Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets June 2014

Tips from the Masters, and more! Homeopathy for Everyone June 2014

An Accurate Assessment?

AT the beginning of this century, the late Dr. J. T. Kent was once asked when he thought Homeopathy would be universally embraced, studied, and practiced, and he replied, ” Not for at least three hundred years.”

Reproted in the journal Healthyself 1951

Lilium Tigrinum

Lilium closely resembles Sepia in its action on the uterine organs. There is no remedy that is more efficacious for uterine displacement than Lilium. It has the persistent bearing-down feeling as if the pelvic viscera were being dragged downward. The choice between Lilium and Sepia might not always be easy. The Sepia case is more likely to be chronic. The Lilium case is more intense, painful and distressing. The Sepia cachexia, would decide easily in its favor.

E. B. Nash, M. D. Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Two Remedies in Dropsy of the Brain (Hydrocephalus)

Opium 6 is useful where there is entire insensibility, hard, loud breathing, eyes half open. A Dose every 2 hrs.

Zincum 3x may be given in cases which seem hopeless, where there is, in connection with the dilated pupil, half-open eyes, and loud, slow breathing, cold hands and feet, and a scarcely perceptible pulse. A dose every 2 hrs. This remedy has proven successful in these desperate cases.

Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents And Nurses – Morton M. Eaton,M.D. circa (1882).

Some Aspects of Agnus Castus

Agnus castus is a prominent remedy for sprains; worse from a strain, as in lifting a little too much. Also, the feet turn under easily when walking.

Deficient secretion of milk in lying-in women, where this mental symptom is present, “There is no use of doing anything, as I shall die after a while.”

Swelling and induration of the spleen, particularly after intermittent fevers.

An odor of herrings or of musk, is constantly before the nose, which cannot be dissipated.

H.N. Guernsey, M.D Notes of Lectures on M.M.: Delivered at Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia


Homeopathic Pharmacies in U.S. and Canada Targeted

In the USA and Canada, homeopathic pharmacies have faced contrived class action lawsuits in the last few years. Heel Inc., which has been producing combination homeopathic remedies for years, experienced lawsuits requiring substantial financial burden. Consequently they will discontinue their business operations in the U.S. and Canada as of August 31, 2014.

Belgium Sabotages Homeopathy

In Belgium a recent decree by the Ministry of Health sabotages the practice of homeopathy throughout the country. By creating impossible requirements for homeopaths, they insure that homeopathy cannot be practiced legally in the future.

Miasms and Food Temperature

A comparison of the desires of the stigmatic influences is of much help in selecting the remedy: psora desires hot foods; syphilis prefers cold food; sycosis wants the food either hot or cold. Psora desires meats, but the combination of psora and syphilis, in the tubercular diathesis, has an aversion to meats.

The Principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy – Herbert A. Roberts, M.D.

Vermont Passes Historic GMO Bill

Defying repeated threats of a lawsuit from Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), on May 8, Peter Shumlin, the Governor of Vermont, signed a historic bill requiring food manufacturers to label genetically engineered (GE) foods, and to drop the practice of labeling GE foods as “natural”.   On May 9, true to its word, the GMA confirmed that it will sue Vermont in federal court to overturn the bill (H. 112). The GMA, whose 300-plus members include Monsanto and Dow, Coca-Cola and General Mills, is also pushing a bill in Congress that would preempt all states from passing GMO labeling laws.

To join the fight :

Team Casetaking

Readers of Homeopathy for Everyone have often asked if our team members take cases, and if they do so online or by phone as well. Here is some contact information for a few of our members:

Elaine Lewis – Philadelphia, PA, USA   [email protected]


Takes cases online


Rochelle Marsden   North West England


Takes Skype Cases

Also  EFT Practitioner (Certified Advanced) and the new Matrix Reimprinting


Shirley Reischman [email protected]

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Takes cases in person only

Five Remedies in Asiatic Cholera

Camphora — Should be given in the first stage with the rapidly sinking strength with great coldness and anxiety before the purging and cramps set in.

Aconitum — Twelve cases recovered under this remedy alone. When collapse comes on very rapidly, with little or no premonitory illness, and unattended by copious evacuations, aconite is indicated. The great rapidity of the onset calls for this drug .

Arsenicum alb — Arsenic is given the chief place for the treatment of cholera when the time for arresting it by camphor is past.

Cuprum. — For the cramping it is unquestionably the best remedy and, I may add, for the vomiting, also.

Phosphorus. — Will be found very useful in cholera to check the drain of brownish fluid from the bowels, which sometimes continues after the other symptoms have subsided.

M. W. Van Dekburo, M.D. – The Hahnemannian Monthly -Vol. 28, 1893


Bright’s Disease

Plumbum will cure Bright’s disease, at least in the incipient and middle stages, while there is one or two percent of albumin in the urine.

Dr. Zwingenburg – reported inThe Hahnemannian Monthly -Vol. 28, 1893



In punctate erosions of the gastric mucous membrane, which are indicated by a sensation in the stomach after meals, as if there were a sore spot in the stomach, the best remedy is the Subnitrate of Bismuth.

Dr. Zwingenburg – reported inThe Hahnemannian Monthly -Vol. 28, 1893

Phosphoric Acid and Music

Oversensitive to music which causes stitches in the ear, violent pains in head

Violent headache from music

Toothache aggravated from music

Ear pains, stitching, from music

Complete Dynamics – Roger van Zandvoort, Eduard van Grinsven

Nursing and Lactation

Pulsatilla is the best remedy to arrest the secretion of milk after weaning the child, or to prevent the secondary ailments of weaning. Bell, Bry and Calc are likewise useful.

Galactorrhea requires Calc, especially when the breasts are turgid with milk.

Borax if the milk coagulates readily. If Borax be insufficient, give Lachesis

Silicea if the child throws up after nursing and refuses the breast

Homoeopathic Therapeutics – Samuel Lilienthal, M.D.



Almost any cough with a hectic flush and dryness of the throat will yield to Sanguinaria.

Sticta Pulmonaria – It allays irritation, soothes irritable tissue, removes hyper-sensitive conditions of the respiratory mucous membrane and promotes sleep.

Dr. Zwingenburg – reported inThe Hahnemannian Monthly -Vol. 28, 1893


Iodum in Croup

Iodium’s curative action is all the more favorable the firmer the consistency of the morbid product. Hence Iodium is less indicated for mucous than for membraneous formations. It may be employed in all stages of croup.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics -Ed. W. A. DEWEY, M. D. (1901)

Four Tips from The Homoeopathic Recorder



In young girls, when the menses have appeared but slightly and show no signs of increasing from month to month, Sepia is an excellent remedy to establish the normal flow.

Nux for Sensitivity

Hahnemann advises a dose of Nux vom, as the best remedy to allay the general hyper- sensitiveness of patients who always complain of aggravation of their condition even on receiving very small doses.


A Mullein Anecdote

A Mr. Kemmis was treated by various physicians for what they called a rose Cancer, but without relief. An Indian squaw told him to use mullein oil. He distilled it, and for a short time bathed the cancer with the oil. The growth of the cancer was permanently checked, but was not healed. He lived forty years after the treatment and the cancer never again bothered him.


Baryta Mur

Weigelf in Schmiedeberg recommends Baryta muriatica 30th as the best remedy in the angina which is very considerable in Variola vera and in varioloid, to be used at intervals of six, eight and twelve hours.

The Homoeopathic Recorder – Volume IX – 1894


Three Tips from Dr. George Royal

Ammonium Carbonicum

Next to China I consider Ammonium carbonicum the best remedy for anemia caused by loss of blood.


Mercurius Corrosivus

I have found it the best remedy for the most severe form of dysentery with high temp., great thirst, severe chill after drinking, stools almost clear blood, with shreds of the mucous lining of the intestines, constant urging to stool and to micturition and terrible tenesmus.


Argentum Nitricum

For disordered stomach especially of children who crave sweets. They have thick, white coated tongue, nausea, eructations, diarrhoea and much flatus; with stool of green mucus like chopped spinach. Argentum Nit is the best remedy we have for the gastritis of drunkards.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica -George Royal, M.D.

Homeopathy – Six Principles

In a talk delivered to the American Institute of Homoeopathy, Dr. A. E. Small of Philadelphia summed up the science of homeopathy in six principles:

1. Each medicine must be prepared by itself, with the greatest care.

2. To prove a medicine it must be given uncombined with any other medicinal agent.

3. The symptoms produced upon the healthy are the only means for a perfect rule by which to administer a remedy to the sick.

4. A disease is an interruption of the vital forces, which can only be overcome by forces as inappreciable as those producing the disease.

5. Only one remedy must be given at a time.

6. Medicines must be sufficiently attenuated to administer upon the similia similibus principle, so as not to produce an unnecessary aggravation of symptoms.


The Homoeopathic Recorder – volume xvi 1901


Bœnninghausen’s List of Antipsoric Remedies



Ammonium carb

Ammonium mur.


Arsenicum alb.


Baryta carb.


Borax ac.


Calcarea carb

Carbo animalis

Carbo veg.










Hepar sulph.


Kali carb.


Magnesium carb.

Magnesium mur.



Muriatic acid

Natrum carb.

Natrum mur.

Kali nit.

Nitric acid



Phosphoric acid










Sulphuric acid


The Principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy – Herbert A. Roberts, M.D.

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Dear Sir,
    Thanks for the “TIPS & SECRETS”. It is really very useful collection. It refreshes the memory of Homoeopaths!

  • In hydrocephalus where u advised opium 6,its all when homeopathy was in its primitive stage,now its better to go higher with single dose of 200,1m ,10m or 50m,not only in hydrocephalus but in any case where ever you have unconsciousness with loud breathing (snoring) half open eyes as their are rubrics like
    Respiration,snoring,unconsciousness,while-Op is only remedy with 2 marks
    Eyes,open,unconsciousness,while-Op is only remedy with 2 marks
    its all with reference to Alfons Geukens cases my own cases,my sir’s & few of my colleagues expriences ,just wan say one thing go thru material given by masters like vithoulkas,Roger,Geukens,Jonathan shore,Nash,Kent,Tyler and meany more & try to understand role of repertory & potency rather than giving 6 or low in repeated doses & blindly

  • Hi Dr. Maru,

    Thank you for your comment. The old masters reported what worked for them. Any time you have good tips, just send them along WITH THE SOURCE and we’ll add them to the column.

  • thanks for your valuable comments,i have prescribed a patient for left eyeball pain with deepsitting nerve strain-ruta.g-200 remedy acts well but pain attacks are repeating after 15-20 days what course of action should be taken patient age 60 on computer for 10-11 hrs health is good.

    • I suggest you retake the case and look for specific modalities, etiologies, maintaining causes (what activity in this person’s life may be causing this problem) and any SRP symptoms.

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