Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

On Treating Epidemics Part II

Homeopath Jeremy Sherr discusses epidemics and what he is teaching in his new course: Jeremy’s Blueprint for Managing Epidemics and the Genus Epidemicus of AIDS. In his course he teaches how to treat HIV and AIDS effectively, as well as other epidemic diseases.

Jeremy Sherr discusses epidemics and what he is teaching in his new course:

 Jeremy’s Blueprint for Managing Epidemics and the Genus Epidemicus of AIDS

The treatment of epidemics with homeopathy is extremely important and essential. Often this subject not understood and not taught, and I hope I can contribute something to it. It is now 10 years for Homeopathy for Health in Africa.

Ten years ago, my wife and myself and my family went to Africa, to Tanzania, and began with the treatment mainly of AIDS.  We have seen many many patients, as I will explain later; and over the first three years, I worked on and came up with a genus epidemicus of AIDS.

So, why is it essential to understand epidemics and how to treat them?  Well, we’ve begun to see why it is essential.  But let me give you one example why the understanding and the techniques are so important, and it’s not just a matter of individual prescribing.

So this was the influenza epidemic in the winter of 1989-90; 600 people per 1,000 fell ill, and 26,000 people died.  So it was a pretty big deal at the time, and I was around.

Now this spread from North Europe and Scandinavia to the UK, France and the rest of Europe.  They ran out of vaccines at the time, and homoeopaths were having little success with the usual remedies.  Everybody was discussing, you know, ‘What shall we give?’  You know – Bryonia, Gelsemium, Aconite – the usual suspects.

So using the techniques, outlines that I will teach in this course, my team of Dynamis homeopaths, (which were called ‘the posidemics’) were able to identify Ammonium Carb as the best remedy for the epidemic, with very good results.  This is not a remedy you will come up with going by one case after another individually and sequentially.  You have to understand the special techniques for treating epidemics.

This epidemic happened at the same time as the fall of communism in East Europe.  So once again, we see the parallel between conflicts and epidemics.  The revolution spread from Hungary to Poland, Romania, and the rest of Eastern Europe. On 9 November 1989, thousands of jubilant Germans brought down the most visible symbol of division at the heart of Europe – the Berlin Wall.

So, just a few things about Ammonium Carb. What I want you to notice is the parallels between Ammonium Carb and between the conflicts and the uprising in Eastern Europe at the same time.  One was happening in Eastern Europe – the uprising, the revolution, the change; and at the same time, in Western Europe going down from Scandinavia to France and beyond, was the epidemic.  The yin and the yang of it always following on each other.

So here’s Ammonium Carb, and think about the uprising – ‘anger, from contradiction’; ‘anger, silent, pent up’; ‘defiant’; ‘imagination, he has committed a crime’; ‘delusions of impending troubles’; ‘discontented with everything’; ‘disobedience’; ‘dreams of danger’; ‘dreams of vexation and humiliation’; ‘dwelling on past disagreeable events’; ‘envy and hate’; ‘exhilaration’; ‘fear of everything’; ‘grief, pent up’; ‘hatred and revenge, of people who have offended him’; with ‘homesickness and nostalgia’; ‘horrible things affect profoundly’; ‘obstinate and headstrong’; ‘remorse, repentance’; ‘reveals secrets in his sleep’; ‘unmanageable’; and ‘violence’.  All these have parallels to the conflict that happened at the time in Eastern Europe during the uprising.

This is something you can learn and study and go deeply into with every epidemic as we saw now, looking at the common roots of both epidemic and conflict.  But what I’m trying to show you here is that it is often difficult to find the best remedy or genus of remedies for the epidemic using conventional homeopathic techniques of individual prescribing.  We have to raise our understanding up by a notch or two in order to meet such large collective diseases.

But once we understand them – we can get a lot of insight into the connection between the epidemic, the political situation, geographical situation, cultural, scientific, warfare, astrological, financial, whatever is happening at the time.

There are all parallels between them; and these increase during epidemics so that they can give us a deeper level of global understanding, both of the epidemics and all the factors surrounding them.  Once you understand epidemics, you can infer from the remedies what is happening politically, militarily, scientifically, culturally and energetically.

So epidemics will prove that homoeopathy is the best and most efficient form of medicine, which is something we like as homeopaths.  They are also a pathway for the earth to heal itself.  We will learn to see how epidemics as acute diseases are actually a healing force for the planet and its chronic disease as a whole.

So, what you will get from this course should you wish to join it?  First of all, let me say this course is for the serious homoeopath only.  If you are just doing homoeopathy part-time or it’s just a hobby or you’re just into remedy essences and stuff like that, probably not for you.  This is really taking homeopathy up to the next level of professionalism.

I have personally spent the last 30 years teaching epidemics, and the last 14 years treating AIDS and other epidemics.  So I’ve managed to learn a little something about them, and that is what I would like to pass on.

Epidemics are a higher form of the homoeopathic art, because they represent a larger totality.  They require more knowledge, more understanding, more perception, more work.  We will learn to understand epidemics – what, why and how.  You will learn how to solve and treat epidemics.  The results will be 100 times more gratifying than treating one by one people.  You can treat 10,000 people successfully in a day.

Let me tell you how.  If you can find the genus epidemicus and you then train 100 people in using the small group of effective remedies and using them properly; and each of those people treats 100 a people a day, which should be very, very quick and easy to do (and this is being conservative, it can be much more) – then you can easily treat 10,000 a day or more.  It’s not difficult, but the legwork has to be done first and it has to be done in the proper way.

So, I will be teaching you several ways of solving an epidemic effectively.  You will learn how to generalise the genus, and then individualise its remedies.  You will learn how to repertorise an epidemic in a technique not taught anywhere else.  This is something I developed and refined over years in Africa, practical work with epidemics.  These things, computer repertorie,s were not available in Hahnemann’s, Kent’s or Hering’s time, so this had to be taken a step further.

You will become, as a result, a much better practitioner on the individual level too.  Gaining a wider understanding of epidemics will help your understanding of individual cases so you will become, hopefully, a better prescriber.

Without understanding how to treat epidemics, you can never really understand miasms.  You will learn how to use miasms easily and effectively.  I’ll be showing this in the course, I’ll be showing how we use miasms very practically in the AIDS genus epidemicus.  But really, epidemics and understanding them deeply are our gateway to the understanding of miasms; and without it, it’s a just a game with no rules.

You will learn how to use epidemic prophylaxis efficiently as well.  You will learn the three practical secrets to treating epidemics successfully – paragraph 101, paragraph 102 – we will discuss, individualise, separate and look at the pros and cons of each, and how to amalgamate them together.  We will learn how to use the epidemibase.  I will explain that further in the course, and we will learn how to form a posidemic group; and all these things will hopefully bring about better work and better resolution of epidemics.

What you will gain from this course is also a deeper understanding of the many remedies in the HIV/AIDS genus.  We will do lots of cases and share in-depth materia medica.  You will learn new remedies.

Many of the remedies of the AIDS epidemic are new ones.  You will also learn old remedies pertaining and relating to AIDS.  Finally, you will learn to see the deeper meaning and bigger picture of the AIDS pandemic when we bring it all together and look at all the remedies and their relevance to the political and financial situation in Africa. We will gain a deeper insight into what this pandemic means.

Also finally, you will learn to treat HIV and AIDS effectively; of course, this is one of the major reasons for this course.  Back in 2005, when I began going to Africa, I promised that if I could find a genus epidemicus, I would share it with the world; and this what I am doing now.

So make no mistake though, this is NOT just for AIDS.  You will gain much, much more.  You will become a better, wiser, more efficient homeopath.  This is the next step.  You will help to save many people’s lives in times of need, and that is the most important thing.

You will show the world what homeopathy can do, which is also very important to us all.  So, you’re going to gain a lot of power; and that will be good and positive to help change things in this planet of ours which needs it so badly.

Here’s an example of what I just told you.  This is a story of Joseph Pulte, one of the earliest homeopaths in Cincinnati.  “When he began his practice, many people were so angered by a homeopath being in town that they pelted the house with eggs”, just like the sceptics do today.

“He was becoming discouraged enough to think of leaving.  His wife said to him, ‘Joseph, do you believe in the truth of homeopathy?’  He replied in the affirmative.  ‘Then,’ she said, ‘you will stay in Cincinnati.’”

Anyway, “Shortly afterwards, the cholera epidemic swept through, and Pulte was able to boast of not having lost a single patient; and he was accepted into the community.  In the epidemic of 1849, people crowded to his door and stood in the streets because the waiting room was full.”

So this is what can happen during epidemics if you treat properly, saving many lives and using homeopathy in its best way.  Level of success in epidemics, just too good to tell about, because people can hardly believe that; and we will be showing that in the next session.

We will be talking a little bit about the history of homeopathy and epidemics and you will see that the success is more than anybody can imagine, which is why people often avoid looking at it.  I think it’s something all homeopaths should learn as part of professional and serious training.

Now because this course is about AIDS and about Africa, then if you join, bonus – 10% off your next trip as an intern to HHA with Jeremy, Camilla and the team.  Karibu sana!  There you will see how this whole epidemic thing works practically every day with many patients.  So welcome to join us, come as short-term students or long-term volunteers.

Jeremy’s Course is called:

Jeremy’s Blueprint for Managing Epidemics and the Genus Epidemicus of AIDS  It’s available from:

About the author

Jeremy Sherr

Jeremy Sherr was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel. He founded the Dynamis School for Advanced Homeopathic Studies in 1986. He maintains busy practices in London, Tel Aviv, and New York and Africa.
He is a member of the North American Society of Homeopaths and the Israeli Society for Classical Homoeopathy. Jeremy is an honorary professor at Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China and an Associate Professor at University Candegabe for Homoeopathy, Argentina.
Jeremy is the author of ten homoeopathic books and many published articles and research papers and has proved (a process of shamanic and academic research) and published 38 new homeopathic remedies. He authored the Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings and Dynamic Materia Medica: Syphilis., 'Helium' ‘Neon’ and ‘Argon.’
He is the author of the Repertory of Mental Qualities and of ‘Homoeopathy for Africa’, a free teaching course for African homoeopaths. He has published three extensive (over 40 hours) online video courses which he edited by himself, including the ‘The homeopathic Treatment of epidemics and of AIDS in Africa.’
During the last 11 years Jeremy has been living and working in Tanzania with his wife Camilla, also a homeopath, on their voluntary project ‘Homeopathy for Health in Africa’ treating AIDS patients for no charge and researching remedies for AIDS.

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