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Homeopathy Papers

Insight into Nosodes, Bowel Nosodes and Proteus Bach

Dr. Vivekananda Chakravorty discusses nosodes, and bowel nosodes, including Proteus Bach. He suggests using nosodes in autoimmune diseases as an intercurrent.

Nosodes are indispensable in homoeopathic therapeutics and not well represented even in recent repertories. Nosodes are the drugs prepared from a product of the disease which is potentially pathogenetic.

It may be called a morbific agent. When these disease products are potentized following the procedure of drug dynamization, these drugs serve as Nosodes.

It may be understood that modern day practice is almost impossible without the use of nosodes, incuding the bowel nosodes. In clinical practice, I have categorized different and specific areas where I frequently find indication for nosodes.

1.  I prefer using nosodes in autoimmune diseases as an intercurrent. I found that it augments the action of the so called indicated drug. The phrase ‘indicated drug’ may not be a singular entity.

In the course of treatment, multiple drugs may come as per the symptomatology and pathology of the case, which may explain the utility and importance of prescribing intercurrent, collateral and complementary drugs.

In practice, it is often seen that a drug may stop responding at a certain point, where it is necessary to augment the action of the drug or to prescribe a new one as the former has exhausted its action and the disease symptoms are changing.

2. This type of phenomenon is often observed during treatment of chronic diseases, e.g autoimmune diseases with different organ system involvement where the disease pathogenesis gets modified and it becomes necessary to change the prescription or modify the treatment.

Tuberculinum Bovinum, Medorrhinum and Syphilinum are favoured in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and SLE [Systemic Lupus Erythematosus] as intercurrent drugs.

To elaborate this, I furnish an example. During course of treatment of sero-positive arthritis by Iodium or Lycopodium, I often prescribe Syphilinum as an intercurrent drug, as it has specific and selective affinity to connective tissue, joints etc. and Syphilinum may follow well after Lycopodium.

Also, Lycopodium is complementary to Iodium. So, if we understand this we will get a series of drugs augmenting and complementing each other.

There is a well-documented relation to Tuberculinum and Syphilinum as well. Tuberculinum is often followed by Syphilinum to complement its action. Regarding Tuberculinum, there is close relationship between the group of bowel nosodes and the Tuberculins collectively [Tuberculins of various types].

It is often observed in clinics that patients visiting with complaints of dyspepsia before development of pulmonary Koch [Pulmonary Tuberculosis] or the vice versa.

It is not a new observation, but rather it was found in older times when there was not much development of modern drugs for tuberculosis and diagnostic tools.

I often see that patients taking ATDs [Anti Tubercular Drug] are suffering from hyperchlorhydria, dyspepsia, and morning diarrhoea. These cases  suggest Tuberculinum or the bowel nosode e.g. Gaertner and Bacillus No. 7.

Bacillus No. 7 is often indicated in cases of mental and physical fatigue with flatulent dyspepsia. Bacillus No. 7 is closely related to Kali Carb which is a very useful drug where the patient complains of a sensation of fullness and there is flatulence with poor digestion especially after eating.

Carbo Veg is a good option as it is complementary to Kali Carb. So we may get a series as Kali Carb – Bacillus No. 7 – Kali Carb – Carbo Veg – Kali Carb. This analogy between drugs is pivotal in modern day treatment which is self-explanatory.

Proteus is especially preferred where these gastric symptoms are associated with hyperchlorhydria and the patient has established acid peptic disorder.

3. Sometimes, it is found that after recovery from TB, patients develop a peculiar tendency to cough, cold and lower/upper respiratory tract infection which becomes recurrent. Morgan [Bach] potency is a preferred one either to start the case or in the course of treatment.

There is another subtype of Morgan Bach which is known as Morgan Pure. Morgan Pure is efficacious in cases of eczema in infancy and childhood. In clinical practice, it is frequently found that objective symptoms are of paramount importance in children’s cases and there is lack of subjective symptoms including symptoms of psyche. Prescribing Morgan Pure on the basis of infantile eczema is a valid example of using objective symptoms in clinics. This could serve as a very good zone for using Bowel nosodes and Nosodes.

4. Patients requiring Sycotic Co. [Bacillus Sycoccus] often give a personal history of bronchial asthma, increased catarrh of respiratory mucus membrane, hypertrophied tonsils, adenoids, cough and dyspnoea in a tubercular soil.

5. Carcinosin is preferred as an ‘adjunct’ in cases of established Carcinoma especially of bladder and bowel origin, lungs, stomach and gall bladder. I prefer 200CH potency.

An adjunctive drug is such which furnishes added support to the case. In modern medicine, there are many adjuncts which are applied therapeutically. According to my view, nosodes and bowel nosodes can be safely and effectively administered with the similar logic of using adjuncts.

Carcinosin is very similar in some of its symptomatology to the bowel nosode,  Dysentery Co. which is also frequently indicated in cases of anticipatory nervousness of toddlers or school age children and in cases of cyclical vomiting syndrome.

6. Treating cases of gastritis, peptic ulcer syndrome and acid peptic disorder, proteus in potency is used as intercurrent after administering the indicated remedy [within 15 days to one month]. I prefer Proteus 200CH, 3-4 doses which brings quick recovery.

7. Regarding Proteus, I think of it in cases of ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder] and Autism Spectrum of Disorders in children. Here, I prefer to start the case with Proteus 1M and later on switching to Carcinosin, Medorrhinum and Tuberculinum Bovinum and other indicated drugs.

I believe that the practice of homeopathy in pediatrics cannot develop its best potential without the frequent use of Nosodes and Bowel nosodes.

8. In cases where Nosodes and Bowel nosodes are used, 200CH and 1M are usually preferred [Author’s own opinion derived from the experience of his clinical practice].

 9. Sometimes, in clinical practice, it happens that several drugs seem to be indicated partially in a given case where treatment can be initiated with a bowel nosode which is very similar to the drugs that seem indicated, [e.g. we can think of Morgan Pure where a patient is showing symptoms of Calc Carb, Baryta Carb, Nat Carb, Medorrhinum, Psorinum and Sulphur. ]

10. The duration of action of a Nosode [including bowel nosodes] is prolonged, though it is often found that a relatively short acting drug may also be prescribed along with the Nosode or Bowel nosode during the course of the treatment.

I prefer to administer lower potency of a drug in frequent dose protocol along with a nosode or a bowel nosode. I explain this with an example. While treating a case of acid peptic disorder, I often prescribe Robinia 6CH or 30CH two to three times daily for a considerable period of time [sometimes 15 days to one month or more] along with Proteus or other drug to expedite recovery or cure.

11. Emerging research in regards to bowel [gut] flora and their relation to human brain is interesting. I strongly believe that research on gut flora could give many answers to mental health related disorders .

PROTEUS: It is the attenuation made from culture of the bacteria Proteus genus, which includes Proteus vulgaris, mirabilis, morganii etc.

Key points: Suddenness of symptoms is one of the key points of Proteus; They are the people who show fits of sudden anger, violence etc. There might be presence of nervous symptoms which may be found in cases of children with various behavioral disorder and phobias. Spasm is another key point which may be found.

Clinical: Allergies (digestive etc), Intermittent claudication, Raynaud’s Disease, peptic perforation, Meniere’s Disease, coronary artery disease [coronary spasm], angina pectoris, Dupuytren’s Contracture, Paraesthesia of limbs, bronchitis, otitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, epilepsy and hysteria etc.

Mind: Sudden outburst of anger, violent anger <contradiction, children scream, kick, may throw objects held at hand. This temper tantrum state of children is often seen in clinical practice with attention deficit hyperactive disorder etc. This temper tantrum is also found in Tuberculinum, which Dr. Dorothy Shepherd highlighted. Marked irritability, obstinacy and unresponsiveness. Fixed ideas.

Generals and Particulars: – Aerophagy, Peptic Ulcer Syndrome from prolonged mental stress leads to sudden haematemesis, melena, peptic perforation in un-diagnosed peptic ulcer, ending in sudden crisis.

Skin: – Angioneurotic oedema like Apis Mellifica with suddenness. I consider Thyroidinum in potency another useful drug for urticaria and angioedema.

Other symptoms: – Pain and cramp in calf, spasms and cramps of limbs, writer’s, dancer’s, pianist’s cramp, flexor contraction of little finger. Regarding cramps and spasms of hands and fingers, Cuprum Metallicum is another valuable remedy. Numbness of feet <cold weather. Premature senility. Prolonged state of convalescence.

Desire – salt, sugar, eggs. Aversion – fat, butter, hard-boiled eggs, onions, vegetables.

<Chocolate, eggs, wine.

Perspiration- axillae, clammy hands.

Headache with diarrhoea, with furred tongue. < During the week preceding menses, morning. < morning, stormy weather, drinking wine, heat, sun etc. >eating, in mountains.

Conclusion and Clinical Tips of Proteus from my Practice:

I have come to a conclusion about its effectiveness in regards to various pathologies. Restlessness, anger, violence, stubbornness, especially in children is greatly benefitted by this drug. These indications may be taken while treating various behavioral disorder, phobias, and attention deficit hyperactive disorder of children as well as in autism spectrum of disorders.

It could expedite recovery in cases of acid peptic disorders, when giving it alternately or in the course of treatment with other drugs. It often correlates with Natrum Mur in cases of children and adults with a tendency to suffer from chronic urticaria and who consumes considerable amount of salt in their diet.

Comparative Extraction [from RADAR 9.2.1]

Mind: Anger- violent.

Anger- contradiction from.

Anger- throwing things around (another important remedy is Staphysagria).

Company: aversion to.

Delusion- criticized, she is.



Fear- open spaces fear of.

Fear- opinion of others, of.

Horrible things, sad stories affect her profoundly.

Irritability- menses during.

Irritability- mental exertion from.


Shrieking – children in.

Striking- anger from.

Striking – children in.

Temper Tantrums.

Thoughts- persistent.

Suicidal disposition: thoughts.


Food and drinks- Butter- aversion, desire,

Chocolate- agg, aversion.

Eggs: – agg, aversion [hard-boiled], desire.

Fat- desire.

Garlic- aversion.

Onion- aversion.

Pork- aversion.

Raw food- desire.

Salads- aversion.

Sugar- desire.

Vegetables- aversion.

Mountain- amel, in mountains [Carcinosin and Tuberculinum being other two important remedies].

Old age- premature.

Pain- appears suddenly.

Sleep- after sleep- morning- waking on [Lachesis is probably the most important remedy under this rubric].

Weather- thunderstorm- agg [Rhododendron deserves a place under this rubric].


Heat- sun; of the – agg.


Head- pain- diarrhoea- during [A very good associated symptom].

Stomach: –

Nausea- eggs- after. [It is a rubric where a fair number of bowel nosodes are mentioned, e.g. Bacillus-10, Morgan Pure, Bacillus Sycoccus. A hypothesis can be furnished that bowel nosodes have an affinity for digestive mucosa in relation to some foods and their effects on digestive mucosa]. [Ferrum Metallicum is the drug of choice for nausea from eggs which is verified in my clinical practice].

Vomiting- excitement after.


Ulcers- duodenum. [Other bowel nosodes under this rubric are Morgan Pure, Morgan Gaertner, and Bacillus Dysenteriae]


Perspiration- axilla- copious.

Extremities: –

Claudico Intermittens.

Cramps- fingers- writing agg.

Related remedies; – Ignatia, Natrum Muraticum, Apis Mellifica, Cuprum, Tuberculinum, Staphysagria etc.

Bibliography: –

  1. RADAR Apex 9.2.1 [Homoeopathic Software].
  2. Paterson J. The Bowel Nosodes [Data taken from the Reference section of the Homoeopathic Software RadarOpus 2.0.35].
  3. Sankaran P. The Indication and Use of Bowel Nosodes, Chapter 6, Part II, Materia Medica, Volume I, The Elements of Homoeopathy.
  4. Author’s own observation on Nosodes and Bowel nosodes in clinical practice.

About the author

Vivekananda Chakravorty

Dr. Vivekananda Chakravorty (BHMS) is an alumnus of the National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He received an extensive theoretical and practical training of homoeopathy from his Alma Mater from 1998-2005. He received training in the management of infectious and acute diseases from an allopathic hospital during his internship. He’s been in practice for 14 years, operating three clinics, treating 200-250 patients monthly. He has a special interest in treating pediatrics, sports injuries and autoimmune and infectious diseases. He treats the local viral, bacterial and tropical diseases. Dr. Chakravorty prefers treating cases by their keynote or core pathological symptoms correlating with the symptomatology of drug pathogenesis. He is interested in treating comorbidities associated with non-communicable diseases. He can be contacted at [email protected]


  • This article nicely describes the use of bowel nosodes as indicated remedies and as intercurrents in several groups of difficult to cure cases such as ADHD, Phobias, Peptic Ulcers.
    The author has certainly brought attention back to this neglected aspect of prescription of nosodes, particularly bowel nosodes.

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