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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa – April 2020


Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers questions this month about teeth in an English Labrador, a fatty tumor in a Bichon, an aggressive cat, and a female dog losing her hair. SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO: [email protected] by the 7th of the month to have them answered in that month’s issue.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

We have a female English chocolate lab.  I am concerned about the excessive wear on her teeth. She is fed raw food, a fish blend in the morning, and a few raw chicken ribs from the breast portion for a snack in the afternoon and eats a tripe, beef and chicken mix for her last meal.

We have not given her other bones to chew since she was four to five years of age and even then, they were limited to one a week. Her diet is the same as was with our previous Labrador and mixed breed dog that did not experience wear on her teeth.

She is very active and walks, hikes, retrieves and swims daily with several other dogs that I walk throughout the week. She is a confident dog, and quite a talker/whiner and loves to swim.  I expect some of the wear is due to her habit of diving under water and retrieving rocks when the other dogs challenge her for her sticks. I have been tossing sticks that will sink the last few years to keep her from wearing her teeth further on rocks.

She has a voracious appetite but is not overweight (31 kg).

I gave her Calcarea carbonica in a 200 CH potency three weeks ago and have used it a few times previously.  She has a strong constitution and a shiny coat with only a touch of gray under her chin.  She does not like the heat but is not excessively thirsty and does not have any fears.

She also has 2 lumps halfway down the midway section of her spine and another one on her chest.

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Different species have different dental responses to trauma. The teeth of cows and horses grow throughout their lives. Dogs have a dentin layer that grows over the rubbed down tooth. Humans do not have that. Many dogs chew rocks and the resultant damage to their teeth would cause great pain if the same were to happen to humans. But dogs grow back a protective dentin layer, although I do not believe any enamel grows back. As far as I know, there is no homeopathic remedy that grows teeth!    Calc carb is a good constitutional remedy, in many cases, for the typical Labrador Retriever. It fits them very well

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My 13-year old Bichon has a large fatty tumor on her right side. In 2010 I had one removed from the same spot on her right side. The Vet said it could come back and it has. I do not want to put her through surgery again. At times it seems like she has to labor for breath. Pants a lot. Her breath is foul and she has severe cataracts in both eyes.  Her teeth are not in the best of shape either. I want to make the rest of her life as pleasant as I can.  Any suggestions?

Robin Coventry [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I do not think the mass, which is most likely a lipoma, is causing foul breath and laboring for breath.  I would have her heart listened to and checked out.  I would get her a full complete blood test with a CBC, Chemistry Panel and Thyroid test.  Parsley in the food or a little bit of a good plain yogurt is often good for bad breath but until I had a full work up – chest listened to and blood tests – particularly at her age, I would not feel comfortable suggesting remedies.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Last year my husband and I got adopted by a cat.  It simply moved into our yard and started living there. At first it seemed very wild and mistrustful, and it ran away every time it saw us. Gradually, it got used to us, so I started buying cat food and feeding it. However, until recently we kept a certain distance from the cat, as it was fairly aggressive, with unpredictable behaviour. It would seem friendly, and even beg for attention, then furiously attack us when we attempt to pet it, or while petting it.

I made some enquiries in the neighbourhood, and it turned out that the cat belonged to our next door neighbours. Apparently, it is 12-years old, male. According to the neighbours, it has always been a bit feisty and wild. The neighbours have two children and two very young cats, and they told me they do not want this cat, because of its behaviour. (In fact, the whole neighbourhood is a bit scared of the cat.)

In the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to spend more time observing the cat. Generally, his behaviour became much better, he seems to be less aggressive, sleeps most of the day and likes to stay closer to me. I noticed, however, that he displays most of the symptoms of FHS (Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome):

-Obsessive self-grooming, scratching, biting and licking at his back and tail;

-Tail twitching;

-Dilated pupils;

-Frantically running around the house and yard, as if all of the sudden something chased him.

As this condition/syndrome causes the cat to feel intensely sensitive to being touched, we now limit our petting to the cat’s head only, and provide him with enough space and calm environment. I was wondering if there is any homeopathic treatment that would help as well.

Thank you in advance,

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

He may have mites. They usually affect the face and ear area the most and this may be causing the frantic itching.  Ivermection- about 2 drops (from a syringe needle so the drops are small) of the Equine Ivermectin in their food for a week handles mange in stray cats very easily.  If he does not have crusty areas with fur loss no need to do this.

Tarentula 30c is the remedy I would give him in some kind of liquid once a day for 7 days and see what happens as far as the attacking behavior. If this helps but not enough go to the 200c potency

If we do actually have a hyperaesthesia situation, the remedy Arsenicum album 200c or 30c is very good for that in cats

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I inherited a female dog from my uncle who passed away 18 months ago. She’s 7 years old and has hair loss all year round, so it’s not dependent on the season. The hair comes out in my hand when I stroke her. She gets angered easily and sometimes snaps at strangers.  Seems to drink a lot of water. My uncle had fed her on regular canned food.  Any thoughts on this?

Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

Because of the water intake I would do a full blood test on her and check her thyroid while you are at it, because the thyroid would affect fur loss. Get her on Canine Everyday Essentials from and a bit of coconut oil every day also for the coat.  I am not sure if she is scared as far as the snapping or angry. If you think it is scared, try Arsenicum album 30x two or three times a day for a month

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

Available from:


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years’ experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.   Learn more about nutrition for your pet:

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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