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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask The Holistic Vet – January 2022

Homeopathic / Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers readers’ questions each month. This month she discusses tapeworm and diabetes in a cat, allergies in a dog, a dog with mast cell tumors and more.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My 19-year-old male cat Ravan has had diabetes for 4 years, regulated on half a unit of insulin. He developed diarrhea 6 months ago. Had bright red blood and lots of gurgling in intestines. Very bad smelling feces.

Blood test, urine and stool all came back okay. The vet feels he’s too old to do anything more.  I’m on my own.  I’m 75 and live alone, and Ravan is my only companion and I want to help him. Nothing I’ve tried has helped. He’s very thin and wants to eat but the diarrhea won’t stop.

I’ve tried Arsenicum album, Phosphorus and Podophyllum, each one for a week. Diarrhea did not change. I tried adding Bentonite clay to his food as well as probiotics, pumpkin and psyllium.

He was raised on a raw meat diet. He’s an inside cat. I don’t use any chemicals in my house. I use distilled water for drinking and cooking. He’s been healthy until the diarrhea.

Can you please suggest something that might help him?
Thank You
[email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

The first thing to know is that the normal fecal flotation test (which is the test that you give to your veterinarian for the worms which looks for eggs) has 70% false negatives. That means that you could be told there are no worms but they actually are present.

As far as the intestinal problem, that’s the first thing we have to explore. Tape worms go together with fleas like a horse and carriage so if he has had fleas over the past 5 years he could have tape worms. But they do not show up at all on routine fecals, as they segment rather than create eggs.

That’s said, tape worms do not usually cause a bloody stool. If he’s never had fleas we can take it off the list of possibilities. He also might have IBD of the intestines or lymphosarcoma of the intestines. There is a simple blood test by VDI Labs that can differentiate if either is present.  You can google VDI – Feline Cancer Panel

Something that’s very good for cats with diabetes that makes them into non-diabetic cats after a couple of months is Raemakers Professional Veterinary Immune, which you can get a You just get the dose for the weight of the animal and then you wait a few months and watch the insulin very carefully because often the insulin will need to be reduced over that time. In fact, half of one unit of insulin is a very small amount so the chance of working out of the diabetes so it no longer exists is good.

You can try sprinkling Kuzu powder- a little bit in his food- it is a Japanese thickening starch but is also heals the gut.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

I have an 11- year-old gentle male neutered dog. His problem is itching. It could be dry skin. He’s biting himself. Another problem is separation anxiety since another dog died in Feb 2020. He’s panting and dripping saliva on the floor while we’re gone, even for a short time.

The separation anxiety started after the other dog died, but the itching didn’t start until a few months ago. He drinks a lot of extra water in the past 2 months. He runs and plays every day and follows me on the bike. I want to cure the itching and anxiety with homeopathy.
Thank you!
Kelly Maas

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Kelly,
The first thing you need to do is give him a very good blood test and also check his thyroid but we DEFINITELY need to check his kidneys and we need to check his glucose and we need to check his liver function for all that extra water. That’s the most important thing to do even though he’s running and playing there could be something wrong that has to be handled and organized.

As far as allergies and itching, as it came on quickly it could be sarcoptic mange and you could read my article on sarcoptic mange on my site:

Additionally, he could have allergies and food sensitivies. My book The Allergic Pet explains all about that and you can peruse this site  You can give him Ignatia 30x or 200c three to four times a day for three weeks to see if it helps with the loss of his friend and the separation anxiety

Hi Dr Khalsa,

I need some help with our cat to help her accept a new kitten. She is now estimated to be about 6.5 years old. She was a stray that was rescued by a shelter 2.5 years ago and we adopted her. She was found lactating but no babies were mentioned in her file.

Since she came home to us, she has been loving and loves to sleep on our laps or hugs my arm/hand as she sleeps. She loves to be carried around on our shoulders.

She doesn’t like to be in the direct sun light, indoor or outdoors. She’s easily startled by sudden noise. She gets agitated, vocal and restless with car rides.

We brought home a 5-month-old kitten girl in September thinking she might need a friend to play with. Our cat was curious in the beginning but mostly ignored the kitten. They do chase each other around the house. However, the chase always ends up with our cat hissing the kitten. Lately, we have noticed more hissing from our cat. When the kitten comes close, our cat would hiss/growl and walk away.

I have tried Cham 30c), Nux-v 30 and Pulsatilla, but they didn’t seem to have any impact.
Gladys Miu
[email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Try Sepia 6x or 6c- three times a day for 3 weeks. She did have kittens and something happened to them and the picture fits.

Dr. Khalsa,

I have a 6-year-old lab. He has had two (cancerous) mast cell tumors surgically removed over the last two years. Now he has another one that will be removed. I have asked the vet for any preventative steps and he says there are “none” and that we will need to keep removing tumors. Is it true that there is absolutely no way to prevent these or treat other than surgery?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I do not know the size of the tumors. Sometimes they are tiny, the size of a dime or nickel.  I routinely use either Neoplasine or Cansema Salve on these and two or three applications dissolve them easily.  Both companies work with you. Cansema can be found at

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My Great Pyrenees mix suffers from anxiety. He was bitten by another dog before we rescued him and shows aggression toward other dogs now which I assume is fear based.  He also has to constantly chew and it has become difficult to watch over him constantly. Is there a remedy that may help him overcome his trauma and manage his anxiety?
Thanks so much,
[email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Try Arsenicum album 200c twice a day for one month. If the problem resolves at any point, stop the remedy.

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

My daughter has a Mini Australian Shepherd that is 10 months old.  She has her right knee cap dislocate when she turns.  She will hobble around on three legs until it goes back in and then she is fine.  They said it is Patellar Luxation.  I wondered if there are any remedies that would help. It does not swell or cause a lot of pain. It just pops out and eventually goes back in pretty quickly. I do not know if you can answer or if I need to connect with you directly.
Thanks so much,
Pam Quinn
[email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

The treatment depends on if she has a malformed shallow knee socket genetically. If not, Prolotherapy is good to try as it strengthens the ligaments. Here is an article I wrote about it:

And you can search for a holistic vet certified in this:

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

My Rottweiler was diagnosed as diabetic. The vet prescribed special food and insulin. He’s not getting better though he sees the vet every two weeks. He’s still losing weight. Is there anything else I can do for him?

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

I would suggest a consult with me. I do not have enough information and it is not as simple as the cat I mentioned above.  You can contact me through my website:

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My lovely Irish Setter has been suffering with blocked infected anal glands. She’s had 3 now, the last appearing during the course of antibiotics. Do you have any suggestions for prevention / natural treatment?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

This is easy, please watch my video on anal glands.

Dear Dr. Khalsa

I have two older dogs with arthritis. One is currently on Adequan shots every 3 weeks. Is there some other approach to this?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Myristin for dogs often works very well for this. You haven’t described the symptoms so it is difficult to ascertain what remedy would be best.

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults (including phone consults):

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

also…. The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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