Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: A Case Of Covid-19

Answer to last month’s quiz!

Mom, it’s time for the quiz again!

                                                                   Shana Lewis


Again???  No way!  Do you have any idea how many years we’ve been doing this?



It seems more like 3.  Anyway, I have two deaths to announce.  You’re probably not going to care about either one of them.

Shana, is anyone going to care about either one of them?!

I’m guessing Mike Santini.  But this is how we operate here at The Quiz.


I talk about things you think are stupid…


….you tell me I’m wasting everyone’s time…


…but I believe that Linda Santini likes what I have to say!

Oh!  Well that’s different!  Linda Santini….

And Alan once said that I’m his favorite music critic.

Oh, well that settles it!  We’re officially writing for 3 people now!  Hooray!!!!!  Alan and the Santinis!  We are on our way!

Let me begin by saying that Eric Clapton is refusing to play venues that demand proof of vaccination; apparently the UK Prime Minister has made that a requirement now.  I think everyone should take a page from Eric Clapton’s book!

Apparently, he was vaccinated and had a serious neurological reaction and didn’t think he’d ever play the guitar again.

I know, that’s what I heard too.  So…. Our first death to announce is that of Dusty Hill from ZZ Top (a blues rock group)…

…that no one cares about!

Mom!  My cousin Jon cares, and as I believe I said once before, Jon is a lot cooler than you are!

He is not!

Anyway, he passed away last month.


Dusty Hill, Mom, try and pay attention!

And what kind of name is ZZ Top anyway, the Top of what?

You might be interested to know that ZZ Top appeared in one of our favorite movies, “Back to the Future-3” (which turned 30 last year, wow, that is heavy!)

Which reminds me of something funny from that movie!  Remember when Doc Brown says, “Why is everything so ‘heavy’ in the future?”  Ha-ha!

Mom, as I was saying, ZZ Top plays the band in the town festival!  Here they are below with the star of the movie, Michael J. Fox.  Dusty Hill is on the left.

They’re very attractive (Not!).  They look like back-woodsmen!

They also contributed a song to the movie which plays over the end credits.

Well, Shana, as fascinating as this is … you might want to wrap it up and move on to your next death!

We lost an original member of Kansas.  I’m sure you’re going to say “Who Cares.”

Excuse me, but that is not what I was going to say!  I was going to say, “No one cares, Shana!”

Well, I will have you know, that Kansas is a very important group in the world of Classic Rock!

I know, Shana, I know, and I somewhat tolerate Classic Rock, just as I somewhat tolerate frozen food.

Anyway, it was Robby Steinhardt who died, the violinist and second lead.


Carry on, my wayward son

There’ll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don’t you cry no more

Yes, I’m memorializing Robby with the opening to “Carry on my Wayward Son”, even though he only sang backing vocals on it but it’s still one of the group’s most iconic songs.  I know it gets played a lot but ….

Shana, do you plan to ramble on indefinitely?

…as I’m sure you know…

Oy vey!

… any time it comes on in the car, we have to leave the station on until it’s over, it’s an unwritten rule of radio.

Shana, that rule only applies to “Get A Job” and “Those Oldies But Goodies” by Little Caesar and the Romans.

I’m amending that rule to apply to Kansas!  Apparently he played viola on that record. 

Would that anyone cared….

Moving on to happier news…”The Great Muppet Caper” turned 40 in June.  I can’t remember if I mentioned it.

Not in the last five seconds.

Too bad we lost our movie theater to Covid.

And speaking of Covid….

Oh and the British Couple!


Did you know that the wife was played by Mrs. Richards from the “Fawlty Towers” episode “Communication Problems?”

Do you realize you’re the only person in the world who knows the titles of TV episodes????!

What does that mean?

It means you know entirely too many things!!!!

Remember?  This is from the episode Mrs. Richards was in: “You wanted a room with a view?  This is a room with a view!  What did you expect to see from a Torquay hotel room, herds of wildebeests sweeping majestically across the Serengeti?”  Ha-ha!  Anyway, it’s the same actress!

What are you talking about?

Mrs. Richards from “Fawlty Towers”!  She’s in “The Great Muppet Caper” playing John Cleese’s wife!  Geez, Mom, try and pay attention!  Click below, this is really funny!!!!!


And now, as I’ve been trying to say for quite some time…. We have a Covid case for our listening audience today!  This is our very first, and Maria is here from Greece to present it to us, as it was her sister who had it!

What’s her name?

Who, Maria?

No, her sister!

I believe her name is “Lady Lasagna”.

Is she related to “Lady Noodle”?

No!  And now, as promised, heeeeere’s Maria!


Hi everybody and welcome to the hpathy Quiz!  I’m very honored to be here today.

So, my sister, “Lady Lasagna”, called me and told me that she tested positive for covid-19 at work. Self test, rapid and PCR test.

She was having diarrhea very often and small quantities each time.  So can you imagine, she was every 5 minutes running to bathroom.  She was exhausted by this.

It sounds very disturbing!

She also had cough and could hear rattling noises from her lungs, but could not raise any phlegm. Her chest was hurting during cough also, but mild pain.

She also complained that she craved an egg, which she ate, but could not digest it.  She was not much thirsty and she had hot flashes.  Mild weakness.

Can’t tell about fever because she didn’t have a thermometer available.

So I told her to take _____________ 200C in a bottle of water, take it as needed with a few succussions before each dose.

She took it, and immediately the diarrhea stopped!

Amazing!  Wow!

The cough also was better and she could raise some mucus.

The moment she took the remedy, she digested the egg also, rapidly.

Wow again!

And she fell asleep immediately in deep sleep.

There ya go!  That’s the gold-standard for homeopathic prescribing, falling asleep after a remedy!

Now she is more thirsty for cold water, the warm water upsets her stomach.  She took one sip per day based on need—the feeling that she was relapsing.  Now she is in day 3 and she is feeling ok, but she still needs a sip every day.

Thankfully, the remedy is working like a charm every time she takes it!

You know I was feeling insecure about remedy selection, I had to choose fast!  She was a mess.  But I got lucky and I am amazed how beautifully it’s working!

The doc told her that she should monitor her oxygen and if it falls under 94% she should go to ER.  Of course my sister preferred remedies that actually work 😉

“Lady Lasagna” is lucky she’s got you for a sister!

A big thank you for teaching us, it really changes people lives!


Thank you for the great case, Maria.  What a sin!  The whole world is in an uproar over this virus and all they ever needed was Maria!  

So listen, if you know what the remedy is, write to me at [email protected], the answer will be in the September ezine!  OMG! Shana!!!!  It’s that time of year again already, can you believe it?

What, time to play “See You In September” again by The Happenings?





Antimonium tart.-2


Ferrum phos.




Veratrum alb.



How did we do this time?  You know, Maria thought this was going to be an easy case, I thought this was going to be an easy case, and Vamsi thought it was an easy case… but I guess we were wrong!  Who wants to go first today?  I think I see Krista from Nebraska!

Hi Elaine,

Hi Krista!

How are you doing ?

Good thanks, except for computer troubles!  I sent mine out to be fixed, I hope they can do it.  (It’s old.)  I’m using Shana’s now.  She’s been very good about letting me use it as much as I want!

My vote for this month’s covid quiz goes to Arsenicum.  Arsenicum has diarrhea, expectoration, scanty; and not very thirsty— just sips.

But we didn’t get any information for that, just that she didn’t have “much thirst”.  I would take that to mean “thirstless”.  You know, thirst is a very important to us.  If we can establish that a patient is “thirstless”?  We pretty much know what our options are and what remedies to disqualify—like Phosphorus, Aconite and Veratrum alb.

Let me know if I got it right or should try again!

Well, Krista, it’s true that a virus featuring diarrhea would make us want to choose Arsenicum; but, there are no confirmations for it.  We know what the Arsenicum mentals look like in a case like this: great fear of death, desperate need for company, restlessness, chilliness, anguish, etc.; so, with no confirmation for Arsenicum, we would have to acknowledge that “diarrhea”, per se, is not going to help us find a remedy.  In fact, “Diarrhea” is not a keynote of any remedy, the reason being that practically every remedy has diarrhea!  Think about it: Sulphur, Phosphorus, Gelsemium, Veratrum alb, Argent-nit, Mercury, Podophyllum, Nitric acid, China… I could go on, but….the point is, the mere fact of having diarrhea is not going to tell us what the remedy is.

First of all, what is our main rubric?  Normally, we would want to see a COVID 19 rubric in the Repertory but, there is no such thing.  And there’s no rubric called “Virus” either.  So, what’s the closest we can come?  In Murphy’s, it’s “Clinical: Influenza, stomach”.  (For those with Murphy’s 2nd edition, “Diseases: influenza, stomach”.)  That’s as close as we can get. 

So, we can go to that rubric, look at what’s there and say, “Which of these remedies … ” and we’re not going to say, “Which one of these remedies has diarrhea?”  The rubric we picked — Influenza, stomach — already covers that!  We’re going to ask, “Which one of these remedies has a rattling cough with no or difficult expectoration?”  Why?   Because that’s the concomitant in the case, is it not?  So if we ask that question, what will we find?  Oh look!  It’s Antimonium tart!  Ta-da!  And that’s it, we’re finished!  Because “rattling cough with no or difficult expectoration” is the only real symptom in the case!  It’s the only keynote of a remedy!  And as it happens, Antimonium tart also is in Bold under Rectum: diarrhea, and is also in Bold under “thirstlessness”, and in Bold for “Influenza, stomach”, so, there ya go, what more do we have to say?

Did you know that Antimonium tart. is famous for “rattling cough with difficult expectoration”?  You just have to know these things.  It’s just like, if you saw “Thirsty for ice cold drinks”, you would blurt out “Phosphorus!” right away!  Everyone knows that!  Well, same for this, this is another famous keynote that we just have to know, like Aconite’s “ailments from fright” and Apis for “anaphylaxis” and Ignatia for “acute grief” and Gelsemium for “stage fright”, etc., you just have to know these things.  If there was a famous keynote in a case, and you didn’t know it, and repertorized instead?  You’d probably come up with the wrong answer!  Learn the keynotes of your remedies, I’ve got them on my website, click below:

Tidbits – Part 15 – Your Homeopathy Emergency Kit



Thanks Elaine!

I didn’t have that keynote of Antimonium Tart in my head before…but I do now. 🙂

See?  That’s why you got the wrong answer!

It was a different kind of quiz, I wasn’t sure where to start or end so I appreciate you walking through what was the focus.

I am going to keep learning keynotes!!!!

Good, good for you!

Thank you !



So…it looks like Aruna has come back for the second month in a row!

Dear Elaine,

I am daring to participate in this month’s quiz again.

Good!  It’s the only way we learn!  There’s no learning without trying.

“A case of Covid-19”

The points I noted:


Craving for Eggs but cannot digest

OK, wait a minute.  This is not a case of not being able to digest eggs.  She can digest eggs just fine.  As soon as she took the remedy, the egg digested right away.  The fact is, clearly, this lady has a gastro-intestinal virus, and as such, anything she would have eaten would have given her trouble, one way or the other.  It just so happens that it was an egg, but it could have been anything.

Rattling of lungs with no expectoration

Cough with mild chest pain

We’re not interested in anything that’s “mild”.  If you see anything that’s “mild” in a case, throw it out!

Not much thirst

Hot Flashes

Mild weakness

Again, we don’t care.  And everyone with a virus is weak, so, that symptom is covered by the rubric we took—“Influenza, stomach”.

Thirst for cold water (cold water alleviates), hot water aggravates

This doesn’t help us because it came on AFTER the remedy was given, when she was WELL.  She got her thirst back.  That’s good, a good sign, a sign that she got the right remedy.

My key points to note were Diarrhea and Craving for eggs.

No, no, these things will not help us, here’s why.  The diarrhea rubric is huge!  Over 200 remedies and it looks like half of them are in bold!  And the only thing characteristic about this diarrhea is its frequency (every 5 minutes), and that’s not even in the Repertory!  (Hard to believe.)

Craving for eggs.  If we were to think this symptom was important, we would have to pick Calc-carb.  But Calc-carb does not cover our diagnosis, which is gastro-intestinal flu (the flu is a virus, it’s the closest we have in the Repertory to “stomach virus” or “intestinal virus”, so, our remedy has to be there–and guess what?  It is!  It’s there in Bold!) 

It’s nice to have a peculiar symptom like desire for eggs, but, it has to cover the disorder!  It would be great if our remedy craved eggs; but, you know what?  So many people eat eggs, Aruna… can they all be Calc-carb?  And here’s what we don’t know: Is the desire for eggs a function of her constitutional remedy?  Maybe she’s a constitutional Calc-carb., we don’t know!  But what we do know is, the remedy we pick should be in the “Influenza, stomach” rubric, and Calc-carb isn’t there. 

Craving for eggs comes under Calc Phos

No, Calc-carb.

and not being able to tolerate them comes under Ferr Phos.

Again, this has nothing to do with not being able to tolerate eggs.  Her digestion is deranged due to illness.  She wouldn’t be able to digest anything.

I considered Arsenicum alb.,

Why don’t we like Arsenicum?  She’s only “mildly” weak.  Arsenicum is very weak!  Arsenicum is also very clingy and anxiety-ridden and Maria reported nothing like that.  Finally, Arsenicum is thirsty, our patient is not.

Natrum Sulph.

Nat-sulph is not listed under Influenza at all.  You were closer when you said Arsenicum.

I am further looking into it to see if anything is missed and reconfirm my answer.  So far I am leaning towards Ferrum Phosphorus as the desire for cold water, hot flashes, and all other symptoms are covered; especially diarrhea stopped after dosage and deep sleep followed; slight expectoration after.

OK, you have down-played the most characteristic symptom of the case:  She has a rattling cough but can’t raise the mucus.  That’s a keynote of Antimonium tart!  If you see a keynote of a remedy, automatically that remedy gets bumped up to the head of the line!   Now all we have to do is see if Antimonium tart is in the stomach flu rubric.  And yes, it is; It’s in Bold!  Now, what else?  Does Antimonium tart have diarrhea?  Yes!  It’s in Bold!  Is Antimonium tart thirstless?  Yes!  It’s in Bold!  I think we have enough here to feel very confident about Antimonium tart, and that’s what Maria gave. 

I will still be reading this thoroughly 🙂  Appreciate everything you do.  So glad to have come across your writings.




OK, everybody, it’s Lori D from NYC!

Well hello!!!

Yo!  Whazz up!

I’m sorry that I dropped off the face of this earth for a bit.  Any moment now I will be evicted from my apartment (not alone but with 15 other women) so you can imagine my attention has been on finding a place to live.  But I am going to take a shot at this month’s quiz if it’s not too late.  My guess at this case would be Antimonium tart.  The main reason is because of Lady Lasagna’s rattling noises from her lungs with little expectoration of phlegm, marked frequent diarrhea, weakness and mild pain in chest on coughing.  The egg craving threw me off because I think Antimonium tart’s crave apples and acidic things so I’m not sure about that.

All my homeopathic books are in storage now so I’m really taking a guess here.  If I’m wrong, I will try try again.

~Lori D from NYC

You’re not wrong so don’t try again!



My name is Rohit.  With reference to the covid quiz mentioned in Homeopathy for Everyone eighth issue of 2021, I came up with a remedy with my little knowledge of homeopathy.  The remedy according to me is Calc. Carb 200c .

Hope to hear the correct answer soon.

Thank you.

Dear Rohit,

Thanks so much for voting!  I know why you voted for Calc-carb, her desire for eggs, right?  Why can’t we use Calc-carb?  Because it doesn’t cover the illness.  There’s no “covid 19” rubric in the Repertory, so, we have to use “Influenza, stomach” in its place.  If you only have Kent’s Repertory, you’re gonna be out of luck here.  Please buy Murphy’s.  Be sure to see the September issue for “Revisiting: A Case of Covid 19” to see our discussion of the remedy that worked.

I think I see Wayne all the way from Australia!


Hi Elaine, I think the remedy is Pulsatilla.

No, not Pulsatilla.  First of all, we have to think about what our main rubric is, which is to say, what “disease” or “disorder” or “diagnosis” does our patient have and will Pulsatilla cover it?  Now, I know covid isn’t in the Repertory, but, it’s a virus, and what rubric do we use for, in this case, a stomach virus?  “Influenza, stomach”.  So, Is Pulsatilla a remedy you’d think of for a gastro-intestinal flu?  Probably not.


Difficult breathing with heat,

Did she say “difficult breathing”?  What I heard was she had a rattling cough.  Her main complaint was frequent diarrhea which was exhausting her.

Eggs, general Agg.,

No, Wayne, she has a stomach flu.  Anything she would have eaten would have upset her stomach.

Rattling cough,

Bronchitis infection

We don’t know that, and is that really going to help us anyway?  Let’s try to remember that we are not doctors and what matters to them doesn’t help us at all.  We’re looking for signs that will lead us to a homeopathic remedy.  Anything else is just clutter.  What kind of information leads to a remedy?  Something peculiar, a keynote of a remedy, modalities, concomitants, sensations, certain etiologies.

The chief complaint here is diarrhea.  But there are hundreds of remedies for that so it doesn’t help us.  All we’ve got in this case that matters to a homeopath is a “concomitant”.  The concomitant is: rattling cough with no expectoration.  This is a keynote of a remedy, exactly what we hope to find in a case!  It’s a keynote of Antimonium tart!  Now, all we have to do is see if Antimonium tart has diarrhea.  Yes, it does!  Is it in the stomach flu rubric?  Yes it is!  Is it thirstless?  Yes it is!  This remedy covers the whole case.


Hi Elaine.

Hi Anil, aren’t you going to answer the quiz?  

I did answer the quiz!

Oh geez, I realize that now.  I don’t know how I could have forgotten that!

I came close but went the route of Phosphorus even though my first thought was Antimonium Tart.

Right, you rejected it because you didn’t feel it sufficiently covered diarrhea, which was the chief complaint.  But, here’s what you have to remember about homeopathy, a very important aspect:  If your case has a concomitant, the spotlight shifts over to that and the case becomes all about that, which I know sounds crazy, but, that’s how it works! 

So, luckily, in our case, the concomitant happened to have been a keynote of a remedy, and actually, the only keynote in the whole case: rattling cough with no expectoration.  So let me clarify that.  There is either no expectoration, or the expectoration never stops!  Yes, you can have either one!  “Polarities”, as it were.  The patient keeps clearing his throat and clearing his throat, over and over again, and it just never stops!  So, knowing that we had no expectoration, we had a very easy case.


Hi Elaine and Maria,

Hi Dianne!

I believe two remedies were used.  The first one was Calc carb and then when the symptoms changed the remedy was changed to Phosphorus.

Thanks, Dianne

No, Dianne, it wasn’t Calc-carb nor Phosphorus.  I know why you picked Calc-carb, because the patient desired eggs.  You know, this reminds me of a case Miranda Castro once took when her brother was in the hospital with pneumonia, and she was trying to discern his remedy as he lay there, when suddenly he blurted out a Calc-carb keynote: he said the worst part about being sick was people observing you and seeing that you can’t cope.  Calc-carb doesn’t like to be observed, watched, they think people will see that they’re incompetent, that they don’t know what they’re doing, etc.  So, having said that, Miranda replied, “Do you like eggs!?”  She thought she was really onto something!  She anxiously awaited his reply.  YES!!!!  It turned out he did like eggs!  Miranda enthusiastically gave her brother Calc-carb, but guess what?  It didn’t work!  Why?  It’s not a pneumonia remedy!

Now, what do we have here with Maria’s sister?  What’s wrong with her?  She’s got Covid-19.  Unfortunately, that’s not in the Repertory!  But what rubric is similar?  “Influenza, stomach”.  And the problem is… Calc-carb’s not there; it doesn’t cover the illness.  So we have to eliminate Calc-carb.

Now, next question.  Do we have a keynote of a remedy here in this case?  Even though the worst thing in the case is diarrhea, is “diarrhea” a keynote of a remedy?  No!  Practically every remedy has diarrhea!  What about thirstlessness?  No!  Almost 200 remedies have thirstlessness.  There is a big remedy keynote in the case, and it’s not diarrhea; it’s: rattling cough with difficult expectoration.  What remedy is that?  It’s Antimonium tart!

Now, is Antimonium tart in the stomach flu rubric?  Yes it is–it’s in Bold!  Is it in the Diarrhea rubric?  Yes, in Bold!  Is it thirstless?  Yes, in Bold!

Here’s what Allen’s Keynotes says about Antimonium tart:

“Through the pneumogastric nerve it depresses the respiration and circulation, thus producing the keynote of the remedy, viz., when the patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.”

There ya go!  That’s it, ladies and gentlemen, please make note of that!

Now, you mentioned Phosphorus for when the “symptoms changed”.  And by that I assume you mean that after the remedy was given, the patient became thirsty for cold drinks, a keynote of Phosphorus.  But, Dianne, that wasn’t a disease symptom, that was the patient returning to normal!  The disease remedy is still Antimonium tart.  She only needs it when she starts to relapse.  Otherwise, she’s fine and doesn’t need a remedy for her healthy state.


I was surprised when you personally answered my response.  Thank you very much.  I appreciate the explanation and understand your logic.  If I may ask what would be the rubric for the keynote by Allen on the pneumogastric nerve and it’s repercussions?

There SHOULD be a rubric “Cough: rattling, expectoration, difficult”; but is there????  Nooooooo!!!!!!! 

So you have to combine “Cough: rattling” with “Lungs: expectoration, difficult”.  Antimonium tart comes up in first place.

I was only able to do this with Murphy’s Repertory.  This is a real short-coming of the Repertory, that this rubric doesn’t exist when it is so clearly a keynote of Antimonium tart.  But, you know, the Repertory has a lot of examples of this: keynotes of remedies not entered into the Repertory.

One thing I learned and will keep in mind is when you said that the patient returned to her normal thirst level, one should not assume that this is the next level of disease, but to inquire as to their normal level of thirst and preference of temperature before assuming the disease has moved on to a new stage.

Right.  But, you know, regardless of what this patient’s normal thirst is?  She may have needed to start drinking again after being thirstless for so long.  In fact, a lot of things might happen after the right remedy to lead you to think that the patient needs a remedy or maybe even getting worse!  Just the fact that a lot of patients fall asleep after the remedy, especially children, can alarm some parents!  See my article “What to Expect After Taking A Remedy”:

What To Expect After Taking A Remedy

Thank you.

Have you been treating alot of covid patients?  Thanks again.

No.  Most of the ones I’ve seen have had their cases complicated by drugs–antibiotics, prednisone and so on–adding layer upon layer of illness on top of the covid symptoms.  Maria’s case here is very clear and easy to find a remedy for and resolved quickly.


Hi Elaine!  My guess is Veratrum alb.


A good guess!  Very good guess!  What goes against Veratrum is that our patient is thirstless and Veratrum is very thirsty for ice cold drinks.  Now, you know, this may surprise you, but in homeopathy, if there’s a “Concomitant” in the case?  The prescription becomes all about the concomitant!  And in this case, the concomitant was “rattling cough, but mucus can’t be raised”.  And that is a keynote of…Antimonium tart!  And that was the remedy that worked!


Hey everybody, Vamsi’s in the house!!!!!

Dear Elaine,

I am very very late, just got occupied with colleges opening up India and kids back to schools.

So many changes…once again….got used to this carefree life at home.

The Quiz looks simple, hope I get it right!!

– Rattling noises from lungs

– Could not raise any phlegm

–  chest hurting during cough!!

– This calls for ANTIMONIUM TART.

You’re right, Vamsi!  You were right to zero-in on the one symptom that mattered!!!!!


Oh look, the gang from Slovakia is here!

Hello, Elaine and Shana,

Hello Miroslav and Jitka!

our answers to the August Quiz are as follows:

Miroslav votes: Pulsatilla

Diseases, influenza, stomach

Food, eggs, craves

Food, eggs , aggravation

I did not know how to repertorise the diarrhea, unproductive cough and hot flashes, but I think it might be Pulsatilla.

Jitka votes: Gelsemium

Since the main symptom in this case of virus was diarrhea, I first thought of Arsenicum.  However, it lacked restlessness and burning pains in the patient; on the contrary, the whole case was marked by weakness:

she felt weak, her intestines were weak, she couldn’t hold her stool, her bronchi were weak, she couldn’t cough up sputum, her stomach was weak, she couldn’t digest eggs.  Besides, she wasn’t very thirsty and had chest pain from coughing.  These signs of weakness suggest that the remedy may have been Gelsemium.  Since she craves eggs, maybe her constitution is Calc. carb.

That was the best thing that’s been said here so far—that Calc-carb might be her constitutional remedy, hence the desire for eggs.  But other than that, does anybody see a keynote of a remedy here?

Good morning,

Miroslav’s new answer is: Antimonium tart.

Well, I think the keynote could be an unproductive cough, so, it could be Ant-tart. but if diarrhea was the keynote, then it could be Veratrum alb.  Well, I would rather lean towards coughing, this medicine is also in the section: Gastric flu.

Exactly!  Now you’ve got it!  And remember, “Diarrhea” is not a keynote of any remedy!  Practically every remedy has diarrhea, so, that is just not going to help us.

Jitka’s new answer: China

I still think that the key is exhaustion from diarrhea.  Some sources say that China and Veratrum Album are the effective homeopathic treatment for weakness that occurs due to diarrhea and China works wonderfully when diarrhea with loose stools, painless with a feeling of tiredness and debility.  In the chapter Rectum,  the rubric: gastric disorders, China is also listed among the 9 remedies.

Sorry.  We’ve got a keynote of a remedy in this case and Miroslav nailed it!  Unproductive loose cough.  The truth is, Ant-tart is very weak too, and thirstless, and, it has diarrhea, it’s in bold for that; so, it actually covered the whole case really well.


Time to give a shout-out to our winners!  Congratulations go to….

Lori D from NYC



There’s another covid quiz in this month’s issue, don’t forget to give that a try and we’ll see you back here in October!


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases. Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:



About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

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