particle’s orbital angular momentum is translated back into the states of spin and total angular momentum by virtue of the transformation of the U(1) position down quark (0) in the neutron decaying into an up quark (1), also at U(1) position thus making a proton (SU(3)).

In the water molecule, β- decay occurs between the neutron (of oxygen in H2O) to the proton (of hydrogen in H2O), whereby the information of azimuthal quantum number (l x 2) and principal quantum number (n) in the down quark of the neutron (information = 0) is translated to the information of spin quantum number (ms), magnetic quantum number (ml), and principal quantum number (n) in the up quark of the proton of the hydrogen atom as the states of 0, 1 and 0:1. In this way, it can be seen that the information in the particles of a water molecule can be transformed into the information state of the wave function of spin and total angular momentum. This translated energy in the proton is then translated back into information in the neutron via the process of β+ decay or anabolism.

Here is a summary of this translation process of β- decay:

down quark of neutron of oxygen atom (contains l, l, n) ⇝ up quark of proton of hydrogen atom (ms, ml and n)

– i.e. the information is translated from a particle state (0) to a wave state (1).

Below is a diagram showing the process of beta minus decay within the context of the quantum state. The tetrahedral image is a diagram of the baryon supermultiplet using four quark models and half spin. I have circled the location of the neutron and proton states to explain exactly how beta decay occurs within the context of the four quark states of charm, strange, down and up quarks.


Figure 2 – Beta minus decay – Fields 1 & 2 – neutron to proton

Beta Plus Decay

The same information that applies to β- decay also applies to β+ decay, with the process being reversed such that the quantum information in the proton is broken down via the process of beta plus decay into the four quantum numbers and four states of unitary symmetry. In this type of decay a proton is transformed into a neutron, which results in the emission of a positron and an electron neutrino. Beta plus decay is the process of transforming the information of spin and total angular momentum of the wave function (ms and ml) into the information of orbital angular momentum or electron orbital configuration state of the neutron.

Up Quark Down Quark = β+ decay U(1) ⟶ SU(2)

Here is a synopsis of β+ decay:

Quark chemistry = up quark (U(1-1)) ⟶ down quark (SU(2))
Nuclear chemistry =U(1) up quark proton (SU(3)) transforms to U(1) down quark neutron U(1)
Atomic =                 Proton ⟶ neutron + β+ +   νe + e+
Unitary Symmetry = SU(3) ® U(1-0) + SU(2) + U(1-1) + SU(3)

Quantum number =     n   ® ms + l   + ml   + n

Information of spin and total angular momentum in wave function – ms and ml ⟶ information of orbital angular momentum – i.e. particle state (l)

The process of β+ decay process can be likened to the biological process of anabolism. The word “anabolism” comes from the Greek word “ana” = “upward” and “ballein” = “to throw”.[4] Thus in the Unified Standard Model, where the up quark is located at Field 1 and the down quark at Field 2, in the process of β+ decay, the up quark is “thrown upwards” up the quantum harmonic oscillator. Anabolism is the process of a set of metabolic pathways that constructs molecules from smaller units. Anabolism requires both information and energy to operate. This information and energy is obtained from the process of catabolism via β- decay.

From a quantum mechanical perspective, β+ decay receives its energy to construct particles and assist in the production of higher atomic numbered elements from β- decay. Thus, at the base of the quantum harmonic oscillator, there is a cyclical redox-like reaction between the up and down quarks which constantly interact to produce informational and energy particles (i.e. e-, νe, e+ and νe) to be used to manufacture more particles via the beta function of Field 2 (down quark).

Here is a summary of this translation process of β+ decay:

up quark of proton of hydrogen atom (ms, ml and n) ⇝ down quark of neutron of oxygen atom (contains l, l, n)

– i.e. the information is translated from a wave state (1) to a particle state (0).

When an up quark is transferred into a down quark during β+ decay (quantum anabolism), the end result is also information (U(1-1) – νe) and energy in the form of total angular momentum (SU(3) – e+) in the form of an electron neutrino and a positron. In binary terms, β+ decay is the process of transformation of 1 ⟶ 0 or where the information of the proton is transferred to information in the neutron and the release of a νe and e+. I propose that it is the νe + e+ produced during β+ decay that is added with the νe + e- produced during β- decay to form the four quantum numbers as follows:




Particle Binary Code Unitary Symmetry Euclidean Space DNA

Nucleic Acid

Quantum Number


= 0

W- e- 1 SU(2)



X G l
νe 0 U(1-0) Z0 T ms


= 1




e+ 0 SU(3) Y C n
νe 1 U(1-1) Z1 A ml


Figure 3 – Beta decay correspondences to quantum and DNA fields

Here is a diagram of the redox-like process showing the two different stages of beta decay and how the binary information is transformed during this process.


Figure 4 – Comparison of beta decay with anabolism & catabolism

I propose that it is through the different combinations of the four by-product particles of beta decay that fermions are formed. They act as a quaternion formula and it is through the 2×2 matrix of the SU(2) field of Field 2 or state of materiality that the four particles of e-, νe, e+ and νe interact in the quantum field to produce more complex fermions (i.e. baryons and mesons). It can be noted from the above table that these four particles each embody one of the four states of the three unitary symmetry groups or universal qualities. They truly are the building blocks of life. I further propose that the purpose of beta decay is to produce both particles (e- and e+) and information (νe and νe) in order to produce these four foundational particles from which larger particles can be formed. Just as DNA contains the four nucleic acids, so too do the up and down quarks hold the quantum version of nucleic acids as e-, νe, e+ and νe. Similarly, just as proteins and polypeptides are built upon the layering of the different kinds of amino acids which are formed from the DNA codons of three of the four nucleic acids of DNA, so too are the kaons, pions, mesons and elements of the periodic table fabricated from the four basic quantum “nucleic acids” of e-, νe, e+ and νe. These four particles are the foundational building blocks of matter. In fact I would also like to say that I believe that the e- and νe are the basis of purines and the e+ and νe are the basis of pyrimidines.

In biological systems at the atomic level, redox reactions involve the transference of electrons. However, in the process of quantum beta decay the transferred elements are the information of U(1) unitary symmetry group of a down quark in a neutron and an up quark in a proton. It is this informational transference (U(1)) that renders the up quark to become a down quark and vice versa. The functional shift occurs because it is the spin quantum number (ms) that determines the function of a particle and since it is the U(1) quark that is being transformed, then the transformation of information (i.e. U(1-0) and U(1-1) or ms and ml ). This) means that the quark is functionally altered by the swapping of the spin states. For more information about the mechanics of spin in determining fermion function, please refer to the text “Principia Unitas – Vol. III – The Quantum Mechanism” in the section “Photon Polarisation and the Unified Standard Model”. Here are two diagrams showing the process of neutron “oxidation” and “reduction”.[5]



Figure 5 – Beta decay – informational exchange


Figure 6 – Beta decay – redox reaction & informational exchange

I truly believe that much can be understood by comparing the biological metabolic process (i.e. catabolism and anabolism) with quantum mechanics. In fact, as mentioned in the text “Principia Unitas – Vol. II – The Quantum Mechanism”, we can actually comprehend much, much more about quantum mechanics by comparing different aspects of it with reasoned analogous biological processes.

As I was grappling with how to understand and explain beta decay, the fact that during the process W+ and W- bosons and particles appear out of seemingly nowhere, I had the flash of insight to use real life decay systems as a means of understanding and explaining beta decay. My training as a homeopath has helped me enormously in this regard, since the knowledge of the biological processes of ATP production came to mind from the days of studying anatomy & physiology. I then recognised that the W+ and W- bosons can be perceived to act as coenzymes which act as quantum “helper molecules” in the process of metabolism (i.e. beta decay) and that the analogy can be made between W- as NAD and W+ as NADH.1 Thus the W- boson can be perceived to be a quantum oxidising agent and that the W+ boson can be perceived to be a quantum reducing agent. Therefore, it can be understood that the two types of beta decay – i.e. β- decay and β+ decay represent an oxidising and reducing process respectively. Thus beta decay represents a quantum redox reaction whereby energy and information is released during catabolism and then this energy is used to power anabolism, with the resultant by-products of e-, νe, e+ and νe becoming available to then produce more complex fermions within the quantum mechanism.

Thus, I propose that the underlying purpose for quark decay, and indeed the weak force generally, is not just to allow quarks to change flavour, but in a very real way quark decay represents informational translation – from 0 ⟶ 1(β- decay) and from 1 ⟶ 0 (β+ decay).

There are two types of processes here:


beta decay – hadron notation = neutron ® proton + e- + νe = U(1-1) ® SU(3)

beta decay – quark notation = down quark to up quark = udd ® uud + e- + νe = SU(2) ® U(1-1)

β+ decay:

beta decay – hadron notation = proton ® neutron + e+ + νe = SU(3) ® U(1-1)

beta decay – quark notation = up quark to down quark = uud ® udd + e+ + νe = U(1-1) ® SU(2)


From a universal quality perspective at the quark scale the informational translation of beta decay represents the translation of SU(2) to U(1-1) (β- decay) and from U(1-1) to SU(2) (β+ decay). From a unitary symmetry group perspective this informational translation process represents the translation of SU(2) to U1(1) via β- decay and from U1(1) to SU(2) via β+ decay. From a functional perspective the informational translation of beta decay represents the translation of the information of orbital angular momentum into the information of wave function (β- decay) and from information in wave function to information in particle (β+ decay). Viewed in this way, beta decay is not just about colour charge and quark flavour changing, but it also functions as a binary informational transformational mechanism or “binary flavour changing” between SU(2) and U(1-1) or between the particle state and the wave function – i.e. between l and ms:ml. It is this very informational translation between the up and down quarks in the beta function that underpins the dynamic of quark flavour changing. I propose that the three aspects of colour charge each embody a state of binary informational charge as follows:

Strong Force Weak Force
Field 4 – green = 0 = -ve charge Field 2 – anti-green (magenta) = 0 = -ve charge
Field 1 – red = 0:1 = neutral Field 5 – anti-red (cyan) = 0 = -ve charge
Field 6 – blue = 1 = +ve charge Field 3 – anti-blue (yellow) = 1 = +ve charge


Figure 7 – QCD as binary code informational “charges”

In this way, the quark anti-quark pairs can be perceived to be sets of informational binary codes that inform each of the neutrinos, anti-neutrinos, neutrons, protons, and charged leptons as follows:

g g = 10

r r   = 0110

b b = 01

Thus beta decay can be recognised to be the informational transfer mechanism that it really is, as well as the conventional perception of charge exchange quark flavour changing. Having beta decay as an informational transport mechanism within the quantum field facilitates the exchange of binary information between SU(2) and U(1-1) at the quark scale. In the proton the states of U(1-1) of the up quark and the SU(3) state of the proton can be understood to be informationally identical, but that in the proton – SU(3), the information is on the imaginary plane (i/-i axis) rather than on the Absolute plane (j/-j axes) as is the case of the U(1) up quark
U(1-1) of the proton.

Water Memory via Beta Decay

The reason I have explained beta decay in such detail, is not only to show the informational aspect of beta decay, but also to demonstrate the fact that information is transferable between the angular momenta states at the quantum scale. Thus in the quantum mechanism, beta decay acts to translate the passive information of the particle state (down quark – SU(2)) into the active information of the wave function or up quark – ms:ml. and back again. Another way to explain beta decay is to say that it causes a transformation in quantum number from azimuthal quantum number to spin and magnetic quantum number and back again. SU(2) literally picks up the pieces left over from the quantum redox reaction of beta decay (i.e. the four particles of e-, νe, e+ and νe) and utilises them to fabricate baryons and mesons. Yet another simplistic explanation is to say that it transforms the information of the particle to the superposition state of and back again to the particle state. It is because the weak force breaks parity symmetry (as the Wu Experiment discovered) that gives rise to the ability of the particle state to change states. It is the fact that water molecules (SU(2)) exist in the particle state (SU(2)) that endows water with the ability to exchange information via the parity symmetry breaking capability of the weak force (SU(2)) in which it exists.

In the context of water molecules it can be understood that the hydrogen and oxygen atoms within the water molecule are able to transfer information between each other via the process of beta decay governed by the weak force. They are also able to transfer information between other water molecules via the hydrogen and covalent bonds. In this way it can be seen that information is exchanged at the quantum scale within and between the atoms of the water molecule. I propose that this is exactly how water molecules have “memory” as Masaru Emoto[6] discovered in his pioneering work on water crystals, since information is exchanged between the neutrons and protons of the atoms of the water molecule via the quantum dynamics of beta decay. In this way water molecules are able to store information – i.e. have a “memory”. Thus I firmly believe that water has a memory due to the dynamics of beta decay at the quantum scale and that water memory is due to beta decay.

What beta decay means within the context of homeopathic medicine is that since the quantum signature of the homeopathic medicine can be translated from one state to another and that this occurs in a continuous process in the quantum state. This information thus verifies the fact that when a homeopathic substance is placed in an alcohol/water solution or biological system, the information in the homeopathic substance (held within the SU(2) down quark of the neutron of the homeopathic substance as orbital angular momentum) is translated into the informational plane of the U(1- 1) up quark of the proton of the hydrogen atom of the alcohol/water solution or biological state via the process of β- decay. In this way, the information of the particle state of the homeopathic medicine becomes translated into the information of the wave function state as it decays from the down quark of the neutron to the up quark of the proton during β- decay. This mechanism of information transfer is reversed as the U(1- 1) up quark of the proton of the hydrogen atom in the water molecule is then transformed back into the state of SU(2) information of the down quark of the neutron via β+ decay. In this stage it is transported via the hydrogen bond that exists between water molecules to the down quark of the neutron of the oxygen atom in the water molecule where it then breaks its hydrogen bond and forms another hydrogen bond with another water molecule where the β- decay cycle begins all over again. In this way, the information of the homeopathic substance is translated via the mechanism of beta decay, throughout the entire water/alcohol solution or biological system. On the following page is a diagram showing this process. Thus it can be proven that the information within the neutron of the SU(2) down quark of a homeopathic medicine is transformed at the quantum scale into the hydrogen atom of a water or ethanol molecule via β- decay and to the oxygen atom via β+ decay. In this way, the information of the homeopathic medicine becomes entangled at the quantum scale with the neutron of the oxygen atom in the water molecule and is then spread homogeneously throughout the solution by the continual process of hydrogen bond breaking and bonding with other oxygen or hydrogen atoms. It can be noted that once the information of the homeopathic medicine becomes entangled with the oxygen atom that there are three different transformations that can then occur:

Transformation 1 = Oxygen atom ⟶ hydrogen atom via covalent bond within water = bond length = 1 = U(1) down quark of neutron in oxygen in homeopathic medicine transformed to U(1) up quark of proton of hydrogen atom in H2O of solution

Transformation 2 = Hydrogen atom ® oxygen atom via hydrogen bond length = 1.8 = U(1) up quark of proton of hydrogen transformed to U(1) down quark of neutron of oxygen atom in H2O in solution

Transformation 3 = Oxygen atom ⟶ oxygen atom via sum of covalent bond + hydrogen bond (= bond length 2.8= SU(2)). U(1) down quark of neutron of oxygen atom in H2O in solution transformed to U(1) up quark in proton of oxygen atom in DNA nucleic acid (thymine, cytosine or guanine)

I propose that Transformation 3 occurs when the oxygen atom within a water molecule is bonding to an oxygen atom within a biological field – i.e. it binds to an oxygen receptor in either thymine, cytosine or guanine in DNA.

It can therefore be stated that the water/alcohol solution to which the homeopathic medicine has been added becomes informationally enriched or perturbed at the quantum scale as the informational states within the down quark of the neutrons and up quarks of the protons of the homeopathic substance become translated into the up quarks of the proton of hydrogen and down quarks of the neutron of oxygen respectively within a water molecule.

On the following page is a diagram explaining the quantum scale flow chart of how information in a homeopathic medicine reaches cellular DNA via the hydrogen bonding within water molecules:


Figure 8 – Informational translation of homeopathic medicine to DNA via water molecules


Following on from the controversial research by Dr Jacques Benveniste’s on anti-IgE antibodies in 1979 which showed that highly diluted solutions of anti-IgE were still biologically active and thus able to initiate a histamine response in basophils, it was concluded by Benveniste that water molecules themselves were somehow biologically active. However, the mystery of actually how this occurs has remained elusive to date. The term “water memory” was subsequently coined by a journalist to describe this mechanism by which water molecules are able to retain the “memory” of the substances that are dissolved in them. Professor Madeleine Ennis of Queens University, Belfast has subsequently replicated Dr Benveniste’s research experiments but as yet there have not been any conclusive answers as to the pharmacological dynamics of how the high dilution states of anti-IgE antibodies are still able to initiate an immune response in basophils, despite the absence of any anti-IgE molecules being present in the solution.

I will now provide the explanation as to why Dr Jacques Benveniste and Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research were both able to produce the unusual result of basophil stimulation by anti-IgE antibodies in highly diluted states. I will also provide two cogent arguments as to the reasons why the follow-up independent laboratory experiments that tried to confirm the results did not give the same results as Benveniste’s and Ennis’ research.

Prof. Jacques Benveniste was a distinguished French immunologist who, back in the 1970’s and 1980’s performed experiments on sequentially diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously) states of anti-IgE antibodies. His findings were surprisingly that, despite the highly diluted states of these solutions, they were still able to stimulate the degranulation[2] of human basophil cells.

Molecular Dynamics

I will now explain the molecular and biological dynamics of the process that leads to basophil degranulation.

IgE is a type of immunoglobulin or class of antibody that is found only in mammals. Its functions include destroying parasitic invasion and also producing a Type 1 hypersensitivity which plays a role in the allergic response. It operates by having two types of receptors, each of which activates particular immune cells as follows:

FceRI (Type I Fce Receptor) = this is the high affinity IgE receptor. It links to mast cells, basophils and antigen presenting dendritic cells within mice and humans.
FceRII (Type II Fce Receptor) = this is the low affinity IgE receptor. It links to B cells, macrophages, eosinophils, platelets and some T cells.[7]

Since basophil degranulation is mediated by the FceR receptor Type I and not the FceR Type II receptor, the biological dynamics of antigen presentation to the FceR Type II receptor will not be discussed herein.

Basophils are a type of granulocyte. Granulocytes are a category of white blood cells that contain granular inclusions containing cytotoxic material within their cytoplasm. There are three types of granulocytes, each of which match a particular unitary symmetry group as follows:

Neutrophils – have a neutral staining properties = U(1)
Eosinophils – stain brick-red – acid loving = SU(2)
Basophils – stain blue-purple – alkali loving = SU(3)

Here is an image of a basophil showing its structure and components:[8]


Figure 9 – Anatomy of a basophil

The granules of basophils contain the following substances:
Histamine – organic neurotransmitter that triggers the inflammatory response[9]

Proteoglycans – part of extracellular matrix and involved in binding cations (Na, K & Calcium) and water. They also regulate molecular movement through the extracellular tissue.[10]

Protease – this is a type of enzyme that triggers protein decay (i.e. proteolysis) by hydrolysis of the peptide bonds that link the amino acids that are the building blocks of polypeptide chains that constitute proteins.[11]

Heparin – this is a naturally occurring anti-coagulant that acts to stop blood coagulating.[12]

Basophils have protein receptors on their cell surface that binds the IgE receptor. Specifically, they have receptors for the Type I Fce Receptor. Basophils are the lowest population of granulocytes and operate by circulating within the blood stream ready to go to the local site when required. Basophils arise from bone marrow.

The process by which an allergic response in humans is triggered is as follows:

Step 1:       Allergen (e.g. bee pollen) is presented to human
Step 2:        Human immune system is stimulated to produce IgE antibodies, specifically containing the Information of the allergen – i.e. the antibody contains the four quantum numbers or quantum signature of the allergen – in this case the quantum signature of bee pollen.
Step 3:        These IgE antibodies for bee pollen attach themselves to the cellular membrane of the     basophil via the Type I Fce Receptors which are located on the cell surface. This is the step whereby the information (i.e. the four quantum numbers of bee pollen) are introduced to the basophil for the purposes of storing the information of the four quantum numbers of bee pollen so that when bee pollen is presented to the human      organism a second time, the basophil recognises this information because it has already recorded its information within organelle structure. This is the process of immune recognition.
Step 4:        Time elapses. The second time that a human is exposed to bee pollen, the primed basophils that can recognise the information of bee pollen rush to the local site via the bloodstream and release the contents of their granules (i.e. the process of degranulation occurs). This degranulation process triggers an inflammatory response as the histamine within the granules of the basophil set the inflammatory response into motion. It is this inflammatory response that triggers the allergic response of   sneezing, running nose, inflammation and if sufficiently severe, also anaphylactic shock.

Here is a diagram showing this process of immune response in mast cells:[13]


Figure 10 – Process of triggering of allergic response in mast cells

Here is a diagram showing how the Type I Fce receptors of the specific IgE antibody bind to the basophil:[14]


Figure 11 – Basophil cell with IgE and Type I Fce receptors


What is occurring at the quantum scale during the process of Type I Fce reception of the IgE antibody is that the V region of the IgE is the paratope – i.e. the area that binds to the antigens. This variable section or Fab section of the antibody binds to the antigen determinant region or epitope. This is the constant section of the antibody and its function is to determine whether or not the presenting antigen has been presented before or not. If it has not been presented before then a new antibody needs to be produced. Here is a diagram of an IgE antibody showing these different regions and heavy and light chains within it: [15]


Figure 12 – Structure of antibody showing variable (V) and constant (C) regions

Below is a diagram showing how the four quantum numbers of the antigen attach themselves to each of the two antigen binding sites of IgE:[16]


Figure 13 – IgE antigen binding sites – quantum number states

In this way, once the allergen binds to the four antigen binding sites of the IgE molecule, it then has the information of the antigen encoded within it as the four quantum numbers of the antigen times two. When the Type I Fce receptor binding sites of the IgE antibody each bind to the two domains of the alpha chain of the FceRI (see diagram below[17]), one FceRI receptor binding site of IgE binds to Domain 1 of the alpha chain of the FceRI receptor and the other binds to Domain 2 of the alpha chain FceRI receptor.   Here is a diagram showing the different regions of the immunoglobulin IgE.


Figure 14 – Structure of IgE antibody showing V, Fab, C and Fc regions

Thus there is a continual flow of the four quantum numbers of the allergen as follows:


On the following page is a diagram showing this transference process of the antigen’s four quantum numbers from Type I Fce receptors to the three basophil structures, showing that the receptor binding process uses the three unitary symmetry groups as channels within the Type I Fce receptors to match the three unitary symmetry groups of the basophil anatomy:[18]


Figure 15 – Transference process of antigen 4 quantum numbers from FceRI to basophil

Thus it can be demonstrated how the four quantum numbers of the IgE antibody are serially transferred from the IgE molecule to the Type I Fce receptor on the surface of the basophil and then transferred into the basophil structures itself. In this way the information of the quantum signature of the specific allergen can be stored in the basophil cytoplasmic structures and nucleus, thus serving to prime the basophil to trigger an inflammatory response the next time that the specific antigen is presented.

In this way it can be understood that the basophil cell structures contains the four quantum numbers of the IgE antibody to the specific allergen as follows:

Basophil nucleus = ms:ml
Glycogen = n
Granule = l

The above explanation demonstrates the quantum and molecular dynamics that produced the results of the research experiments of highly diluted anti-IgE antibodies of Dr Jacques Benveniste and Prof. Madeleine Ennis that showed the triggering of the basophil degranulation process by the high dilution states of anti-IgE antibodies.

It is precisely because the basophils are encoded with the four quantum numbers of the specific allergen (i.e. its quantum signature) that is the answer to the vexed question of exactly how Dr Benveniste’s & Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research gave the results that they did. The quantum signature of the allergen embedded on the antigen receptor site of the IgE antibody is relayed into the physiology of the basophil via the four states of the Fc fragment region of the Type I Fce receptor. This is the quantum biological pathway, driven by the channels of the three unitary symmetry groups by which basophils are induced to degranulate. Further, it is this quantum biological pathway that is conserved during serial succussion and dilution process of Dr Jacques Benveniste’s high dilution solution of anti-IgE states, because no matter how many times the anti-IgE solution is diluted and succussed, the quantum signature of antigen within the IgE antibody is always conserved. It is not necessary for any atomic or molecular structure of the anti-IgE antibody to exist (i.e. beyond Avogadro’s number) because the quantum state exists in a higher dimensional state (5D), which is beyond the confines of the 3D atomic state of Euclidean space and also 4D space-time and gravity.

A simple way of explaining this quantum dynamic is to explain it as a process of biological superconductivity, since the superconductive state is itself the 5D or quantum state. The quantum state, being a fifth dimensional phenomenon, does not obey the laws of classical mechanics of space-time and thus Newton’s laws of motion do not apply. This is the reason why supercooled helium is able to defy gravity and climb up the walls of a container because at low degrees Kelvin, the superconductive state or 5D quantum state that exists at such low temperatures, causes biological states to obey the laws of quantum mechanics and not the laws of classical mechanics of the third and fourth dimensions.

Much more could be discussed on this topic, since the ramifications of this information for the medical establishment and biological research are vast, but this paper is written with the intention to explain the fact that Dr Jacques Benveniste’s research gave the results that it did due to the phenomenology of the quantum state. Unfortunately for him, and for the science of homeopathy as well, his research was ridiculed when independent researchers attempted to officially reproduce his experiments but unofficially did not follow the exact same protocol as Dr Jacques Benveniste’s protocols. For example, the anti-IgE solution was only not succussed, it was only serially diluted. This would have resulted in the electron states not becoming excited and jumping to higher orbitals and thus not activating the higher energy states of the electron orbitals in the excited state.

I believe the main reason why both Dr Jacques Benveniste and Prof. Madeleine Ennis were not able to produce any conclusive hypothesis from the fact that their research results produced the basophil response that they did, is because their area of research lies mainly in the immunological and pharmaceutical areas of research. That is to say that their field of research necessarily is bound by the material state of 3D dynamics or classical Newtonian mechanics and does not extend to the unusual quantum dynamics of the fifth dimension within biological states. Both researchers are highly eminent experts in molecular biology and chemistry but not quantum biology. It is for this reason that I suggest that the answers to their ongoing research results remained elusive to them.

Reasons Why Independent Researchers Produced Negative Results

There are many reasons why the independent laboratory experiments conducted after Dr Benveniste and Prof. Ennis’s research that occurred to try to prove or disprove the experiments returned a negative, disapproving stance, but I will enumerate the seven main reasons associated with the tests conducted in 2003 to replicate the research testing of Prof. Ennis:

  • A solution of ammonium chloride was added to the solution to be diluted. Since ammonium chloride (or more commonly known as sal ammoniac) is inherently acidic, this would have had a detrimental effect on the anti-IgE antibody and not provided the requisite alkaline environment in which it operates optimally in the biological state.   Biological states are inherently alkaline for optimal functioning. The addition of the acidic ammonium chloride would inhibit the anti-IgE antibody, and not enable it to pass its quantum information to the Fce Type 1 receptor on the basophil cell surface.[19]
  • In the testing conducted in 2003, during the preparation of the histamine stock solution, the supposed measure of 50mcgs histamine was weighed on a scale for gram measure not micrograms.[20]
  • In this same testing, the scale measuring pan was not protected from the passage of the draft of air from a nearby fume cupboard. This meant that some 20%-25% of the histamine was actually blown away by a blast of hot air even before the water was added to the histamine.[21]
  • Following on from above, once the 50mcgs of histamine had been measured (albeit inaccurately), the laboratory technician then poured distilled water straight into the measuring pan – i.e. without first measuring the amount of distilled water being added to the histamine. These two points (3 & 4) alone meant that the actual concentration of histamine in the stock solution was highly questionable. Firstly because the initial amount of histamine was not actually 50mcgs, and secondly because the dilution ratio of histamine to distilled water was not quantifiable as the water was poured in an unmeasured state on to the histamine.[22]
  • It is uncertain if the source of anti-IgE was the same supplier as the supplier used by Prof. Madeleine Ennis.[23]
  • The blood used in the experiment was allowed to sediment for four hours. This duration of time was longer than the time in the protocol used by Prof. Madeleine Ennis.[24]
  • The basophils were left in a buffer containing 10% foetal calf serum. Foetal calf serum is not a definable medium and could thus contain substances that could influence the assay test.[25]

It is obvious from the above information that the protocols enacted during the assay testing to verify the research results were very different from the assay tests conducted by Prof. Madeleine Ennis. These differences in protocols in how the experiment was conducted would have produced a different result to that of Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research experiment.

Request to Conduct Experiment

I truly believe that if BBC Horizons were to conduct the experiments again, but this time follow the experiment protocols of Prof. Madeleine Ennis EXACTLY (i.e. totally exact – e.g. no sal ammoniac) and ensure that the solution is both serially succussed and diluted) then a positive result is likely to ensue.

Suggested Experiment to Prove Homeopathic Medicine

Since it is theorised that the answer to how homeopathic medicines operate lies at the quantum scale, I truly believe that the best (and perhaps only!) way of proving that homeopathic medicines are not “just water”, is to conduct research on homeopathic medicines at the quantum scale.

The experiment that I believe will definitively prove or disprove the fact that different potencies of homeopathic medicines have different energy states is to conduct an XPS research (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) on a series of different homeopathic potencies of the same substance. Here is the experiment protocol that I am proposing using the initial substance of Allium Cepa (Red Onion) as follows:

  • Mother Tincture
  • 6C
Above Avogadro’s number – 12C – i.e. no molecule of Allium Cepa present


  • 200C
  • 1M
  • 10M

Each homeopathic medicine needs to be separately tested by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. This quantum analysis operates by quantifying the photon emission states of the substance being tested. By measuring the photon emission of each of the six potency states of Allium Cepa, we can accurately determine whether or not the homeopathic potencies have different energy states. If homeopathic medicine is “just water” as its sceptics claim, then the results of the XPS testing will be a uniform photon emission from all six homeopathic potencies. If this was to be the case (which I firmly believe will not eventuate), then the sceptics of homeopathy can truly say that homeopathy is pseudoscience and nothing more than diluted water. If, on the other hand, the XPS results show different photon emissions (and I suspect that this will be the case), then homeopathy can rightly claim its place as a valid medical system, backed up by verifiable scientific proof that different potency levels of homeopathic medicines represent specific energy states which are reflected in their photon emissions during XPS examination. Thus, if the results of the XPS testing are such that the photon emissions are all identical, then this will mean that homeopathic medicines do not have any different energy states within them. However, if the XPS results are such that the photon emissions are different for each potency level, then this will be the scientific evidence to prove that homeopathic medicines are not “just water” or “placebo concoctions” as the sceptics suggest, but are in fact different energy states of the originating substance.

If this suggested research experiment is conclusive, it will confirm the theory put forward that homeopathic medicine is an information medicine that operates at the quantum scale to reconfigure the quantum states of the four nucleic acids of DNA. It will further conclude that homeopathic potencies are not “just water” but exist as discrete energy states that reflect to their degree of potency or dilution ratio – i.e. that homeopathic potencies are discrete states with differing principal quantum numbers.

It is my strong intention that somehow, somewhere on the planet someone will be able to make these XPS testing experiments on homeopathic medicines take place. I have personally contacted two research laboratories to request that this research be conducted, but upon learning of the reason for the experimentation, both laboratories have refused to conduct the research, as it is obviously too controversial for them. Somehow we must break through the shackles of bias against homeopathy amongst the scientific community and encourage a meaningful dialogue between the scientific and homeopathic community in order to begin to solve the mystery of how homeopathic medicine operates. I know that if the results show differing photon emission states then this will be a very exciting result both for the homeopathic community as well as for the scientific one, since it will open the door to a whole new realm of understanding how biological states operate at the quantum scale.

Personally speaking, I consider this quantum scale research of homeopathic medicine far more important and relevant to the human population than the current research to find more quantum particles or discover the geological structure of Pluto! The research itself would not cost much comparatively speaking and the consequences of a positive result would have a highly beneficial and healing effect on not only the health of the human population but also have the potential to revolutionise veterinary medicine and agricultural practices, since both these realms would benefit greatly from the application of homeopathic medicines.

I admit that this suggested experiment of homeopathic medicine could give rise to a degree of fear amongst the scientific community, since if a positive result ensues this will rock the foundational paradigms of current perspectives of biology. However, since it is the function of science to question everything and find out how things work via the scientific method, then this approach of XPS testing on homeopathic potencies would solve the vexed question once and for all. Thus it will be in the best interests of the scientific community to rise to the challenge of finding out the results of this hypothesis and conduct these experiments in a professional and ethical manner.


Homeoprophylaxis is the process of using homeopathic medicines as a preventative measure against highly infectious diseases. Now that an explanation has been provided into exactly how basophils become primed by anti-IgE antibodies at the quantum scale, we now have a rational explanation as to how the process of homeoprophylaxis provides a high degree of immunity to the morbific influences that have been introduced to the physical body via the process of homeoprophylaxis.   The dynamic of homeoprophylaxis has a very similar pathway of establishing an immune response as described above relating to basophils. However, in the case of homeoprophylaxis there is a more varied set of immune cells that are primed to fight the disease upon secondary exposure.

Homeoprophylaxis is the means by which the information (i.e. via the four quantum numbers) of a morbific influence can be integrated into the human body so that the immune cells can store the quantum signature of the disease state, with the result that upon repeated exposure the epitope, or antigen determinant site of the immune cell, can easily recognise whether or not the antigen is a quantum signature that is already “on file” (i.e. have antibody protection) and thus have immunological defence against it. In other words, homeoprophylaxis operates at the quantum scale to stimulate an immune response, whereas the conventional medical method of vaccination operates at the molecular scale. The process is the same in both cases, but in homeoprophylaxis the immune response is primed via the quantum scale – i.e. at a scale beyond the state of conventionally understood biological and physiological frames of reference.

It is hoped that once the XPS testing described above has been conducted on the six homeopathic medicine potencies and produced a result of differentiable photon emission states, then it is only a matter of simple deduction to appreciate the fact that the process of homeoprophylaxis also operates at the quantum scale within human physiology.


This paper has presented the scientific explanation of Dr Jacques Benveniste’s and Prof. Madeleine Ennis’ research into highly diluted solutions of anti-IgE antibody and its ability to trigger a histamine response in basophils. It has also described the molecular and quantum pathways by which the information of a specific allergen is conferred to the basophil via the antigen binding site of IgE and then to the FceRI binding site of IgE to the binary domain states of the a chain of the Type I Fce receptor, and from there to both the b and g chains of this receptor. These three chains of the Type I Fce receptor then pass the information of the quantum state of the allergen to the three different structures within the basophil – i.e. nucleus, granule and glycogen states. In this way the quantum signature (i.e. the four quantum numbers) of the allergen is conferred to the basophil which in turn endows it with the ability to act antagonistically towards the allergen (i.e. to produce an inflammatory response) upon further exposure to the specific allergen.

This paper has also provided the reasons why the follow up independent research testing of Dr Benveniste and Prof. Ennis’s research produced a negative response. It further offers an alternative approach to conduct further replication experiments of Prof. Ennis’s research. This article also explains the quantum dynamics of how water has a memory and that the information of the environment in which water molecules exist is transferred to both the water molecules and then to DNA via the process of beta decay at the quantum scale (i.e. the superconductive state of the 5th dimension).

Finally, this paper has given the information of the proof of concept research that needs to occur to scientifically verify once and for all if homeopathic medicines are more than “just water”, or if in fact every potency of homeopathic medicine represents a particular quantum energy state that is observable via the scientific method via the process of XPS testing.

As a homeopathic practitioner myself and independent researcher into quantum physics, I believe that the information in this article has the potential to change the perception of homeopathy on the planet, since the information contained herein fills a huge gap in comprehension in both the scientific and medical communities of the quantum mechanics of homeopathy. The possibility that homeopathic medicine is informational medicine and operates at the quantum scale within biological states has historically made it difficult until now to scientifically prove the validity of its modus operandi. However, with the advent of advanced quantum research testing now available to us, it is now possible to conduct the XPS testing on six homeopathic medicines to scientifically verify the validity of the different energy states of different potencies of homeopathic medicines.

Here is a quote by Arthur Schopenhauer that succinctly summarises the process of any new concept becoming accepted:
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”.

I believe that currently the science of homeopathy firmly rests in both the first and second stages in that it is both ridiculed and violently opposed. However, it is now up to the scientific community to not be afraid to use the scientific method of XPS testing on homeopathic medicines in order to move the practice of homeopathy to the third stage of being a self-evident truth, so that once and for all a valid, impartial, scientific research programme can be enacted that will, I trust, bring the science of homeopathy to the forefront of medical science where it belongs. It belongs there, not only for its healing capabilities, but also because its modus operandi in biological states opens up a whole new vista of scientific discovery – the dynamics of quantum biology. This understanding will have a dramatic effect in the fields of genetics, plant propagation and non-chemical pesticide control, to name but a few. It will also have a flow on effect in the area of homeopathic veterinary science – a field that is currently burgeoning in Europe.



I have written this paper with the express intention that it will catalyse some real life action in the scientific community to conduct the XPS testing of homeopathic medicine. By so doing, scientists and homeopaths can work side by side with a common goal to act responsibly and benevolently towards the health of the planet’s human population as well as its flora and fauna. Together we can solve the mystery once and for all and thus provide the scientific evidence that homeopathic medicine is not “just water” but is in fact quantum medicine.



[1] Note that in Unified Field Theory, the unitary symmetry group of U(1) is binary since it represents the state of the circle group. A circle has an inner space (U(1-0)) and a circumference (U(1-1)), with (U(1-0)) being the state of the spin quantum number or ms and (U(1-0)) being the state of the magnetic quantum number or ml

[2] Degranulation is a cellular process present in certain immune function cells. It results in the release of anti-microbial, cytotoxic material that exists inside the granules within the cytoplasm of these cells.

[1] Munns, Christina, Principia Unitas – Vol. VI – On the Quantum Mechanics of Homeopathy – 2nd Ed. – May 2015 – ISBN 9780980776652





[6] Emoto, Masaru, Messages from Water Vol. I, Hado Publishing, ISBN 4-939098-00-1












[18] and








About the author

Christina Munns

Christina Munns is an Australian homeopath, independent scientific scholar and meditator. She is the author of a series of seven books called Principia Unitas. Written in an easy to understand style, these books explain many of her discoveries including: the solution to dark matter/energy, quantum gravity, supersymmetry, cardiocentric cosmology and a Unified M-theory model. Thinking “outside the square" has enabled her to make the connections between ancient Indian wisdom and modern day physics. She is passionate about teaching the scientific community and the general public about Unified Field Theory and its implications for humanity.

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