Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis with Neoplasm, Diabetes, Enlarged Prostate and Mental Trauma


Dr. Kavita Chandak shares a case of chronic calcific pancreatitis with neoplasm, diabetes, enlarged prostate and mental trauma. A mixed miasm case.

On at May 4th 2019 a man of 50 visited me with his wife for chronic calcific pancreatitis with intraductal and parenchymal calculi with significant atrophy and pancreatic neoplasm and enlarged prostate with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,

His present complaints were: Diabetes since 2006. Taking insulin 18 units in morning and 16 units in evening since 2009.

Chronic diarrhea-stool frequency of 7-8 per day. Oily, greasy stools, difficult to flush.


Life space

By profession he is an engineer. His company terminated him in 2006. Later on he joined the office with legal permission but there was no work, only fruitless sitting.  Meanwhile he faced a lot of mental stress, disappointments and insults.

He’s had almost no work since 2006 and is spending time at home. He goes for morning and evening walks. Doesn’t like to read books. He is a very generous person, always helping others.

He took anti-depressants for 2 years 2006-2008. He’s had eczema on his left foot and small finger of right hand for 4-5 years. His main concern is about his stools and his weight. He complains that though he has increased appetite with all gone sensation, he is still losing weight (fluctuation of 1 -2 kgs in 6 months) and has extreme weakness after passing stool.

Past H/O-Diarrhoea at age 1.5 years

measles, chicken pox and typhoid at age of 6

Polio myelitis at age 7

Arthritis at age 14. Penicillin injections were given in a tapering way till the age of 18 years.

Pimples (treated with allopathy) at age of 17

Appendectomy done at age 22

Ayurvedic treatment in 2004 for chronic acidity.

Diabetes diagnosed in 2006

Swelling and itching in palms in October 2018.Allopathic treatment was taken. After that there is greasy and oily stool.

His laboratory reports were:







In the above chart, Carcinosin, Arsenic Album and Agaricus covered his tubercular background.

Prescription: Aurum Met 1M

I decided to prescribe Carcinosinum but before that I thought to make the psora calm. First, I prescribed Aurum Met 1M water in May 2019.

Aurum met was chosen as it covered the main symptoms- honor wounding, depression, prolonged anxiety, benevolent behavior, persistent thoughts, increased appetite, bone troubles etc.

Follow ups-

June 2019- Sleep improved a bit. Sleeps around 4.5 hours

Stool frequency reduced

Pain in Right heel-better

Prescription:  Carsinosinum 200 one dose in water.

August 2019- Sleeping 5.5 hours

No pain in right heel

Frequency of stool reduced but still greasy

Post meal Blood sugar -160mg/dl.

Anxiety- same.

Prescription: Carsinosinum 200 one dose in water.

September 2019– eczema increased.

Asian business woman pain ankle, foot with leg cramp and fall down the stairs because slippery surfaces in office.

Placebo given

October 2019


Insecurity of mind. Anxiety about health

Post meal blood sugar- 186mg/dl

Argenticum Nitricum 30 BD given for 5 days with placebo for

January 2020

Stool frequency increased.

Pepsinum 200 one dose in water.

February 2020

Stool same

Hungry even after food, so I was thinking about Sulphur. He said-‘When I look in the mirror, I feel  I am reduced too much!”  (Weighed on a scale he shows difference of 350 gms only ).  I observed patient had a delusion that he was getting thin!

Thuja 1M one dose followed by Pepsinum 200 one dose after 8 days.

March 2020


Sugar increased

Stool same

Weight stable

Carcinosinum 1M in water – one dose

Advised- Milk restriction.

April 2020

Patient was better in all aspects excluding his greasy fatty stool.

Carsinosinum 10 M one dose

May 2020

Here is the


No calcification, atrophy or neoplasm seen in pancreas!

Stool frequency is reduced up to the mark.

Blood sugar is maintained.

No complaints about weight and weakness.

No fear of cancer. Anxiety reduced and the most important change was, he started reading books!

For Hepatomegaly and pancreatitis – Mercurius Iodata 3X – BD suggested for 90 days.

June 2020 – Psora still evolving; severity less.

June 16, 2020


When the case is multimiasmatic with multiple diagnoses, a single remedy is not sufficient!

Mixed Miasmatic States and Their Treatment

The above case was dominated by the Tubercular miasm but evolution of Psora was there since childhood. One disease suppressed, took the form of another disease.

At the onset we are to select one ‘A’ grade anti-psoric medicine on the basis of the present totality of symptoms. It should be also anti-mixed miasmatic. Hence Aurum met was prescribed to cover the psoric and syphilitic background.

All syphilitic remedy types have an obsessional tendency and resentment. On the physical level it manifests as ulceration, wasting and congenital malformations. The disorders of glands, bones and blood vessels cause more pathological changes.

There is also a tendency to develop weak joints. Anything regarding hard tissues, whether in vertebral column, long bones, nails or teeth, the basic miasm is syphilitic. So naturally, the Tubercular will come in there.

The anti-psoric medicine is to be continued as long  as the patient continues all round improvement as per the 6th  edition of Organon. Psora and syphilis together form the tubercular miasm.

After evolution of symptoms it is seen that the present totality of symptoms revealing the tubercular state has come out after anti-psoric treatment. The second prescription will be an ‘A’ grade anti-tubercular medicine; which should cover multiple miasms.

Symptoms covering the Tubercular miasm in this case were:

Extreme hunger with “all gone‘ sensation. Great weakness with feeling as if vitality is leaving, especially after evacuation, and sudden progress of gastrointestinal complaints are the main features.

Always dissatisfied and changeable. They display both lack of tolerance and perseverance. In the above case, the dominant miasm was tubercular, and hence a remedy covering this miasm was desirable.  Hence Carsinosin  was prescribed.

Why Carsinosin?

In the above case, anxiety is running throughout the case since years. There are ailments from mental trauma and his self esteem had been crushed many times. Generous patient; aversion to reading; H/O severe childhood diseases (measles, chicken pox, rheumatoid arthritis, polio myelitis) and H/O lots of treatments taken to suppress all these physical troubles, made me select Carcinosinum.

A dormant or suppressed sycotic condition may be aroused after anti-psoric and anti-tubercular treatment; hence hepatomegaly is there.  Hence, the third prescription will be a ‘A’ grade anti-sycotic medicine which must be anti mixed miasmatic too, hence Mercurius Iodatum was prescribed.

Sycotic patients are prone to have fibro muscular affections like rheumatism and various arthritic conditions. Slow recovery is the cardinal point we can observe in many sycotic patients. In any disease, they may have a history of slow recovery, whether it is acute or chronic. In acute diseases, there is a tendency to slip back after improvement.

The majority of viral infections on the skin are fundamentally sycotic in nature whether it is chicken pox or measles. In the sycosis miasm, the patient feels that joints are weak, but there won’t be any structural abnormalities. If you take an X-ray that will be normal.

Lack of power to do any work; it is all due to mental phenomenon. Sycosis and syphilis: there is suppression of abnormal discharges. In this way treatment and management of patients of mixed miasmatic states are to be followed.

Argenticum Nitricum was used to reduce anxiety. Pepsinum was used to balance digestive enzymes, Mercurius Iodatum was prescribed for inflammation of pancreas and liver as mercury covers the syphilitic trait and Iodum has a good action on glands and controls appetite.  All ‘A’ grade anti-miasmatic medicines are also anti mixed miasmatic ones.

‘A’ Grade Anti-Mixed Miasmatic Remedies 

Argenticum metallicum
Aurum Metallicum
Mercurius solubus
Mercurius  iodum  flavus
Mercurius iodum ruberum
Calcarea sulph
Nitric acid

About the author

Kavita R. Chandak

Dr. Kavita Chandak is a passionate young homeopath honored by three Golden Book of World Records for treating kidney disorders and success in a case of mucormycosis. She is an author, international trainer and speaker. She specializes in autism, psychiatric disorders, kidney diseases and cancer. She is a scientific committee member at Duzce University, Turkey and LMHI 2022. She is invited as speaker at many national-international seminars and conferences. Recently she spoke at a New Zealand conference 2022, Russian international conference 2023 and will be presenting in Latvia conference, 2023, Joint American Homeopathic Conference 2023. She is invited as keynote speaker at the 76th LMHI Colombia. She authored eight books- Health Vs Disease, Homeopathic Guide for easy and busy practice, Healing Woman with Homeopathy, Homeopathy is fun; dedicate and learn!, Homeopathy is Logic and Magic!, OCD, hypochondriasis and depression- Homeopathy has the answer! Psychiatric diseases- causes and cases,
Uncover the mystery of schizophrenia with different homeopathic approaches. Online courses How to Master Psychiatry with Homeopathy, Womanhood and Homeopathy, Homeopathy and Autism – In and Out. For her socio-medical contributions she received various prestigious awards including the recent ‘Excellence in Homeopathy-2022” by Email- [email protected] Website-


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