Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Herpes Zoster in a Woman of 46

Herpes Zoster in a Woman of 46

Dr. Tasleem Kalawadia shares a case of Herpes Zoster in a woman of 46. A search of the Complete Repertory and the repertories and M.M. of Boericke and Phatak revealed the simillimum.

Female, 46 years,


A year ago, she presented for complaints of pruritus,menstrual irregularities and calcaneal spur. The remedy indicated was Natrum muriaticum.

The following rubrics were considered:


Mind-sensitive,oversensitive-sad stories












She improved consequently, and didn’t report back after some follow-up.

On 17th August 2018-Telephonic conversation-On whatsapp :

Since 2-3 days I have this rash on my left thigh.It was mild pink, I want to know exactly what has happened. Is it some big disease? My appetite is slightly reduced but nothing marked, I am sometimes sleepy in the morning. The rash has become darker in colour as if burnt boils. I hear so much about cancer these days, I hope it’s not cancer; these thoughts are coming in my mind but not much. I feel ugly when I look at that rash,want to get it treated faster.

No change with undressing or any application.

Pain is present,sometimes more,sometimes less,walking after, long,pain starts.

Urine is slightly dark but I think since I was travelling and I didn’t have adequate water. I have not shown to any doctor so far nor taken any medications.

Images she sent me on 17th August along with above history:

From the case record, I didn’t find many characteristic symptoms! Her fear of cancer and anxiety about some serious illness and ugliness she felt while looking at herself with characteristic affinity of left side which was her current state and sure things in the case.

I looked in Complete Repertory:

As previously she had done well on Nat-mur and I could see Sepia as  complementary to Natrum mur but I referred to materiamedica for both and other closely related remedies. I was not convinced, so decided to explore Boericke and Phatakrepertories :


On reading the related remedies from Boericke and Phatak’s Materia medica, I decided to start with Rhus toxicodendron.

18th august 2018 – In the morning she started with Rhus tox 200,   4 pills thrice a day. By night,her pain was better by 20%.

20th August-night-she sent me the following images:

21st august- Pain is better by 50%

Some pus filled eruptions have burst.

23rd August-pills to be taken only once a day if required.

24th August -eruptions have dried out but itching increased.

No change in medicine.  27th August-

No pain.

Pt on sac lac.

She didn’t contact me further, just sent a thanking audio,narrating that it’s completely gone now.  I requested her to send the recent picture. The last pictures were sent to me on September 1stalthough it had disappeared even before that.

When I have the exact key, I’m amazed to witness the homeopathic results!


About the author

Tasleem Kalawadia

Dr Tasleem KalawadiaI completed her BHMS from CMPH, Mumbai and was a distinction holder in Physiology in her 1st BHMS. Prior to that she studied two years of Bsc [chemistry]. Dr Tasleem Kalawadia learned various approaches to homeopathy from different stalwarts by attending workshops and seminars. She pursued the basic course at “the other song”, where she was awarded the scholarship for the advanced program and studied with Dr. Gaurang Gaikwad.


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