Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Hypothyroidism in a Woman of 43


Dr. Vibha Mevada shares a case of Hypothyroidism in a woman of 43. Obstinate, positiveness, passionate, irritability from contradiction and religious affections were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

Case History:

This patient is a 43-year old female, who works as a professor.  She consulted me for hypothyroidism on 6th December 2019. She had suffered with the problem since August 2018.

As it’s a known case of hypothyroidism she came with thyroid profile lab test and her TSH was 9.24 uIU/ml where T3 & T4 where in normal range.

She stated:

“I achieved everything that I wished. I chose a carrier by myself, married for love, and I have one child only, and that’s my own decision.  I worked with three organisations.

My husband changed jobs very frequently and only these things bothered me a lot. I was always stressed from his side, although he fulfilled all his responsibilities towards me and the family. He is not doing any job right now. If someone asks me what he is doing it is difficult to answer for me. I feel angry that he put me in such a situation.

Job is important for social status. If I knew before marriage that he was going to leave jobs again and again, I would not have married him. I feel he should do some struggle. I feel helpless.

Work should be on good position as it gives grace and financial stability. The feeling is very important from me. A person should be career oriented. I’m obstinate by nature. In childhood I was a pampered child.

I’m a workaholic, determined but very rigid, career oriented. I started work from head post. I’m doing MBA right now as a hobby only, and I used to study a whole syllabus like students. I’m good analytically. People take advice from me and they get benefitted.

Most of the peoples around me don’t come close to me easily. I have very few friends.  I’m very religious, have strong trust in God. Without worship I feel incomplete.

My father use to dominate my mother. I felt my mother should take a stand for herself. I’m became rigid because my mother was very flexible and agreed to everything.

In studies up to 10th std I was average and after that graph goes up. Was topper in MSC with 86% and during PhD got married. Dreams very rarely, can’t remember, no repeated dreams.


  • Menarche at age of 14 years. Very regular always appear on date.
  • 1 daughter- 16 years old by LSCS because of enlarged head.
  • H/o MPT in 2015.
  • Menopause- Aug.-2018 – menopausal symptoms are still there, feeling stressed, crying on trifle things, mood swings, irritation


  • Both the parents are diabetics.
  • 3 paternal aunts are hypertensive.
  • Sister has hypothyroidism.


  • Appetite: Good – Desire: milk, curd, potato
  • Aversion: onion, garlic (don’t like odor), banana
  • Thirst: Moderate
  • Bowel: NAD
  • Bladder: NAD
  • Thermal: Hot
  • Perspiration: face
  • Sleep: Sound sleep

DIAGNOSIS: hypothyroidism




  • Religious
  • Thinking positive
  • Passionate for work
  • Irritable if things are not going according to her wishes
  • Convinces people of her point of view
  • Enthusiastic
  • Decisive

EVALUATION: Over all patient is a passionate, workaholic person. Her decision making power is high and she is with full of positivity and enthusiasm.


mind; OBSTINATE, headstrong (208)


mind; PASSIONATE (117)

mind; PERTINACITY (69)

mind; FIRMNESS (25)

mind; IRRITABILITY; contradiction, from (28)

mind; RELIGIOUS affections (142)

mind; SERIOUSNESS, earnestness (130)

neck; THYROID gland (178)

mirilli’s themes; DUTY (292)

generalities; CLIMACTERIC period agg. (241)



THE SOUL OF THE REMEDIES- Ferrum (Iron) lies in the 4th period of the Periodic Table. This line of metals is concerned with performance, and also with defense. Being compelled to do something against one’s wishes.[3]

PHATAK’S MATERIA MEDICA- gives the symptom: “Always in the right”. He becomes rigid and stiff in his attitude.[4]

BOERICK MATERIA MEDICA- Irritability, Sanguine temperament.[5]


  • Ferrum metallicum 200 single dose, Sl 30 BD  4 weeks


8-1-20 Over all feeling good.

Mood swings much better.

Anger better now.

Overload of work but not tired.

MBA exams going to good.

Not crying about small things.

Mentally as well as physically felling much better. Rx,

Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

8-2-20 Irritation reduced a lot- 75%.

Mood swing much better- 75%.

Not crying now.

Tolerance is good now.

TSH report normal.

(tested on 28-1-20)


Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

10-3-20 During menses pimples on labia majora

Irritation reduced a lot- 90%.

Mood swings much better- 90%.

Over all feeling good.

New symptom appears so repeat single dose again. Rx,

Ferrum metallicum 200 single dose

Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

20-5-20 All good

No symptoms

Better. Rx,

Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

22-6-20 All good

No symptoms

Better. Rx,

Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

23-7-20 All good

No symptoms

Much better.



Sl 30  BD  4 weeks

25-8-20 All good

No symptoms

Much better. Rx,

Sl 30  BD  4 weeks






CONCLUSION: The central theme of the case revolves around Ferrum met i.e., decisive, firm, passionate, hardworking, workaholics, positive, enthusiastic.

Therefore, the prescription of Ferrum metallicum is very strongly supported by repertorisation and keynote symptoms from materia medica.


  • James Norman. Hyperthyroidism: Overview, Causes and Symptoms. 2019 [July, 10th]: Available from
  • Kristeen Cherney. Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism. 2018 [September, 17]: Available from
  • Rajan Sankaran. The Soul of Remedies. First edition. Mumbai; 2014. Homoeopathic Medical Publishers. 236 p.
  • Dr S. R. Phatak. Materia Medica Of Homeopathic Medicines. 2nd Revised & Enlarged Edition. New Delhi; 1999. B. Jain Publishers. 751 p.
  • William Boericke. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory. 10th New Delhi; 2012. B. Jain Publishers. 1076 p.

About the author

Vibha Mevada Sharma

Dr. Vibha Mevada Sharma - B.H.M.S, CCAH, MCAH, YPI Director at Dr. Vibha’s Homeopathy Clinic-1: Orbit Plaza, Shop No. 64, Crossing Republic, Ghaziabad, U.P. 201016. Clinic-2: 1601/A8, Habitech Panchtatva, Noida Extention,U.P. 201306 [email protected], Drl Sharma was named 1st runner up in All India Homeopathic Case Presentation Competition in 2022. She received appreciation letters from State Council of Homeopathy Madhya Pradesh, Govt. of M.P for organizing four free National Webinar series to promote homeopathy at Vinghyachal Bhavan, Bhopal on Dec. 7th, 2021.

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