Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Non-Verbal Autism in a Teenage Boy

Homeopath Maria Helena Rossi shares a case of non-verbal autism in a teenage boy. The CEASE approach was followed which included remedies for detox.

This is a case about a nice person, a handsome Brazilian boy – inside and out, who is fighting bravely to improve himself, to help other people with his ideas through his words and his books. Moreover, about a mother that “was born” and prospered because of him (and her love for him)!

First consultation, April 2017, F.M.B. was 10 years old, had Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) 37 (had 52 in the beginning), and the reasons for the visit were OCD and aphasia.

He had already received many kinds of medication, including Vyvanse, Zoloft, Risperdal, before he was 7 years old. After a febrile convulsion, he received Depakene, which did not help and then the family looked for “unconventional treatments”: naturopathy, ozone, electromagnetic therapy, diet, and supplementation protocols. He had many therapies: ABA, Padovan, hippo therapy, psychomotricity, psychology, speech therapy, hydrotherapy, behavioral therapies.

Summary: He is the second child, born well by cesarean. His mother says he slept well and woke up autistic! Before stopping breastfeeding, before 1 year and 2 months, he used to look into her eyes, but began to wake up crying or laughing uncontrollably, during the dawn. Then, he lost eye contact, started inappropriate laughter and hyperactivity.

He was taking too long to speak, so the doctor investigated his hearing and he received tubes in his ears. He had many episodes of respiratory inflammation, and had many corticosteroids during his whole life. His tics began before 2 years old; and he has never spoken more than babble. He was suffering, as always, from eye swelling, wheezing, and runny nose, worse from cold.

I gave him Argentum nitricum 6 daily, GcMaf (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor.) It’s a type of immunotherapy) Poli corticosteroids detoxification.

Follow up:

In October 2017: He improved his cognitive skills, continuing his process of learning; is beginning new phonemes (besides apraxia diagnostic), but the OCD is intense.

Prescription: Arsenicum album (OCD, things had o be in the “right place”) in ascendant potencies; Methyl B12 6c to help his system to methylate; and Poly vaccination detox.

In April 2018, his OCD was 60/70% better, but he still cannot concentrate. He looks for things and “has to” organize; oral apraxia, mother now sees that he has some difficulty understanding what is said to him. ATEC: 31. Began neurofeedback together with all therapies and physical exercises.

Gave him Arsenicum album 30 (to improve OCD); Natrum sulphuricum ascending course (brain inflammation), Carcinosinum 200 (OCD miasm) and Poli antibiotics detox (he took antibiotics more than seven times since his first year of life).

September 2018 his ATEC dropped to 23 (speech being responsible for 15 of the points). OCD is very well under control and he can see things on the table without necessity to organize them! However, he is biting clothes and fingers. Comprehension needs to improve; he demonstrates difficulty understanding new orders. He received stem cells in April, and many supplements and therapies.

We did Plumbum as a detox course (6 to 10M), Opium 200; Acetylcholine (stimulate neurotransmitter production), Arsenicum album 200 and Carcinosinum 1M.

March 2019 he is improving a lot, becoming more mature, can repeat some words. He is behaving well at school but seems to be just copying, needs to improve creativity and confidence. The main complaints were apraxia, needs spontaneous speech, still OCD organizing in the house; he is looking at his hands when anxious (Mind: Delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions; hands enlarged, looks at them frequently : hyos)

Prescription: Carcinosinum 10M (single dose miasmatic treatment); and later, after another stem cell session: Hyoscyamus 30 (OCD now looking at his hands), courses of Alumina, Streptococcus (he had suffered lots of infecctions – a possible reason for OCD) China 200 (apathetic, indifferent; lots of discharges, sensitive to air currents).

Consultation on June of 2020: He is now 13 years old, and during this last year, they decided, before the sequence I had prescribed, the use of cilantro, many supplements, injectable methyl B12, and did some genetic exams, that showed that he has some chromosome microdeletions.  He finally received Alumina detox (which ended last week), and we got great news!

Cognitive is no longer a problem. Think of high skills now!

And: He is talking!!

He started talking. A year ago he spoke vowels and then a few syllables; now tries small phrases, all functional! No therapies during quarantine, no school; at home! Mon was somewhat bewildered; they did not attend online classes: she decided: “I am going to alphabetize him.”

He started reading very slowly out loud. Mathematics: started teaching  concrete skills, like adding up balls. Hie is learning to answer correctly orally; but cannot write. Now he understands many math correlations (dozen, polygon, equilateral), and knows the time looking at his wrist watch. Now we realize that he knows many things we never imagined: nouns, country names, capitals, Einstein theories; he said he wants to travel to Machu Picchu in Peru, to know the Inca city. His motor skills improved too.

June 2020 – Reason for the visit was remaining OCD; improve speaking (too low and slow); learn to write; the prescription was Tuberculinum 10M (single dose, ritualistic); and then Agaricus 30 because he is having tics. Following a bigger course focused on improving his speech and coordination: amalgam had been removed from mother during her pregnancy; Zincum; Radiation; Acetylcholine, GHB and potentized local anesthetics; Hyoscyamus 200.

His speech and capacity to write were still in treatment during last year. Speech is improving slowly. He says to me (with the help of his mother) that he needs to write because his head has excessive thoughts.

He has written two books in Portuguese with his reflections on                  autism and titles of chapters like: “You can be whatever you want” and “Everything can change when you have the courage”.

He did it in the last year, dictating the words to his mother to write. He maintains constant posts with nice pictures on social media about being autistic, the difficulties and the firm belief that everything can be transformed by will. His words really touch me.

Last year he had seizures twice. We believe that was due to too much anxiety, and we are treating that too. He believes in homeopathy, I believe him, and I totally agree with him: You can be whatever you want!

About the author

Maria Helena Rossi

Maria Helena Rossi

• Pós graduação homeopatia pela London College of Homeopathy – Londres 2020/2021

• Homeopatia Integrativa formação continuada (HDT) – HOLANDA/BRASIL 2013/2023

• Homeopata pela Faculdade de Viçosa 2011/2018

• Mestre em fisioterapia – Unitri 2001

• Fisioterapeuta especialista em neuropediatria (Bobath e Integração sensorial).

• Fisioterapeuta Unit 1993

e-mail: [email protected]

1 Comment

  • There are many shortcomings in this article, the main of which is that the author in many places does not indicate the date of this or that prescription and the potency of this or that prescription. Also, there are many abbreviations in the text which are not deciphered. All this makes it difficult to understand many aspects of the treatment of this patient.

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