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Homeopathy Papers

The Thyroid as the Invisible Determinant of Delayed Development in Infants

Homeopath Elizabeth Adalian discusses the importance of Thyroidinum in helping prevent delayed development in infants.


Since starting to focus on the homeopathic understanding of the growing epidemic

of autism and language delay in cases which present for homeopathic treatment,

I have been drawn to consider the role of the gestational period of growth in targeting the specific trigger in each individual’s case.

I had always considered autism to represent a state of an ’embryonic disruption’

rather than just caused by e.g. vaccination alone which is so often blamed as the

offending influence.

There are three possible factors which could indicate thyroid imbalance in the mother’s case.  Any one of them can later contribute to lack of bonding between the mother and the new infant leading to longer term implications for the child. They are:

1) Previous early miscarriages in the history

2) Entrenched vomiting in the related pregnancy or previous ones

3) Possible unexplained depression in the pregnancy

Pregnancy is an emotional time even in the best of circumstances. This has been significantly exaggerated since the outbreak of Covid-19 when so much uncertainty remains in the air.

The thyroid gland, by the very nature of its location at the site of the ‘throat chakra’, represents the endocrine gland of emotional expression. This means its vulnerability during pregnancy is especially enhanced at this very precarious time in our history. (1)

It should not be overlooked that thyroid disease occurs more readily – especially during pregnancy – when there is such a family history in the background. I attribute this more to the pattern of relating within that specific family dynamic rather than the ‘miasm’ itself (i.e.) the ‘epigenetic’ influence on the case. In fact, this is where ‘epigenetics’ play such a vital role in my opinion).

Not only could the remedy – Thyroidinum (thyroid gland extract) – support the mother during pregnancy, but (by the same process) the unborn infant too.  Without the support of this remedy, the infant could easily be subjected to not being brought to term in the pregnancy and thereby not surviving the very process itself.

If, on the other hand, the pregnancy is still brought to full term, there can easily result a corresponding compromise in the vital functioning of the infant as they reach the stages of all the expected milestones.

I should point out that if the mother is feeble by the time labour occurs as a result of thyroid imbalance in the pregnancy, whether it takes place at full term or prior, the reflex action projected onto the child’s initial inspiration of oxygen (which, of course, is so key to their future development) can easily be compromised. This will have a lasting effect as their life progresses.

If the mother’s cortisol level has been depleted due to the experiencing of excessive stress in the pregnancy, the remedy – Thyroidinum – can protect the infant on an ongoing basis. This remedy’s effect can last right into adulthood on an emotional level as much as a respiratory one. If not given to the mother at the time, it can later be given to the growing child to act in a retrospective manner to address this phenomenon.

An enzyme in the placenta which normally blocks cortisol being transmitted from mother to baby causes stress to flood the infant and overwhelm it at birth. If this occurs, thyroid imbalance could be behind the phenomenon and the remedy – Thyroidinum – could restore the balance which has been lost in the process.

Cortisol has a significantly harmful effect on the thyroid, the adrenals being so closely connected to this vital gland. This also demonstrates the effects of ‘epigenetics’ on the infant rather than the ‘miasm’ alone.

Emotional stress experienced during pregnancy can last till middle childhood and is what contributes to ‘states on the spectrum’ such as autism, dyslexia, hyperactivity and obsessive compulsive disorder. In fact, if any of these ‘states’ are left untreated at the time they first manifest, later issues such as addiction, memory loss as well as decline on all levels can occur (and let us face it – these are issues which are becoming increasingly apparent in society today). It is the central nervous system which is compromised in these ‘states’ due to imbalance in the thyroid hormone.

Thyroidinum as a remedy has overlaps with remedies such as Agaricus Muscarius,

the Baryta group, the Calcarea group, and the Natrum group. This is manifested in delayed milestones in childhood, poor nutritional absorption, and delay in learning to walk and talk. The sexual growth can later be delayed and Thyroidinum is one of the vital remedies in treating children with undescended testicles.

Thyroidinum is therefore, in my estimation, a significant remedy in enhancing the overall growth of infants working through the mother’s compromise which otherwise could so easily impact that child’s formative growth with greater implications to follow.

(1)  Adalian, Elizabeth, 2017, ‘Touching Base with Trauma: Reaching Across the

Generations – a Three-Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective’, Writersworld.



About the author

Elizabeth Adalian

Elizabeth Adalian has been in homeopathic practice for thirty years. She has practised and taught extensively in the UK and overseas, including Ethiopia, the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, and in Europe. She was formerly a team leader at a homeopathic teaching college in Zagreb, Croatia, overseeing an academic course to support the community in their war recovery. As a result of this work, she developed a special interest in treating trauma, whether due to war or other contributing factors. Elizabeth has written numerous articles on homeopathy, with topics ranging from autism to insomnia. She is a former member of the editorial team of 'Homeopathy in Practice' - the journal of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths. She is well known for her extensive knowledge of the remedies, especially the lesser known ones, revealing their value for modern day health challenges.

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