Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Polycystic Ovarian Disease in as Woman of 24

Dr. Deepthi Anand shares a case of PCOS in a woman of 24.  Fear of being along and fear of dogs were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.



A woman aged 24 came to the OPD on 29/12/2021 with the presenting complaints of irregular menses in the last one year. She attained menarche at the age of 14 years. History of irregular menses on and off since menarche. Menstrual cycles once in 45 to 50 days, flow moderate, menses painful occasionally.

She has been married for 2 years and wants to conceive. LMP: 02/11/2021. Sonography dated 30/11/2021 showed “multiple small 2-5 cm well defined thin wall cysts in right ovary- likely ovarian cystic disease”. She also complained of repeated colds once in 2 or 3 months in the last 2 years.

Generally she was thirsty++, desired sweets ++, thermally chilly and had constipation. Mind symptoms included fear of dark +++, fear of being alone ++, fear of dogs ++ and fear of dead bodies +.

The Repertorial totality considered using Synthesis Repertory:

  1. MIND- Fear- dark; of +++
  2. MIND- Fear- alone, of being ++
  3. MIND- Fear- dogs, of ++
  4. MIND- Fear- corpses; fear of +
  5. STOMACH- Thirst++
  6. GENERALS- Food and drinks- sweets- desire++
  7. RECTUM- Constipation++
  8. FEMALE GENITALIA- Menses- irregular+
  9. FEMALE GENITALIA- Menses- late, too+
  10. FEMALE GENITALIA- Tumours- ovaries- cysts+


It can be observed that Stramonium is one among the top ten remedies. Most of the mental and physical general symptoms are covered by Stramonium. Hence, the remedy prescribed was Stramonium in LM potency (0/1), twice a day for 2 days and then again to a total of 6 doses.


The discussion about “the fears of Stramonium” by various eminent homeopaths is cited here:

  • C M Boger in his Synoptic Key writes about Stramonium: “Dreads darkness and has a horror of glistening objects. Great thirst but dreads water”.
  • Guernsey says, “cannot walk or keep on the feet in a darkened room, will fall”.
  • E B Nash writes, “wants light and company, fear to be alone”.
  • J H Clarke: “The patients can’t bear solitude or darkness. If they are left alone in a dark room, the mental affections are very much aggravated”.
  • George Vithoulkas writes, “Extreme fear of dark- they need light on all night. Unusual fears such as fear of cemeteries, fear of tunnels or closed places, fear of dogs. Particular symptoms may be triggered at night in the dark- there is a definite aggravation from darkness”.
  • M L Tyler’s Black Letter Symptoms:
    • Fear of being in the dark and (less) of being alone in the evening after sunset.
    • Mania for light and company; cannot bear to be alone.


1 21/01/2022 LMP: 08/01/2022 Stramonium 0/1

BD/ 2 Days

2 14/02/2022 No menses yet.

UPT negative

Stramonium 0/1

BD/ 1 Day

3 07/03/2022 LMP: 25/02/2022 Placebo
4 07/04/2022 No menses yet

UPT positive


Advised to consult the obstetrician for further advice.


The above case had cysts in the right ovary before treatment with classical homeopathy, and as a result, the patient was unable to conceive due to irregular menstrual cycles. After treatment with classical homeopathy for 3 months, the menstrual cycles were regularised and she conceived naturally, which is confirmed by the sonographic reports attached below.





  1. Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica by J T Kent [8]
    1. GENITALIA FEMALE- Tumors- Ovaries- Cysts
    2. GENITALIA FEMALE- Menses- irregular
    3. GENITALIA FEMALE- Menses- irregular- late
    4. GENITALIA FEMALE- Metrorrhagia
    5. GENITALIA FEMALE- Menses- copious


  1. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Repertory by Oscar E Boericke [5]
    3. FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM- MENSTRUATION, Suppressed, with ovaritis


  1. Uterine Therapeutics by Henry Minton [9]
    1. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Irregular
    2. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Profuse, menorrhagia
    3. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Profuse and protracted
    4. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Protracted, continuing too long
    5. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Retarded, delaying
    6. MENSTRUATION- Time and Quantity of the Menstrual Discharge- Suppressed
    7. AMENORRHOEA- Causes and Concomittants- Ovaries, diseases of


 Polycystic ovarian disease is the initial stage of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Unhealthy lifestyle is one of the major causes. Homeopathic medicines help the patient to heal naturally. The medicines are energised by dynamization which brings the delicate internal balance back to order. The principles on which homeopathic medicines are prescribed are based on natural laws. Therefore, homeopathic medicines are efficient in treating polycystic ovaries. Maintaining healthy lifestyle is also essential.


  1. Hoffman Barbara L., Schorge John O., Bradshaw Karen D., Halvorson Lisa M., Schaffer Joseph I., Corton Marlene M.; Williams Gynaecology; Third Edition; McGraw Hill Education; United States, 2016.
  2. D. C.; Textbook of Gynaecology; Enlarged and Revised Reprint of Sixth Edition; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.
  3. H. C.; Keynotes with Nosodes; Reprint Edition: 2003; Indian Books and Periodicals Publishers; New Delhi, India.
  4. Farrington E. A.; Farrington’s Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica, Reprint Edition: 2003, 2004, B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India.
  5. Boericke William; Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory; Low Priced Edition for students; B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; New Delhi, India.
  6. Clarke, John Henry; A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica; Student Edition: 2006; B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; New Delhi, India.
  7. Kent, James Tyler; Lectures on Materia Medica; Reprint Edition: 2004; B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; New Delhi, India.
  8. Kent, James Tyler; Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica; Student Edition; B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; New Delhi, India.
  9. Minton, Henry; Uterine Therapeutics; Reprint Edition: 1999; B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; New Delhi, India.





About the author

Deepthi Anand

Dr. Deepthi Anand is homeopathic practitioner, practicing classical homeopathy in rural India. For the past 11 years, she has served the rural areas of North Karnataka in India. She has an MD in homeopathy from a recognized health university in Karnataka. She has acquired a PG Diploma Degree in Classical Homeopathy from International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonissos, Greece. Dr. Anand is experienced in treating cases of hypothyroidism, PCOS and other female problems. She is the Co-founder and Co-director of Dr. Murthy’s Classical Homeopathy Hospital, which has its own in-patient set up and with multiple facilities including well-equipped consultation chambers, a huge pharmacy of remedies, Minor OT, General wards and Special Ward. Its branches are located in Shahapur Taluk of Yadgir District and Gulbarga city of North Karnataka

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