Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Hypothyroidism Cured with Classical Homeopathy


Dr. Krishnamurthy treats a case of hypothyroidism and menstrual irregularity.

A girl of 16 presented with irregular menstrual cycles in May 2012. She had irregular menstrual cycles since menarche. Cycles were delayed and occurred once in 45 to 60 days. Flow was moderate and lasted for about 3 to 5 days. She also presented with other symptoms, including generalized weakness after 12 noon and increased eructations that smelled of food.

Routine blood investigations were done which revealed increased TSH levels (57.18mIu/ml). T3 and T4 levels were normal. Her past medical history showed that she suffered from Amoebiasis (Homeopathy Treatment for Amoebiasis) in her childhood. She also suffered from repeated colds and running nose without fever.

The patient’s mother is a known case of hypothyroidism and is on hormonal supplements.  Her father is quite healthy and her brother has allergic rhinitis.

This girl is moderately built and appears well nourished. She was quite pale. She is thirstless, has a desire for garlic (+++), desire for oranges (+++), aversion to milk (+) & desire for sweets (+++). She sleeps on her right side and her sleep was unrefreshing. Her stools are hard but she moves her bowels every day. She has considerable intolerance for cold weather.


She had a great fear of the dark (+++), frightening dreams (+++), she used to wake up from sleep because of frightening dreams. Fear of being alone in the dark was quite strong and she used to sleep with a light on when alone. She also had a strong fear of dogs and also of water. Her mother complained that she grinds her teeth during sleep.

According to the teachings of Prof. George Vithoulkas, she belongs to Group II, Level IV.

Based on these symptoms she was given Stramonium 200 CH, 1M, 10M, single dose each consecutively in a gap of 1 hour between the potencies. (The reason for this type of prescription is that the organism requires frequent stimulation with ascending higher potencies when there are clear cut emotional symptoms. That way the action of the remedy is more effective and desired results are obtained within the desired time.)


Post-Prescriptive Analysis

After 1 month, she had a regular a menstrual cycle the consecutive month. Her fear factors are better comparatively.

Later she again started having irregular menstrual cycles with heavy uterine bleeding lasting for more than a month. She also developed dryness in the eyes, intense dryness of mouth without thirst, sleepiness during the day while attending her lessons in college and diminished memory for her studies. Based on the totality of these symptoms, Nux moschata 200CH, 1 dose was prescribed.

She started having regular menstrual cycles again. Follow up thyroid profile investigation showed normal TSH level. She has been having regular menstrual cycles since then till now. This case was followed for almost a year.

About the author

Dr. Krishnamurti

Dr. Krishnamurti was born and reared in Gulbarga district of Karnataka state. He finished his schooling and pre-university education there. He got his BHMS degree from Govt. Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital in 2010. Dr. Krishnamurti started learning Classical Homeopathy by attending the Vithoulkas Video Course during his internship, under the guidance of Dr. Mahesh at the Center for classical Homeopathy, Bangalore. Dr. Krishnamurti had been to Greece to attend the teachings of Prof. Vithoulkas in September 2010 and acquired the post-graduation diploma in classical Homeopathy at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonisos, Greece. He practiced Homeopathy for two years at the Center for Classical Homeopathy, Bangalore. Now he has started practicing in his own clinic, where he has been exposed to cases ranging from allergic rhinitis to diabetic gangrene. Dr. Krishnamurti has also been conducting rural camps at Gulbarga & Bantwala, Mangalore.

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