Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Surgical Cases Versus Homoeopathy Chronic Severe Inflammation of Cervix (Uterus)

cross section of uterus with inset showing closeup of cervix

Dr. Vinit Monga treats a woman for chronic inflammation of the cervix and she avoids hysterectomy.

Smt. R.M., 22 yrs female consulted for the treatment of chronic severe inflammation of cervix along with prolapsed uterus. During consultation on 2nd September 2006, she was pregnant ( 7th month). She had a male child approximately two years old. Surgeons advised her for early pregnancy as they  were going for hysterectomy after delivery of the child.

She had the following complaints :

  1. Vaginal Discharge Leucorrhea (Homeopathy Treatment for Leucorrhea) since two years, after parturition. Earlier constant discharge and now at the time of consultation vaginal discharge paroxysmal with marked weakness. Nausea with leucorrhea. Pain inguinal with leucorrhea. Appetite diminished with leucorrhea.
  2. Loses flesh since two years after parturition. Normally a women gains weight after parturition.
  3. Nausea at sight of food since one & half months.
  4. Nausea & vomiting riding in carriage since childhood.
  5. Myopia since two years. Lachrymation eye straining.
  6. Migraine since four years. One sided headache with nausea. Headache from odors, anxiety, riding, sleep disturbed, night watching, noises, fasting, cold air, sun heat in summer.
  7. Hair falling since two years after parturition.
  8. Burning epigastrium since two months < tea drinking & fried eating.
  9. Constipation since childhood. Passes stool anytime per day, sometime after one day. Unsatisfactory stool, must strain.
  10. Bearing down pain since two years after parturition. Prolapsed uterus with Pruritus vulvae, backache, frequency of micturation<During menses.
  11. Pain calves since two years after parturition < after walking < after exertion > rest & pressure.
  12. Itching Eruptions generalised since ten days. Took A/T & gets better.
  13. Weakness with body ache since two years after parturition <exertion> pressure.


H/O Enteric fever relapsing seven years back. Took A/T.

H/O Punctured Injury left leg three years & seven years back. Suturing done with A/T.


Sleep          : –       Sleepiness alternates with insomnia.

Dreams       : –      Unremembered

Appetite     : –       Diminished due to nausea at sight of food.

Thirst         : –       Normal.

Perspiration: –         Normal

Stool          : –       Hard then soft, Offensive.

Urine         : –   Burning before urination > during & after urination.

Desires      : –  Spicy, Salty.

Aversions : –  Legumes

Thermal       : – Sensitive to both heat & cold.


Domination of in laws after marriage.

Suicidal Thoughts.



Grief of Mother’s death


Horrible things sad stories affect her profoundly.


Menarche age 17th year. Ceased for three months after 1st appearance.

Cycle 8-9 days/30 days. Normal flow without any other complaint.

After parturition: –

Cycle 3-4 days/ 15 days.

Dysmenorrhea with nausea & vomiting.


Bronchial Asthma & Cholilithiasis (Grand Mother)

Hypertension (Father)


Uterine disease appears because of following factors:

  1. Menarche delayed.
  2. Cessation of menses after first appearance.
  3. Childhood complaint of constipation.
  4. Her extreme sensitive nature.
  5. Domination, Grief, Suicidal Thoughts, Humiliation contribute to increase disease to such an extent of hysterectomy after parturition.

Considering the above rubrics, the following repertorization was done and covering all rubrics were NATRUM MURIATICUM & IGNATIA.


This case is of a poly miasmatic disorder. Inflammation is of Psoric miasm. Prolapsed uterus because of breakage of muscular supports of uterus means degeneration. Degeneration is Syphilitic miasm. Dominating miasm is Syphilitic, so starting potency was 200. NATRUM MURIATICUM 200*1 DOSE prescribed on 02-09-2006 followed by placebo tds from next day.


12-09-06 APPETITE INCREASED & NAUEA GETS BETTER. Placebo tds continuous.


Took A/T hormonal during delivery which interfered with action of remedy so decided to repeat NATRUM MURIATICUM 200*1DOSE followed by Placebo tds from next day.



  • Coryza appeared & gets better after placebo prescription as SOS.
  • Bleeding uterine painful. Placebo tds and as SOS continuous.

12-11-2006 Sleep better. Pains better. Appetite Better. Nausea better. Bearing down pain better. Discharge va-gina better. Urine burning better. Backache persisting. . Placebo tds continuous.

07-12-2006          Peeling off of skin around nails of hand. Backache persisting with slight vaginal discharge. Placebo tds continuous.

10-12-2006          Pain left side abdomen on sitting. Pain throat right sided on swallowing. Skin around nails gets better. Placebo tds continuous.

16-12-2006 Pain abdomen better. Pain throat right better. Placebo tds continuous.

24-12-2006          Start Gaining Weight. Constipation better. Now passes stool daily morning on waking. Backache & pain neck. Discharge va-gina & bearing down pain better.

18-01-2007          Frequent, unsatisfactory urine. Vaginal discharge with backache. Bodyache. Appetite reduced with nausea. Hair falling which earlier gets better again started. Symptoms relapsing means 200 potency exhausted. NATRUM MURIATICUM 1000*1DOSE prescribed followed by Placebo tds from next day.

30-01-2007 Urine frequency and urgency gets better. Vaginal discharge with backache better. Appetite increased. Nausea better. Hair falling better. Bodyache better. Itching whole body appeared and gets better. Fever for 24 hours occurred and gets better. Placebo tds prescribed for one month as patient was shifting her native place to NEPAL.

09-11-2007          Looking healthy and fleshy. All her complaints better. Advised Ultrasonography for confirmation of uterine condition. Placebo tds for three months. NATRUM MURIATICUM 10M*1 DOSE as SOS prescribed with advise to take whenever leucorrhea with backache relapse.

28-05-2009 Feeling better regarding prolapsed uterus, vaginal discharge, backache, sleep, stool, urine habit, migraine, hair falling, menses regular & painless, and pains. Ultrasonography dated 12-06-2009 shows NORMAL STUDY 07-07-2009

Case closed with best wishes. God Bless her. No need of HYSTECTOMY.

Comments & Suggestions invited respectfully.

About the author

Vinit Monga

Dr. Vinit Monga received his diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (D.H.M.S.) and for the last ten years has been practicing in Sirsa, Haryana, India, at his clinic, with his wife, Dr. Priti Monga. They treat all manner of diseases including cancer, Aids and heart disease. Dr. Monga also holds a certificate in food and nutrition and counsels patients in lifestyle changes.

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