Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Little White Sugar Pills

The Little White Sugar Pills

Most of us remember our first experience with homeopathy. For some of us the first experience is so profound that we become instant converts to homeopathy, for others the results are subtler and the conversion is more of an ongoing process. I had been experimenting with homeopathy for about a year before I was truly convinced of its efficacy. I had experienced positive results during that year, but the skeptic in me still questioned, “Was it the remedies working or perhaps just placebo? Or just the natural progression of the condition?”

My first experience in which I knew without a doubt that indeed these little white sugar pills were powerful remedies involved a chronic condition my then 5 yr. old daughter was suffering from. A little background is needed to understand her case. She had suffered repeated ear infections when she was about 15 months old. We’d take her to the pediatrician and he’d put her on antibiotics and after the 10-day course we’d bring her back for a recheck and sure enough the infection was “gone” – for a few days. Without fail within about 3 or 4 days, the crying, fever and irritability would return and sure enough, on examination, the pediatrician would say she had another ear infection. This went on for months until the pediatrician wanted to keep her on a 6-month course of antibiotics as a prophylactic. That was the impetus to pull her out of daycare. Removing her from daycare was just what she needed and she didn’t get many more ear infections after that. However, she began having terrible, bleeding diaper rashes. The pediatrician said it was fungal and prescribed an antifungal medication. It’s no wonder that she had a terrible imbalance of bad bacteria in her system after all those antibiotics.The medicine would work for a while but just like the ear infections the bleeding rashes would return after the treatment with the medication was done. These infections plagued her until she was out of diapers, at which time the infection found a new avenue to express itself. She began having reoccurring vaginal infections. By this time she was about 3 and these infections occurred at least twice a month. We would treat with the antifunagl cream and hope for the best. It always returned however and she would be uncomfortable.

By this time I had started using homeopathy for myself and though it appeared to help I was still skeptical. After all, the ameliorations might just be a coincidence. Though skeptical, I decided to try a remedy for her problem. I contacted a homeopath who took her case and recommended Kali Carb 30c (based on the totality). I only had a 1M so decided to go with that. The next time she had a flare-up she came to me saying her “privates” hurt and it hurt when she went potty. The area was slightly pink and there was the familiar fungal odor. I gave her the kali carb and told her to suck on the pellets and then heard the familiar “crunch, crunch, crunch” I have since come to expect. Within seconds of chewing up the pellets she became hysterical, she had grabbed herself, screaming in pain, crying hysterically, sobbing that her “privates” burned. The area had suddenly turned an angry, dusky red. This reaction was totally new and frightening; she had never had such a severe reaction before. She was in tears and I was in a panic. I remember thinking “I am such an idiot what did I do, what did I do?” I ran downstairs to get the familiar anti-fungal cream but by the time I came back upstairs, just a few minutes later, she was fast asleep. The infected area had turned back to a normal color and most importantly she has NEVER had another infection of that sort again. That was about 3 years ago. It was a perfect example of a temporary aggravation, probably caused by too high of a dose, that left no doubt in my skeptical mind that these little white sugar pills were indeed powerful forces of healing.

About the author

Barbara M.

Barbara M.

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