Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Individualized Homoeopathic Treatment of PCOS – Case Report

Dr. Vijayashree S N presents a case of PCOS in a Woman of  37. Reproaches herself and consolation aggravates were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

ABSTRACT: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affects women of reproductive age. This heterogenous disorder is characterized by excessive androgen production by the ovaries. PCOS is a multifactorial and a polygenic condition. The following article deals with one such case of PCOS which has revealed promising results with Natrum Muriaticum as a constitutional remedy.

KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Natrum Muriaticum, Stein Leventhal Syndrome, Holistic approach.


A 37-year-old married female, height 157 cm and weight 66 kgs with a clinical history of irregular menses for 1 year reported to the outpatient department (OPD) of GHMC, Bangalore on 8th July, 2022 with USG Abdomen and Pelvis report.

She presented with 4 months of amenorrhea and LMP was on April 6th, 2022 and her flow was protracted. She also complained of pain in the breast before menses. On examination the patient had body mass index of 26.8 kg/m2. She took allopathic medicines for 2 months to get her menstrual cycle regular but there was no improvement and she discontinued the drugs and started homoeopathic treatment.


  • Vaccinated
  • History of Chikungunya in 2005



Paternal grandparents  Died Due to old age
Maternal grandfather  Died Due to Liver Cirrhosis
Maternal grandmother  Died Due to Diabetes
Father  Died During an accident, when I was 10 years
Mother  Alive K/C/O Diabetes
Sibling (1 Elder Sister)  Alive Apparently healthy
Husband  Alive Apparently healthy
Children (adopted child-son)  Alive Apparently healthy

Table:1- Family History


  • Diet- mixed
  • Appetite- 3 times a day
  • Hunger- good. Can tolerate it
  • Thirst- thirstless (1 litre/day)
  • Desire- nothing Significant
  • Aversion- fatty foods
  • Micturition- D/N 3-4/0-1
  • Bowel- normal, once a day satisfactory
  • Sleep- good
  • Dreams- remembers (daily activities)
  • Perspiration- only on exertion
  • Habits- nothing significant
  • Thermals- Hot patient


  • Sun- sensitive to sun, causes mild headache & heaviness
  • Light- Artificial light causes irritation in the eyes
  • Noise- Not sensitive
  • Smell- Not sensitive
  • Tight clothing- Doesn’t cause any irritation or disturbance.


The patient was born and brought up in Magadi, Bangalore. She studied up to 2nd PUC, couldn’t study further due to financial issues at home. She started working in garments factory and fell in love and got married at the age of 24 years. They lead a happy and content life for 3 years.

Her husband used to scold her with sarcastic comments in front of neighbors. She used to feel low and angered, When angered she wanted to be left alone. If someone consoles her, she gets irritated.

She came to know about her husband’s extra marital affair. Earlier, when she married him, she felt he will show her the fathers love and care. but he didn’t. She felt betrayed. and couldn’t express her feelings to anyone.  She started blaming herself for choosing him in her life and at one instance she left the home and now, she is living separately.

She adopted her sister’s son and now they both are happy. During COVID pandemic, there was s financial crisis for them, now its better. By nature, she doesn’t mingle with people easily and has very few friends


  • Reserved
  • Introvert
  • Consolation aggravation
  • Sensitive to criticism & rudeness
  • Reproaches oneself


  • No signs of pallor, cyanosis, clubbing, icterus, lymphadenopathy, oedema.
  • Nails-pink.
  • Height- 157 cm
  • Weight- 66 kg.
  • Tongue- clean, moist.
  • Skin- No abnormalities.


  • Temperature- afebrile at the time of examination
  • Pulse- 70 bpm
  • Respiratory rate- 16 breaths/m
  • Blood pressure- 110/70 mm Hg


  • Respiratory system– AEBE, no added sounds
  • Cardiovascular system- S1, S2 heard, no murmur
  • GIT- Bowel sounds heard, per abdomen soft and tender
  • Skin & Locomotor- nothing abnormalities detected



Reserved Menses protracted
Sensitive to criticism Pain in the chest before menses
Reproaches oneself Cyst in the left ovaries
Consolation aggravates  
Fatty food aversion  
Sensitive to external impressions  

Table:2- Analysis of the symptoms


Reserved ++ Thirstless Menses protracted
Sensitive to criticism + Fatty food aversion Pain in the chest before menses
Reproaches oneself + Cyst in the left ovaries
Consolation aggravation +
Introvert ++  

Table:3- Evaluation of the symptoms


USG ABDOMEN & PELVIS – 30/06/2022

Polycystic Morphology of Left Ovary


Image-1 (Before treatment)


  • Mind– Reserved
  • Mind– Sensitive criticism to
  • Mind– Reproaches oneself
  • Mind- Consolation- aggravation
  • Stomach– Thirstless
  • Generals– Food and Drink- Fat- Aversion
  • Chest- Pain- Mammae- Menses- Before
  • Menses- Protracted
  • Female genital- Sex- Tumors- Ovaries




PRESCRIPTION:        Natrum Muriaticum 200 1 dose   Rubrum TID x 30 days


  • Include more fresh fruits and raw veggies and whole grains in diet and limit the processed food and trans-fat in the diet.
  • Everyday advised for a brisk walk for 45-60 min.


9/8/22 LMP – 15/7/2022

Flow– 10 days, colour- dark reddish brown,

Clots- present, IMD-absent, pain in the chest before menses- tolerable, I could manage my daily activities with pain.

Generals- better.


Pl TID x 30 days

10/9/22 LMP – 16/8/2022

Flow- 5 days, colour- dark red, clots- present, IMD-present, Pain in the chest before menses- better, only heaviness is felt before menses.

Generals- good.


Pl TID x 30 days

9/11/22 LMP – 16/9/2022

Flow- 7 days, colour- dark red, clots-present, IMD-present, Pain in the chest before menses persisted, but tolerable.

Generals- good.


Natrum Muriaticum 200 1 dose

PL TID x 30 days

8/12/22 LMP – 18/10/2022

Flow- 5 days, colour- bright red, clots- absent, IMD- present, pain in the chest before menses absent.

Feeling enthusiastic at work. Generals-good.


PL TID x 30 days

To observe for the next 6 months and get back with USG abdomen and Pelvis scan

10/6/2023 LMP – 12/5/2023

Flow- 4 days, colour- bright red, clots- absent, IMD-present, pain- absent.

Generals- good.

No menstrual irregularity at all after homoeopathic treatment. Feels good about myself now. No regrets in life.

USG Abdomen & Pelvis


No sonological abnormality in visualized organ.

PCOS Cured.

Table:3- Follow-up


There are several symptomatic treatments in conventional medicine. There is no specific remedy for PCOS in homoeopathy. Its treatment involves the selection of a constitutional homoeopathic remedy capable of working not only on the ovaries but also on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis of the patient. In this case, Natrum muriatium was found effective to treat the patient in a holistic approach.

Also, the possible causal attribution of the changes in this case were assessed by using the Modified Naranjo Criteria (Table 4). The total score for the case (+9), as per these criteria, is relatively close to the maximum of +13 and suggests positive causal attribution of the individualized homoeopathic treatment to the clinical outcome of the case found.

The physician needs to understand the patient in a holistic way for a clear prescription of an individualized homoeopathic remedy. Homoeopathy treats the individual in disease and not the disease alone. The Modified Naranjo Criteria for homoeopathy was originally adopted by Rutten from the Naranjo Algorithm.

It wss further developed over several years by the clinical data working group of the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of United States (HPCUS) to assess the likelihood of causal attributions of clinical outcome in homoeopathic cases and case report. According to the final outcome in a case a score is assigned in each domain of the Modified Naranjo Criteria of Homoeopathy.5

1. Was there an improvement in the main symptom or condition for which the homoeopathic medicine was prescribed?   +2   -1     0


2. Did the clinical improvement occur within a plausible timeframe relative to the drug intake    +1   -1     0   +1
3. Was there any initial aggravation of symptoms?     0    0     0     0
4. Did the effect encompass more than the main symptom or condition (i.e, were other symptoms ultimately improved or changed)?    +1    0     0   +1
5. Did overall well-being improve? (suggest using validated scale)   +1    0    0   +1
6. Direction of cure: did some symptoms improve in the opposite order of the development of symptoms of the disease?     0    0    0    0
Direction of cure: did at least two of the following aspects apply to the order of improvement of symptoms —from organs of more importance to those of less importance—from deeper to more superficial aspects of the individual—from the top downward.   +1     0    0   +1
7. Did old symptoms (defined as nonseasonal and non-cyclical that were previously thought to have resolved) reappear temporarily during the course of improvements?    0    0    0    0
8. Are there alternate causes (other than the medicine) that—with a high probability—could have caused the improvement? (Consider the known course of the disease, other forms of treatment, and other clinically relevant interventions).    -3   +1    0   +1
9. Was the health improvement confirmed by any objective evidence? (e.g., lab test, clinical observation, etc.)    +2    0    0   +2
10. Did repeat dosing, if conducted, create similar clinical improvement?     0    0    0    0
Total score (Maximum score= +13; Minimum score = -3)    9

Table:4-  Assessments by Modified Naranjo Criteria Scale

Image-3 (After homoeopathy treatment)


This case study highlights the capability of individualized homoeopathic medicines. In this instance, a single dose of Natrum Muriaticum with infrequent repetition has been chosen.

DECLARATION OF PATIENT CONSENT: In the form, the patient has given her consent for her images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patient understands that her name and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal her identity.




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About the author

Vijayashree S N

Dr. Vijayashree S N
MD Part 1
Department of Repertory
Government Homeopathy Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka.

About the author

Anusuya M Akareddy

Dr. Anusuya M Akareddy
Associate Professor
Department of Repertory
GHMC & H, Bangalore

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