Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets


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We invite you to send in your favorite Tips and Secrets on homeopathy. We will publish a select group each month, acknowledging the sender. They may be based on your own experience or taken from homeopathic literature. Please identify the source of your information and your name and country. Send your tips to us at [email protected]

Remember, a tip is not the whole iceberg! Use these tips as part of a totality of symptoms. Let them inspire further research. Using specifics (“take this for that”) in isolation may prove disappointing and can lead to suppression.

These are the tips of our readers and do not necessarily express the views of or ‘Homeopathy for Everyone’.

Hey, they stopped working!

Storing homeopathic remedies in a metal (iron) box may “erase” them.
If the Shoe Fits

Explore Paeonia (Peony) for the following: ulcers from poor fitting shoes, ulcers from presssure as in bed sores, ulcers on lower part of body which are sensitive and painful; use third potency. (Also consider new shoes.)

Thanks to : Adrien Badeau – France

Here’s an Easy One

I have seen several cases of Bartholinitis (inflamed cyst) being healed in just a few days with Baryta Carb d6. This indication for Baryta is also mentioned by Dr. A. Lockie in Family Guide to Homeopathy.

Thanks to: Dr. Harold Jitschak – Israel

Caustium or Phosphorus?

They are naturally sympathetic, similar to Phosphorus, but over-concern is what differentiates them from Phosphorus. Phosphorus is sympathetic to people’s problems, but Causticum will say, “Do something, don’t just stand there.” There is more idealism, action and passion in Causticum. They cannot stand injustice. Worse cold dry weather. Craves salt, smoked meat, averse to sweets. Facial warts. Gradual paralysis.

Fundamentals of Materia Medica -Robin Murphy N.D.
Earth Remedies

For people who need Earth remedies, if they cannot see or touch something, it does not exist for them. Practical, reliable, cautious, stubborn. They have the most common sense, but can also be materialistic and narrow minded. E.g.: Baryta carbonica, Calcarea carbonica, Graphites, Silica, Nux vomica, Arsenicum Album and Kali carbonicum.

Homeopathic Psychology – Philip M. Bailey, MD. Thanks to : A.H. Fiske – Canada

Bad Effects of Antibiotics

Where diarrhea develops after antibiotics, consider Nitric Acid 30. Where oral or vaginal thrush develops, study Borax 30. When cutaneous allergic response arises, give Sulphur 6c once daily. Placing the patient with drug rash on a total fruit juice elimination diet for several days, assists removal of the drug.

Homeopathy for Physicians – Dr. Colin B. Lessell Thanks to: Chris Nicholson – US.
Don’t Put That in Your Pipe

Opium: Complaints from fear when the fear remains, or the idea of the fear remains, or the cause of it comes before the eyes. Epilepsy dating back to fright. The object of the fright comes up before the eyes prior to the attack. Great sensibility to sound, light and faintest odors. Worse from heat, during and after sleep.

From Kent’s Lectures on Homeopathic M.M. Thanks to : Fritz Peterson -Germany
Hold Still!

For terrible vertigo from least motion of the head, explore Morphinum. Exteme sensitivity to pain. Face may be dusky red or bluish.

Dr.C.M. BOger
Some Kind of Nut

Stercula (Kola nut) promotes appetite and digestion and lessens craving for liquor. It gives power to endure prolonged physical exertion without taking food and without feeling fatigue. 3-10 drops in water, three times a day.

Dr.W. Boericke M.M. Thanks to : Bruno Lewandowski – Poland
Fooled You!

The patient is closed, proper and correct. You may think of Kali carb, but it doesn’t work. Finally you realize the patient is not being straight with you; there is manipulative deviousness. Once you see this, you give Thuja, and are likely to see dramatic benefit.

Dr. George Vithoulkas -Essence of M.M. Thanks to: Brian Miller U.S.
It Goes Both Ways

Remember that Natrum mur likes salt, but can also have an aversion to it.

Three Tips from the Late Louis Dion

If a patient is aggravated by many foods, don’t repertorize each food. Rather seek rubrics related to G.I. problems and /or Miasms.

In newborns, the homeopathic remedy may be successfully applied to the skin.

In children who have had difficult insomnia since birth, think of Carcinosin and Syphilinum.

From Louis Dion lecture – Thanks to Harriet Fielding U.S.
I like It, But It doesn’t Like Me

Lycopodium, Lachesis and Natrum Mur have a strong craving for wheat, but are aggravated by it.

Intellectual Cravings

Many people choose foods intellectually, for nutrition rather than taste. When asked what foods they crave, they answer with foods that are good for them. Instead, you could ask: “If you were in a perfect world, where you could eat any food without harm, what would you crave?”
Ah, The Thunder!

If your patient loves to watch thunderstorms and feels better during storms, think of Carcinosin and Sepia.
Stop the Music

Natrum Carbonicums can have deep buried grief, yet are matter of fact about it. They also have anxiety while playing piano, and after bathing the feet. Confusion ameliorated by open air. They are estranged from family and friends. They have memory loss from mental exertion and suicidal disposition from music.

Thanks to: Cecelia Bennett – UK

Like Mother Like Child

A pregnant woman’s experience may determine the baby’s remedy. If the mother experienced fright during pregnancy, the baby may need Aconite. If grief, the baby may need Ignatia and so forth.

Thanks to : George Delaney – Ireland

A White Lie

If prescribing Arsencium constitutionally, don’t tell the patient what you are giving him. Arsenicums have a fear of being poisoned.


NOTE: SEND YOUR TIPS TO [email protected]!

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Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath and educator. He is the author of Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook. You can visit his website at Questions and comments are welcome at [email protected]

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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