Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Software

SYNERGY HOMEOPATHIC – A New Era for MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks

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A description of the updated functions and resources of Synergy Homeopathic – MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks

by Boaz Achilea, R.C.Hom, Beth Niles, C.Hom., and Tracy Liston, Synergy Sales team.


For the past two years, Synergy Homeopathic (formerly Kent Homeopathic Associates, founded by David Warkentin) has been in the midst of energetic revitalization and robust development. The company is now owned by Dr. Rajan Sankaran and managed by homeopath and CEO, Tomer Harel, along with a talented team, some of whom have been involved with the company for over 20 years.Along with the good will and support of many of the world’s leading homeopathic masters, Synergy Homeopathic has embarked upon a period of renewed creativity and prosperity.

During this year alone, the company has completely rebranded, changing corporate identity to Synergy Homeopathic, refurbishing and introducing updated logos and new program icons.


Amongst some of the current initiatives that Synergy is working on…


1.    In early February 2014, Synergy will release new versions of MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks for Macintosh users which are compatible with Apple’s newest Intel based operating systems.

2.    Synergy is Beta testing new on-line trial versions of MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks for all the homeopaths worldwide for release soon.

3.    A new collaboration has been signed with renowned homeopath, Jeremy Sherr, in order to integrate all his materials into MacRepertory & ReferenceWorks, including the “Mental Quality Repertory” (also known as the “Q repertory”).

4.    In 2014, the huge library of ReferenceWorks will be upgraded and will consist of over 1,100 homeopathic volumes (the largest digital homeopathic library in the world)/

5.    During the past year Synergy has recruited and trained more than 20 new distributors around the world, expanding our vast network of representatives in new markets around the globe.

6.    Synergy entered the Indian market.

7.    In 2014 the company will launch a unique service of homeopathic online education which will consist of a series of lectures from the greatest homeopathic teachers around the world.

8.    Synergy will soon launch a modernistic internet website which will allow homeopaths worldwide to purchase the company’s products online, receive customer service and tech support and to enjoy access to new and updated materials and literature for use with MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks.

9.    Synergy is moderating a Facebook homeopathic discussion group where homeopaths consult with each other, solve their cases, share homeopathic materials and much more.

10. Synergy is organizing a number of large-scale seminars every year. One of the most anticipated will be a residential retreat held by Dr. Rajan Sankaran in May 16-19 in California. Click here for registration and details.





Our repertorization tool, MacRepertory makes it easy to quickly select and analyze rubrics, get ideas for remedies, check the materia medica, do a bit of research and feel confident about your prescriptions.

Synergy Homeopathic offers two versions of MacRepertory,  Pro and Classic. Though both are powerful tools, MacRepertory Pro offers more advanced customization and analysis features than the Classic version. Both MacRepertory Pro and MacRepertory Classic are available with either the Core Library or the Full Library.

Click here for a download link to the complete list of the libraries.


MacRepertory 8 Professional combines a solid, traditional approach to repertorization with dozens of inspirational features. Advanced analysis tools at your fingertips, featuring family graphs, keyword and remedy searches with features like the Theme Palette which combines the best of Boenninghausen’s generalism with Kent’s specificity with remedy comparison by family as well as single remedy. You’ll immediately find you are prescribing more accurately.

You can view the repertory on a screen that looks just like the book on your desk. With a huge collection of more than 30 repertories and 260,000 cross references and advanced searching features, it’s easy to find the exact symptom you want – you’ll never again get lost in old terminology.



With a click you collect each rubric for your analysis. You can make up to ten collections of rubrics, each representing the story from a different point of view, but that’s just the start. We’ve included a version of mind-mapping, long advocated by Louis Klein that groups rubrics into themes; by creating thematic objects you get a clear graphic representation of the case dynamics. This revolutionary, visual approach focuses your thinking and helps you to prescribe much more accurately.



Analyze your case using clear graphs and multiple strategies.

MacRepertory comes with a built-in collection of tried-and-true mathematical strategies that combine with clear graphs to illuminate the most likely remedies for the case. If you work slightly differently than we do, MacRepertory allows you to fine tune the calculations and play with different strategies until you get exactly what works for you; best of all, no math required!



Use family graph limits to show predefined families and groups.
MacRepertory excels at its graphs; there are lots of beautiful graphs to choose; they make your job far easier by instantly, clearly identifying the most likely remedies, highlighting small remedies and nosodes as fast as polychrests.



Use over 100 family graphs to look at your cases in many perspectives.

Hahnemann was one of the first to recognize that remedies could be separated into groups (in his case, miasms) to help focus prescribing. MacRepertory extends this concept to 1,800 groups of remedies: from miasms to natural kingdoms and from Vega’s Boxes to Massimo’s Families. With a click you can focus your analysis on only the syphilitic remedies, or snakes, or natrums, etc. MacRepertory includes over a hundred specific family graphs to inspire you to prescribe at your best (see Families description).


Do research like the Masters. Conduct advanced and sophisticated searches of remedies and words in the repertory and study the nature of the remedies through their symptoms.

MacRepertory turns the repertories into valuable tools for research. With a couple of clicks you can find all of the fears of Stramonium or the difference between Kali phosphoricum and Phosphorus or the similarities between Calcarea carbonica and Asterias rubens. You can make profiles of words throughout the repertory; i.e. every rubric related to ‘horse’ and the main remedies that focus on it or the unique delusions of all the fungi.



Compare concepts and differentiate between remedies, groups and families using hundreds of concepts.
When it is time to decide on a remedy, the Concept Graph makes differentiating between remedies, groups and families a breeze. You can compare at a glance the main expressions (organ, sensation, modalities, etc.) of remedies – i.e. the rectum for Ratanhia or the respiratory and nervous systems for Cuprum – making it clear which remedies best fit the case.




Save your cases in the patient charts interface for future follow-up.

After collecting your patients’ symptoms, analyzing and verifying your remedy selection, it’s time to save your work. Save your patient’s personal details, analysis and diagnosis, plan and prescription, collection of symptoms, associated graphs and more. You can access all your cases in the future, view previous sessions, edit parameters and continue their management. You can even print the symptoms & graphs or copy them to any word processor.


Discover Families- Follow and use master research in order to solve your cases and study families.

MacRepertory’s family tools enabled Rajan Sankaran to discover the common characteristics of the families he’s described. A couple of clicks and you can see the rubrics common to most of the remedies in any given family.



Design you own strategies, graphs, families, colors and backgrounds; add your own additions to the repertories and materia medica.
MacRepertory was designed to grow along with you. Create strategies that work best for your cases, design your own custom graphs and make new families of remedies to focus your prescribing. Choose your own background colors, fonts and repertory icons. Add additions into any repertory and your notes into the materia medica. The program will grow to fit you like a glove.



Materia Medica-Verify your remedies in the materia medica library of old and modern masters.

Once you’ve narrowed your selection down to a few remedies you want to verify them in the materia medica. With a huge library of over 70 materia medica volumes, MacRepertory places scores of the greatest masters right at your fingertips. From Boericke, Boger and Phatak to Morrison, Scholten and Vermeulen – if you need it, it’s here.



ReferenceWorks Professional


ReferenceWorks 4 is a groundbreaking program that combines the completeness of a huge materia medica library with the ease and analysis power of a repertorial program. We offer two versions of ReferenceWorks to fit your level of practice: ReferenceWorks Professional and ReferenceWorks Classic. Both versions are available with either the Core Library or the Full Library.

Core Library –> Click here to download Core3 Library
• 334 volumes from the golden age of homeopathy, 1825-1933
• Extractions from 9 repertories
• Information from hundreds of provings
• 41,000 remedy descriptions
• 49 million words


Full Library G3 –> Click here to download Full Library G3
• In excess of800 volumes
• Extractions from 10 repertories
• 10,000 articles from 116 journals
• Information from 3,500 provings
• 80 collections of cured cases
• 70,000 remedy descriptions
• More than 84 million words

Explore the largest homeopathic library ever created.

ReferenceWorks starts with the world’s richest homeopathic library; hundreds and hundreds of wonderful gems from the greatest homeopaths. From old, rare books and journal articles to cured cases and the newest provings, everything you need is here.

Want more? We have included two thousand remedy substance descriptions with pictures, movies, natural history and proving information. And you aren’t limited to what we’ve collected; you can add your own collections of class notes and cured cases. They are displayed and searched along with the masters.


If that still isn’t enough, ReferenceWorks searches the Internet directly for natural history, herbalism, side effects, definitions and pictures. This isn’t just some random search; we focus your searches on over 2,000 of the best peer reviewed sites on the net. Have fun!


Browse through the variety of books & remedies with a click.

You can browse through the books just as you can the ones on your bookshelf only more quickly and effortlessly; click in and out of the list of books or leap directly from book to book following a single remedy. Hering would be so envious!


Finding What You Need

Type in a word or phrase and instantly find the exact symptom you need no matter where it may be hiding in over 800 materia medica and repertories.

We help you use the correct words in order to find exactly what you need

It isn’t always easy to know the best words to use to find a symptom, that’s where experts come in handy. In cooperation with Princeton University we’ve created a lexical reference system that gives you synonyms, related words, definitions (current and from 1900), even words that sound similar and translations into half a dozen languages.



Analyze With the Masters

Display graphic results and suggestions according to the masters’ experience

Now we come to what has made ReferenceWorks a revolution for homeopathy. As you search for symptoms you create ‘rubrics’ that can then be analyzed just as though they came from a repertory! Actually… far better than from the repertory since these rubrics are a distillation from the whole library and are typically three to ten times more complete. For example, you’ll find 62 remedies in ReferenceWorks for ‘fear of dogs’ while Kent’s Repertory only knows of 6. This means you will be 10 times more likely to find the right remedy!

Once you’ve collected your rubrics, a single click creates bar, scatter, waffle, city, family and hundreds of other graphs of the best remedies for your case. The remedies are scored based on the importance each author gave them, how many authors suggested the remedy for the symptom and the rareness of the remedy. You can even fine-tune the results by selectively emphasizing the books you value the most. MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks share all of the same graphic abilities. (see Families description)



Focus on What Matters

Search in focused book types; limit your results into certain families and groups

ReferenceWorks makes it easy to focus on just the remedies that make sense. Search only in provings or books of keynotes, limit a graph to animals or bacteria, or only show books that discuss Melilotus. Choose from dozens of pre-built limits or create your own and save them for everyday use.

Homeopaths are not alone in having more substances than anyone could remember; every discipline became a science when it developed a way of organizing its world into logical groups. Of course, putting remedies into functional groups is not new; Hahnemann found it useful to separate the 84 remedies he knew into three miasms. Faced today with 3,400 remedies the use of some sort of categories is very helpful, perhaps even necessary. Depending on their degree of similarity families can help rule out remedies that are only superficially good choices or point you towards an obscure cousin.


Use the methods and groups of the modern masters to analyze your case or even create your own

With the help of Jan Scholten, Rajan Sankaran, Massimo Mangialavori, Andreas Bjørndal, Vega Rozenberg, Roger Morrison and others, we’ve organized all of the remedies into 1,800 color-coded botanical, chemical, biological and functional families and integrated them deeply into MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks. Every remedy in our materia medica has been placed in their correct natural category. And we’ve gone beyond the traditional kingdoms with such groups as Bjørndal and Rajan’s Miasms, Five Elements, Plant Chemicals, Vega’s Boxes, Murphy’s Planets, Boyd’s Types, Morrison’s Organics, Massimo’s Groups, etc. If you feel that isn’t enough, you can easily create your own.

The programs are designed so that you can display individual remedies anywhere, and can also display the family groups. You can focus most windows on a particular family; for example, you can limit the materia medica books in ReferenceWorks to only display the insect remedies or limit a search to syphilitic remedies that have a fear of death.


Mapping the World
We have created a hundred beautiful graphs to illuminate the families


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There are a wide range of miasm, mineral, bacteria, fungi, plant and animal graphs. The graphs have three uses: first, to map out the kingdoms parts; second, to show how prominent the family is in the current case; and finally, by clicking on the family to help you to focus the remedy analysis on just its members.

As an example, when you click on the snakes in the Animal Graph, a remedy graph appears with only the snake remedies analyzed for this case. Dragging a second family to the graph crosses the groups: sunflowers that are syphilitic or animals that are sycotic, etc.


Since 1986 MacRepertory and later, ReferenceWorks, have been the defining homeopathic programs for thousands of homeopaths, providing both dependability and creative inspiration in practice, research and development. Through their use, practitioners have been able to delve deeply into the books for gems handed down from the past and build upon the knowledge base of those who practiced before. By adding modern repertories and provings, these programs have blazed a trail for the academic and practical development of modern homeopathic theory and practice. We are very fortunate to be able to continue the legacy of David Warkentin through the vision and generosity of our patron Rajan Sankaran and look forward to many years of continued partnership with our community of friends and supporters.

About the author

Beth Niles

Beth Niles is the sales director for Synergy Homeopathic.


  • The Reference Works is the most revolutionising tool available in the homoeopathic world.

    The best core feature of it is Freedom from the ‘limitation’ of Repertories.

    Repertory takes a symptom and breaks into its component parts.

    But Reference Works takes you straight to the symptom in the provings, source books, original authors and thus the symptom is kept intact.

    few cases solved with the use of Reference Works :

    Case 1 : –
    If patient has lumbar pain while sitting erect. And also Lumbar pain < standing.
    Restless from pains,keeps changing place.
    Then we can search in reference works :
    Lumbar within three words of pain within three words of sitting within three words of erect (2).
    Main remedies are convallaria and zingiber.

    Case 2 : –
    If the patient says : I had pain in abdomen : now there are some cramps in extremities
    So we can search in the reference works : –
    Cramps within five words of follow within five words of colic (10)
    Main remedy : abrotanum.

    Case 3 : Pain in left hypochondrium.
    Urging for stool accompanied by vomiting.
    Stool is very scanty.
    Thirst adequate.
    There is profuse dryness of the mouth.
    No difference in taste of the mouth.

    rubrics taken :
    rectum; URGING, desire; vomiting; with
    stool; SCANTY
    mouth; DRYNESS

    no remedy fitting all three symptoms …

    but with the help of Reference Works :-

    Stool within three words of urging within three words of vomiting within three words of with in the same remedy as dryness within two words of mouth in the same remedy as stool within three words of scanty (12): 3Chin., 3Sulph., ars., bufo, calad., canth., cupr., grat., nat-c., nux-v., sang., sep.

    with China officinalis patient improved.

    So the scope of our prescription widens with the use of Reference Works.

    • Hello, what is the meaning of 3? within three words of…within three words of? I am a new user. Thanks!

  • What is happening with McRepertory? I am a very longtime user. There haven’t been any updates of substance for years…

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