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Tips and Secrets

Homeopathy Tips and Important News

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Homeopathy Tips and Important News. This month, a postcard dedicated to homeopathy in an Italian town, homeopathy in epidemics of the 1800’s, keynotes of remedies and more.

To celebrate the Bicentenary of Homeopathy in Italy, the Republic of San Marino has made two stamp cancelling marks. The first to cancel the series of stamps, the second to remember the role of Melchiorre Delfico, promoter of Homeopathy. Melchiorre Delfico (1744-1835)  philosopher and economist, was an authoritative member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Naples who promoted the translation into Italian of Hahnemann’s works.

Also, the Italian Post Office has published a special postcard dedicated to the Bicentenary of Homeopathy in Italy. The postcard reproduces the portrait of Francesco Romani ( 1785-1852) ,  doctor of the Court of the Kingdom of Naples, who was the first Italian doctor to use homeopathy (1821).

Thanks to  Paolo Negro, MDMuseum of Homeopathy, Rome, Italy



Homeopathy Succeeds in Epidemics

In the epidemic which devastated Europe in 1836, in twenty-one hospitals in France and Italy the old- school lost sixty-three per cent of their cases, while in the same epidemic the homeopathic profession lost but eleven per cent of their patients in ten cholera hospitals in Germany, Italy and France.

In 1853 and 1854 Europe suffered a terrible visit from the Asiatic plague, cholera hospitals being required in almost all the larger cities. In those of Bavaria allopathy lost 48 per cent., homeopathy, but 6 per cent.

In Newcastle, England, the old- school loss was more than fifty per cent.,the homeopathic mortality less than twenty per cent. In the Dundee hospital under allopathy the loss was 61 per cent., in Copenhagen 55 per cent., in Stockholm 59% per cent.; and in Leyden, The Hague,Delft, Rotterdam, Doriecht, Gonda and Utrecht there were treated 3,923 cases with 2,337 deaths the rate for the seven cities averaging a trifle less than sixty per cent.

Throughout all Europe the old-school loss stood uniformly at from fifty to eighty per cent., while those quoted from homeopathic wards and hospitals give to homeopathy the better record of saving full seventy-five per cent, of those entrusted to her care.

From An Address by Charles Edmund Fisher M. D. Ex-President American Institute Of Homeopathy – at Hahnemann Medical College And Hospital – Chicago -Nov. 17, 1899. )

Some Keynotes From Dr. C. Carleton Smith, MD Philadelphia  -1881

ACONITE.—Everything tastes bitter except water.

ACTAEA RAC.—Children wake suddenly at night terrified and trembling, covered with cool, clammy sweat.

AESCULUS HIP.—Pains shoot up the rectum (Ign.) from the haemorrhoidal tumors, with lameness of the back and aching.

ALOE SOCOT.—Hard stools drop out without causing the least sensation.

ALUMINA.—Disposition to grasp the seat of the water-closet tightly while at stool. Perspiration breaks out, and the patient despairs of having a stool.

ANTIMON. CRUD.—Child cannot bear to be washed in cold water; while under Sulphur, the child cannot bear to be washed at all.

ANTIM. TART.—Deathly nausea relieved by gaseous eructations.

NOTE.—Children who are not rapidly impressed with this drug in coughs, are by Hepar S. In the latter drug we have purring and wheezing.

APIS MEL.—Can scarcely retain the urine a moment, and, when passed, scalds severely. Feels as if he could not take another breath.

ARNICA RAD.—Child wants water right after nursing, which it always throws up. Eructations bitter, and like rotten eggs. In constipation, when there is violent burning down the back, when the rectum becomes loaded and faeces won’t come away. Haemorrhage from the womb in facial erysipelas, relieving the latter. In pregnancy, foetus feels as if it laid crossways. Deathly coldness in forearms of children in Hydrocephalus.

ARSENIC.—Pain in half of head like a partition from left forehead to left occiput: worse at midnight. The pulse of Ars. is more rapid in the morning than in the evening. (See Sulphur.)

BAPTISIA.—In tuberculosis, chill every morning at 11 o’clock and fever each afternoon.

BARYTA C.—Suffocating breathing from enlarged tonsils on lying down.

BELLAD.—Flicking before the eyes, with nausea, worse on stooping. Wets the bed after eating sugar or sweet things. Cough causes acute pain in left hypochondria, shooting upwards, worse lying on either side or walking much. Throbbing in sacrum; has to have pillow stuffed in small of back in order to sit in chair.

BENZOIC ACID.— Watery stools, running right through the diaper.

BERBERIS.—Cutting pain in left side of region of bladder, extending into urethra. Bubbling sensation in kidneys.

BORAX.—Sensation of distension and stitching in clitoris at night.

BOVISTA.—Metrorrhagia in evening on lying down. Menses only at night (also Magn. carb.).

BROMIUM.—Feeling as if breathing through a sponge in the throat. Sharp pain extending into right ear from throat in swallowing. ( Kali. B., left side.)

BRYONIA.—Neuralgic pain, left side of head and face, relieved by hard pressure and cold applications. Water tastes bitter (opp. of Acon.) Swallowing liquids or saliva more painful than solids. Hiccough after eating. (Nux. V. from eating too much or from cold drinks.) Tightness above mid-sternum. Swellings of a pale-red blush, with heaviness and hardness.

CACTUS GRAND.—Discharge of pure blood from rectum. Cactus heart-pains come on slowly, increase up to a certain point, and then as gradually subside. (See, also, Platina.)

NOTE.—Constriction is the key-note of Cactus. Arn., Bufo, Iod., Lil. T. and Nux mos., all have constriction in or about the heart; but Cactus is the only drug that has the feeling of a hand of iron grasping the heart.

CALADIUM.—Pruritis vulvae during pregnancy and after miscarriage.

CALCAREA C.—Flashes of light shoot up from the eyes, then break and fall down in a shower of sparks. She feels better in every way when she is constipated. Strangury brought on by standing on cold damp pavement.

CARBO ANIMAL.—Headache at night; has to sit and hold head with both hands to prevent it from falling to pieces. Deafness; she can hear human voices in the room with her, but cannot tell from whence the sound comes.

CARBO VEG.—Insatiable thirst for cold water; gazing longingly at the empty tumbler, when it is removed from her lips, and asks for more. After-pains felt only in the shin-bones.

CAUSTICUM.—Peevish just before the menses (Cham.). Larynx feels very stiff. Inveterate constipation; stools thin and long-drawn out.

CEPA.—Tickling in larynx is temporarily relieved by eating a piece of apple.

CHAM.—Pressure in the head from within; outward as if top of head would fly off or be blown off.

CHELIDONIUM.—Excessive lachrymation in orbital neuralgia; the tears fairly gush out, and eyes cannot bear the least light. Flying out of detached lumps of mucus on coughing; the cough reechoes in the stomach.

Dr. C. Carleton Smith – in The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 09, 1881, pages 431-437

Caries of the Jaw – Dr. Geo G. Gale, M.D., Quebec, Canada.

Miss B –, Age 20. Seven months ago disease began in the left side of her inferior maxilla. The gum of the diseased side is swollen, there are two fistulous openings at the inferior border and to the inside, discharging thin, offensive, bloody matter. In Royle’s “Materia Medica” (allopathic) one of the effects of phosphorus is to produce carries of the lower jaw. Because “Similia Similibus Curantur” is the law of cure, Phosphorus in the CM. potency cured her in six weeks.

From: The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01 No. 02, 1881, page 67

Some Remedies in Haemorrhoids – Dr. A. Charge MD – France – 1881

Hemorrhoids, painful: Ant. crud., Ars., Bell., Ignat., Lycop., Puls., Sed. teleph.

with nightly aggravation: Ars., Collins., Carbo veg.

— Evening aggravation: Alum., Am. m.,Collins. Platina, Pulsat.

— —morning aggravation: Nux vom., Podoph.

— —amelioration from the night’s rest:  Alumina.

— —amelioration from cold water: Aloes, Apis.

— —dry, blind: Aesculus hipp., Collins., Graph., Sed. teleph., Sulph.

— —flowing, bleeding: Acon., Am. c, Bell., Caps.,Erigeron, Ferr.,  Hamamelis, Ign., Ipec, Millefol., Kreos., Nux vom., Platina, Trilli pend.

— —with mucous discharge: Ant. crud., Carbo veg., Colchic, Merc, Puls.

— —muco-purulent discharge: Ant. cr., Hepar, Lyc.

— —protruding: Aloes, Amm. c., Ars., Carbo veg., Graphites, Mur. ac. Nitric acid.

— —irreducible: Atropia sulph., Ars., Bell., Silicea.

— —with colic: Ant. cr., Coloc, Nux vom., Puls.

— —flatulence: Ant. cr., Ignat, Lyco., Phos., Ph. acid.

— —pain in lumbar regions: Bell., Nux vom., Rhus t.

— —tenesmus: Aloes, Merc, Platina, Ph. acid.

H. with constipation: Ant. crud., Alumina, Aeculus hipp., Collins., Lyco., Nux vom., Sulph.

— —falling of rectum: Ignat., Graph., Lyc., Natr. mur., Nux vom., Podoph., Sulph.

— —falling of rectum while urinating: Muriatic Acid.

— —ulceration: Phosphorus.

— —in infants: Amm. c., Borax, Collins., Merc.

— —old people: Amm. c., Anacardium.

— —during pregnancy: Nux vom., Lycopodium.

— —confinement: Pulsatilla.

From: The Homoeopathic Physician Vol. 01, 1881 [Translated and condensed from “La Biblioteque Homoeopathique,” Feb., 1881.]

Prolapse of the Rectum in Pigs and Other Animals

Prolapsus of the rectum is observed chiefly in sucking pigs, which receive nourishment either too plentifully or too heating. The lower end of the intestine is everted on itself, and projects outwards. The projecting portion should be cleansed with warm water, and returned back to its place with the fingers when well oiled. Internally Arsenicum should be given, and when the rectum itself exhibits signs of inflammation, Belladoiina and mercurius vivus. When the prolapsus takes place in consequence of violent efforts during constipation, Magnesia muriatica should be administered, and if there be at the same time diarrhoea, Alumina must be employed. In a case where the rectum had been seriously injured accidentally, I employ Arnica.

New manual of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine: or, The homeopathic treatment of the horse, the ox, the sheep, the dog, and other domestic animals.  – Dr. F. A. Gunther.  1846

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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