Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Readers Comment on the Jan. 2024 issue

Letters to the Editor – readers comment on the previous (Jan. 2024 issue). Comments on interview with Tinus Smits, hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst – by Dr. Manish Bhatia,  Heilkunst: An Overview by Rudi Verspoor and much more.

From:  Editorial – Heart of Healer  – Alan V. Schmukler

Alan, this editorial piece describes a vanishing time, however, we are lucky to have just a handful of homeopaths who are still “old fashioned”, listening attentively, taking notes by hand, remembering patient’s narratives, and being cheerfully available to their clientele. ..vanishing breed indeed.

Vatsala Sperling

Alan, great story. I’m glad for the new (every other month) format because I either missed this editorial the first time around or forgot about. With so many great articles in the ezine over the past 20 years, we really do need an issue dedicated to the archives.

Elaine Lewis

From: Interview with Tinus Smits – developer of CEASE therapy.

Dr. Smits. Thank you for your work on this very emotional (for all suffering mothers) subject. I know that you had an English spoken course in March 2010. When are you planning your next English spoken course? I would like to attend it. I am Certified Clinical Homeopath Practitioner and I am very much interesting in this problem. Thank you for your reply.

Best regards,


Galina, Dr. Smits passed away on 1st of April this year:

Tinus Smits’ colleagues are continuing his work and teaching.  If you keep checking back on his website, you can find out about the next English-speaking course.

Begabati Lennihan

Is it possible to begin homeopathic training with the Total Immersion method or do I need certification as a lay practitioner first?

Barbara Sargent

It is essential and a pre-requisite of the CEASE Certification Courses that you have completed your basic homeopathic training and are experienced in chronic care through the use of classical remedies before undertaking CEASE Training. This knowledge and experience is essential to be able to effectively manage the complexity of CEASE cases.

Kim Kalina

From:  A Case of a Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst – Dr. Manish Bhatia

Hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic ovarian cysts (even if large) both usually respond well to homeopathy treatment according to my clinical experience.

Dr.  Manish Bhatia

Such excellent advice: Focus on the symptoms first. Use the pathology to differentiate. Have seen clinically where the remedy selected on symptoms and modalities (e.g. remedy for the person) solves the case with a remedy not listed in the pathology rubric. Thank you for sharing your insights.

Jack Tips

This is a good explanation of a homoeopathic case that provides the detailed information why failures happen unless totality of symptoms is considered.

Maruti Shanbhag

From: “Drug Ad” – by Alan V. Schmukler

Your cartoon is Divine! It is unfortunate that the rat died, the patient’s genitals turned black and dropped off and death were all realized as side effects. All because big Pharma paid their own scientists to do the testing in a fraudulent iatrogenic nightmare condoned by the FDA. In our practice, we often say that homeopathic medicine allows you to pay a little now, then play later, while allopathy’s tenet is to play now under the illusion of suppression, but pay later … big time.

Allyson McQuinn

Alan, your cartoons are very funny!  I agree, Pharma should be embarrassed. We, as a society, shouldn’t be allowing this to go on.

Andrea Deal

I think I’ve seen this commercial! I watch all the drug commercials and a lot of them do say that death is one of the possible side effects (“fatal events”) along with cancer, tuberculosis, immune suppression and other things that ought to be embarrassing, but, apparently aren’t!

Elaine Lewis

Excellent sir!!

Dr. Ghanshyam Kalathia

From: Tall, Huge and Martial  – (cancer case) Dr. Simonne Marie Luc Fayeton

Thank you Dr. Fayeton.  That was a marvelous example of intuitive prescribing.

Martin Earl

From: Heilkunst: An Overview – Rudi Verspoor

Rudi Verspoor has made a huge contribution to the science of homeopathy by his introduction of the principles of Heilkunst.  He goes into some detail here in explaining it.

Martin Earl

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