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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask The Holistic Vet – Sept 2015

Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers veterinary questions from readers for September 2015. Send your questions to [email protected]

Devajan2015img1Each month Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. answers selected questions on veterinary issues. Dr. Khalsa is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog.


Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I just saw your website and am in need of help: we have a 5 months old kitten which started being sick on Sunday. On Monday I brought her to the vet, she had a 41.3 fever. They gave her an injection of anti-inflammatory and other things to bring down the fever. Two days later she was in a bad shape again so I brought her back and she stayed the night. The vet did blood work and tells me that she has a serious infection which is in the liver. He gave her antibiotics. This afternoon she got worse and her breathing was hard. She had liquid in her lungs. We just brought her home but she is in a bad state. My kids are extremely sad. Her prognosis is not good. It could be a FIP. I just bought some colloidal silver to give her. I only found it in 20ppm (how much should I give her? Is there anything else I could do? Any homeopathic remedies? I keep reading that antibiotics are not a good idea. What is your advice?

Many thanks
Kind regards
Stephanie Cherdel


Dr. Khalsa: It’s likely FIP and if it is indeed FIP in such a young kitten, the prognosis is very poor. Additionally cats and kittens, as a species, get very stressed with fluid in lungs and this stress adversely affects their vital force. A virus does not have DNA and to compensate it enters the cells and uses their DNA. Once it gets in the cells it is hard to get rid of. I would suggest 500 IU of Vitamin D3 a day, Apis mell 6, 30 and 200 mixed together 6 to 8 times a day along with Apocynum 6x and Hydrastis 6x twice a day. These are all for the fluid. Lastly, Bryonia alb 30 or 200 three times a day for the fever and lung tissue.


Hi Dr. Khalsa!

My vet diagnosed my poor old girl Autumn (14 yr old Doberman) with idiopathic epilepsy last Friday. She wants to start conventional treatment (Phenobarbital/potassium/bromide) this week. I started Autumn on AOR B Complex , melatonin (3mg) and magnesium (250 mg) this weekend. She has not had her seizure that was due today. I was going to pick up some 30C Causticum to tomorrow along with 1 week of the vet’s prescription’s in the event that my remedies fail. Autumn is happy and healthy in between seizures. She still walks 5 miles per day and chases her ball vigorously . She plays with our other 3 dogs a lot. 

She is on an NRG dehydrated raw. I add spinach, coconut oil and clay to her food. She gets organic carrots &/or Ziwi peaks for treats.

Am I on the right track? Should I add or delete anything? I know you cannot be definitive and I certainly would not expect a perfect answer but any help would be greatly appreciated! I really love Autumn and would like to maintain her great quality of life without drug inducement if at all possible?

She also has a lot of old dog lumps that have all been aspirated in case of cancer. Her blood work last week was perfect for even a young dog. Thank you so very much! How very thoughtful of you to take questions. I wish we could see you in person!

Here is a pic (below) of Autumn the red doberman. Thanks so very much again Doctor!!?



Dr. Khalsa: Check her thyroid and test the T4, Free T4, T3 and Free T3 as hypothyroidism can contribute to both seizures and the lipomas she has. If her levels are low, treat her with thyroid meds. Melatonin can be very effective with seizures and you can give up to 4.0 mg a day twice a day easily. So keep up with the melatonin and watch and monitor the frequency of the seizures.



Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Please help! My 6 year old male Labrador recently received his distemper/parvo vaccination and now he is having problems. He is experiencing awful painful skin sores on his rump and underneath his neck. He received his vaccination about a month ago and symptoms started soon thereafter.  Since then he was administered a round of prednisone and antibiotics which cleared up the symptoms, but clearly that was temporary, because a week after medications were ceased, the problem is back.  After reading online I found quite a few articles discussing “Vaccinosis” and it is clear that the vaccination has created this problem.  I need help and advice on a homeopathic treatment for my dog. PLEASE HELP! These skin sores are terribly painful and debilitating for him.  He cannot even get up and walk around without spazzing out and trying to twirl around to reach the painful irritated spots on his rump.

I appreciate any information/direction.




Dr. Khalsa: Wash the areas with Zymox medicated enzymatic shampoo and then put the zymox crème rinse on and leave it on.   Get some aloe vera straight from the plant and put it on the area if you can do that. Put the fresh aloe vera on about 4 times a day. This can work a miracle. I do not have enough symptoms to give you a specific remedy. Urtica urens may be helpful. Lachesis is the remedy for problems after the Rabies vaccine. You can give Lachesis 200c once a day for one week just for good measure.



Dear Dr. Khalsa,

How much Colostrum should be given to an adult neutered Cat, how soon before/after meals or w. meals?  Angelo was never fat but athletic, ‘still re-cooperating from muscle mass loss, he’s a standard size Bengal (not giant) & lost huge muscular thighs/legs & muscle all over & fat loss all due to stress/not eating in multi cat household 9/2014-3/2015, he’s Only Kitty since March & forever, he’ll be 3yrs old in 2 days, ate very well since May but not gaining muscle back.  He was bottle raised by me & only Kitty for 1st 2 yrs. We moved from California to Pennsylvania in June, we flew.  He adjusted quickly w. brief use of Aconite [brought from Calif] & ate very well. He contracted fleas for 1st time mid July, no hair loss, but 2 small allergic sores. Until Fri. he wore herbal flea collar; conventional vet adminstered 1 1/2 tabs. Droncit  for Cats for Tape Worm precaution & Advantage II drops on neck Fri.   Estimated total .10 – .12 grams of organic Garlic granules eaten [12 days] @ .1 gram/day (stopped garlic Wens. after learning of Garlic Toxicity) vomiting began Tues eve thru Wens, Wens. noon after plain food given no more vomiting, no diarrhea, no lethargy, good appetite during all of this.   Ears & Gums are pink.  Thank You, Samantha 

Thank you



Dr. Khalsa: Garlic is great for dogs but I do not recommend it for cats. Also Ticked Off unscented from works great for fleas in cats and is not at all toxic. Both Droncit and Advantage at the same time is a lot of toxins all at once. I would give him some Nux vomica a few times a day for a week. You can easily give him a teaspoon of colostrum a day.



Hello Dr. Khalsa,

My dog is almost 2 years old. He has a huge quantity of hairfall (allopecia), especially in the summer. He’s itching all the time. He likes the cold. He eats rice, bread, fish, mutton, chicken and meat.  Do you have any guidance?

Thank you
Somnath  Chakraborty


Dr. Khalsa: First of all I would give him a good multivitamin with veggies in it such as Canine Everyday Essentials from which will greatly reduce shedding and improve the coat almost immediately. I would add both coconut oil and some krill oil to his diet along with some vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, etc. You can try Sulphur 6c twice a day for a week to ten days and see how he does. Sulphur is an aggravating remedy at times – although I find both 6th and 200th potencies not too bad… but if you see him getting itchier with the Sulphur then just stop it early. If all this does not work I suggest you contact me for a professional consult. He is 2 years old and there is a great deal we can do.



Dr Khalsa,

My six year strong and handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback started scratching towards the front right chest area, and I noticed a swelling of 6cm that was palpable and soft. Also on the right, but just at the shoulder front, alongside the artery was a hardened 2mm nodule.  The veterinarian took a syringe and aspirated, and microscopically determined both to be mast cell tumours, which were removed 4 weeks ago under general anaesthesia. The chest lesion was wide and deep and this resulted in stitches having to be redone 3 times, even though Leo wore a t shirt, and still is wearing one, simply because I have no luck with wound healing , which is slow. The shoulder front lesion is healed.

 Leo has a sensitive gut, and I try and keep him off chemical substances, like anti infammatories etc.  The wound I have douced with a weak soda bicarb solution, and for pain, initially I gave him Belladonna 200, alternated with Arnica 30.

 Hepar sulph and silica seemed to help, but I feel that there is much more needed.

The stitches have been in for 3 weeks, and without them the middle part of the fleshy oozing wound, will open.  I can send you the pathologist report, should you need that. All has been removed in a wide margin.

 Appreciate all,


 Esra Bosch from South Africa


Dr. Khalsa: Mast cell tumors tend to recur and you have to examine and check him routinely for any small dime sized raised areas on his skin. I am not sure about what to say about his ‘sensitive gut’ as I do not have enough information on that. Seventy percent of the immune system is in the gut and it is very important that his gut is healthy. Essential microorganisms are great for gut health and here is a good place to get them . It’s not that easy to prevent Mast Cell tumors as they tend to recur and can be gone for a half of a year to a year and then recur.   If you wish, contact me on my site and schedule a consult with me. The answer to the next question will give you a protocol with a cancer salve that works great if you find another spot. You have to discover them when they are small.



Dear Dr. Khalsa,
I’m wondering if you have advice for a 7 year old dog with aggressive mast cell CA of R rear leg- tumor was removed with unclean margins, that returned after 3 weeks. I have rx Hydrastis 200c weekly with so far good energy and tumor site healed over. Dog has been put on medicinal mushrooms and raw diet, – so far so good.  This is my daughter’s Rottie mix dog and the mind symptoms of hydrastis were a good fit for his temperament.

Thank you

Wendy Pollock
Dr. Khalsa: Topical treatment is good for this. You lightly abrade the area with a nail file and then topically put on a product called Cansema which is sold by Alpha Omega Labs  They are very nice and explain it all to you.  Also have your dog’s thyroid function checked and correct if it is low. Lastly Dr. Ramaeker’s Professional Veterinary Immune formula sold by Deserving Pets is very helpful with cancer problems.

The second edition of my book is coming out early next year.  Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog   – It a great and useful holiday gift!


Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.   Learn more about nutrition for your pet:

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website and for consults:

All information provided on this site, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, homeopathy, homeopathic medicine, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment, nor all health-related issues.

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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