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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa – March 2016

Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers veterinary questions about scabies in dogs, puppy infected with coccidia, and a cat suffering from constipation.

Devajan2015img1Each month Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. answers selected questions on veterinary issues. Dr.Khalsa is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog.



Dear Dr Khalsa,

I have come across a number of dogs suffering from “mange”/itching/scabies and have been giving them one biscuit laced with 2 drops of Sulphur 1M. Please advise if it is okay or if possible suggest something more appropriate.

Thank you,

S.K. Nanda   


Dr. Deva Khalsa:  The question here is what is it? If it is scabies there are tiny mites in your dog’s skin causing the itching. Dogs with scabies often scratch when they are busy doing something like eating or running.  Itching can be due to allergies or a yeast growing on the skin or a bacterial infection. Psorinum 1m given once a day for two weeks (it works best this way in dogs as I have learned from experience) may provide some relief.



Hello Dr. Khalsa,

We just rescued a 3 month old puppy with Coccidia. I also have 3 cats in the house and I am concerned that they will get it. Can you suggest any remedies that might help get rid of the parasites?

Thank you

Liz LaRocca  


Dr. Deva Khalsa: Coccidia is simply a result of an imbalance in the gut.  It often happens in puppies but a balanced gut that is in good shape will reject a Coccidia infection. I would worm your puppy with Panacur which you can get over the counter to make sure all worms are gone as every puppy is born with worms.  Also giving Essential Microorganisms. (see attached article) can also help in balancing the gut and this works better than probiotics which are often destroyed by stomach acid before they ever get to the gut. Lastly, feeding your cats Vital Vities for Cats by Deserving Pets will give them prebiotics, probiotics and L-glutamine which are all very healthy for the gut.


Dear Dr. Khalsa,

A neighbor has a wonderful Westie who is roughly 13 and has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.  Precious is not suffering in any way — still playful, loves to get out, loves to be petted.  The owner, Marilyn, tells me that Precious is subject to coughing fits at home, and has even passed out several times in the last year for a very short period of time. Do you have any advice? I would love to pass her along directly to you but Marilyn is not a very tactful or diplomatic person.


Mike Sheffer    

Dr. Deva Khalsa:  I have been using a product from Switzerland which has primordial stem cells and they have a formula which targets lung regeneration.  I have used these products successfully in many different cases but have never treated one with Pulmonary Fibrosis.  This is a product, where to use it, I would need to have excellent relations with the client as injections need to be given at home for a month.



Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My Jack Russell has a bladder stone and the vet thinks it is a cystine stone, but is not positive. He took an X-ray, but the stone was not dense and my dog had no urinary tract infection.  The dog just dribbles.  Can you recommend a remedy?
Thank you

Carolyn Rivera 


Dr. Deva Khalsa:  Bladder stones do not usually cause dribbling but prostate cancer does.  I would suggest an ultrasound to check out the prostate thoroughly along with the bladder wall lining.  You can acidify the urine for cystine stones but if the stone reduces in the acid environment you have to be careful that it does not get just small enough to go down into the urethra and block it. Cranberry works well twice a day to acidify the urine.  Wysong also makes a product called Wysong Biotic pH, which is tasty and works very well with both dogs and cats to acidify the urine.


Dr. Deva Khalsa,

We have a 7 yr old, male, border collie, husky, shepherd cross, Taiga. He had initial vaccinations, Distemper, Parvo and Rabies to our knowledge – required by the agency, as a 9 week old from the Humane Society in our city. At that time he was also neutered, and had been on 2 or 3 rounds of antibiotics for Giardia infection, along with his dam and littermates. At 6 months he had surgery to remove a marble sized growth from the left side of his face at the whisker tuft location, with accompanying anesthesia and whatever other drugs the vet clinic administered. No further vaccinations since that time, nor any heartworm meds. He is fed totally raw meats with bones and/or bone meal – a variety of beef, pork and chicken, steamed vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese, coconut oil and occasional raw eggs. Daily walks for 1-2 hrs @ a time in a wilderness park setting during all seasons.

He has had occasional ear challenges over the years but not anything severe other than shaking, scratching, with production of dark material – which has an odor to it. This time there appeared to be more agitation, much shaking of head and scratching. The outer ear flap became inflamed and warm/hot to the touch. Attempted to  treat with organic olive oil infused with raw garlic, by wiping outer flap and putting drops of same into ear canal 2 days in a row last week.  This  resulted in more redness and some swelling of the bumps in the ear. Some scratching still going on, a bit reduced in amount now…but he favours the ear.

He is sensitive to handling of ear (very hot, red, some smell, with a minor amount of residue), so I’m wiping the outer flap with cotton ball with melted coconut oil. Wiping as deep as possible (depth of tip of index finger) to remove some of the residue, however, squishing is still audible. Otherwise, he is active, barking,  playful, food oriented, and at this time of year tends to obtain most of his water by eating snow when outside.

PS Forget to mention that Taiga is between 75 – 80 lbs in weight. Fed raw for past 6.5 years.

What suggestions do you have to mitigate his discomfort, pain and possible damage incurred with the treatment tried?

Thank you

Paul Weitzel  –  Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Deva Khalsa:  There are Zymox products for the ear. Zymox otic as he sounds like he has malazessia yeast in his ear.  If you see brown stuff, it is the yeast.  Also I like only 20- 30% protein in the diet as high protein makes the body very acidic and that is not good.  Here is a URL for an article on pH for you.



Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My 10 yr old female cat is very sensitive to touch on her lower spine (above tail) The area is also hot and she cries and bites when scratched there. She licks the hair off and recently licked her stomach raw.  We lost our 21yr old female last summer and this one is still looking for her. We tried Sulphur 30c twice then recently tried Ignatia 30c, which seemed to help a little. There are scabs and crusty areas under her neck and the base of her tail is dry and flaky.

Thank you

Mike McShane  


Dr. Deva Khalsa: Try Psorinum 1m three times a day for two days and follow with Ars alb 30c twice a day for two weeks. (It’s very hard to get Psorinum in the U.S. now.)



Hi Dr. Khalsa,

My cat started out as the runt of a litter of 3, one male, two females. She was always extremely small. One day I heard her squeaking in the litter box and realized she was extremely constipated. Through research I realized she was malnourished as she was the size of a 6 month old kitten at 2 years old. I started dosing her with Lycopodium 30c. Within 6 months she grew to a small but full sized cat.  I chose Lycopodium for malnutrition, due to her ineffectual elimination issues and chronic constipation, bad digestion, always wanting to drink warm water when I had the faucet running, and severe anger. She was always biting everyone in the house, especially if you were walking away from her. She would always hide if strangers came over. If they tried to pet her she would hiss and& bite them.

My vet prescribed Chinese Herbs called “Liver Happy Tea Pills” with various liver herbs in them. They helped immensely. Eventually the vet said to reduce the 2 a day to 1 a day & then on a regular, irregular basis. I started giving her a half of a “Chelated Molybdenum 150 mcg” a day for her liver thinking that would be helpful.

It seemed after I added the Molybdenum to her diet she started coming out when strangers came to the house but still did not want them to pet her. She became VERY loving with me and my husband.  I started slacking off a little on the Liver Happy Pills and now she has gone back to biting both of us but especially me. If she is on my lap and I have to get up, I gently pick her up and set her down, and she attacks me with a bite. She almost always draws blood. She can be sitting on my lap, seemingly happy and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, bite my hand or arm, drawing blood, jump off and run away. She does this to my husband as well.

I have been giving her King Bio’s spray homeopathics for constipation for over 2 years as she has never had normal movements. That helped, but didn’t cure. I started adding canned pumpkin to her food everyday a year ago. That also helped a little. I am now adding pumpkin seed based fiber to her food every day and that seems to be helping the most but not completely. If I stop any of these she is bound up again.

Now in the last week she had pooped but outside of the litter box. She has never done this before. I hope you can help. I think I have covered everything, but if you have any questions I will be glad to answer what I can.


Suzanne Kowalski


Dr. Deva Khalsa:  I commend you on your choice of Lycopodium as it was the perfect choice. I do not know what potencies you used but you may want to give Lycopodium 200c once a day for two weeks or Lycopodium 1M twice a week for two weeks to see if that produces further improvement. For the constipation, if you use the higher potency of Lycopodium I would also recommend giving her Essential Microorganisms from . You get the EM and give her ½ teaspoon a day in food and they like it.  This will normalize the gut microbes.  I would stop King Bio as you are doing this with the EM and higher Lycopodium potencies so we can see what is working.   Of course, Lycopodium is good for the liver, also.

She sounds afraid and with this I would consider Arsenicum album. If you do not feel she is afraid anymore I would consider Phosphorus as this remedy in cats has been helpful when they bite their people if they consider that they are not getting enough attention. Phosphorus cats also like drinking from running taps.


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

Ask the Holistic Vet- January 2016 - Dr. Deva Khalsa

Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.   Learn more about nutrition for your pet:

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website and for consults:

All information provided on this site, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, homeopathy, homeopathic medicine, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment, nor all health-related issues.

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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