Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

The Psychosomatic Dimension of Homeopathy – II

The investigation of cancer cases relies on the same method as outlined in the previous article in this series. Here, we try to elaborate the constitution, the character and the mind of the person. Concerning the remedies, we attempt to find chemical elements of the Periodic Table of Elements (PTE)


Previous article in this series

I.  Introduction.

II.  A condensed view of Scholten’s theory.

III.  Two cases – Refined Case Analysis based on two Levels of Repertorisation (Kent and Scholten)

This issue focuses on the essences in cancer cases:

IV.  Finding out the essence in cancer cases (Two Cases)

Outlook to upcoming articles in this series:

V.  Theoretical aspects

a.  Syndrome shifts

b.  Miasmas – in comparison to constitution and life-conflicts



Finding out the essence in cancer cases

The investigation of cancer cases relies on the same method as outlined in the previous article in this series (Homeopathy for Everyone, June 2007).

Here, we try to elaborate the constitution, the character and the mind of the person.  Concerning the remedies, we attempt to find chemical elements of the Periodic Table of Elements (PTE), which are the tiniest units life is made of.  The small keys promise good results.

In this case I may refer to the abstract of the 60th LIGA congress, Berlin 2005:

Investigating the patient in a holistic way (mental / physical), we use these tiniest building blocks to trigger a healing process.

METHODS: The anamnesis is mainly based on the life conflict and the mental conditions of the patient.  The mental constellation of the patient represents the very source of one’s disease and indicates a specific remedy.  Local symptoms have to fit the overall healing capacity of the chosen remedy. In principle a repertorization is made on the elaboration of the periodic table by J. Scholten.  Usually group analysis easily reveals one element of the mineral (e.g. bar), the second one has to be elaborated carefully (e.g. phos for bar-p).

RESULTS: Remedies used by this method show a deep action upon the psychological constellation of the patient and are able to dissolve malignant tissues to restore health.  Correct prescriptions act promptly, enabling a healing process to take place, even if the patient is resistant to conventional therapy, i.e. surgery, radiation, chemotherapy.

CONCLUSIONS: In comparison to higher biological entities (plants, animals, nosodes) used in homoeopathy, elements / salts are simple in their structure (atoms, molecules).  However in their potentized form, they represent life-themes associated with a given mineral as well as to with patient’s life conflict (law of similarity). Indeed, we compare the energized state of the mineral, which is equivalent to a theme, an archetype, with the mental constitution of the patient.  The tumor as a local symptom is a result of the disturbed life-force (C. Burnett, Curability of Tumors) and only part of the system.  Since elements and minerals are the tiniest and most archaic units out of which life is made, the potentized forms represent pristine archetypes, which must have profound organizing capacities (carbon for father / self confidence and their attributes, chlorine for mother or child and their attributes, silica for the family and its attributes, and iodine for cultural transformation, see cases overleaf).  In most cases the psychological constellation is already evident in early childhood and is later on expressed to an even larger extent.

Two Cases

Refined Case Analysis based on two Levels of Repertorisation (Kent and Scholten)

Here – after Osmium and Cuprum Nitricum (Hpathy-June 07) two more cases illustrate the easy handling as well as the precision of group analysis.

Hairy-Cell Leukemia

Calcium Muriaticum

(Case 3)

1) Diagnosis: Hairy-Cell Leukemia.

Subcutaneous infiltrates pain and panic attacks.

During chemotherapy (one Cycle 2-CdA) the patient suffers from heavy allergic reactions, complication due to sepsis.  Pain in multiple subcutaneous infiltrations and in the bones (requires morphine-derivates).

First consultation: pain, extreme fatigue, panic-attacks during the night.

2) Conventional Repertorisation (Kent)

Gen; leukemia

Ext. throat; goitre

Gen; pain; boring; bones

Fem; tumors; uterus; fibroid;

Back; perspiration; cervical region

Mind; sympathetic; compassionate

Mind; timidity

Gen; food; eggs; des., soft boiled

Abd; fat                             Calc-x ?

ANAMNESIS: Two years before the outbreak of Hairy Cell Leukemia she already suffered leukopenia, 2000 leucocytes.  After emotional trauma from the loss of a relationship, the disease developed.

In spring 2001, the disease broke out with acute and dramatic symptoms and she was treated in a clinic in Salzburg.  When she was transferred to the university clinic of Innsbruck she had to take 23 different medications.

In contrast, when she left my office after her first consultation, she had just one remedy: calc-m.

Life-Circumstances (Scholten):

A difficult and humiliating mother-daughter relationship induces neurotic habits and later on leukemia.

Calcium was found by conventional repertorization and conventional Materia Medica (insecure, timid, obesity, desire for soft-boiled eggs, perspiration in the cervical region, boring pain in the bones, goitre, fibroid, panic attacks).

According to Scholten, we have a problem with the mother-child relationship.  In particular the patient is repeatedly complaining about that: Chlorum (muriaticum) stands for the mother-child relationship.

We look at the disease from a holist point of view (psycho-somatics, potentation of a substance): here, it is of interest that the life-conflict of a person can be associated with matter – in our case with an atom or molecule.

By using this method we compare the mind with a chemical element.  Prescribing the remedy, we trigger a deep action upon the psychological constellation of the patient which may even be able to dissolve malignant tissues to restore health.


1) Obese, insecure; sweating in the occipital region, soft-boiled eggs, goitre, fibroid, panic attacks point to Calcium – Kent.  (She teaches theology, is very serious about her tasks and duties, – this may also point to Calcium).

2) In her childhood there is a problem regarding the mother-child relationship; in later years the consequences are that she has trouble  ending relationships; insecurity is there (calc), but also the problem of not being able to end relationships.  We have to go to the series of relationships – and here to stage 17.  Stage 17 means that the theme has come to an end.  Concerning relationships, we have a clear symbol of that situation: the mother-child relationship.  This intense contact is most important for a particular time – the small child.  But consequently it has to come to an end.  If this separation is not managed by the patient, the situation indicates Chlorum.

The lady is complaining, worrying, caring, all these are attributes associated with Chlorum (Scholten, Homeopathy and Elements).

The disease breaks out when she looses an intimate friend.  Chlorum has difficulties in ending a relationship – therefore Calcium muriaticum.


The numerous medicines administered in hospital were substituted by a single homeopathic remedy (only the pain-killers are taken for another couple of weeks,- in decreasing doses).

After Calc-m C30 (later C 200, FC 1M, FC 5M, MK):

  • panic attacks disappear over night;
  • fatigue subsides, patient starts to go out for walks;
  • pains fade away, sub-cutaneous infiltrations gradually vanish;
  • blood parameters become normal within months;
  • complete remission of leukemia.

Chronology of events:


Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade III

Plumbum Iodatum

(Case 4)1

The proving of remedies often provides an incomplete drug picture.  If we do not have a clear drug picture we cannot translate the symptoms of the patient to a particular remedy.  However, via abstraction (group analysis) the essence of a remedy can be found.

A short, condensed version of this case will be given here.  A detailed picture of it can be accessed online via the Interhomeopathy web-portal2, which is based on the German publication Issued in the AHZ3, 2006.  This version represents also an extract from the book Homoeopathie und Krebs, D. Payrhuber, 2006.


In autumn of 1999, a 29 year old man suffered from some neurological symptoms mainly with regard to the memory of words and discrete epileptic symptoms.  An astrocytoma grade II, was diagnosed.  Craniotomy followed, parts of the tumor were removed.  A second operation was performed at a university clinic on 14th of Nov. 1999 and again, parts of the big tumor were resected.  At this stage the tumor had reached grade III.

21st Nov. 1999: The MRI showed the rest of the tumour extending to the temporo-occipital and parietal region, partly infiltrating into the Corpus callosum, the Insula and the lateral part of the basal ganglions as well as the Capsula interna.  The patient takes Cortisone, Carbamazepine, and other medications.  Chemotherapy and radiation followed.  The radiation was so severe that the left side of the head and the face, mainly the ear, was burnt so badly that it seemed as if the patient had slept on a stove.

Cantharis C30 and other remedies, as well as a treatment with the flame of a candle4 brought about a regression of all side effects caused by radiation.  During chemotherapy he took Okoubacca C6 and for months both Radium bromatum C18 and C30 when the patient was restless (warm baths brought about relief).

But what about sufficient homeopathic treatment?


When I saw the patient for the first time he was undergoing both chemotherapy and radiation.  The only prominent symptom to explore on a physical level was a swelling of the lymph nodes in the cervical region, which dates back several years.


The patient is in a leading position of a company and has narrow ties to the company of his father.  In addition, he took over the responsibility to care for his only child.  However, these responsibilities have only formal aspects (Scholten), because in fact he cannot care for all this, he is totally dependent on his parents.  In every respect he is a leader, a manager with a formal status, without power; to be a “leader” indicates the Aurum-series; stage 14, Plumbum, represents a “formal leader without power”.

The second element here besides plumbum, may be iodine.  Are there specific symptoms indicating iodine?  On the physical level, there are no striking symptoms other then swelling of the lymph nodes that date back  several years.  The constitution, the complexion of the patient is rather dark – and Kamthan, a very experienced homeopath, suggests we think of iodine concerning brain tumors.

Refined case analysis on two levels of Repertorisation


Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade III; infiltration of the basal ganglions.

Conventional Repertorisation:

  • Head; tumors; brain;
  • General convuls; epil.; ailments; aura; epigast.
  • Eye pain; gen.; right;
  • Eye pain; stitching; right;
  • Eye pain; stitching; right, extending to occiput.
  • Ext. throat; swell; cervic. glands;

Throat, swelling:                           iod

Answers, slowly.

Repertorium (Kamthan):

Brain tumor:                                   iod, plb


The professional position of the patient points to the Aurum-series: Leader, manager, he is in a complicated position with little space to manoeuvre, he is dependent – thus he holds only a formal function: Stage 14.  Concerning his family, it is his mother who actually takes care of his child.  Concerning his business, he also holds a formal position.


After operations, chemotherapy, radiation and homeopathic treatment, a remarkable improvement set in.  Because of regression of the remaining tumor and the peripheral edema a third operation was not necessary.  Patient refused further chemotherapy because he suffered from straining side effects, moreover he considered another cycle of chemotherapy as being only palliative.

June 2004: the CT showed no progression of the tumor, glial scars, a shrinking tendency of the lesion was observed.

Feb. 2005: the MRI displays a stable situation.


This case could not be solved by computer-aided consultation.  However, based on the analysis of the periodic table (Jan Scholten), and by hints given by Kamthan’s repertorium, it was possible to find an appropriate mineral remedy.

Group Analysis (Jan Scholten)

Chronology of events:


  1. For personal privacy, both dates and locations have been changed; however, it was done so without infringing on medically relevant facts.
  2. A detailed case-presentation of plb-i can be accessed at:
  1. The article is based on the German publication in the Medical Journal: Allgemeine Homoeopathische Zeitung, D.Payrhuber, Krebs und Homoeopathie, AHZ 2006; 251: 27-34, Thieme Verlag Stuttgart / New York.
  2. See preface of the Organon; for hundreds of years cooks treat burns with candlelight, similarly a frozen limb has to be treated with snow – both methods are truly homoeopathic treatments.


Allen J. H.: Die chronischen Krankheiten РDie Miasmen; Rvs-Verlag, Ren̩ von Schlick (Aachen 1987, Bd. 2 1989);

Boericke W.: Homoeopathische Mittel und ihre Wirkungen. 3. Aufl.; Grundlagen und Praxis (Leer 1986);

De Beaukelaer E.: Enriching Your Homeopathy; Homeopathy for Everyone – Hpathy Ezine; April’07 (online 2007);;

Hering C.: On the Study of Homeopathic Materia Medica; Homeopathy for Everyone – Hpathy Ezine; April’07 (online 2007);;

Flury R.: Realitätserkenntnis und Homoeopathie (mit Karten-Repertorium), RESCH G.& FLURY-LEMBERG M. (Bern 1979);

Hahnemann S.: Organon der Heilkunst, 5., verb. u. vermehrte Aufl.; Haug (Heidelberg 1987);

Kamthan PS: Cancer – Curable under homoeopathic treatment. New Delhi: B. Jain; 2004: 3-4.

Kent JT: Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica and a Word Index, Homeopathic Book Service (London 1986);

Payrhuber D.: Dimensions Of homeopathic Medizin; Published by the Author (Salzburg 1998);

Payrhuber D.: Summary of cancer treatment: cure or amelioration of cancer by using mineral remedies; Abstract of the 60th Congress of the Liga Medicorum, AHZ 05/250 (Stuttgart 2005);


Payrhuber D.: Krebs und Homoeopathie; Eigenverlag (Salzburg 2006);

Payrhuber D.: Cancer and Homeopathy; Interhomeopathy Vol. 09/06; (online 2006);;

Payrhuber D.: Krebs und Homoeopathie, AHZ 01/06, 251: 27-34 (Stuttgart 2006);


Payrhuber D.: Cancer and Homeopathy; English Version to be published soon (probably 2008); subscriptison possible;

Scholten J.: Homeopathy and the Elements; Stichting Alonissos (Utrecht 1993);

Scholten JC: Homeopathy and Minerals. Utrecht: Stichting Alonnissos; 1993.

Schroyens F: Synthesis – Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum 6th ed. London: Homeapathie Book Service; 1993.

Zandvoort R: Complete Repertory Vers. 4.5, Software for Mac.


About the author:

Dr. Dietmar Payrhuber

Eduard Baumgarthner Str. 8
A-5020 Salzburg

e-mail: [email protected]


About the author

Dietmar Payrhuber

Dr. Dietmar Payrhuber - Since 1982 he has had a private practice of classical homeopathy in Salzburg (AT).1991 co-founder of the medical association for classic homeopathy (ACH). He was President of the society till 1994. Since 1993 ability to do precise prescriptions due to in-depth studies about the periodic table of elements, elaborated by Jan Scholten. Since 1994 held several seminars in Bern (CH), Berlin (DE), Budapest (HU), Graz and Salzburg (both AT), focusing in particular on two aspects: the psychosomatic axis of homeopathic medicine and the possibilities to cure tumors. His books include:
Dimensiunile Medicinei Homeopate, 1997 (German version)
Dimensions of Homeopathic Medicine, 1998 (English version)
Dimensiunile Medicinei Homeopate, 2001 (Romanian version)
Homeopathy and Cancer, 2006 (English version)
Omeopatio e cancro (Italian version)

Eduard Baumgarthner Str. 8
A-5020 Salzburg

e-mail: [email protected]


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