Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Chromosomal Translocation Causing Repeated Abortion

bhattacharya Dec img

Dr. Arup Bhattacharya shares a case of chromosomal translocation causing repeated abortion.

Often, as homeopaths, we get cases that are challenging and difficult based on the inputs received initially from the patient and the conventional diagnosis. Yet it never fails to amaze me when I see the possibilities and actual outcome of homeopathic remedies in delivering results.

In 2010, a 32 year old woman, married for one and half years (together for 9 years with her now current husband), e-mailed me enquiring the possibility of helping her on her issues with having children. I do get cases where there has been difficulty or inability to conceive with no known causative medical factor/s where often in vitro fertilization has also failed. I have had good results in many such cases which of course attract more enquiries from individuals with similar conditions willing to be in my care to treat them. Earlier, a friend of this individual was successful in conceiving her first child after working with homeopathy with me and so this friend was insistent on her to get in touch with me, despite her condition being marred by a confirmed chromosomal aberration. 46, XX,t(15;19) – abnormal chromosome complement with an apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 15 and 19 observed in all metaphase.

She has had four miscarriages one after another over the course of the past year or so. The pregnancy would not last more than 8 weeks with the fetal development often stopping after the first 6-7 weeks. She was told that she had almost no chance in giving birth to a full term normal healthy child, as medically there was only a 47% chance for a live birth and 11% chance of genetic abnormalities in the child and 42% chance of aborting the fetus.

So in view of the conventional medical wisdom, her e-mails were insistent as to how I or homeopathy can be of help when her case is dominated by a chromosomal abnormality. My reply was that not all genetic conditions are written in stone for their phenotypic expressions and that there are lots of epigenetic factors which often play an important and critical role in influencing the genetic outcomes and that if she is willing to work with me for at least 6 months, then I will be happy to see if homeopathy can be of service to her. Reluctantly, she gave in, as there were very few other options such as invitro fertilization that is not only expensive but also has a low success rate in such cases.

She met me in December of 2010 with her menstruation and body temperature charts and seemed quite tense. When I told her that she can throw the charts out since I will need her to relax and not worry about trying to conceiving during the next 4-5 months, she seemed suddenly relaxed. She confided that she was relieved since all this while she was focused on trying to conceive with the hope that she will somehow have a full term healthy baby, and, that of-course did not happen. During the first consult she also confessed that her spouse did not believe in homeopathy and hence was not going to be a part of the consultation. She was also herself unsure if homeopathy will help but since I also worked as a faculty in a conventional medical center, she confided that she would probably give me the benefit of her doubts.

In cases where some form of genetic aberration or a resulting functional or physiological misalignment is suspected, Syphilinum is a very well recommended nosode to be used intermittently and so I started with her case with Syphilinum 1M once at night for 3 nights in a row and then after a gap of 10 days advised her to start on Carcinosinum 1M, to be taken once at bedtime once every 10 days for 3 doses and report. Carcinosinum was indicated by some of the rubrics along with the history of excessive sexual indulgence and recreational drug overuse in her early adulthood and possibly infectious mononucleosis in her teen years.

The rubrics for the presenting symptoms included:

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – ABORTION – month – early months

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX – LEUKORRHEA – menses – before – agg.


SLEEP – SLEEPLESSNESS – thoughts – activity of thoughts; from

SLEEP – POSITION – side; on – right side; on

SLEEP – POSITION – back; on

EXTREMITIES – UNCOVER, inclination to – Feet

MIND – TALKING – sleep, in

MIND – FEAR – dark; of

MIND – FEAR – bees, of


STOMACH – APPETITE – increased – forenoon – 11 h

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – olives – desires

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – vegetables – desire

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – eggs – desire – fried eggs

GENERALS – FOOD and DRINKS – olive – aversion

She reported after 4 weeks and mentioned that her menses this time was almost a week late and she had some menstrual cramps which she had never experienced before. This is often what I see in such cases needing Syphilinum in repeated abortions where the body realigns and it is a good indication of the underlying change. Her sleep also changed dramatically as she now was sleeping ‘like a rock’. Though Sulphur came up high in her repertorization and represents psora, an evolutionary cousin of the Tubercular and Cancer miasms, I instead decided to give her Follicillinum 200C three nights in a row during her ovulation in the next few menstrual cycles, in order to help her body regulate her menses properly. In her next visit after approx. 2 weeks, Sulphur 200C once at night for 3 nights in a row was advised followed 3 days later by Natrum phos 6X tissue salts daily thrice for next 2-3 weeks to regulate the inner mucosa of her body.

Around the end of March 2011, she complained of sinusitis and Sulphur 200C twice daily for 5 days was suggested. Her menses were now regular again occurring once every 28 days. Thereafter Syphilinum and Carcinosinum were prescribed intermittently over the next few months. In July, her 6 month commitment period to homeopathy was over and she was not yet pregnant. At this point she decided to book herself for the in vitro fertilization which she scheduled for the next few months. In August she excitedly e-mailed me, stating that she had conceived. Thereafter, I prescribed Apis mel 30C, an excellent remedy for individuals with a tendency to abort in the first few weeks of conception, 1-2 pills twice daily for the next few weeks along with continuation of the Nat phos 6x tissue salts.

Around 10 weeks later, I encouraged her to get her fetus genetically tested, besides seeing an OB/GYN for her routine and periodic examinations from here onwards. USG at 11 weeks showed a good measurement with a strong heartbeat – in the past she would have lost her fetus by 5 weeks. Her chromosomal reports came in a few weeks later and as she said: ‘All is right with the world!’ The rest of the pregnancy was uneventful, with her delivering a beautiful full term normal baby boy who is now 3 years old.

I heard back recently from the patient that she did get pregnant after taking homeopathy and is expecting a baby in February 2015! Again it confirms the power of homeopathy in reversing strong miasmatic traits that often tend to come up as chromosomal aberration.



Normally, in such cases, I recommend that my clients continue longer on homeopathy so that the old extra genetic miasmatic patterns do not return – but as is often the case, including with this client, one does not necessarily heed such advice.

After a gap of about 2 years, the patient books another appointment in August 2013 and tells me that she would like to try to have another baby, though she is not yet convinced that homeopathy helped her the last time around! I suggested, why not wait and see if she is able to conceive and deliver another normal child. She then confided that she did actually become pregnant and had a miscarriage just the week before! I insisted that she will have to work again with me for another 6-8 months and that she does not try to become pregnant the next 5-6 months when we work together. She stayed with me on and off for 3- 4 months and then she stopped coming as she had moved into another town away from my area of practice and did not follow-through.

If it were only one case of such unusual result, one would have thought it a coincidence. But in my own practice, I have similar cases in sterility and conception issues where homeopathy has been able to deliver results, time and again. In cases similar to this one, where conventionally a normal conception and birth of a healthy child was ruled out by specialist, homeopathy was able to clear the individual’s life force and give results.

About the author

Arup Bhattacharya

Dr. Arup B Bhattacharya PhD, DHM, MS (Biophysics), MA(Psychology), DHM, Hom(ON), RSHom (NA), DHPh, PGDG studied homeopathy at the British Institute of Homeopathy and the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. From 1992 to 1999, he was Director and the main spirit behind the Centre for Homoeopathic Cure, Dombivili, near Mumbai. He was involved in training and teaching homeopathy and now continues that passion in North America since 1999. Currently he lives in Buffalo, NY, USA and he teaches and practices classical homeopathy. He conducts regular seminars with live case taking for beginners and advanced practitioners. He was a faculty till his voluntary retirement in Sept 2018 in the Department of Cancer Chemoprevention and later in Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at one of the oldest NCI accredited top rated cancer centers in WNY – Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center where he was also an advisor and Steering Committee Member for Wellness and Integrative Medicine Center. After retirement, he was requested to re-join and help with the ongoing effort to further the path breaking translational research involving the anticancer efficacy of the human protein prolidase. Arup regularly contributes to various prestigious scientific and homeopathic meetings and his work is published in prestigious peer reviewed scientific journals More details on him can be seen at


  • Dear Dr. Arup B Bhattacharya

    Thank you for sharing such a scientific approach to a patient with chromosomal translocation. You proved that homeopathy works in genetic disorders. Once I studied a paper on homeopathic healing of 13 patients with Thallasemia Major!!!

    Thus one of the best methods of healing patients with genetic disorders can be homeopathy.

    Good Luck

  • Dr. Arup Bhattacharya has shared his excellent experience which which shows that there is eminent personnel have served for the mankind and the great homeopathy science for ever. Thanks a lot.

  • I have gone through your valued case study “a case of chromosomal translocation causing repeated abortion” with great concentration and interest. Your study has opened new vistas for the employment of homoeopathy for the treatment of biological disorders and deficiencies. I really appreciate your work. Stay blessed.

  • Hello sir,

    Great work, I would like to reach you out for discussing my case, even i m carring balanced translation issue, i would like know about your treatment, please help me on this.

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