Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of the Erythematic form of Erysipelatous Inflammation


Dr. Nadezhda Kubasheva presents a case of the Erythematic form of Erysipelatous Inflammation.

A male patient, 32 years old. A doctor, surgeon. He has been taking homeopathy since he was 9 years old. He does sports regularly. Single. Consultation by skype and telephone. May 4, 2017.

He woke up at 4 am from pain in the shin. The pain was localized in one spot, above the area of the tibia. He decided that it was periostitis after training. A tomography scan was done which revealed signs of edema of the soft tissues of the lower one third of the shin. No bone trauma pathology was discovered. He worked during the whole day including the work in the operating room. By the evening the swelling and the hyperemia of the shin increased and the process started to spread to the ankle joint. The leg was painful when touched. The pain was bursting, constant – 5 scores according to Visual Analogue Scale. By the evening he was running a fever, 38.1C, and had chilliness with pronounced shivering. The patient took Ketoprophen 100 mg orally before going to sleep. The pictures were taken before the beginning of the treatment.

May 5, 2017 : He slept well, did not wake up, no pains. In the morning he could not step on the leg. He experienced a most severe pain (8-9 points). He moves with difficulty, fever of 37.2C. The patient is angry because yesterday he was not prescribed a homeopathic remedy and says that he will start antibiotics. Preliminary diagnosis: erysipelatous inflammation. He fears that there will be generalization of the streptococci infection and myocarditis. The colleagues at work recommended he contact a surgeon and be hospitalized.

During the analysis of the case the acute symptoms and the constitutional peculiarities were considered. The patient had the following pronounced chronic symptoms and modalities that were not changed by the previous remedies: Intolerance of clothes around the neck, aggravation of the general state after sweets, aggravation from the heat. As the patient was anxious about the possibility of the generalization of the inflammation process and possible heart problems, we took the symptom “fear of heart disease”) Repertorization:

On May 5, 2017 the patient took a dose of Lachesis 30CH. In the morning of May 6, 2017 there was a repetition of Lachesis 30CH.  After the first dose there was an aggravation of pain, swelling and redness and then the foot became pink-bluish and the pain disappeared. He has been suffering for the second day from the low back pain. His sleep was good and his temperature normal after he took the remedy. These pictures were taken on May 6, 2017

May 7, 2017: The patient sleeps a lot. He does not want to talk. He says: “The foot seems to be better. The apartment needs to be cleaned up but I do not want to get up.”

  • May 8, 2017: The state of the patient is better. The pain in the foot is less (3-4 points). The swelling is less. The patient did the shopping.

May 13, 2017: The patient’s state is much better. He asks if he may go to the gym. By the evening he develops some edema above the ankle joint. His sleep is good and he sleeps about 9 hours. It was recommended to postpone a visit to the gym for 2 weeks.


  1. In acutes a correctly-selected homeopathic remedy substitutes for all allopathic therapy indicated in such cases: antibiotics, pain-killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamine drugs, etc.
  2. If the prescribed remedy is correct then even in a severe pathology the cure comes fast. But much depends on the level of health of the patient: if he is in the 1st group – then as a rule one remedy is enough; for other levels of health it will be necessary to give several remedies in order to get an effect.

About the author

Nadezhda Kubasheva

Kubasheva Nadezhda, MD, graduated from Izhevsk's Medical Academy in 1984 and worked as a hospital therapist until 1994. Since 1994 she has worked as a private-practitioner homeopath. She subsequently graduated from the International Academy for Classical Homeopathy and later became an IACH coordinator for Classical Homeopathy e- learning and video courses in Russia.

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