Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Homeopathy In “Behavioural Disorders” Jacob’s Case – 2nd Installment


Homeopath Daniela Karsten presents part II of Jacob’s Case, a boy of 12 diagnosed with autism. (Part I can be found in the April 2017 issue of this journal).

This case demonstrates the apparent ability of homeopathic remedies to significantly promote neurological change and bridge the developmental gap. Just to recap, Jacob is now a twelve year old boy who was diagnosed with ADHD, Autism and OCD by Great Ormond Street Hospital in 2013. He was accordingly placed on a regime of conventional medication to “manage” his behavioural traits which were essentially restlessness, anxiety, anti-social behaviour and arrested development. The results of all this were exclusion from mainstream school, family pressure, isolation, and serious concern for the short term (anxiety and depression), and long term impact of prescribed medication. Within a period of 8 months the results of homeopathic treatment have been significant, and in all honesty, beyond my expectations.

Two doses of Anacardium 1M were given in water (7 days sipping, 7 days break, 7 days sipping), during August 2016. The remedy offered the best simillimum, although Calcarea Phosphoricum lined up as my second choice. Consistent use of weekly “sac lac” in water has been given since, for interim support, and because the patient feels reassured and happier with an uninterrupted regime. In Jacob’s words, “I love the water….it makes me feel happier and less angry”. Kali. Phos. 6 x tissue salts have also been used “as and when needed”, in the case of heightened anxiety (4 tablets up to 3 x per day). Many positive changes, which are recorded in the first instalment, have been noted since starting treatment. At Jacob’s last appointment on 20th February this year, the status was as follows:

REDUCED ANXIETY: Despite the fact that, recently, Jacob has had to cope with significant changes, including a third change of school and his mother changing working hours to accommodate a period of home schooling, his anxiety levels have been low and what one might term normal for a child in such circumstances. In addition, Jacob is back in his bedroom, sleeping well throughout the night, albeit he is still an early riser!

IMPROVED MOTOR-COORDINATION: At the initial appointment Jacob was said to have the motor-co-ordination of a 4 year old. For example, he was unable to catch a ball and had difficulty with fine motor skills. Since his initial prescription, I have witnessed Jacob, not only catch an object, but catch it with one hand. I have also observed him drive a Land Rover vehicle, including in reverse, amongst other activities for which fine and gross motor skills are required.

SENSORY DEVELOPMENT: Possibly as a result of maternal deprivation and lack of nurturing as a baby, Jacob was compelled to regularly satisfy his sucking reflex. He would use plastic bottles, dog chews and during his first visit he persistently sucked on a pipe (no tobacco!). It is noticeable now, how rarely he resorts to this need. In fact, I have observed him for long periods of time without an object to suck on.

POSITIVE SOCIAL INTERACTION: At the point at which Jacob engaged with homeopathy, family outings were challenging and fraught with anxiety for Jacob and his parents. He was prone to interact inappropriately and often provocatively, with an uncontrolled compulsion to use verbal expletives and sexualised language. For some time now Jacob has made minimal use of “offensive” language, having adopted an inner control and a sophisticated understanding of when this language can be used acceptably. Family social engagements are now more comfortable, with Jacob able to speak meaningfully and constructively with a range of family members……and the family able to relax. His mother reported an increase in self-confidence and a better understanding of his own needs.

REDUCTION OF MEDICATION: Most promising is that before the most recent appointment Jacob’s family felt that Jacob was on a sufficiently stable footing to reduce one of his two medications Equasym SL (methyphenidate), otherwise known as Ritalin, by 50%, with no adverse outcomes.

Jacob is in good health and has strong vitality.

The case so far presents a positive picture for the breadth and depth of homeopathic treatment, and would seem to suggest that homeopathic remedies have an inherent ability to positively affect the neurological system, and to bridge a child’s developmental gap. There is of course still work to do to sustain and build on improvements. The family would also like Jacob’s overexuberance, focal inflexibility, impetuousness and heightened energy tempered, along with a further reduction in medication – and Jacob would like to continue drinking his “magic water.”

Part 1of this case appeared in the April 2017 issue of Homeopathy for Everyone and can be found here:

© Daniela Karsten., M.A., R.S. Hom., Dip. Hom. ACH, April 2017

About the author

Daniela Karsten

I discovered homeopathy while looking for a safe and drug-free approach to treatment for chronic eczema and common childhood illnesses, for myself and my family. It has long been my treatment of choice, and I have been using homeopathic remedies successfully for over 15 years. I graduated from a four year course of study and training at Allen College. Always looking to improve for the benefit of my patients, I undertake regular professional development. In 2013 I did post-graduate study and clinical practice in the slums of Calcutta, India. As a mother and former Montessori teacher, I have a strong interest in children's health. I have contributed to a professional nanny agency's newsletter and website, and write regular articles on family health issues for Salad Days Magazine. I am also proud to be a "selected practitioner" for Cambridge University Hospital Trust, which includes Addenbrooke's Hospital and the Rosie Maternity Unit.


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