Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor  -Feedback from March 2024  

Reader’s feedback for the March 2024 issue.

Engrossing case. Very logical and very homeopathic; constitutional deduction of Calcarea Carb, the reasoning for selecting Calcarea Arsenicum. Excellent Dr. Ramakrishnan. Would love to read your other experiences.

Muhammad Nisar

A wonderful and very insightful article as always from Dr.  A .U.Ramakrishnan. Very few can do what he has achieved in treatment of cancer. His choice of medicine shows what deep knowledge of individual medicine, in this case Calc ars. can do in a positive manner;

Dr Wequar Ali Khan

Wonderful article sir. My aunt having same problem we visited many neurologists but all of them refused and said that her case is at last stage and if we operate her she might go in coma. I  am a student of homeopathy 2nd year. After reading your above article I am glad that there is still possibility that I can help her.

Asad Hashmi

From: A Case of Incipient Autism? –  David A. Johnson

Looking for clinical cases on the net of Helium homeopathic remedy I came in touch with this fabulous article by Dr David and felt so blessed!!! Please go on sharing with us your tremendous experience so that we can learn with it!!!!!THANKS!!!!!

Ana Almeida From Brasil

Joy Metcalf

What an incredible testimonial to homeopathy! I recently thought of Helium when a neighbor went beyond her due date–she was ready, but her infant apparently was not–and I wondered whether Helium would provide impetus for the birth. I never did find out, because her OB/GYN convinced her to be induced, resulting in a long, hard birth and a C-section. Her babe, though, is alert and very present in the word, so perhaps Helium was not indicated.

From: Soul Loss and Recovery with Homeopathy – by Declan Hammond

Thank you Declan for your article and sharing your experiences with this interesting remedy.  While your title ‘soul retrieval’ is interesting from what I read of your three patients cases personally view it as a case of recovering soul/life purpose.

Olivia Weinbauer

Dear Declan!

These 3 cases are impressive, dealing with people in borderline insanity. There is an old saying: ‘from doctors and crazy ones, we all have some. In Portuguese rhymed: ‘de médico e louco todos temos um pouco’. It’s so beautiful homeopathy could deal with that and succeed.

Edson F Sampaio

No doubt a wonderful and a unique article.  True Healing/cure always occurs at soul level.  I have learned a lot from this article which will help in healing the sick.


Amazing stuff to read. This is a remedy that to my mind is very important in that it can really help the patient to find their raison d’etre. My feeling is that it can have a big part to play in helping patients through life transitions where they need to re-invent themselves and access their inherent and true nature

Fiona Dilston

After reading your article I persuaded my homoeopath to prescribe this remedy. All I can say is I cant believe how wonderful my life has felt after two decades in the wilderness!

Peter Healey

Hello Declan,

I am so happy to find the write up of these cases. I love the dreams and how the plant led a client to you. The healing with these souls is profound, and I seek to purchase the remedy, Tabernanthe Iboga, but have not found it here in the states. Any sources that I may contact to purchase it?


From: Surgery and Homeopathy – Katja Schuett

Dear Dr. Schuett,

Thank you for providing a great article! It is very informative! I am having a few elective plastic surgery procedures consisting of an extended tummy tuck with muscle repair, lipo and fat grafting. My goal is to reduce my recovery time and minimize complications. I am 32 years old, active with a clean bill of health (praises due). Currently to prepare I have been taking on a daily basis Iron 50mg, Emergen C and a multivitamin. As my day approaches my plan is to fast for 3 days to detox and to start taking Bio E Body Mend Homeopathic drop pre op. I am struggling in developing a post op regimine.

In your article you discussed bellis perennis-staphysagria 30 and thiosinamium pellets for abdominal surgery and scar tissue reduction. What would be your recommended regimine for pre and post op, for I’m not well versed and I am having a terrible time at finding information to assist me with recovery. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Kennedy Bell

I just want to thank you for the invaluable, comprehensive article. My mom went through complete hysterectomy last July and I had to go through hernia surgery 2 weeks ago. She did not have to use any painkiller (other than homeopathy) and I was off advil the next day and off any painkillers (except homeopathy) on day 4. We are both healing superbly. Wonderful information.


Excellent article Katja! Very informative… Thank you so much! 🙂

Dr Shreya Deshpande

From:  Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney  – by Sanjay Padole

Super case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   – Dr. Sachin

 Sir, so great of you and homeopathy. –  Dr. Vaheedunnisa

 Wow! u have done great job…Priyanka

 Editor’s Note: For more reader comments, please see COMMENTS section below each article

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1 Comment

  • You referred to an article, (Tips and Secrets, April 2024), by Marina Zhang linking Covid 19 vaccines to myocarditis in young people. Whilst I am not disputing the content of this article, I must bring to your attention that Ms Zhang writes for the Epoch Times, known for its far-right views and linked to the Falun Gong new religious movement. Whilst this may be OK with some readers, I feel that linking Homoeopathy with this publication could have a detrimental impact on its image. Please think before you publish.

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