Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from December 2011


Letters to the Editor – Feedback from December 2011

Dear Editor,

I want to wish a 2012 better than 2011 and also success in the new year.

All the best,

Ligia c.


Dear Dr. Manish Bathia

As always I like your issue and this time I especially like the article about Ulcers and W. A. Dewey’s “about heart problem”. It was interesting to read about all medicaments you can use and the description of them. My husband got heart problems for many years ago and they operated putting in a pacemaker. He needs to use a lot of medicine but he didn´t feel well with it. I told the hospital we want to use homeopathic medicine instead. He now takes Crategeus D 12 twice a day . He walks about a half mile every day and I think Crategus is the thing that has helped him.

Gun from Sweden



I used to be able to search back articles on hpathy, but since your new format I don’t seem to be able to find a section to back search. Is this option no longer available ? Thank you.

Christine Borcovsky

Dear Christine,

Archives of the journal are found here :

Other archived articles can be found by looking under the categories at the top of the Hpathy front page :

Social Patients Professional Students Engage Services

……. Or under “Google Custom Search” at the top of the front page.

Alan V. Schmukler


New Hpathy is simply great. Good job Manish!

Vatsala Sperling


Dear Dr. Manish – Namaste

What a wonderful website you have newly developed, furnished with excellent articles on most interesting subjects of homoeopathy. My great appreciation goes to you and to your team as well as to authors of those informative articles. Your great work is highly appreciated from the bottom of my heart.

Homoeopathically yours
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad


Dear Editor,

I request you to ask other senior physicians in this field to give their approach to treatment and management of urolithiasis.

Dr. Mukesh P. Khatr


Dear Editor,

I don’t know why you have not included Naturopath as a category of homeopath. In school you can choose to do all the homeopathic classes from acute to chronic —-prescribing, and we take the NPLEX exam which includes homeopathy. But you include MD as a category and most MD’s have no training in homeopathy in the United States.

Jean Wagner ND

Editor Replies:

Dear Jean,

Thank you for the suggestion. I believe you are referring to our list at the registration process. Some of our best homeopaths, such as Robin Murphy, Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg are Naturopaths. We hold them in high regard and their work appears in our pages.

Warm regards
Alan V.. Schmukler
Editor –


Dear Editor,

Thanks a lot for the vol. 8 issue 12, 2011 Dec. Quite interesting. All the best,



Dear Editor,

We as homeopaths have a lot to say about suppression, looking over our shoulder at or allopathic brothers, but forgetting how often we as homeopaths are guilty of it, with our powerful remedies. We blame vaccination , dermatological ointment therapy, etc. There is one group we forget. When I was young, dentists pulled out carious teeth much more frequently than nowadays. Now, we live in the age of “reconstructive dentistry”, remodelling, fixing,”saving” teeth. A lot of inflammation , dammed up pus and a lot of sh…. is burried and hidden inside and remains there, so as long as the elements are looking quite good on the outside, everything is fine….

Now this attitude, another effect of superspecialisation in medicine, is creating SYCOSIS in the worst degree, sycosis that will have impact on our immune system, creating various types of chronic pathology, going from autoimmune diseases, via coronary atheromatosis to cancer, pathology that has an immense outburst lately. Sycosis is per definition, chronic, lingering, hidden, secretive. Meanwhile our immune system becomes overtaxed and reacts out of proportion.

In the original Kent’s Repertory, very reliable ( cannot be said about may other ones) , Thuya is in capitals in Teeth, caries of the roots, so HIDDEN caries, not visible, SYCOTIC caries.This remedy is of course very often needed nowadays, very understandable. A change in mentality would be also very welcome here.

Yours sincerely,

Eddy Thielens


Dear Doctor Manish Bhatia

Congratulations for your marvellous Website Hpathy where we can find so much about homoeopathy. I have good reasons to contact you today:

First because you requested feed back for your new Website. I say that it is very complete, very clear and easy to get information.

Second, because for some years I began a Website project called HomeoMundi (means the world of homeopathy and Homeopathy in the world): beginning of the Website is now opened (first in French but next time with an English and Spanish version). As I am alone to do that I go slowly but I hope to finish in about six months.

I am a chemist located in France and I work during25 years in Nutrition, Homoeopathy, Phytotherapy, Aromatherapy, Oligotherapy and Traditional medicine of the five continents.

In 1981 the title of my thesis for my Doctorate in Pharmacy was:Place and development of Homeopathy in the world”. At that time, I was pharmacist in an homoeopathic Laboratory in France (Laboratoires homéopathiques de France bought in 1985 by Boiron Laboratories). I came to India to meet Dr Rastogi in Ghaziabad to collect information about the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea, and he gave me many information to prepare my thesis about homoeopathy in India.

My project HomeoMundi is to update my thesis, but also thanks to the Web and modern technological tools to show historical scanned and digitized documents found in different libraries in the world, especially American, French, German libraries to explain the first steps about Homeopathy.

I have in my files many data on about 80 countries about different items.

Best Regards

Jean François Royer

Doctor in Pharmacy

About the author

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  • Dear Sir,
    I have sent my article on cure for food allergy to
    Kindly forward suggestions as I have to share lot of information.

  • Dear editor,
    Thank you for this interesting and useful Website. I’m a medical doctor who also works as a homeopath for about 9 years. Your website and its practical case report articles encourage me to treat a greater percent of my patients with homeopathy.

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