Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Revisiting “Migraines and Eye Problems”

A useful article about Revisiting “Migraines and Eye Problems”.Full details about Revisiting “Migraines and Eye Problems”

To read last month’s full case quiz. Visit – Migraines and Eye Problems


Common human condition (not included in the case analysis)

Fear public speaking, failure, unfamiliar social situations

Stress = agitated, frustrated

Dislikes cold and likes warm weather and sunny days

Mind Generals Particulars
Persistent thoughts



Dislikes speaking (social situations)

Grief – death

Sleep – difficult falling

Heat < bed > cold

Hates rain/storms

< eating/overeating

Migraines – sudden

Eyes – red/dry > cold

Nose runs

Mouth – cold sore

Chest pain < inspiration

Diarrhoea < over-eating

Bloated < after eating

Urination seldom

Limbs – cramps, cold

Skin – dry, moles

Picks at nails

Stomach flushes of heat

Like many cases there are a number of rubrics that can be selected.  To ensure that the right remedy isn’t rejected too early in the analysis, choose 1-2 mind symptoms, 2-5 general symptoms and 1-2 particulars.

The correct miasmatic remedy will appear in a number of combinations of rubrics.  Often another miasmatic remedy will appear too.  Sometimes (based on the presenting totality) both will look equally as good and it becomes a matter of trial to see which remedy suits the patient most.  In this case two red (sycotic remedies as per the Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) system) were apparent.  A third sycotic remedy was selected by some people and based on totality this remedy was quite close too.

The following rubrics were chosen.  Of the five mind symptoms the correct remedy is found in all of them.  However all rubrics have remedies that possibly should belong to them but don’t (didn’t appear in the proving or weren’t categorized to the rubric) and it is always safer to take a couple of rubrics from each section rather than one area of the case.  As per Hahnemann’s direction – always consider the  totality of a case.  Repertorisation is a way of culling and sorting but we don’t want to throw out the right remedy by culling too much or not be able to see it through overloading and picking too many rubrics.  Repertorising is about balance.

MacRep Complete 4.5

MIND; DEATH; thoughts of  (58)

–         This rubric is a circumstance rubric.  That is it represents the energy of an impacting event that still dominates the patients life – the death of his father.

MIND; TALK, talking, talks; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (266)

–         This man’s inability to speak in public is beyond just a natural fear of public speaking – he literally doesn’t speak unless asked a question

GENERALITIES; EATING; after; agg. (192)

–         Two particulars are affected by eating – a good solid general to use

STOMACH; HEAT; flushes (177)

–         There are a number of presenting symptoms that could have been chosen – the migraines, eyes, chest pain, diarrhea however this was chosen because its presentation was extreme.


–         Again this symptom was chosen because it is unusual to urinate so infrequently

This repertorisation brings up the following remedies

Nux vomica, Puls, Ars, Acon, Arg, Lyc, Apis, Merc, Thuja, Aloe, Camph, K Carb, Verat, Chel, Dig, Op

The facial analysis is very important.  It is concrete observable information that tells us that the internal vital force (miasm, survival instinct) is sycotic (red) and the BEST remedy for this patient must have the same dominant energy.

Of the remedies above only two belong to the sycotic (red) miasm (Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) system)

Thuja and Apis

To differentiate between the two, further aspects of the case are taken into consideration.

Two symptoms stand out as belonging to Thuja

The moles and the rubric which covers picking at the fingers.  This rubric was found through doing a search on “fingers” under Mind.

MIND; GESTURES, makes; grasping or reaching at something; picks at; fingers (17)

(only two sycotic – Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) red – remedies are in this rubric – Thuja and Tarentula.  Tarentula is not under consideration because it hasn’t repertorised in our overview of the case)

Thuja is chosen.

.  I chose this remedy and gave the patient Thuja 30C to take daily.  Within a week he was more relaxed, sleeping better, all head pain gone, eyes better, skin less dry, no stomach heat, no diarrhoea and no cramps.  His wife was very pleased because their relationship became less stressful.  He was pleased because his migraines and eyes plus other symptoms were so much better.  He took his remedy every day because he recognized the difference it was making.  After the bottle was finished (about 6 weeks) he took no more remedy and was well for another couple of months.  Some eye symptoms returned so he took it again for another few weeks and they immediately improved again.

Thanks to everyone who sent their feedback about this case.

The first person to get the right answer was Ellen Kire (US) – Ellen practices using Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA).  Ellen wins a copy of Grant Bentley’s new book Soul & Survival.

There were some answers where the totality was taken into account and another remedy chosen (Ars, Lycopodium and Arg Nit were all in the repertorisation).  The process of totality was covered but not the miasm.  These remedies are not regarded as sycotic in the Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) system and although they fit the totality of the case, don’t fit the patient’s miasm.  A totality remedy on its own can still affect an outcome but usually will not act on the total patient (energy, outlook, symptoms) or its action will be short-lived and/or won’t repeat when the symptoms return.

A number of Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) practitioners answered the case. Most chose Thuja – with one choosing Apis and a couple Rhus T (both HFA sycotic – red – remedies).  It is wonderful to see so many practitioners choosing the same remedy for a chronic case.  This is much harder to achieve than with an acute case.


Thuja – 6

First to get the remedy right (winner of book/s) – Ellen Kire (US)

And others who chose Thuja

–         Marjoleine B

–         Leanne S

–         Bev B

–         Judy M

–         Anne S

Rhus Tox – 2

Sepia – 1

Ars – 1

Arg Nit – 1

Lycopodium – 2

Nat M – 1

Graph – 1

Apis – 1

It is our ongoing aim to promote this system to the homeopathic profession; to bring homeopathy back to its roots of using observable information – objective rather than subjective analysis when considering the totality of both patients and remedies.

–         HFA accepts and observes universal principles of energy and structure (the miasm)

–         HFA gives practitioners consistent and reproducible results no matter how many years experience they have

–         HFA means the right remedy is chosen within one to four remedies (once the miasm is correctly identified) in 80% or more cases

–         HFA is homeopathy in action – observation and utilization of natural law


Louise Barton

Victorian College of Classical Homoeopathy

Melbourne, Australia

For more information see

About the author

Louise Barton

Dip Hom Prof Memb AHA AROH regd

Louise Barton has been in clinical practice since graduating in 1996. She was involved in the Australian Homoeopathic Association (Vic) from 2001, both organising seminars and as President from 2002 - 2004. She teaches at the Victorian College of Classical Homeopathy and has been involved with miasmatic research and the production of her partner Grant Bentley's book Appearance and Circumstance and Homeopathic Facial Analysis.

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