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Letters to the Editor for the September 2011 issue

Letters to the Editor for the September 2011 issue


I read your message to homoeopathic students at dated Dec 30 2009, just recently. After two years of practice, frustrated as I am, I think I am going to start learning Homoeopathy.

Thank you for the great message

With Regards

Basima Maisoon


Dear Hpathy Team,

Thank you for the Sept. issue of Homoepathy 4 Everyone. Most of the articles as usual are a Must Read. I was afraid that you have stopped the column ” Questions Patient Ask” as it did not appear in the August issue of the journal, but got a relief when it was there in Sept. issue. Please continue it along with your other articles in future as everybody has thousands of doubts and clarifications to be made and cleared. I further request that this should be a continuous process and readers should be allowed a column where they can send their doubts and difficulties and get them cleared immediately there and then.

Thank you once again for the trouble and patience the Hpathy Team is taking for us.

P.N. Mehra


Dear Sir,

Two papers, Tips and Secrets and Questions Patients Ask are very interesting. The contribution of these authors in making Homeopathy more popular , is appreciable. All four clinical cases are very educative.




Dear Editor

The “Tips and Secrets”, “From the clinic” and the article on Skin Diseases were a revelation!

Francis Fernandes


Dear Sir

It is a great pleasure of mine to receive your Sep 2011 Newsletter with many important articles of immense information on interesting subjects. I highly appreciate for the great services provided by you to all of us and to the cause of homoeopathy. My best wishes are always with you.

Many of your articles that appeared in Sep 2011 Newsletter have been posted just now on my Facebook page so that more and more people can share
this knowledge and information.

With best regards

Sincerely yours
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad


Dear Editor,

About this issue; thank you for sharing all these articles with us. It is very interesting and educational. I have read them all and I´m grateful for Hpathy who gives us this opportunity to learn, to think in a homeopathic way.

Gun – Sweden


Dear Editor,

Excellent as always.



Dear Editor

As usual you are doing extremely well. Your site has hundreds of homoeopaths attached. I again suggest you should also consider the feasibility of an advice column to help hopeless patients.

Yours faithfully,

M. S. Verma

Editor’s Note: Dear Ms. Verma,

We have a section called ask the expert , where some questions can be answered, and we have a patient’s forum which sometimes is helpful (apply by sending a email request to [email protected] ). But for people who are very ill, the best advice is to seek a homeopath. That can be done by contacting the homeopathy organization in your country for a referral. You can find that information here:


Dear Sirs,

It would be interesting to have an Hpathy in Spanish. I wish you greetings.

Santiago de la Rosa. MD.


Dear Editor,

Your magazine helps my me and my patients keep up to date with homeopathic info. Many thanks.

Dr. K. Wicomb

Dear sir ,

I am pleased to inform you that your journal is very informative and knowledgeable, which keeps me updated with the day-to-day changes in homoeopathy.

Thank you

Dr Debashish mukherji – B.H.M.S. Ex-Senior Research Fellow Central Institute of Psychiatry, Kanke Ranchi.


Dear Hpathy Ezine,

I have noticed over the last year that you no longer publish articles on Heilkunst. I am wondering why this is so? I found these articles to be the most enlightening and dynamic material that you have ever posted on your site. Could you please tell me why you have decided to not include any subject matter that is outside the usual classical homeopathic point of view? Surely the whole point of your site is to entertain all sides of the homeopathic debate and all views that shed light on understanding the works and genius of Dr. Hahnemann. Or am I wrong?


Neil McKinney

Ottawa, Canada

Editor’s note : Dear Neil,

Over a period of months we published an entire series from Rudi Verspoor on Heilkunst. This was very thorough and wholly explained that perspective. We have published many articles on different views of homeopathy, which you can find in our archived ezines. There has been no decision to exclude such material. We publish articles on different aspects of homeopathy as they are sent to us.

Alan V. Schmukler – Editor –



Hpathy is always great, informative, well written and did I say great lol.

Thanks for creating it.

Mike Mittenberg


Dear Editor,

The September issue of Hpathy Ezine is very enlightening both from the
philosophical and clinical points of view. Claudia’s interview describes the work being done for Homeopathy in Italy and elsewhere. It also clarifies some issues regarding preparation of Homeopathic remedies. Hahnemannian method may still be the best as there is no intermingling of potencies, but when we are preparing medicines on commercial scale his method might seem too cumbersome if not impracticable. Similarly her handling of the case of autism is also bold and commendable. Her choice of Sulphur for a clean autistic patient yielded results. Claudia, no doubt, is doing a very useful work for Homeopathy in her own sphere.

The article on Easy Death created a bit of controversy. Some readers have thought that giving Homeopathic drugs to control the pangs of death and making death painless is like giving euthanasia. They fail to understand that euthanasia induces death whereas Homeopathic drugs make the last moments of death less painful and more tolerable.

Elaine’s article on Aetiology is interesting, but to prescribe on just aetiology is
un-homeopathic. We cannot ignore symptomatology as the essential basis for Homeopathic prescribing.

The article on Hepatitis is comprehensive and is useful for students and young practitioners. The September Issue of the Ezine on the whole is both interesting and informative. Alan V. Schmukler deserves all praise for making interviews pleasant and meaningful and so are his cartoons.

Avinash Agnihotri

Editor’s note: Dr. Avinash Agnihotri was interviewed in this journal in March 2010 :


Dear Sir,
The new appearance of this journal is good and refreshing. I would like to know more about improving renal function of non-diabetic but hypertensive patients. Also, what is the safe creatinine level, diet and medicines.
Thank you,
Elsy John



Please publish some articles about CKD.

With regards

Dr Tapas Chatterjee


Dear Editor,

I enjoy your magazine. Though I use homeopathic medicines personally, I don’t know a lot about them in any depth. Therefore I can’t really give you any specific feedback.

Thank you,

Susan Burke


Dear Editor

There is so much to learn! and life is more exciting now with learning to use computer, Jorg Wichmann he is charging a minimal amount to use his web site . what is minimal to him mybe too much for some . i believe in sharing. that is why i teach yoga for free .,and helping students to become teachers. now , ann marie o’bradagin was more informative for me . i learnt that 30c is not stronger than 6c or 3c the difference is in the action. and 30ch or 30ck letter after c says whose method they use . How will we know the outcome of the case against boron and oscillococcinum ?

Thank you for sharing so much on you website.

Violet Jessel

Editor’s note: We will try to keep track of the Boiron case and report the outcome to Hpathy readers.


Dear Sirs,

All the articles in September Issue are informative.

Thanks & Regards



Dear Hpathy Team,

I convey my gratitude and thanks to the administrators, moderators and Hpathy Team members for allowing me to use all discussion Forums. I hope in future also I will get the help and cooperation from all of you.
With regards, Good Wishes, and Blessing to all of you.



We find the same very much informative.


Dear Editor,

Many of these cases were of particular help this month.

Thank you as always,



The September issue was very good and it seems that Homeopathy 4 everyone is improving by the day!

Thanks and best of luck.



Could you please discuss Prostate and treatment and at what is the option for surgery?



Editor’s note: Hpathy has numerous articles on homeopathy and prostate problems. You can find them here:



Do you have in your archives any articles about the homeopathic treatment of herpes? If not, would you please consider publishing one?

Thank you,

Editor’s Note: There are numerous articles about Herpes on Hpathy. Use the search box to search for them


Dear Editor,


Luiza-Ivana Djordjevic


Dear Editor,

One day Mr.Dipal Sen of village & P.O.-Jolaibari, District-South Tripura, State-Tripura called me to see his mother Mrs. Parul Sen(70 yrs) who was suffering from Chronic Renal Failure and was under allopathic treatment in INDIRA GANDHI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Agartala, Tripura. The doctors prescribed Antibiotics, calcium, iron & diuretic tablets. Her blood pressure & blood sugar was normal.

After treatment of about 20 days the condition of the patient became more difficult. The level of serum creatinine became more high and the doctors sent the patient to GOBINDA BALLAB PANT HOSPITAL, AGARTALA, TRIPURA for dialysis.The patient took admission in the hospital, but the doctors said that the patient would die soon and so dialysis was of no use. They also advised her son to go back home with the patient. Mr. Dipal Sen Called me under these situation and I went to see his mother in the hospital before discharge from the hospital and collected the following symptoms: 1.
Extremities-swelling-dropsical, 2. Kidney-Suppression of urine,3. Urine-Albuminous, 4. Urine-Bloody, 6. Anaemia, 7. Nausea, 8. Thirstlessness, 9. Vomiting, 10. Appetite-diminished, 11. Respiration-Difficult, 12. Paralysis like sensation in lower limbs, 13. Numbness in lower limbs, 14. Mind-Anxiety, 15. Mind-Anger, 16. Mind-Suspicious, 17. Mind-Fastidious.

Result of Repertorisation: I selected 17 symptoms(rubrics). The Homoeopathic remedies Arsenic Album covered all the symptoms. LYCOPODIUM covered 16 symptoms. SULPHUR & CONIUM also covered 17  symptoms,but Arsenic Album is more effective than SULPHUR & CONIUM in the cases of swelling extremities, suppression of urine, albuminous urine, bloody urine, anaemia, nausea, vomiting, difficult respiration, anger & anxiety. So, I prescribed Arsenic Album. The serum creatinine level became normal after taking this medicine of 6,30 & 200 potencies. But her appetite was not increased by Arsenic Album.
Another complaints of constipation was disturbing her too much. Then I prescribed the second selected medicine LYCOPODIUM 30 as it is a good medicine for constipation, old age & loss of appetite. This medicine increased her appetite and cured constipation. Now she is taking
Arsenic Album 1m, 1dose X 15 days for her complaints of mind.

Dr. Amit Saha


Dear sir
The sept issue was really interesting and useful!

Dr Rajesswari


Dear Sir,

Thanks for sending me Homeopathy for Everyone. After going through the articles, I find them very informative and helpful in daily practice.

Dr. Abdul Razzaq

Really, this time each article was of utmost importance!
Zubi Khalid

Please add one video lecture on a regular basis.
Banaris Khan – Super Homoeo Clinic, Lala Rukh


Thank you very much for the September issue of the Homeopathy for Everyone. Very interesting, as usual

Best regards,

Dr. Doina Pavlovschi


All the articles were knowledge increasing, and we really liked the whole issue .

Thank you for such an excellent issue.

Dr. Nirmal Singh


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