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Clinical Cases

Diarrhoea After Eating Veal

A useful article about Diarrhoea After Eating Veal.Full details about Diarrhoea After Eating Veal

Discussion by Dr. Leela D’Souza

Article by E. V. Ross, M.D., Rochester, New York, in the Homoeopathic Recorder, January, 1898, Vol. XIII, No. 1, page 31.

Case history:

November 20, 1896, at seven AM, I was requested to visit Mrs. G., aet. 60, and found her suffering from an attack of diarrhoea which had been going on for past three days. She informed me that it was brought on from eating a small piece of veal three days previously. She had had one previous attack, caused as she believed from partaking of veal; this attack lasted some six weeks and brought her to a very low state, and she was fearful that this attack would be even more severe as it had so far presented a more violent character.

With pencil in hand I jotted down the following: Stools frequent and profuse, as many as 20 in twenty-four hours. Stools watery, dark brown in color. Before stool rumbling and griping in the umbilical region. After stool great prostration. Concomitants: Loss of appetite, thirst, tongue clean, nausea, constant but more severe at times; feels weak. Modalities: Aggravation from eating veal.


Bell’s Therapeutics of Diarrhoea, etc., gives but one remedy as having the peculiar aggravation from eating veal, viz; Kali nitr. Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket-book gives the following: Arsenicum, Calc c., Causticum, China, Ip., K. nit., Nux v., Sepia, Sul., Verat a., Zincum met.
My first thought was to give Ipecac, but after considering the symptoms of Kali nitricum as given in Dr. Bell’s work I decided on the latter, giving two powders of Kali nitr. 3 m., [Jenichen] one hour apart and plenty of placebo to follow. Diet: “Scalded” milk.

Follow Up:

November 21, ten AM – Great improvement, stools gradually grew less during previous day. No stools during the night, sleeps quiet soundly, feels quite well this AM, but weak, appetite better, one quick natural movement this AM; she continued to improve and has upon three occasions since the last attack partaken of veal without any ill effects.


“Some persons always have diarrhoea after eating veal. The curability of such cases with Kali nitr. needs somewhat more confirmation, but no other remedy has had this symptom so well confirmed as yet.” – Dr. Belladonna

About the author

E. V. Ross

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